9 healing meditation tracks that reboot your system and unlock your “happy” program

A man in green sits in lotus position as he experiences healing mediation

Your body is like the most advanced computer to ever exist—light-years ahead of anything Silicon Valley could imagine. 

It’s packed with mind-blowing “tech”: self-healing mechanisms, endless processing power, and the ability to adapt, grow, and evolve. 

But even the best systems can experience “glitches.” And the buggy software in your system? Stress, trauma, and those endless what ifs and what should have beens.

Over time, they drain your energy and slow everything down—and when this happens, you feel it—physically, emotionally, and mentally.

The good news? Your system isn’t broken. It just needs fine-tuning.

And here’s where healing meditation comes into play.

Geared towards healing, this modality works like a master coder to clear up those “glitches”—and restore your balance and natural state of ease and wellness.

What is healing meditation?

While regular meditation is all about restoring mind-body balance, healing meditation takes it a step further by focusing on physical, mental, and emotional recovery. 

The practice actively targets emotional wounds, physical pain, or energy imbalances during the meditative state through added features like visualization, breathwork, and sound therapy. All of these can signal your body to activate its natural healing mechanisms.

And it works.

Take it from Mindvalley’s very own founder and CEO, Vishen. He often credits healing meditation for transforming his own life. “When I was a teenager, I had severe acne,” he recalls. “It wasn’t until I combined meditation with visualization that I started seeing a massive difference in my skin.”

And he’s not alone. He often shares the story of how Marisa Peer, a hypnotherapist and founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy™, could beat cancer—twice—and recover her mobility after a car crash with this modality. “Marisa suffered from chronic pain for years,” he says. “But by using guided visualization techniques and meditative breathwork, she rewired her mind to overcome the pain and reclaimed her health.”

If Vishen and Marisa’s stories prove anything, it’s that if they can reclaim their lives through this remarkable approach, so can you.

Meditation doesn’t just help you feel good. It can literally reprogram your body for healing.

— Vishen, Mindvalley’s founder and CEO, and trainer of The 6 Phase Meditation program

The science behind healing meditation: 5 self-healing benefits

If your body’s a supercomputer, then meditation for healing is its “tech support.”

“Meditation doesn’t just help you feel good,” Vishen shares. “It can literally reprogram your body for healing.”

And the evidence from trusted sources backing up this self-healing practice is piling up through these purported benefits:

1. Reduced stress

Stress isn’t just in your head—it’s in your body too. And when it bumps up, it triggers a chain reaction of inflammation and tension.

Thankfully, meditation has been shown to reduce activity in the amygdala—that is, your brain’s stress center—and enhance your prefrontal cortex or your problem-solving agent. The outcome? Fewer freakouts and more resilience to handle life’s curveballs.

What’s more, it’s easier to anchor yourself in the present moment and be more tuned to the goodness of life—the very definition of being mindful. 

As Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the transformative Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) approach, would say, this state of mind is about “being fully awake in our lives… and perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment.” 

And when this becomes second nature? “We gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation, and healing,” Dr. Jon adds.

2. Mental resilience

Meditation changes the structure of your brain. As reported by Harvard Health Publishing, it increases grey matter in areas linked to emotional regulation and attention.

With regular practice, you get to bulk up your mental muscle by training your brain to stay present. And the biggest perk of being in the now? You can tackle daily challenges with more clarity, head-on.

“When you change your internal state by opening your heart and elevating your emotions, your body doesn’t know the difference between the experience in your mind and the external reality,”  Dr. Joe Dispenza, a healing meditation expert, New York Times best-selling author, and researcher of the mind-body connection.

3. Better pain management

Is chronic pain cramping your life? Healing meditation rewires your brain to process pain differently.

According to The Journal of Neuroscience, this practice changes your perception of pain. It reduces activity in the somatosensory cortex (the region that senses pain intensity) and amps up in the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex (the regions that help reframe pain).

This means you’re not just “tolerating” pain; you’re actually seeing it differently.

As Dr. Joe explains, “When you take your attention off the pain or trauma and place it on a new elevated emotion, like gratitude or joy, you’re signaling your brain to wire in a new experience.” 

4. Increased immunity

Feeling run down? Meditation could be the immune booster you didn’t know you needed. 

When your mind and body are relaxed, you kick inflammation down a notch. As a result, the areas of your brain that govern immune responses stand a chance to thrive

Now, imagine how much emotional and physical resilience you get to build when you meditate regularly.

