Quantum healing: 5 expert-backed ways to unlock mind-body-soul balance

A woman meditates with eyes closed at a Mindvalley University event in 2024
Updated on December 5, 2024
Updated on Dec 5, 2024

Do you ever feel stuck in the same emotional cycles no matter how much you journal, meditate, or pour your heart into affirmations? Those invisible patterns—self-doubt, fear, or old wounds—seem to loop endlessly, keeping you from moving forward.

At some point, it’s natural to wonder, “Why can’t I break free from this?”

What if the answer isn’t more external effort to add to your plate but a new perspective? Quantum healing can offer you a way to release those emotional blocks holding you back.

This out-of-the-box approach invites you to understand the connection between your energy, emotions, and quality of life. And when you do, you’re beckoned to address your pain points by imagining yourself already healed and thriving… because that version of you already exists.

What is quantum healing?

Quantum healing is about tapping into your body’s energy to clear physical, emotional, and mental blocks. It’s the energy connected to alternate versions of yourself that are already healed, thriving, and living a great life.

If you’re ill or in any pain, then it is recommended that you use quantum healing because so many people, at some time in their lives, do go through a trying period,” says Burt Goldman, the creator of quantum jumping, in his Mindvalley Quest, Quantum Jumping.

The roots of this idea trace back to psychologist Émile Coué, a pioneer in self-healing who believed that imagination and intent play a vital role in the healing process. His famous mantra, “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better,” reflects the power of autosuggestion—a principle quantum healing builds upon to activate the body’s innate ability to recover.

Let’s say you woke up feeling physically drained, emotionally blocked, or mentally foggy. Quantum healing allows you to shift that energy by connecting to a version of yourself that has already overcome these challenges.

Think of it like Doctor Strange tapping into the multiverse to solve problems or Evelyn in Everything Everywhere All At Once unlocking her full potential by accessing alternate versions of herself. Both draw strength and skills from these alternate realities to create change—and quantum healing works much the same way, but on an energetic level.

How does it work?

Think of your body and mind as a giant Wi-Fi network, where everything—your thoughts, emotions, and even your cells—is interconnected by energy (also known as prana or qi in ancient Eastern traditions).

This idea brings the worlds of quantum physics and spirituality together, suggesting that at the tiniest level, particles aren’t solid but waves of energy. In principle, they’re constantly shifting and interacting with each other as they shape reality through your beliefs about life.

The science of quantum healing lies first in visualization, where research shows that it can help overcome stress, anxiety, and depression amidst difficulties. So, by vividly imagining your desired outcome—whether it’s emotional clarity, physical healing, or mental balance—you activate your brain’s natural ability to boost your overall well-being.

“When the will and the imagination were in conflict, imagination would invariably win. And so if you wanted to be healed, but your imagination was telling you it was useless, unless you got your imagination working with you, you were doomed to be ill,” Burt says. “Quantum jumping does take that into consideration because what we do is work with your imagination.”

Another critical aspect of quantum healing is breathing. Controlled breathing, for one, is scientifically shown to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and enhancing energy flow throughout the body. This raised energy level supports the alignment needed for visualization to work its magic, amplifying the healing process.

So, in short? Quantum healing is your mind’s way of telling reality: “Watch this.” 

5 quantum healing techniques to try

In an infinite universe, whatever can be imagined is somewhere,” Burt says. And quantum healing can help you tap into the outcomes you want that already exist.

To do so, there are various quantum energy healing hacks you can turn to:

1. Manifestation

Manifestation leverages the law of attraction to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with what you want to achieve. In the context of quantum healing, it primes you to zero in on the vibration of your desired reality so you naturally draw it into your life. 

What you’re doing is visualizing meeting alternate versions of yourself. You’re using that daydreaming mechanism.

Burt Goldman, trainer of Mindvalley’s Quantum Jumping Quest

For example, if you want to live a financially free life, you must embody the energy, mindset, and life choices of the “you” that’s already in that reality.

This method works because thoughts and emotions carry energy, and focusing them on a positive outcome amplifies your ability to bring that vision into being. This principle aligns closely with quantum physics, which shows how observation can influence reality.

Take it from Burt, who sees quantum jumping as a powerful form of manifestation—which accelerates quantum healing.

“What you’re doing is visualizing meeting alternate versions of yourself. You’re using that daydreaming mechanism,” Burt says. “Doing this helps expand your possibility filter, which is the subconscious block in your mind that stops you from achieving and being more than you are.”

So, by visualizing alternate versions of yourself already living in a healed state, you align your thoughts and energy with that outcome. 

