Why you should start measuring your spiritual growth—and how to do it

A man in meditation in nature

Have you ever wondered what spiritual growth really means? With so many ancient scriptures and modern self-help books telling you to let go of worldly attachments without a context you can relate to, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Like how the heck do you do that while still having to pay the bills, deal with family drama, or figure out what’s for dinner?

Jeffrey Allen, a software engineer-turned-energy healer and trainer of Mindvalley’s Duality program, believes the key lies in balance. “Becoming more spiritual isn’t about leaving the physical world—it’s about mastering both,” he says.

So exhale your sigh of relief at this definition… And embrace the sacredness of everyday moments to see the world as a divine garden of dreams and lessons.

What is spiritual growth?

At its core, spiritual growth is about evolving your inner self. It’s often sparked by your “dark night of the soul,” a period of struggle where you tend to question your purpose or identity, but is the catalyst for growth.

In other words, it’s about looking inward to grow outward. Tuning inwards, Jeffrey says, gives you not only “fantastic guidance but also a sense of peace and ease… that there’s a bigger plan which is playing out beautifully.”

To understand how spiritual growth is an inside job, it helps to understand spirituality from religion. 

While religion supports spiritual understanding through external frameworks like traditions, symbols, and practices, spirituality itself is a state of being. To be spiritual, in this sense, means connecting to the divine directly from within you. So, if you’re the painter of a masterpiece, then spirituality reminds you that the colors and lines, as necessary as they are, didn’t paint themselves—that they flowed from you who wielded the brush (framework).

This seemingly inextricable link between “creation” (effect) and “creator” (cause) is revered across many spiritual traditions:

  • In Kabbalah, God’s infinite presence—or “Ein Sof”—is reflected within each person.
  • In Exodus 3:14, the Bible recounts Moses asking God who He is, to which He replies, “I Am that I Am,” a reminder that the eternal divine presence is experienced through our own self-awareness.
  • Similarly, Sufism, Islam’s mystical path, teaches followers to transcend the self to reach the divine presence connecting all things.
  • Hinduism, meanwhile, repeatedly speaks of Tat Tvam Asi—a phrase that means “You Are That”—to remind everyone that the divine spark has always been in them.

So, no matter the tradition, one idea stays the same: creation points to a divine source that can only be sensed from within you.

Mahatria, a spiritual teacher and the trainer of Mindvalley’s A Journey to Infinitheism program, explains this inextricable connection using the physical phenomenon of cause and effect: “Effect is nothing but cause itself in a different form,” and that a mud pot “is simply mud in another shape, just as a gold necklace is gold in a different form.”

Learn more: Spirituality vs. religion: 6 fundamental differences you should know

So, how do you measure spiritual growth?

Since spirituality is a deeply personal journey—“the science of the formless,” as Mahatria calls it—measuring any traces of growth on the path can feel impossible. 

But if you pay attention to how you think and feel when you interact with the world, you’ll start to notice the signs. As Jeffrey says, “The here and now is where transformation happens—it’s where your spirit aligns with your actions.”

Here’s how spiritual growth shows up in subtle yet powerful ways:

1. Sensing your own presence

Close your eyes and focus inward. Do you notice that there’s nothing left to observe but your own presence? It’s the “you” that exists beyond labels and names. 

Many people tend to have glimpses of it in moments of spiritual transcendence: during meditation sessions, when noticing the nature around you, or when having faith that everything will pan out despite hitting rock bottom.

Spirituality teacher Eckhart Tolle, for one, bases his own life’s work around the idea of presence and how it’s known through what it’s not: your “pain body” or the accumulation of your unresolved emotional pain and negative thought patterns.

In his program, Jeffrey expands further on this, explaining that your presence is easily sensed whenever you’re fully in your body. He says, “Your body is your here and now—it’s the part of you that exists in the present moment. When your spirit is fully present in your body, there’s no room for anything else.” And in that space is where your true power to reclaim yourself lies.

2. Finding ease in discomfort

Another sign of spiritual growth is the ability to find the light even in the darkness of life—and face the pain from difficult experiences head-on without repressing it to cope. That’s how you stay resilient and grow despite the hurdles.

What this emotional resilience can look like:

  • Allowing yourself to grieve openly after a loss—while trusting that healing is possible.
  • Choosing to respond calmly during high stress, like pausing to breathe instead of reacting in anger during an argument.
  • Reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth by telling yourself, “This is hard, but I’ll come out stronger,” or “I can do this.”