Watch Vishen’s exclusive interview with Dr. Joe to unpack this benefit further:

How to Boost Your Immunity & Heal Your Body Through Meditation | Dr. Joe Dispenza

5. A more relaxed nervous system

The messy thing about cortisol—your stress hormone—is that it can wreak havoc on your nervous system when running the show for too long. You’ll know it from the way you would feel perpetually on edge in some seasons.

But thank heavens for meditation. Studies indicate that the practice, particularly when it’s sound-based, can lower cortisol, helping you relax more easily. 

Think of it as a gentle tune-up for your nervous system that simultaneously tunes down your fatigue, anxiety, and stress.

7 types of healing meditation and how to practice them effectively

Healing meditation isn’t a one-size-fits-all practice. No—it’s a wide spectrum of approaches, each offering unique support for your body and mind.

No rules here. You can get zen alone at home or with other people around in meditation classes—your pick. Either way, there’s always a style that suits your needs.

Here are some popular ones to explore:

1. Mindfulness meditation

The OG of meditation techniques, mindfulness meditation brings your focus to the present moment. By observing your thoughts, breath, or surroundings, you’ll teach your brain how to respond, and not mindlessly react, to life’s stressors.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Get comfortable. Choose a quiet place where you can be at rest without distraction.
  • Anchor your attention. Focus on your preferred mindful breathing techniques—the sensation of air entering and leaving your nostrils or the rise and fall of your chest.
  • Observe your thoughts. Let them come and go without judgment, like clouds drifting across the sky.
  • Redirect your mind when it wanders. Because it will—and when this happens, simply guide your attention back to your breath.
  • End with gratitude. Take a moment to thank yourself for showing up and being present.

2. Sound healing meditation

“What is sound healing meditation?” you ask.

The short answer is it’s a sound symphony, not only for pure enjoyment but also for energy healing purposes. 

This type of meditation piggybacks on sound vibrations emitted from instruments like Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, and even binaural beats to help your body relax more deeply.

You can experience it alone by playing a digital session online or in a group setting during physical sound bath sessions.

3. Mantra meditation

Mantra meditation is sound healing’s quieter sibling. Instead of instruments, it incorporates vocal chants or affirmations—repeated out loud or silently (in your mind).

The repetitive sounds—made with Sanskrit mantras (like om shanti, which means peace) or modern affirmations (“I am peaceful within”)—establish a rhythm that calms your mind, deepens your focus, and elevates your energy levels.

The thing is, words have power, and positive affirmations have been shown to improve how see yourself. So, this meditation style works as a mental, emotional, or spiritual pick-me-up.

4. Reiki meditation

If you’re into energy work, Reiki meditation might be your go-to. This ancient practice involves channeling energy—or qi—to balance your body’s energy centers. 

You can practice alone or with a Reiki practitioner. Either way, this meditation style helps you release pent-up frustrations and feel physically and mentally lighter as a result.

Here’s a short guide on how to do a simple solo session:

  • Sit or lie down somewhere quiet where you feel at ease.
  • Set your intention by picturing what to heal. It can be physical pain, like a headache or back pain, or a source of emotional stress, like a breakup or workplace conflict.
  • Visualize warm, healing energy entering your body, starting from the top of your head, all the way down to your toes.
  • Hover your hands over areas of your body that feel tense. Imagine healing energy flowing from your hands directly into those spots.
  • Thank yourself once you feel better and end your session.

5. Loving kindness meditation

Ready to dial up on self-compassion? Just turn to loving-kindness meditation, which encourages you to zoom in on love and goodwill—for yourself.

Not sure what to say to yourself? Combine this practice with specific self-love affirmations like:

  • “I am worthy of love and kindness.”
  • “Self-love and acceptance is my middle name.”
  • “May I be happy, healthy, and peaceful, always.”
  • “I forgive myself for all of my mistakes.”
  • “I radiate love to everyone around me.”

And once that self-love has sunk in, you then redirect it towards everyone and everything in your surroundings—yep, even strangers.

Unlike mantra meditation, which is about attention retention via a focus on repetitive sounds or phrases, loving-kindness meditation prioritizes interconnectivity. By directing your emotions outwards, beyond yourself, you learn to cultivate universal compassion.

Because when everyone heals, everyone wins.