How to do it:

  • Set your intention. Think of a goal, like mastering a skill or achieving personal growth.
  • Visualize the “quantum door.” Picture a door labeled with your name. Imagine stepping through it into a reality where your goal is already achieved.
  • Interact with your alternate self. See yourself as that version—notice how that alternate you would act, think, and feel.
  • Anchor the energy. Bring back the skills, confidence, or mindset of your alternate self as you finish your visualization.

2. Quantum healing meditation

Meditation is a core component of quantum healing because, with it, you quiet your mind and focus your intent. When your body relaxes deeply, it sets the stage for healing to happen through visualization.

By vividly picturing a desired outcome, you activate your brain’s ability to form new pathways—a process called neuroplasticity. As explained in Martin L. Rossman’s book Guided Imagery for Self-Healing, focused mental imagery can engage the brain in ways that promote relaxation and recovery, accelerating emotional and physical healing. 

So, if you’re burning out from juggling too many deadlines, quantum healing meditation can help you access the relief you’ll get from picturing yourself already calm, focused, and recharged.

How to do it:

  • Find your space. Sit in a quiet, comfortable spot where you won’t be interrupted.
  • Focus on your breath. Inhale deeply for four counts, hold for four, and exhale for six.
  • Visualize healing energy. Imagine your desired state of relaxation already achieved—and a glowing light entering your body, dissolving stress and blockages.
  • Anchor the feeling. Imagine living in this state for the rest of the day.
  • Use guided meditations on apps like Mindvalley that hone in on visualization and imagined outcomes.

3. Reiki

For those who are unfamiliar, let’s answer the frequently asked question: What is reiki

This ancient practice is rooted in the idea of channeling universal energy, or qi, to clear blockages and restore balance. Since reiki is found to alleviate pain, it’s no wonder why many people would turn to it to heal themselves. 

Whether guided by a practitioner or self-administered, reiki works by helping your energy flow freely, creating the conditions for the body to support emotional and physical healing.

What does this practice have to do with quantum healing?

At large, it’s based on the premise that your inner energy is connected to the universe’s own unlimited reserve. Believing that you can access this energy pool allows you to use it to release stuck emotions or tension while aligning your mind and body with balance and well-being. 

How to do it:

  • Prepare your space. Find a calm area where you can sit or lie down comfortably.
  • Focus on your breath. Take slow, deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Channel energy. Place your hands gently over your heart, stomach, or any tense area, and imagine universal energy flowing through them.
  • Visualize balance. Picture light clearing out these energy blockages.
  • Relax and reflect. Take a moment to notice how your body and mind feel post-clearing.

4. Breathwork

If tapping into alternate versions of yourself is a form of receiving spiritual guidance, then breathwork is your fuel to get there.

And there are many mindful breathing techniques to try out. But if you’re new to quantum healing and you’ve not experienced controlling breathing, then it’s good to keep it simple and build your capability over time from there.

How to do it: 

  • Start small. Inhale for four counts, hold for another four, and then exhale for six. Repeat this cycle for several minutes.
  • Add on your intention. As you breathe, imagine drawing in healing energy with each inhale and releasing stress, tension, or blockages with each exhale.
  • Get creative with visualization. Picture a beam of light flowing through your body and clearing all areas with tension as you navigate your breathwork.

5. Creative visualization

This technique is how you really hone in on the magic of transformation—and you can apply it to any goal you seek to achieve.

So, if you’re preparing for a big event, visualize yourself on stage, speaking confidently and captivating your audience. And if you want to improve your physical health, picture yourself running effortlessly or feeling vibrant and energized.

The sky’s really the limit. “Your imagination is your most powerful tool. You can be anywhere you want to be, do anything you want to do if you let your mind take you there,” Burt says.

How to do it:

  • Tap into a meditative state. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and relax your body with deep, rhythmic breathing.
  • Picture your goals in vivid detail. Engage your senses—imagine the sights, sounds, and feelings associated with achieving your goal.
  • Feel all emerging emotions. Let yourself fully experience the joy, confidence, or peace of achieving your desired goal.
  • Repeat the process regularly. The more often you visualize, the stronger the connection between your thoughts and reality becomes.
A man meditates with eyes closed at a Mindvalley University event in 2024

How to do quantum healing in 5 steps

The beauty of quantum healing lies in its simplicity. Instead of complex tools, it only requires your willingness to connect with your energy from the seat of your imagination.

Here’s a step-by-step guide based on Burt’s quantum jumping techniques:

1. Set your intention

Every journey begins with clarity. 

Identify what you want to heal—whether it’s emotional balance, physical recovery, or mental clarity. Your intention serves as a compass guiding your energy and imagination to achieve the outcome you want.

If you’re not sure where to start, this is what Burt advises: “Think about this for a second: if you could connect with an alternate version of yourself who’s living your childhood dreams at this very moment, what’s the one question you’d ask them?”