Resilient individuals, Jeffrey explains, are grounded as they tend to remain steady even outside of their comfort zones. “Grounding doesn’t eliminate the discomfort,” he says, “but it allows you to experience it without losing your sense of self.”

The science behind this resilience adds up: research has shown that people with strong spiritual hygiene tend to experience greater life satisfaction, faster recovery from illnesses, and reduced stress, among many other benefits.

3. The ability to see the signs

Spiritual growth is about knowing how to receive spiritual guidance. It’s the little “nudges” life gives you—a sudden gut feeling about a situation or a person, seeing recurring spiritual symbols or angel numbers (like 11:11), or a sudden aha! moment amidst a mental block.

According to Jeffrey, these signs from the universe are linked to your spirit guides, unseen forces that many spiritual traditions believe are assigned to support you throughout your life.

“Your spirit guides are always there, coordinating opportunities and helping you align with your highest good,” he says. “It’s just about being aware enough to notice and trust their messages.”

Why is spiritual growth important?

The thing is, life will always throw you lemons. But when you’re open to spiritual growth, it’s easier for you to keep making lemonade out of them—with clarity and resolution.

And when you’re committed to your spiritual journey, you get to be more:

  • Centered within so you can discern your rights from your wrongs with ease, no matter how nuanced life’s “grey areas” are. 
  • Emotionally available with people who actually inspire you to be better every day and who you want to do the same for.
  • Clear-headed even after being blindsided by great upheavals, like the loss of someone you love or a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity you thought was meant for you.

It’s no wonder Buddhist monks are typical mascots of “zen.” Or why Oprah could transcend her early days of poverty and extreme abuse and become a leader in the personal transformation industry. Or why Nelson Mandela endured 27 years of imprisonment before finally leading South Africa into a new era of social equality.

These figures prove that when you’re in touch with your higher self, you can still view life as more than just a sum of random events—that there’s meaning and purpose to your story and the stories of others around you. This perspective, in turn, helps you stay resilient and even thrive amidst the canons of “lemons” thrown at you.

How to (actually) grow spiritually

The start of your spiritual growth can feel like you’re stepping into the unknown. But the process is simpler than you think and begins with a single decision: to embrace self-discovery and open yourself to change. 

As Jeffrey would remind us, “Spiritual growth is about reclaiming your energy and living in alignment with your spirit.” 

Here are five steps he shares in his program to guide your path:

1. Heal your emotional pain physically

Initiating your spiritual healing means addressing any emotional or energetic pain that’s holding you back. “You must move through your current layer of pain to experience healing on a deeper level,” Jeffrey says.

But for clarity to set in, you have to first be present in your body—it’s the best way to tune into your discomfort. Here are small but effective ways to do it:

  • Journal your emotions daily to identify recurring patterns or blocks.
  • Ground yourself more through mindful activities like mindfulness meditation, earthing, or sitting under a tree.
  • Breathe more deeply with any of the breathing techniques you prefer. Notice areas of tension in your body before letting go of them.
  • Be mindful of what you consume. What you’re exposed to can influence your thoughts—whether it’s the type of music you listen to, the news you read every day, or the (often unsolicited) advice that people give you.
  • Consider fasting, a practice leaned upon in many spiritual traditions, and for a good reason: it detoxifies your system. No matter which type of fast you choose to do, the enhanced mental clarity you gain from it helps you stay tuned to your thoughts and emotions.

2. Clear your confusion

Where there’s a lot of emotional pain, confusion tends to follow. To grow from it, Jeffrey suggests clearing any misunderstandings that hold you back. “When you clear your mind, you make room for the clarity needed to grow,” he explains.

The “fog” in your mind might look like:

  • Doubts about your purpose where you wonder if you’re on the right path or if you’ve missed an opportunity that can align you with it.
  • Conflicting beliefs where you struggle to reconcile old teachings or cultural expectations with your current values.
  • Self-limiting thoughts with phrases like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never change.”

To move past these mental roadblocks, try the following steps:

  • Reframe your thoughts by analyzing recurring doubts. Challenge their validity by asking yourself, “Does this belief help me grow spiritually?”
  • Consider attending spiritual classes, like Jeffrey’s program on the Mindvalley app, to learn how to untangle your mental knots.
  • Talk it out with a mentor, a coach, or a trusted friend. Sometimes, hearing yourself explain your issues out loud to someone else can reveal solutions.
  • Release mental clutter with practices like visualization exercises or guided meditations.