6. The 6 Phase Meditation

Vishen’s signature approach guides you through six specific, intention-driven stages of meditation. The goal? To help you improve mental clarity, emotional well-being, and productivity.

“This meditation is like a gym workout for your mind,” Vishen says. “It’s structured to help you achieve extraordinary clarity and focus while nurturing your emotional health.”

Here’s a quick breakdown of the six phases:

  • Compassion: Here, you visualize sending love and kindness to others, from loved ones to the whole world.
  • Gratitude: Reflect on what you’re thankful for—big or small.
  • Forgiveness: Let go of grudges by forgiving yourself and others.
  • Future visioning: Picture your ideal life and imagine yourself already living it.
  • Daily intention-setting: Focus on what you want to achieve today.
  • Surrender: Release your worries to the universe, trusting the process.

It’s meditation reimagined for busy, modern lives. No fluff, just powerful results.

7. The D.I.C.C.C. technique

You can take any affirmation-based meditation to the next level with Marisa’s trademark approach called D.I.C.C.C., which stands for “Direct, Instruct, Command, Compel, and Code.” 

It leverages purposeful language to overcome limiting belief patterns—in your practice. Here’s how to reprogram your subconscious mind with the powerful mnemonic:

  • Direct your affirmation. Choose a specific phrase that represents your current intention for healing. Want to ease your panic attacks, for example? You can say, “I am calm and in control of my nervous system.”
  • Instruct your mind. Say the affirmation authoritatively, as if you’re instructing your brain.
  • Command yourself with certainty. Use a strong, positive tone to reinforce the message.
  • Compel your mind to believe it: Visualize and feel the statement in your bones, as if it’s already happening.
  • Code it into your subconscious. Repeat your affirmation consistently—daily, at the same time of the day—until it becomes second nature.

Which technique should you go for?

Choose one, choose all—the world’s your oyster. 

The beauty of healing meditation is that it’s deeply personal. Pick an approach that suits your current needs. And when life shifts, and your requirements evolve, you can always explore another type.

For instance, if you’re dealing with chronic back pain, then sound healing meditation—with its tension-reducing vibrations—might be the right choice. But if you’re looking for clarity to anchor your focus amidst daily chaos, then Vishen’s 6 Phase Meditation is the more suitable option.

No matter which type of healing meditation you choose, one thing’s for sure: you’re installing a new “software” for your mind that runs on confidence, clarity, and self-belief.

9 guided meditations for healing

Not sure where to start with healing meditation? You don’t need to look far. The Mindvalley app is your treasure trove, with over 1,000 zen soundscapes to choose from for every need.

To help you on your healing journey, here are nine standout soundscapes—handpicked for their ability to address physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

1. The 6 Phase Meditation by Vishen

This free meditation is a glimpse of all the goodness that Vishen’s signature program can bring you. It’s like the Swiss army knife of meditations, combining mindfulness, visualization, and intention-setting into one seamless practice. 

If there’s one word to sum up this meditation, it’s “versatility.” Why? Well, it’s designed to help you address and heal wounds of all kinds. Physical pain, emotional scars, or mental burnout—you name it. All while gearing you to flesh out and focus on your ultimate purpose.

Get a glimpse of Vishen’s guidance below:

The 6 Phase Guided Meditation | Vishen Lakhiani

2. Guided Meditation to Open Your Heart Up to Infinite Potential with Jeffrey Allen

You can heal your energy and unlock your true potential without first overcoming your outdated “programs”—you know, the emotional baggage you carried from childhood or past relationships. 

Whatever versions of self-doubt you’re battling, Jeffrey Allen’s here to help. In this meditation,  the energy healing extraordinaire guides you in a heart-healing meditation that taps into the reservoir of your inner self.

You can try it here:

Guided Meditation to Open Your Heart Up To Infinite Potential with Jeffrey Allen

3. Manifesting Through Chakras by Anodea Judith

Available on the Mindvalley app, this heart-opening healing meditation by energy healer Anodea Judith helps you overcome all kinds of pain by tapping into the power of your chakras, or your body’s energy centers.

Because every pain, even the bodily ones, begins as energy. And you know what they say: emotions are energy in motion.

So, healing your heart chakra—a hub for self-love and compassion—can help you overcome the emotional pain you’ve held on to.

“Love is a feeling, yes, but a feeling that is created out of action,” Anodea says. And the right step taken will reconnect you to it. Any work done to do so is, as she says, “a conscious commitment to behave in a loving and caring fashion toward ourselves and others.”

