The secret sauce to unshakeable confidence? How to believe in yourself and spark that inner fire

Woman standing on top of a mountain with her arms in the air
Updated on November 19, 2024
Updated on Nov 19, 2024

It’s not always easy to believe in yourself, especially when the odds are against you. But doing so, even when others don’t, is one of the most powerful forms of self-love.

Equally important, it’s a skill. And like any skill, you can cultivate and develop it. And when you do, you may just realize that you’re stepping into greatness.

As Marisa Peer, the creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy® and trainer of Mindvalley’s Uncompromised Life Quest, says, “Belief without talent can take you further than talent without belief.”

Why is it important to believe in yourself?

The “believe in yourself” meaning is about having faith in your own capabilities and the potential for bigger, better things. And it’s only upon this realization of that potential that you can start actualizing it. 

What’s more, when you believe in yourself, you:

  • Unleash your inner power. It’s what helps you tackle tough situations and push past your limits, making you strong enough to achieve even your biggest goals.
  • Radiate positivity. Your confidence becomes contagious and inspires other people, the same way you get inspired by confident people.
  • Embrace resilience. Setbacks become stepping stones. When things don’t go as planned—which they often don’t—instead of cursing your tough luck, you overcome the challenge and come back stronger.
  • Fuel your dreams. Dreams are your life’s goals, and self-belief is the energy that keeps them alive, helping to turn them into reality.
  • Create authentic connections. You attract like-minded souls who accept you for who you are.
  • Embrace growth. Your self-confidence allows you to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

Common roadblocks to self-belief

The road to greatness is never without trials. Look at Frodo Baggins, Luke Skywalker, or Ellen Ripley—who would they be if it weren’t for the challenges they faced and managed to surpass? These roadblocks are what make them who they are. 

Your road to self-belief is also a great adventure. And on it, you’ll find roadblocks to overcome. Here are some common ones:

  • Persistent self-doubt. The ever-presence of self-doubt will try to limit your potential more times than you’d like.
  • Fear of failure. This keeps you from embracing challenges and taking risks.
  • Comparing yourself to others. It’s only human to do so, but the path to self-belief lies in focusing on comparing your present self with your past self instead.
  • Past trauma and conditioning. These often cause limiting beliefs, making your journey to greatness a harder one to pursue. 
  • Lack of self-compassion. Self-criticism can chip away at self-belief.
  • External validation. Seeking approval from others can stifle self-belief.

It’s important to remember that these roadblocks are also a nudge towards your growth. 

It’s as Paul McKenna, UK’s #1 hypnotherapist and trainer of Mindvalley’s Total Self-Confidence Quest, says: “Any negative traits you identify are not really yours—they belong to your negative self-image and were programmed into you when you were a child. By identifying them honestly, you are about to let them go!

Man holding a surfboard on the beach and learning "how to believe in yourself"

How to believe in yourself: 5 tips from Mindvalley experts

It goes without saying that believing in yourself boosts your self-esteem. So where can you start?

Taking tips from Paul and Marisa’s Mindvalley quests, here’s how to believe in yourself:

1. Transform your inner dialogue

Your internal dialogue—the way you talk to yourself—has a profound impact on your self-belief and confidence. A constructive inner dialogue is like having a supportive coach in your mind, encouraging you to be your best self.

Indeed, studies have shown that self-compassion and self-talk produce higher levels of self-esteem and resilience.

Tip from Paul McKenna: The best way to start transforming your inner dialogue is to start improving it. Here’s what you can do:

  • First, recall a time when you made a mistake and criticized yourself harshly. Remember exactly what you said and how you felt.
  • Then, ask yourself, “How could I convey the same message in an encouraging way?” Take on the role of a supportive coach and offer constructive criticism instead of harsh judgment.
  • Finally, visualize yourself giving positive feedback.

Practice this exercise whenever you catch yourself being overly critical. And by changing the tone and content of your self-talk, you’re rewiring your mind for confidence. 

2. Use positive affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful, scientifically proven tool for rewiring your subconscious mind. When you consistently affirm positive beliefs about yourself, you begin to believe and embody them. 

This shift in self-perception can have a profound impact on your confidence and overall well-being.

Tip from Marisa Peer: To get started with positive affirmations is to make a small list with them. These should be short, clear, and in the present tense. For example:

  • I am confident and capable.”
  • I am worthy of love and happiness.”
  • I attract positive and loving relationships.”

For a few minutes each day, repeat these affirmations aloud or in your mind, preferably in the morning or before bedtime. Say them with conviction and emotion, as if they are already true.

3. Keep your posture

Your body and mind are linked in more ways than many people believe. How you use your body, from posture to breathing, impacts your emotions and behaviors in real time.

So sitting up straight in your chair isn’t just good for your posture—it also gives you more confidence, as body posture affects confidence in your own thoughts.

Tip from Paul McKenna: Here’s how you can directly affect your mind with your posture:

  • Stand up, plant your feet firmly on the ground, roll your shoulders back, and put on a big, confident smile.
  • Keep that posture, take a deep breath, and think of a situation that usually makes you nervous.
  • Notice how your feelings about that situation change or how it’s more challenging to think negatively about it.

The way you use your body can shape your thoughts and emotions. So use it wisely, and most importantly, consciously.