3. Grow your intuition

Intuition is your inner compass, guiding you to decide on what feels right without overthinking. As Jeffrey explains, “Life shifts from stressful decision-making to clear knowing when you trust your intuition.”

Strengthening this connection is key to spiritual growth. Here’s what you can try:

  • Practice mindfulness. Spend time daily in quiet reflection to sharpen your awareness of your inner thoughts.
  • Pay attention to synchronicities. Notice recurring numbers, symbols, or moments that feel more than coincidence—these are often signs that your intuition is leading you.
  • Document your intuitive hunches so you can retrace how they play out whenever you need to. This helps you build trust in your own instincts over time.

As you strengthen your intuition, decisions will feel less forced and more aligned with your higher self.

4. Turn to healthy, consistent habits

Consistency builds momentum. Jeffrey points out that healthy habits are the bedrock of spiritual growth. They prevent you from descending into old patterns during challenging times.

Start with small, sustainable steps:

  • Begin your day intentionally with morning rituals like journaling, meditation, or stretching to set a positive tone.
  • Set realistic goals so you don’t overwhelm yourself with massive changes. Focus on one habit at a time, and celebrate your progress.
  • Prioritize inspiring hobbies, whether it’s a daily walk in nature, yoga, or even mindful cooking. Do what keeps you connected to the present moment.

5. Surround yourself with supportive people

Having a strong support system reminds you that you’re never alone on your journey—and that even in the most challenging moments, there’s always collective energy to uplift you.

“Group energy is a shortcut to healing,” Jeffrey emphasizes. “It pulls you forward even when you resist.”

Here’s how to build a support system for your spiritual journey:

  • Join a community: Look for local wellness groups or spiritual circles where people gather to share practices like meditation or energy healing. 
  • Be open to interfaith discussions. If you love theology and appreciate the common threads uniting all religions, these spaces can be an excellent way to meet other non-denominational people who share your perspective.
  • Lean on trusted connections so you can easily share your thoughts and spiritual experiences with close friends, mentors, or family members who can understand.
A woman in green smiles in nature

Resources for spiritual growth seekers

Having the right resources for your spiritual journey matters, as they can provide clarity and support when you need them most.

Whether you’re new to spiritual growth or a seasoned practitioner seeking deeper insights, the following tools can be your guiding light on the path.

5 books on spiritual growth

These books by practitioners and renowned spiritual leaders (who also happen to be Mindvalley trainers) provide a blend of practical guidance and profound wisdom.

1. Waking Up to the Joy of You by Agapi Stassinopoulous

This book feels less like a read and more like tea time with a wise, encouraging friend who gently nudges you toward joy. And Agapi, a renowned speaker, author, and spiritual healer, makes it fun for you by breaking down life’s relatable challenges into 52 easy-to-digest lessons. 

From overcoming fear to practicing gratitude, each chapter is a standalone reflection designed to guide you toward a more joyful life—week by week.

Core takeaway: Happiness isn’t a finish line—it’s a habit, and this book shows you how to cultivate it daily.

2. Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy by Sadhguru

This one’s for anyone seeking practical steps toward inner balance. Sadhguru, the globally renowned yogi you’ve probably seen everywhere, offers more than just philosophy here—he gives you tools to appreciate the divinity of everyday moments.

The book weaves ancient yogic practices with relatable modern insights, showing how to harmonize body, mind, and energy for a joyful, centered life. It may be the personal transformation manual you’ve been waiting for.

Core takeaway: Real joy isn’t random—it’s something you can cultivate through intentional inner work.

3. Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential by Michael Bernard Beckwith

Ever feel like the usual goal-setting routes sometimes miss the mark on what truly matters? Then let Michael Bernard Beckwith guide you to move beyond the hustle and tune into your soul’s deeper purpose. His Life Visioning Process, the meat of the book, helps you uncover what life is beckoning you toward—not just what you want, but what you’re meant for.

As the founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, Michael’s wisdom is backed by decades of experience in helping people discover their best selves. His approachable, heartfelt writing makes this book a must for anyone ready to stop chasing and start listening to their heart.

Core takeaway: By embracing the process of visioning, you get to step into alignment with your highest self and let life unfold from there.

4. The Buddha and the Badass by Vishen Lakhiani

What if spirituality and ambition can work together? Vishen, Mindvalley’s founder and CEO, believes that it’s not about choosing between mindfulness and hustle but rather mastering both. 

His approach flips the script on how we view our careers in capitalism, reframing work as an extension of spirituality, not a distraction from it. 

