29 heart-centered ways to have a mindful Valentine’s Day

A couple hugging in a garden for Valentine's Day
Updated on February 6, 2025
Updated on Feb 6, 2025

Preparation for Valentine’s Day can be anything but mindful. It follows long-established commercially-driven ways of expressing love—getting or receiving heart-shaped chocolate, writing or reading love letters, and dining at a romantic restaurant. And more than any other occasion, “V-Day” seems to be exclusively reserved for couples.

Believe it or not, you can break this collective pattern by trying out a few powerful Valentine’s Day mindfulness rituals—as a happy single, a happily married couple, or a happy family with little humans.

Any day of the year can be spent mindfully, and when you do so, any day becomes a celebration of life.

14 mindful Valentine’s Day practices for happy singles

Being alone is a choice, as is having fun on your own. At the end of the day, who better than you to know how to make yourself happy on Valentine’s Day? On top of that, it’s a great excuse to cultivate more self-love—mindfully and with a loving intention.

Here are some practices you can do to make this day an experience:

1. Meditate

Meditation is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your true essence. If you meditate regularly, you can focus on the heart-opening meditation today. For example, heart chakra meditation can help restore energy flow in your fifth center and heal any imbalances. 

If you want to heal your heart wounds and open up to love, try this powerful heart meditation. It will help you connect with your deepest feelings and re-establish your self-worth.

2. Cook your favorite dish

If you prepare your food regularly, chances are you do it habitually. This time, have the intention to be mindful of the entire process from start to finish. 

Make it heartfelt and heartful. As you cook it, remember the most precious person in the world—you. Allow yourself to be creative so that the result surprises you.

And when it’s ready, set a beautiful table, light up some candles, turn on your favorite music, and enjoy.

3. Write yourself a love letter

According to Mahatria, spiritual leader and trainer of Mindvalley’s A Journey to Infinitheism program, your transformation starts with celebrating yourself as a unique creation—it starts with self-love and self-appreciation.

If you want the world to love you, you must begin with loving yourself.

—  Mahatria, trainer of Mindvalley’s A Journey to Infinitheism program

He teaches his students one of the most potent tools to cultivate self-love—a love letter. Imagine that you are your own most beloved and significant person. What would you say to yourself? What words would you use to express your appreciation and affinity? Write it all down.

4. Do yoga

Doing mindful yoga to balance your heart chakra is another excellent practice you can do on Valentine’s Day. Not only does it open your heart to receive love, but it also harmonizes your relationships.

Focus on heart-opening asanas like half-camel pose, wheel pose, bridge pose, upward-facing dog pose, and bow pose.

5. Walk barefoot in nature

When was the last time you walked barefoot and felt the warmth of the earth holding you at all times? 

When you walk barefoot on any natural earth’s surface, feel the soil in your hands, or swim in natural waters, you receive healing energy from the earth. It’s called earthing.

Earthing, or grounding, is a natural healing process that benefits your body, mind, and spirit on many levels. On top of that, it’s a great reminder of Mother Earth’s unconditional love.

6. Breathe

Breath is your innate connection to life; when you breathe mindfully, you become aware of the life force within you.

You can also use your breath to tap into your inner superhero by practicing breathwork, according to Niraj Naik, a SOMA Breath® creator and the trainer of Mindvalley’s Breathwork for Life program. He says, “Just with simple breathing techniques, you can reach peak human experience, an ecstatic state where you can truly transform.”

Try this breathing technique to boost your energy and awaken to your highest potential:

Soma Breathwork Meditation for Energy and Awakening | Niraj Naik on Mindvalley – Video

7. Journal

There’s something compelling about handwriting. This is why journaling is one of the most transformational self-reflection tools.

The best part is that you can turn to it at any moment. So why not use it today to reflect on the love you want to manifest?

