The power of visualization goes hand-in-hand with the Law of Attraction. Believe it or not, you use it without knowing, for better or worse.
When you play in your head an event, past or upcoming, you experience it in your mind as if it’s happening to you in the present moment. Wonder why things go wrong? Because they have already gone wrong in your mind.
On the other side of the coin, you can use this immense power to create the outcome you desire by visualizing it first.
Visualization techniques work magic—the magic of your mind—and you can make your life magical if you know how to use them.
What is the power of visualization?
The power of visualization is your ability to create the outcome you don’t see. Everything ever created or achieved first started as an idea in someone’s mind.
When you desire something, you focus your mental energy on it. When you have a burning desire, this mental energy gets amplified by emotions and eventually manifests in your physical reality.
With that being said, not every idea is created equally. To make visualization work for you (not against you, as in the case of negative thinking), you need to know the rules of the mind and the Law of Attraction.
Once you learn the rules of this creative game, you can create whatever you desire.
The key is to use your imagination and visualization for powerful results.
What’s the difference between imagination and visualization?
According to Vishen, founder of Mindvalley and trainer of The Silva Ultramind System Quest, you use imagination when you create something in your mind. When you receive the information through intuition, you use visualization.
“Imagination is directed outwardly, similar to using your mouth to speak words, while visualization is an inward process of perception like using your ears to hear words,” he explains.
So the best visualization techniques are based on these two distinct processes of using imagination and visualization.
Why is visualization important?
We live in a world of distractions. Every medium is fighting for your attention, promising to grant fulfillment if you get this or that thing.
When the external world constantly bombards you, it’s almost impossible to define your desires and aspirations coming from your unique soul. This is when the power of visualization can help you tap into your soul’s desires and be in alignment with who you are.
The benefits of visualization
One of the most potent benefits of visualization is that it helps you shift your mindset in the right direction.
Let’s look at the benefits of visualization:
1. Get clarity on what you want: Before you start visualizing what you want, you need to know what it is. Often, people are wishy-washy when it comes to their goals. But visualization helps you clearly state what you want and move in the right direction.
2. Increase motivation: Suppose you know what you want. But it’s hard to fake it before you make it because humans need to see it before they believe it. Visualization helps you visualize the outcome before it manifests itself in your physical reality and increases your motivation to move towards achieving it.
3. Reduce stress: Visualization, also known as mental imagery, is a proven technique for stress reduction. It’s widely practiced as a stand-alone tool or paired with physical relaxation techniques to help you relax and achieve a peaceful state of mind.
4. Become more confident: Visualizing the process of achieving your goal develops your confidence and determination as your brain perceives it as an actual experience. In other words, it helps you cultivate a sense of calm you need to feel confident and capable.
5. Enhance performance: In this 2021 study, researchers looked at the effect of visualization and self-efficacy on athletes’ performance. They found they could obtain the highest performance with visualization and high-self-efficacy exercises. It means that visualization can help you perform better at any task if you have a strong belief in yourself.
Famous people who use the power of visualization
Visualization has helped numerous people achieve success, including celebrities like Jim Carey, Oprah Winfrey, and Richard Bach, who advocate using the power of visualization.
Richard Bach
Best-selling author Richard Bach publicly shared in his interview in Harper’s magazine that the Silva Method’s creative visualization helped him finish his famous book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Jim Carrey
In his interview with Oprah, Jim Carrey jokingly said, “You can’t just visualize and then go eat a sandwich.”
Back in the early 1990s, when he was broke and poor, with no director interested in him, he would visualize things coming to him while driving back home every day.
He shares that at that time, it would make him feel better, as visualization gave him the feeling that he already had everything he wanted.
At some point, he wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars for acting services, dated it three years from then, and put it in his wallet. And after three years, before Thanksgiving, he got it for his role in Dumb & Dumber.
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey credits her success to the positive thinking she cultivated with the help of visualization. Yet, unlike Jim Carrey, she stresses that “visualization works only if you work hard.”