“The most important thing that our business schools need to teach us is that your work is not about your work,” he explains in the book. “Rather, your work is nothing more than the ultimate vehicle for your personal growth.”

Packed with personal stories, actionable frameworks, and case studies, this book offers a framework for thriving materially while staying true to one’s higher self.

Core takeaway: You don’t have to pick sides—you can be spiritual and ambitious, peaceful and powerful, all at the same time.

5. Most and More by Mahatria

What does it mean to live a life of abundance? Most and More is Mahatria’s answer to that question—a guide to achieving material success while staying deeply rooted in inner peace. By redefining success as a harmonious balance rather than a destination, this book offers a fresh perspective on fulfillment.

The author’s teachings are simple yet profound, breaking down complex ideas into practical principles you can apply daily. Whether you’re seeking clarity, gratitude, or self-mastery, this book meets you wherever you are on your journey.

Core takeaway: Life isn’t about settling for “enough.” It’s about striving for your best self and embracing the abundance that’s already within and around you. 

14 prayers to support your spiritual growth

Prayer is one of the most universal and timeless tools for nurturing spiritual growth—whether whispered in moments of gratitude or spoken as a plea for guidance. 

“Our inner guidance is like a wireless network; it’s invisible, but it’s available everywhere where we are,” Agapi says. “To tap into your inner knowing, you just need to enter the password, and the password is prayer.”  

Jeffrey, who sees affirmations as a form of prayer, agrees. He says, “When you speak affirmations or prayers, you’re not just talking—you’re creating a resonance with the energy of what you want to embody.”

To keep your inner and outer worlds connected, you can turn to these prayers no matter what time of the day it is:

For gratitude

Gratitude is a cornerstone of spiritual growth. Beginning each day with a simple acknowledgment of what you’re thankful for sets the tone for your path on a daily level.

To start, you can say: 

  1. “Thank you for the breath I take, the lessons I learn, and the love that surrounds me.”
  2. “May I remain grateful, even in challenges, for the growth they bring.” 

Or, you can try Agapi’s version, captured in her Speaking with Spirit program on Mindvalley: “I am grateful for the abundance in my life and the lessons each day brings.”

For inner peace

You can’t do without peace when navigating a spiritual journey. Peace, after all, creates the mental and emotional space you’d need to connect with your higher self with clarity.

To cultivate more serenity in your life, try these prayers inspired by Jeffrey’s teaching on presence:

  1. “I am connected to the divine presence within me and all around me. May I receive clear guidance and trust the path unfolding before me.”
  2. “With every breath, I release tension and welcome peace. May my heart remain calm and my spirit rooted in the present moment.”
  3. “I trust that everything is happening for my highest good. May I move through life with grace, knowing the universe supports me.”

For strength

Spiritual growth often involves facing challenges head-on. Prayers for strength remind you of your inner resilience and help you navigate tough moments with courage and resolve.

To tap into your strength, you can say:

  1. “May I embrace life’s challenges with an open heart and unwavering faith in my ability to overcome.”
  2. “Grant me the strength to walk my path boldly, knowing that every step brings me closer to my higher self.”
  3. “I am resilient and supported by the divine. May I face each day with grace and determination.”

For guidance

Feeling lost is often a part of the spiritual journey, but it’s also an opportunity to seek clarity. Prayers for guidance can help you tune into your intuition, trusting that the answers will come when you’re ready to hear them.

Here’s how to open yourself to divine direction:

  1. “Show me the way that leads to my highest good. May I recognize the signs and trust my inner wisdom.”
  2. “May I always remain open to the universe’s guidance, even when the path ahead seems unclear.”
  3. “I trust the process of life and welcome the guidance I receive in every moment.”

For connection

Spiritual growth thrives on connection—with others, the universe, or your inner self. Prayers for connection strengthen the ties that keep you anchored in the energy of unconditional love.

To foster this sense of unity, no matter where you are, you can recite:

  1. “May I see the divine in myself and everyone I meet. Let me approach life with compassion and understanding.”
  2. “I am a part of the infinite web of existence. May I feel supported and connected to all that is.”
  3. “Help me nurture meaningful connections, both within and beyond myself, so that I may grow in love and wisdom.”

20 quotes that nurture your spiritual growth

Sometimes, all you need is a single phrase to get you going. And these words of wisdom, spoken by some of the world’s most extraordinary doers and thinkers, hit the mark—every time.

Let them inspire you to keep growing spiritually.