Here’s what you can journal about on Valentine’s Day:

  • Create a list of all the qualities you desire in your partner. Capture actual experiences. Be very specific. For example, “I desire the experience of abundance and financial freedom with my partner.” 
  • Narrow your list down to the five most important things.

Have your list ready? Now, think of how you can become everything you have written on your list.

8. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is one of the simplest ways to cultivate self-love and inner joy every day. You can be grateful for trivial things like a cup of coffee or a ray of sunshine landing on your face. The most powerful thing you can be thankful for is yourself, just the way you are. 

Here’s what you can do: In your journal, write five pages of things you are grateful for.

Remember to express your gratitude to someone today. Tell at least one person why you are grateful for their presence.

9. Create your 3MIQ paper

The 3MIQ stands for “3 Most Important Questions.” It’s a goal-setting framework created by Vishen, founder of Mindvalley. It’s designed to help you discover what your soul truly wants.

The three most important questions are:

  1. What do you want to experience in life?
  2. How do you want to grow and develop yourself?
  3. How do you want to contribute to the world?

Here’s how to do it:

  • Take a piece of paper and divide it into three columns. Put these questions on top of each column.
  • Set up a timer for 90 seconds.
  • Answer these questions under each column for 90 seconds. Keep on writing for the full 90 seconds, and do not stop. 

There are no right or wrong answers. Just follow your inner voice and dare to dream as big as you desire. When your paper is ready, stick it to the wall where you can see it as often as possible.

10. Declutter your space

It doesn’t sound like a fun activity, but you can turn it into an intentional manifestation practice. Your physical space is a reflection of your inner world. Is it open and clear enough to receive love? 

Whether you aspire to manifest love or not, decluttering your space is good feng shui. It can remove negative energy from your house and make you feel better instantly. And if you do want to welcome new love, this practice can make your home a welcoming space for the beloved-to-be.

11. Feng shui your bedroom

Marie Diamond, a celebrity feng shui master and the trainer of Mindvalley’s Feng Shui for Life program, explains that you can use feng shui to bring positive energy into your bedroom for romance, health, and wisdom.

Even if you aren’t looking for love, you can make your bedroom an auspicious place to feel more energized and cultivate your inner wisdom.

If you don’t know where to start, check out these seven feng shui bedroom layout tips.

12. Dance your soul out

Dancing is an exhilarating activity on its own. It can also unlock your intuition, according to Sonia Choquette, intuition expert and trainer of Mindvalley’s Sixth Sense Superpower program. When you dance, you get out of your head, opening yourself up to higher guidance.

Put your favorite music on and let your body move freely. Let your intuition guide you.

13. Give yourself a breast massage

Breast massage has many health benefits. Most importantly, it’s a healing self-love practice. 

Bibi Brzozka, a love, sex, and relationship coach, says that the breasts are the two doorbells you want to be ringing to open the door. It releases the “love hormone,” oxytocin, and enhances your connection with your sensual body.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Set an intention and connect with your hands.
  • Prepare some olive or coconut oil.
  • Gently massage your breasts in circular motions. Be guided by your sensations.
  • Enjoy!

14. Scan your body (mindfully)

Scan body meditation is a mindfulness-based practice that promotes greater awareness of your physical body. It’s a great way to connect with you on a visceral level. The key is to tune into different parts of your body and feel them with curiosity and compassion.

Natalia Sloma, founder of the Zentra App and meditation and tantra instructor, recommends this ritual as a powerful way to release tension and stress. She says, “Body scan is deeply rooted in mindfulness and tantra. It helps focus on your body, connect with it, send it love, create a deeper bond with it, and check on its needs.” 

Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie down comfortably and close your eyes.
  • Direct your attention to each body part one at a time, starting with the lower body and moving to the upper body.
  • Notice how each part feels.
  • Do it with curiosity, without any judgment. 
  • Send your gratitude and appreciation to each part of your body for doing its best to serve you.

Access the full meditation on the free Mindvalley app (or, if you’re reading this on your phone, click here to land on the track directly).