On top of that, according to Oprah, when you visualize, you want to create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe.
Will Smith
Before Will Smith knew he would become an A-list Hollywood superstar, he had it in his own mind. In other words, he used the power of visualization to make his vision come true.
He has always believed that greatness exists in all of us. Call it the Law of Attraction or the power of thought, Will Smith calls it the power of believing and visualization that helped him achieve success.
Types of visualization
There are two types of visualization: outcome visualization and process visualization. Let’s look at them in detail.
Outcome visualization
It is envisioning your desired outcome as an endpoint in the future, but as if it’s already in your present. In other words, you create a detailed mental snapshot of the outcome using all five senses.
For example, if your goal is to get that job, visualize yourself getting a job offer. See yourself either receiving a call or an email. What do you feel at that moment? What do you see or hear? Make the outcome as vivid as possible.
Process visualization
In this type of visualization, you envision every step towards achieving your goal with all your senses engaged.
Using the same example with getting your dream job, visualize yourself being invited for an interview, having a successful interview with your potential employer, feeling confident and worthy, passing the test, and then getting the job.
How to use the power of visualization step-by-step
Here are six steps to kick-start your visualization practice.
Step 1: Decide on what you want. Before you get started, you want to get crystal clear on your desired outcome. Use the 3MIQs framework to set your goal.
Step 2: Add emotions to the outcome. According to Vishen, fulfillment differs from person to person. You need to understand what fulfillment feels like to you personally. “You may not know how to get there, but you know how good it feels. So you want to ignore the how and go straight to feelings. Your inner self knows the best way to bring what you want,” he adds.
Step 3: Add a color. Imagine the color associated with the desired outcome. On your mental screen, fill the screen with the chosen color. The goal is to eliminate all dark patches, spots, and blank spaces with the color. As you do, you eliminate your subconscious blocks.
Step 4: Make it brighter. Your chosen color represents the energy of your goal, so you want to make it as bright as possible to amplify it.
Step 5: Imagine possible setbacks and how you deal with them with ease and poise as you move forward toward your goal.
Step 6: Think about the next easiest step you can take to make your desired outcome come true. Take that action.
Step 7: Write your desired outcome in the present tense on an index card. Read it in the morning and at night.
Final tips for powerful visualization
Once you start your visualization process, you can reinforce it with these tips:
Tip 1: Be in love with what you want
You won’t get positive results if you’re not excited about your desire. As Vishen puts it, you need to have a burning desire. How do you make it burn? By adding passion and emotions to it.
Tip 2: Visualize often, for short intense bursts
If you can hold your image for as little as half a minute, you create a powerful attraction. Visualize often and gradually build up to longer, more detailed visualizations.
Tip 3: Make your image as detailed as possible
The more specific you are about your goal, the better. When visualizing it, make it as detailed and vivid as possible.
Tip 4: Don’t believe, expect it
Vishen explains that your desire and belief aren’t enough. You must have expectancy. In other words, when you are done with your visualization, you need to expect it to come to you. On top of that, expectancy is key to non-attachment as it allows you to release your desire to the Universe, trusting that it will take care of it.
Tip 5: Reinforce your images with affirmations
Affirmations help reprogram your thinking from negative to positive. Positive thinking will raise your vibration and keep you focused on your goal. Try these powerful affirmations to enhance your visualization practice.
Creative visualization for attaining your desires and healing
Whatever you can conceive, you can achieve, so harnessing the power of visualization is not an issue. You can unlock it to manifest your dreams.
But how can you uncover your true desires in life in the first place?
The real art of using the power of visualization is when you use it in alignment with who you are. This is the power of your ultramind that brings forth your unique calling to live the life of your dreams and serve others.
If you want to unlock your ultramind, watch a free lesson of The Silva Ultramind System Quest with Vishen, one of the most powerful and effective systems for activating your mind’s fullest potential.
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