On self-mastery

  1. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle
  2. “All of your emotions are inside you. They are playing all the time, like different radio frequencies. And with practice, you can choose how to dial up the emotion that you want to feel.” — Jeffrey Allen
  3. “Your beliefs influence your experience of the world. What you expect, you get.” — Vishen
  4. “Imagine that somewhere out there in these alternate universes, there’s a version of you for everything you’ve ever wished you could be.” — Burt Goldman
  5. “We have been given this precious human incarnation in which each and every one of us is a candidate for enlightenment.” — Michael Bernard Beckwith

On interconnectedness 

  1. “When we touch the earth, we become one with it. Spirituality means we are part of the great oneness of life.” — Sadhguru
  2. “If there is a creation, there must be a creator. Effect is nothing but cause itself in a different form.” — Mahatria
  3. “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” – Rumi
  4. “A person is a person through other persons.” — Desmond Tutu
  5. “The web of life is a beautiful tapestry where every thread matters, connecting all things in harmony and purpose.” — Jeffrey Allen

On trusting the journey

  1. “The desire for perfect control, of the environment and of oneself, is based on a profound mistrust of the controller.” — Dorothy Rowe
  2. “We don’t have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to.” — Brené Brown
  3. “The beautiful thing about Spirit is that we don’t need to wait for special occasions to access our connection.” — Agapi Stassinopoulous
  4. “Sometimes, the only way to evolve is to open ourselves fully.” — Kamal Ravikant
  5. “If you don’t even know where to start, trust the process.” — Jon and Missy Butcher

On inner peace

  1. “Peace is the order of the day.” — Michael Bernard Beckwith
  2. “Happiness is your birthright. It’s part of your DNA. It’s inbuilt into you.” — Vishen
  3. “There is only one place to find real peace, real harmony. That place is within.” — Keith Ferrazzi
  4. “To be happy, you have to make peace with your past, love the present, and feel so excited about the future.” — Marisa Peer
  5. “We forget that we’re powerful beings, and we don’t need anyone to validate us.” — Neelam Verma

Expand your consciousness

The truth is, everyone and everything on Earth is divine—but in their own unique way. So, there’s no fixed path in spiritual growth, only one you must create for yourself by accepting that life is as divine as it is material. There’s no need to choose one quality over the other.

Like Rumi once said in a poem, “Pay attention to how things blend. Why talk about all the known and the unknown? See how the unknown merges into the known.”

And there’s no better starting point to do so than Jeffrey Allen’s free webinar, 4 Powerful Energy Techniques to Tap Into Your Spiritual Body. Designed for anyone seeking to align their inner and outer worlds, it offers a blueprint to help you:

  • Balance your physical and spiritual worlds
  • Master four powerful energy healing tools to keep you groundedClear all energy blocks in just seven minutes

Consider this a clarion call, if you will, to reawaken to you your inherent divinity… And reawaken you will, at Mindvalley.

Welcome in.

Images generated on Midjourney (unless otherwise noted).

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Written by

Naressa Khan

Naressa Khan is obsessed with hacking the human experience where science meets spirit and body meets soul. At Mindvalley Pulse, she dives into holistic wellness, biohacking, and trauma healing, revealing how ancient wisdom and modern science collide to transform lives. Her background in lifestyle journalism and tech content creation shaped her ability to merge storytelling with actionable insights. Her mission today? To make personal growth both profound and practical.
Jeffrey Allen, Mindvalley trainer, energy healer, and co-founder of Spirit Mind Living
Expertise by

Despite a successful career in software engineering, Jeffrey Allen felt unfulfilled. That is, until a life-changing teaching opportunity in Uganda in 2005 led him to embrace his true calling in spirituality and energy work and to help others align with their true purpose.

Today, he is a global authority on energy healing, where he helps individuals find deep happiness, love, and abundance through transformative programs like Mindvalley’s Unlocking Transcendence and Duality quests.

Agapi Stassinopoulos, Mindvalley trainer and world-renowned spiritual teacher
Expertise by

Agapi Stassinopoulos is the trainer for Mindvalley’s Speaking with Spirit Quest, which is inspired by her book SPEAKING WITH SPIRIT: 52 Prayers to Guide, Inspire, and Uplift You.

She’s often known as Arianna Huffington’s sister, but Agapi’s credentials stand on their own—she was trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and holds a master’s in psychology.

Additionally, she’s a best-selling author as well as a motivational speaker, having worked with major companies like Google and Nike. With Thrive Global, she teaches meditation and facilities workshops with the aim of transforming how people live and work.

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