How to raise your vibration and attract what you need

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How to raise your vibration

The entire universe is made of energy.

From your morning cup of coffee to the tiny cells inside your kidneys — all of it is made up of energy that vibrates.

So, if we are made of energy that vibrates, is there a way to learn how to raise your vibration?

There is as much in that little space within the heart as there is in the whole world outside. Heaven, earth, fire, wind, sun, moon, lightning, stars; whatever is and whatever is not, everything is there.

– Chandogya Upanishad

When we talk about “being connected,” we often think of it as an abstract concept or just another way of saying we are all human.

And while we are all connected in that sense, we are also connected to everything around us in a very real and literal sense.

These vibrations have distinct characteristics that we can sense and tune into to make it work for you. Here’s how.

What does it mean to raise your vibration?

Everything is made of energy. And based on the law of vibration, that energy is in a constant state of vibration.

Yes, even you.

So, raising your vibration, simply put, means that you are changing the rate at which your energy vibrates. And this is dependent on your emotional, mental, and physical states.

You can change your energetic vibration by changing the way you feel, think, or act.

It can be as simple as performing works of kindness and love.

Or it can be a quiet meditation you perform once a day.

There are many ways to raise your vibration. We’ll explore these further below.

Intentions as energy

Though many Eastern religions have known this for thousands of years, scientists have only recently begun to prove that our thoughts can actually alter the physical properties of objects around us.

This may sound like science fiction, but it’s a fact that’s been validated by numerous studies published in scientific journals.

One such study performed by Yung-Jong Shiah, PhD, and Dean Radin, PhD, showed that tea “treated” with good intentions actually improved the mood of those who drank it.

Participants who thought they were drinking the “treated” tea, but actually were given normal tea, experienced elevations in their mood, but not nearly as much as those who actually drank the tea. Having the knowledge that they were drinking the tea or not made no real difference in the effect.

There have been countless other studies that demonstrate the same thing—our intentions, thoughts, and words can physically alter the world around us.

Setting an intention

High vibration vs. low vibration

The positive intentions in the “tea” experiment above are what we call higher vibrational energies. The higher the vibration is, the higher its frequency and the more ethereal it becomes.

Higher vibrational frequencies actually create waves of light and transcend physical matter.

Lower vibrations, on the other hand, are heavy and related to dense matter. Just as high vibrational intentions like love, compassion, and hope can manipulate physical matter, low vibrational intentions like fear, hate, and anger can do the same.

One of the best demonstrations of this phenomenon is the Backster Effect.

Cleve Backster, an interrogation specialist for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1950s and 1960s, was one of the leading experts on the polygraph machine—popularly known as the lie detector machine.

While in his laboratory one evening, he experimented hooking up a plant to the polygraph machine, curious to see if there was any solid connection between the polygraph machine and a living plant, but to no avail. Nothing happened.

Instead, Backster burned one of the leaves of the plant to see if there was any effect. As he stood to fetch his matches, the polygraph machine began frantically reacting. The polygraph readouts matched those of a human screaming in fear.

The plant had responded to the lower vibrational intention of inflicting pain and the polygraph machine clearly sensed its reaction. Backster was able to reproduce the results of his experiment time and time again with different plants and even bacteria. His experiments demonstrate that even objects with no souls or what we deem as “consciousness” can react to our intentions.

What food has the highest vibration?

Some foods can help you raise the vibrations of your body and your energy. But, how do you know which foods to eat so that you can achieve this?

Here are a few foods and beverages that can help raise your energetic frequency:

  1. Spring water
  2. Herbal tea
  3. Honey
  4. Raw chocolate
  5. Fresh fruits
  6. Seeds
  7. Nuts
  8. Rice

How do I raise my frequency?

There are many ways in which you can raise your frequency and the vibration of your body:

  1. Crystal therapy
  2. Acupuncture
  3. Sound therapy
  4. Homeopathy
  5. Sunlight
  6. Plants

Using intention to raise your vibration

We know that our thoughts and intentions can have profound effects on the world around us.

Merely intending to do harm can make plants scream out in fear.

Sending love and energy to a warm cup of tea can actually improve the mood of someone who drinks it.

So, raising your vibration is as simple as becoming mindful of your intentions and choosing to live through compassion and love. The more you intend to live a life of kindness and compassion, the more harmonious life will become.

It isn’t just a psychological effect—the world around you will respond to your energy.

You have incredible power to shift your world and the world that others live in. You may not be able to change someone’s mind or behavior on the spot, but you can choose to live in a path of light and love, and with that type of energy, affect them in a positive way.

The result of mass high vibration

One of the most profound experiments on the power of positive intentions was conducted between 1983 and 1985.

Large groups of meditators got together and meditated on love and peace for the world. Those years saw a 72% reduction in terrorism. These experiments since then have been verified and published in a scientific journal.

Similar studies have been conducted around the world. These studies continuously prove that meditations based on love and kindness reduce crime and violence. The larger the group and the more experienced the meditators, the greater the effects.

When we collectively come together, our vibrational energies are multiplied. Whether you surround yourself with positive intentions or negative ones, the effect it has on the world around you is palpable and very real.

When you live your life with love, kindness, and compassion and you choose to surround yourself with the same energies, you aren’t just benefiting yourself, you’re benefiting the world.

Raise your vibration, transform your world

When you choose love, kindness, and compassion, you’re tapping into the power to transform your reality—and the world around you.

Ready to go even deeper into raising your vibration? Sign up for a free Mindvalley account today. You’ll instantly gain access to powerful program lessons, daily meditations, and a global community dedicated to living at a higher vibration.

Your energy matters, and the world is ready for your light.

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Written by

Irina Yugay

As a former self-development and self-transcendence writer at Mindvalley, Irina uses words to transpire empowering ideas, transcendental feelings, and omniversal values. She's also an ascension coach who helps her clients grow their spiritual awareness and actualize their true nature. With a deep empirical understanding of the spiritual journey, Irina shares her insights and experiences with the readers to inspire them to transcend their limiting beliefs and achieve higher states of consciousness.

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