Tantric Body Scan Meditation by Zentra

9 Valentine’s Day mindful activities to elevate your partnership

If you are in a loving relationship, there are ways to spend Valentine’s Day mindfully. The best part is that you can do with your partner most things you can do on your own:

1. Meditate as a couple

Meditation is often perceived as a private practice you do on your own. Still, it’s one of the most powerful ways to cultivate more intimate relationships.

When you practice couples meditation, you amplify your intentions. It’s called the Maharishi effect. So why not meditate together to bring more love, compassion, and peace into the world?

2. Get outdoors

Walking barefoot, holding hands, or making sand castles on the beach can strengthen your bond and overall health and well-being.

3. Practice tantra

Connection and vulnerability are paramount for intimate relationships, which you can deepen through tantra (or neo-tantra for a more modern approach) practices.

One such practice is the KISS method by the late Psalm Isadora, tantra expert who sadly passed away in 2017. (Her teachings are still available on Mindvalley’s Tantra Touch program.) 

KISS stands for:

  • Kinetic energy
  • Intimacy
  • Sensuality
  • Slowing down

In this video, Psalm demonstrates this powerful exercise:

Powerful Tantra For Connection And Vulnerability | Psalm Isadora – Video

4. Create your 3MIQ papers

You can definitely do this exercise together with your partner. Prepare your papers, get colorful markers, set a timer, and dive into the process.

When you are done, share your experience with the exercise and see what matches on your papers. The next step is to decide how you can help each other fulfill your goals.

5. Practice gratitude

Instead of expressing your gratitude to yourself, do it to your partner. Write five pages of things you are grateful for your beloved. You can read it aloud to them to make it more powerful.

Leaving love notes of gratitude is a great way to express your appreciation daily. So don’t leave it for a special occasion. Do it every day.

6. Give each other a tantra massage

Tantra massage is all about a mindful connection with your body. It’s about getting out of your head, slowing down, and feeling what your body wants. In this case, you are connecting with your partner’s bodily sensations. 

You can use it as foreplay or as a stand-alone love activity. Just follow the flow and don’t overthink. You can’t get it wrong, even if you are new to it.

7. Read poetry

Reading improves your mental health, reduces stress, strengthens your memory, and even helps you sleep better. It can also deepen your bond when you do it with your partner, especially when you read poetry out loud.

Check these glorious poems written by inspiring women to make your Valentine’s Day truly poetic.

8. Start your Lifebook

Lifebook is a transformational journey created by Jon and Missy Butcher, who are also trainers’ of Mindvalley’s Lifebook program.

Started as their personal Lifebook for creating the life of their dreams, it turned into a goal-setting framework anyone can use to re-design 12 dimensions of life: 

  1. Physical
  2. Intellectual
  3. Emotional
  4. Character
  5. Spiritual
  6. Romantic
  7. Parenting
  8. Social
  9. Career
  10. Financial
  11. Quality of Life
  12. Life Vision

Jon and Missy share that their Lifebook revolves around their marriage, so if you have a partner, it’s one of the most detailed ways to envision your relationship across all major areas of your life. 

9. Eye gaze

The eyes are said to be the gates of the soul. This is why eye gazing is a direct way to reach someone’s deepest corners, as you can see the entire Universe reflected in the eyes.

When you gaze into another person’s eyes for more than four minutes, it’s a test not everyone can pass. Why?

Because it can be challenging to be vulnerable enough to allow another person to see you deeply. Try eye-gazing with your partner for four minutes, which will unlock another level of intimacy between you.

Need more ideas? Check out these three powerful practices to awaken passion in your relationship.

6 ideas for a mindful Valentine’s Day to spend as a family

Who said that Valentine’s Day is only for singles and couples? It can be a great opportunity to have fun with the entire family and cultivate more love between members.

