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7 Inspiring Quotes by Neale Donald Walsch on the Meaning of Life

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Neale Donald Walsch quotes

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Summary: Neale Donald Walsch, the New York Times Bestselling author of Conversations with God, shares the 7 principles and characteristics of Highly Evolved Beings. Check them out with these quotes by Neale Donald Walsch.

Today’s world seems loud. Angry. Fearful. Hectic. More and more people are waking up to the fact that we as a global society cannot continue living the way we have been.

If you wonder why we keep reliving the same problems and how we can evolve as species, Neale Donald Walsch, the New York Times Bestselling author of Conversations with God and trainer of Mindvalley’s Awaken the Species Quest, received the answer.

Here are 7 quotes by Neale Donald Walsch on the principles and characteristics to help you shift from a modern human being to a Highly Evolved Being:

Highly Evolved Beings embrace principles and actions that end with the best outcomes for all. No person is left behind or looked at as a stranger. And their societies emphasize love and collaboration rather than competition or fear.

Neale Donald Walsch quote

1. You Understand There’s More to Life Than What You Can See

There are those who say that seeing is believing. I am telling you that believing is seeing.

The ultimate truth about the Universe is Unity, not separatism.

That’s the guiding principle that HEBs live their life with. We might appear in forms; see the world in objects or individuals, and often define our life by who we are (and who are not). But ultimately, we’re all part of a singular existence and consciousness.

And when you believe this, you start seeing the truth all around you: how our emotions, our actions, our beings, are woven together as part of the same tapestry.

Neale Donald Walsch quote

2. You Bring Out the Best in Others by Being Your Best

If you want the best the world has to offer, offer your best.

When you’re an HEB, you act with compassion because you genuinely believe that the success of a friend, stranger, or neighbor is your success. You’re not focused on “winning” or demonstrating your superiority to anyone.

Instead, you focus on doing what you say, staying honest, acting with compassion, working diligently, sharing, creating joy, and choosing unity over separatism and understanding over apathy. You embrace your best self — and naturally start to inspire people.

Neale Donald Walsch quote

3. You Don’t Experience Stress or Fear

Fear is an acronym in the English language for False Evidence Appearing Real.

Neale Donald Walsch has said that HEBs actually experience different psychological phenomenons because they’re able to control their emotions.

And why don’t they feel pain, stress, and fear in the same way? They understand that things aren’t going wrong, no matter what the news feeds you; they’re going perfectly. The Universe is working itself out and unveiling a plan. And when you’ve awakened, you’ll know that you don’t have to interfere; you can just be.

Neale Donald Walsch quote

4. You’re the Divine Creator of Your Existence

Life is a creation not a discovery.

Highly Evolved Beings understand that there’s not one rigid, predestined life waiting for them to discover. There’s not one true passion and purpose and vocation that the Universe wants them to have.

Rather, they understand that we are the divine creators of our own experiences. You’ve been gifted with the free will to choose your own thoughts, beliefs, actions, friends, environments, career, hobbies, and more. And if you don’t enjoy one particular path? You can change it.

Neale Donald Walsch quote

5. You Seek Opportunities to Learn and Fail

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

And where does this process of creating your life begin?

Growth only exists at the edge of our comfort zones. As humans, we often let our fear of failure keep us attached to old but comfortable habits, environments, and patterns…

But within that “risk” of failure lies the opportunity to build character, compassion, creativity, and a life that you can fully enjoy. If you don’t reach for those new heights and challenges, then you can’t evolve — and that means you’ve accepted the confines of failure instead of the liberation of adventure.

Neale Donald Walsch quote

6. You Are Deeply Grateful

There is no such thing as ‘getting to heaven.’
There is only a knowing that you are already there.
The irony is that most people think they have to leave where they are to get to where they want to be.

Most of the world experiences life in terms of lack and need. “What do I need? What do I want?” But HEBs know that lack, just like death, isn’t real.

It’s an illusion and a self-created one like that. They know that their souls are eternal, so the number one reason for the experience of scarcity — the need for survival — is no longer a problem.

And when you realize that your divine existence transcends death, it completely alters your experience of life. Suddenly, you start to appreciate all of the beauty and abundance around you because you’re no longer distracted by fear.

Neale Donald Walsch quote

7. You Value How You Do Things More Than What You Do

Your soul doesn’t care what you do for a living and when your life is over, neither will you. Your soul cares only about what you are being while you are doing whatever you are doing.

Of all the quotes by Neale Donald Walsch, we often overlook this one in our productivity-driven and label-driven society. But the Universe doesn’t care about whether you’re a yoga teacher or bus school driver. The Universe doesn’t really have a preference at all — because you are living your life the way you choose to live life.

And your soul? Your soul cares less about what you choose to do, and more about who you choose to be while doing it.

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Irina Yugay

As a former self-development and self-transcendence writer at Mindvalley, Irina uses words to transpire empowering ideas, transcendental feelings, and omniversal values. She's also an ascension coach who helps her clients grow their spiritual awareness and actualize their true nature. With a deep empirical understanding of the spiritual journey, Irina shares her insights and experiences with the readers to inspire them to transcend their limiting beliefs and achieve higher states of consciousness.
Picture of Irina Yugay

Irina Yugay

As a former self-development and self-transcendence writer at Mindvalley, Irina uses words to transpire empowering ideas, transcendental feelings, and omniversal values. She's also an ascension coach who helps her clients grow their spiritual awareness and actualize their true nature. With a deep empirical understanding of the spiritual journey, Irina shares her insights and experiences with the readers to inspire them to transcend their limiting beliefs and achieve higher states of consciousness.
Neale Donald Walsch, spiritual messenger whose Conversations with God series has deeply influenced millions worldwide
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Neale Donald Walsch is best known for his Conversations with God series. They have been translated into 37 languages, a testament to how deeply they have influenced millions worldwide.

Nearly two decades after what was thought to be the final book, Neale experienced another unexpected conversation with God. This resulted in Awaken the Species, a revelation intended to guide humanity’s next evolutionary step.

He continues to inspire and provoke significant life changes in his Awaken the Species Quest on Mindvalley, encouraging people to explore deeper spiritual connections and understandings.

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