4. Reframe your beliefs

If you had a negative experience, it’s possible that it created a negative belief. 

For example, after being rejected from a romantic relationship, you may believe you aren’t worthy enough. This can be greatly damaging to your self-confidence.

In her Mindvalley Quest, Marisa suggests that there is a way out of these kinds of unproductive beliefs. And the way to achieve that is through cognitive reframing—a powerful way of changing your thought patterns and beliefs.

Tip from Marisa Peer: If you want to take a quick look at how this works, try this exercise from Marisa’s Uncompromised Life Quest:

  • First, recall a past experience where you felt rejected or lacked self-belief.
  • Then, mentally reframe it.
  • Now, instead of dwelling on the rejection, focus on what you’ve learned from it or how it has made you stronger. And see what happens.

Beliefs are sometimes so deeply rooted in people that they often forget how much they shape them. If you believe you are not worthy, people will treat you as such. In return, you will feel even less worthy, and the vicious circle goes on and on. 

5. Develop a confidence routine

Just as physical exercise can transform your body, mental exercise can transform your mindset. And mental exercises for your self-confidence are going to help you exactly with that.

According to Paul, what you practice is what you eventually become. Cultivate the habit of confidence, and watch as it transforms your life one day at a time. 

Tip from Paul McKenna: A simple and brief daily confidence routine can help. Paul’s blueprint includes five points, and for a start, don’t spend more than a minute on any of these points:

  • Reflection of your past or future successes. Visualize them vividly with bright colors and moving images.
  • Mirror work. Stand in front of a mirror, close your eyes, and imagine seeing yourself through the eyes of someone who loves and respects you. Open your eyes and truly see yourself through their eyes.
  • Compliment yourself using your confident internal voice repeatedly for a full minute. Boost your self-esteem and self-belief.
  • Push the confidence switch. Recall a moment when you felt supremely confident. Relive it in your mind, intensifying the colors, sounds, and feelings. Squeeze your thumb and middle finger together while reliving this moment to anchor the confident feeling.
  • Confidence in action. Jot down any inspired actions that arise during your routine. Choose at least one action that feels slightly risky and commit to taking it in the next 24 hours.

5 inspirational “believe in yourself” quotes

At first glance, quotes can seem like nothing more than words. But it’s in those words that lies the power of inspiration, motivation, and positivity. 

Confidence quotes, in particular, can be your guide on your journey to self-belief. Here are a few hand-picked selections:

  • When you believe in you, everyone else believes in you.” — Marisa Peer, creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy® and trainer of Mindvalley’s Uncompromised Life Quest
  • Feeling a level of confidence in yourself can withstand the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and carry you forward to the life of your dreams.” — Paul McKenna, UK’s #1 hypnotherapist and trainer of Mindvalley’s Total Self-Confidence Quest
  • Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” — Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States
  • Believe in yourself, and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.” — Cynthia Kersey, best-selling author and speaker
  • Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got this.” — Chantal Sutherland, jockey and Canadian model

Awaken your unstoppable

You need to put your effort into falling in love with you, and then the world will change so dramatically,” says Marisa. And she has a great point.

As mentioned, every path to greatness comes with trials. But here’s the kicker: the more you overcome these obstacles, the more you grow—and the more you grow, the bigger obstacles you can overcome. 

Of course, it helps to have a little help. And you can find it at Mindvalley:

  • Total Self-Confidence Quest with Paul McKenna, where you can experience the power of hypnosis to help you go from self-criticizing to self-confident.
  • Uncompromised Life Quest with Marisa Peer, where you can learn to rise above self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and unrealized success.

You can gain access to their classes—for free—when you sign up for a Mindvalley account. Additionally, you’ll also get daily meditations that can help bolster your self-esteem. 

You’re born for greatness. And with unshakable faith in yourself, the world will see it, too.

Welcome in.

Images generated on Midjourney (unless otherwise noted).

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Written by

Sofia Evaggelidou

Sofia is a mindfulness advocate and writer at Mindvalley. She is passionate about Japanese culture and an avid gamer.
Marisa Peer, Mindvalley trainer, UK's #1 Therapist, and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy
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Voted the United Kingdom’s #1 therapist by Tatler, Marisa Peer has spent 25 years coaching a diverse range of clients, including royalty, rock stars, celebrities, Olympic athletes, political leaders, and CEOs.

She specializes in Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy™, a technique that quickly reshapes thinking and achieves significant life changes, often in just one or two sessions.

Her Mindvalley quests, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance and Uncompromised Life, are perfect opportunities for one to resolve their past issues, remove personal limitations, and expand their capacity for abundance, especially in health, wealth, and love.

Paul McKenna, Mindvalley trainer, hypnotist, and behavioral scientist
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Paul McKenna, Ph.D., is a globally celebrated hypnotherapist and behavioral scientist, having mastered the art of influencing human behavior using hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming.

He’s also recognized as the United Kingdom’s most successful non-fiction author, with over 10 million books sold worldwide.

His high-profile client list includes celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres, David Bowie, and James Corden. Paul is a regular on television shows like The Ellen DeGeneres Show and The Dr. Oz Show.

Additionally, Paul leads Mindvalley’s Everyday Bliss and Total Self-Confidence quests and the Mindvalley Certified Hypnotherapist program, offering unique opportunities to learn from one of the best in the field.

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