Manifesting Through Chakras by Anodea Judith
Available on the Mindvalley app

4. My Body is a Wellness Machine by Marisa Peer

Here, Marisa invites you to stop seeing your body as something to delete or fix—and start appreciating it as a finely tuned machine built to rejuvenate and optimize itself constantly. After all, it’s nature’s best supercomputer, remember?

Like the 6 Phase Meditation session, this one’s also versatile. Turn it on to combat the emotional stress, physical fatigue, or mental blocks holding you back.

My Body is a Wellness Machine by Marisa Peer
Available on the Mindvalley app

5. Heart Meditation on Intimacy with Psalm Isadora

Here’s a space where emotional wounds are rife but often overlooked: your romantic life.

“The world is starving for true intimacy, yet we’re all ashamed of that natural desire,” says Psalm Isadora, a tantra expert and trainer of Mindvalley’s Tantra Touch program. (She sadly passed away in 2017, but you can find her teachings on Mindvalley.)

Cue her guided heart-healing meditation, which helps reprogram emotional wounds that prevent you from experiencing true connection.

Try it out and see how you feel afterwards:

Tantra Sexuality Meditation for Intimacy | Psalm Isadora

6. Healing and Rejuvenating Your Body with Niraj Naik

Niraj Naik, the founder of SOMA Breath®, takes you on a healing journey like no other. “Squeeze, and let out a tone,” he would say, guiding you to access the self-healing properties of humming at some point while guiding you to experience mindful breathing.

But there’s more. You’ll also harness visualization and progressive rhythmic beats to tap into your brain and body’s natural healing mechanisms. 

This meditation is an easy go-to whenever you feel worn down by the daily grind.

Healing and Rejuvenating Your Body with Niraj Naik
Available on the Mindvalley app

7. Embodying Quantum Health by Juan Pablo Barahona

In this session, Quantum Flow and Quantum Breath creator Juan Pablo Barahona (better known as JuanPa) guides you to unlock your body’s natural healing power—on every level, from physical to spiritual and beyond.

With his calming voice, he takes you into the quantum energy field—a unified space of endless possibilities where energy becomes the key to self-healing. By combining breathwork, visualization, and intention-setting, this meditation helps you regain inner balance during challenges, big or small.

Embodying Quantum Health by Juan Pablo Barahona
Available on the Mindvalley app

8. Healing Anxiety, Stress & Trauma with Sonia Choquette

Feeling overwhelmed by the weight of past issues? Sonia Choquette’s heart-centered meditation may be the soothing balm you’re looking for.

Here, she exercises her capacity as an intuitive guide and spiritual teacher to help you release emotional tension while restoring inner peace. It’s perfect for deep trauma healing work, where easing the heaviness from prolonged stress is a top priority.

Healing Anxiety, Stress & Trauma with Sonia Choquette
Available on the Mindvalley app

9. Radiating Divine Beauty by Regan Hillyer

“Too many people never get what they desire in their lives because they never actually claim what they want,” says Regan, a serial entrepreneur, life coach, and manifesting expert.

She’s got a point—it’s a feeling many can relate to. Research shows that many Americans today feel stuck and unable to take control of their circumstances—a phenomenon psychologists call learned helplessness. And this often stems from repeated setbacks that leave you doubting your ability to change your life.

But here’s the thing: you can always change, at any time—no “glitch” is impossible to overcome. And Regan’s meditation helps you rewrite those deeply ingrained “I can’t” stories—and step into the version of you that’s confident, whole, and in control of your life.

Radiating Divine Beauty by Regan Hillyer
Available on the Mindvalley app

Real-life stories on the power of healing meditation

Healing meditation is a lifeline for many Mindvalley members. Those who swear by the 6 Phase Meditation have used it to “debug” physical, emotional, or mental hurdles—from quitting lifelong bad habits to navigating complex medical challenges. And they live to tell the tale.

See what some of them have to say about it:

1. Tony Gonzalez, former NFL athlete

This NFL legend credits Vishen’s meditation approach as a game-changer for both his physical and emotional well-being. 

“I’ve actually been meditating for almost 15 years,” he shared once to The New York Times. “When I played, it had to do with visualization of the game.” Today, he practices the 6 Phase Meditation to sustain a healthy emotional state.