Here are some ideas on how you can spend this day mindfully (without sending your kids off):

  1. Go camping together or have a picnic day. You can practice earthing with the intention of recharging your family batteries.
  1. Get a love jigsaw puzzle and have the entire family bring all the pieces together. This activity really grounds you in the moment and can get you in the flow state.
  1. Attend a fly-high yoga class. Flying yoga is a great way to have fun and decompress your spine. On top of that, it releases lots of endorphins.
  1. Paint and bond. Take a painting workshop altogether, designed for team building. You can re-create a masterpiece in a well-organized environment. It’s an extremely bonding experience.
  1. Create a vision board. A vision board is a powerful manifestation tool, and you can create one for your family, putting together all the dreams you want to manifest collectively. Once ready, it can be placed in the living room, where everyone can see it.
  1. Have a Love Week. #LoveWeek is a corporate event at Mindvalley when Valentine’s Day lasts for a week! It’s about anonymous gifting, love, and kindness among all the company’s employees. And you can run a week-long Valentine’s Day in your family.

Get inspired by taking a peek at how we do Love Week at Mindvalley:

How to Transform Your Company Culture With Love Week – Video

Becoming more loving and mindful With Mindvalley

Love is like a muscle—you must train your capacity to give and receive love. And it starts with self-love. When you love yourself, every day can be Valentine’s Day—for you and your loved ones. 

If you aspire to cultivate more self-love and make this world a more loving place, Mindvalley is where your journey begins. Answer a few quick questions to unlock your free access to transformative Mindvalley programs like Becoming More Loving with Gelong Thubten, Energies of Love with Donna Eden, Calling in The One with Katherine Woodward Thomas, A Journey to Infinitheism with Mahatria, and many others.

Welcome in.

Images generated on Midjourney (unless otherwise noted).

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Written by

Irina Yugay

As a former self-development and self-transcendence writer at Mindvalley, Irina uses words to transpire empowering ideas, transcendental feelings, and omniversal values. She's also an ascension coach who helps her clients grow their spiritual awareness and actualize their true nature. With a deep empirical understanding of the spiritual journey, Irina shares her insights and experiences with the readers to inspire them to transcend their limiting beliefs and achieve higher states of consciousness.
Mahatria Ra, Mindvalley trainer, spiritualist, and thought leader
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Mahatria is a spiritual teacher, best-selling author, and global speaker renowned for his unique approach to spirituality and self-mastery.

He has the ability to simplify complex spiritual concepts into practical steps—something he teaches in his A Journey to Infinitheism Quest on Mindvalley.

His philosophy, Infinitheism, merges over 25 years of spiritual study with Western science and Eastern wisdom. Its aim is to guide people of all backgrounds to enhance their lives and achieve their full potential.

Psalm Isadora, Mindvalley trainer and sexuality expert
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The late Psalm Isadora was a transformative sex educator and relationship expert.

Her interest in sexual education stemmed from overcoming her own childhood sexual trauma and subsequent struggles with anxiety and depression.

One of her significant contributions, the Tantra Touch Quest at Mindvalley, is aimed at helping individuals reconnect with their sacred sexuality.

Psalm’s legacy continues to influence and inspire the integration of sexuality and spirituality.

Niraj Naik, Mindvalley trainer and founder of SOMA Breath
Expertise by

Niraj Naik is a pharmacist-turned-breathwork instructor and the founder of SOMA Breath, a holistic school and community that teaches science-backed breathwork techniques.

After battling ulcerative colitis with conventional medicine’s limited success, Niraj turned to holistic healing methods, including Ayurveda, yoga, nutrition, self-hypnosis, music therapy, and breathwork. This combination not only cured his condition but also formed the basis of the healing techniques taught at SOMA Breath global retreats and workshops.

Niraj’s breathwork and music sessions are also highly popular at Mindvalley events. His Breathwork for Life Quest aims to share his transformative breathwork techniques with an even larger audience, helping them achieve better health and wellness.

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