His experience speaks to meditation’s versatility: not just as a tool for peak performance but also for cultivating lasting inner peace.

— Tony Gonzalez, former NFL athlete

2. Kait Turner, singer

Kait cannot thank Vishen’s teachings enough for helping her turn her life around after battling bipolar disorder. 

“One month prior to beginning my journey to reprogramming my mind and incorporating the 6 Phase Meditation into my daily morning practice, I was on a cocktail of mood stabilizers and hospitalized during a manic episode,” she shares.

Ten months later? She’s off all her medications. Today, she continues to turn to meditation to ride the waves of her moods with more ease. “I get better and better each day,” she says.

3. Kristy Longfellow, author

When she stumbled upon the 6 Phase Meditation, Kristy was at rock bottom. “Before this program, I was severely depressed, drinking daily, and in a miserable marriage,” she explains.

With nothing more to lose, she dove head-on into a routined meditation practice, which she’s quick to call her “beautiful distraction” when asked to recall her story.

Well, not only did Kristy overcome her issues, but she also resumed pursuing her dreams of publishing a book. Today, she’s the proud author of Messy Miracles, a non-fiction title that draws from her life experiences to help women overcome their life challenges and heal.

4. John Piwoski, sales manager

For John, healing meditation became his anchor during one of life’s most challenging seasons: caring for his wife of 51 years, who was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and lymphoma.

“With this [practice] as a backdrop, I found three significant takeaways that gave me strength,” John shares. These takeaways are: forgiveness, a three-year life plan around his wife’s quality of life, and reliance on a higher power.

Vishen’s guidance gave John the emotional resilience to stay grounded and hopeful. “Her progress has been amazing and constantly improving,” he shares, as he reflects on how being mindful ultimately enabled him to show up fully for his wife.

John’s journey proves that with your head in the right place, you can make the most of life, no matter what comes your way.

Unlock your brilliance within

“Meditation doesn’t just help you heal; it helps you remember your full potential,” says Vishen. 

And with The 6 Phase Meditation program, you can tap into this inner reserve daily to “reboot” your operating system and replace old programs with new, uplifting ones.

By signing up for a free Mindvalley account, you’ll unlock a free seven-day program on the 6 Phase Meditation. Expect to:

  • Build emotional resilience to handle life’s toughest challenges,
  • Cultivate clarity, focus, and intention for your goals,
  • Strengthen your connection to yourself and others,
  • Foster a sense of inner peace, regardless of external circumstances,
  • And more.

With Mindvalley, you can reclaim and embody your “main user mode,” reimagine what’s possible for your life and heal yourself.

You see, the healing process begins from within. And the “command prompt” to a far more fulfilling, peaceful life awaits you on the other side of the decision you could make today.

Welcome in. 

Images generated on Midjourney (unless otherwise noted).

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Discover How Today’s Best Athletes, Artists, and CEOs Use This Hyper-Optimized Practice to Perform Like Superhumans, and Achieve the Impossible in Minutes a Day

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Written by

Naressa Khan

Naressa’s journey has taken her from the world of luxury lifestyle journalism to user-driven content creation in health and industrial tech. Now at Mindvalley, she weaves together her diverse experiences to explore her biggest passion: where spirit meets science and mind meets body.
Vishen, founder and CEO of Mindvalley
Expertise by

Vishen is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, The New York Times best-selling author, and founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a global education movement with millions of students worldwide. He is the creator of Mindvalley Quests, A-Fest, Mindvalley University, and various other platforms to help shape lives in the field of personal transformation.

Vishen led Mindvalley to enter and train Fortune 500 companies, governments, the UN, and millions of people around the world. His work in personal growth also extends to the public sector as a speaker and activist working to evolve the core systems that influence our lives—including education, work culture, politics, and well-being.

Marisa Peer, Mindvalley trainer, UK's #1 Therapist, and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy
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Voted the United Kingdom’s #1 therapist by Tatler, Marisa Peer has spent 25 years coaching a diverse range of clients, including royalty, rock stars, celebrities, Olympic athletes, political leaders, and CEOs.

She specializes in Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy™, a technique that quickly reshapes thinking and achieves significant life changes, often in just one or two sessions.

Her Mindvalley quests, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance and Uncompromised Life, are perfect opportunities for one to resolve their past issues, remove personal limitations, and expand their capacity for abundance, especially in health, wealth, and love.

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