The perspective you’d gain from here can help you uncover what you truly want to work on.

Additionally, you can use affirmations to “carry” your intention, such as “I want to release feelings of worry and cultivate calm resilience” or “I welcome clarity and focus into my mind.”

2. Create your healing space

Your environment influences how you focus. Find a quiet, comfortable spot where you feel at ease and won’t be interrupted.

It doesn’t have to be fancy. A chair in your room, a cozy corner, or even your car (when parked, of course) will do. The goal is to create an atmosphere where you can relax and turn your attention inward.

As Burt has said before, “The right setting is like a blank canvas for your mind—it lets your imagination roam free.”

3. Deepen your meditative state

A deeper meditative state allows your mind and body to relax fully, creating the ideal conditions for healing and transformation. When your subconscious is calm and open, it becomes more receptive to positive suggestions.

Here’s a simple three-step visualization process to help you deepen your focus:

  • Breathe deeply. Inhale, and as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number “3” three times.
  • Repeat the process with the number “2,” then “1,” progressively calming your mind and body as you go along.
  • Imagine stepping into a hallway with a “quantum door” before you, ready to connect with a healing space.

4. Visualize your desired outcome

Beyond the imagined quantum door is a universe where your healing goal is already achieved. Once you’ve stepped into it, imagine yourself in this new reality, embodying your healthiest and most balanced self. What does he or she look like? 

As Émile would narrate when working with autosuggestions, “A veritable storm of energies fly out into the ether to seek out a like energy to manifest.” 

So, this vivid visualization phase is about you rolling the dice—by matching your energy to the version of you that you’re ready to step into.

5. Keep your energy anchored

Applying autosuggestions to your process helps you replace limiting thoughts with empowering beliefs required to achieve your goals. After all, there’s nothing quite like positive words to prime your mind to focus on progress and possibilities. 

Here’s how to use them effectively:

  • Repeat affirmations regularly. Say them three times a day—morning, midday, and evening—for consistent reinforcement. Remember Émile’s timeless mantra earlier? It’s a powerful example, but you can also use any you’d like. 
  • Engage your imagination. Visualize light or energy radiating through your body as you say each affirmation, reinforcing the connection between your intent and energy.

Whenever those nagging doubts surface, just remember: what you desire is already yours to have. As Burt reminds us all in his Quest, “Anything you can imagine, you can bring into your life. It starts with belief.”

BONUS: Quantum healing hypnosis transcript

Quantum healing hypnosis is where intention meets action. 

It works by combining visualization and the law of attraction so your thoughts and energy can become a powerful fuel for transformation. This approach is central to quantum jumping (or quantum leaping), helping you connect with the healed, thriving versions of yourself.

So, what does it look like in practice? Here’s a hypnosis transcript for you to get started, inspired by Burt’s teachings:

“Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Imagine yourself standing in a long hallway with endless doors. Each door represents a version of you—one for every possibility you can imagine.

Choose a door labeled with your name and step through. On the other side is a bright, welcoming room filled with an energy that feels warm and healing.

In the center of the room stands the most advanced healer imaginable. Watch as they take an energy rod and wave it gently over your body, dissolving any blockages and tension.

Feel the flow of energy return to its natural state as your body and mind feel lighter, clearer, and whole.

Before you leave, thank the healer and carry this renewed energy with you as you step back into your day.”

This guided visualization practice activates your imagination, turning intent into action and energy into a liveable reality in your life—one quantum jump at a time.

Frequently asked questions

What are some benefits of quantum healing?

Quantum healing isn’t just about feeling better—it’s about thriving. And the benefits that you’ll reap span three ways:

  • Physically: It can help reduce stress and ease lingering tension in your body, creating space for better rest, recovery, and even fitness. By aligning your energy with optimal health, you may find your body operating with more ease and vitality.
  • Mentally: It sharpens your focus and unlocks your creativity, helping you align with the steps needed to become the version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be.
  • Emotionally: It fosters clarity, balance, and resilience, empowering you to navigate life’s challenges while staying grounded in your purpose and inner peace.

With these three dimensions balanced, it’s easier to step into a life that feels aligned, purposeful, and limitless.

Helping others while helping yourself

Quantum healing doesn’t stop with you—it can ripple outward, impacting the people and even animals you care about most.

Take Harriet Trejo, one of Burt’s students, who used quantum healing to help her beloved dog, Wolfie, recover from an unexplained illness. Instead of resigning to sadness over his condition, Harriet decided to meditate on it.

As she did so, she visualized stepping into a universe where the world’s greatest veterinarian had healed her pet. And what do you know? Wolfie’s condition remarkably improved the next day.

“The idea behind the healing jump is to go to a universe where the healers are so advanced, they just wave an energy rod over the problem area of the person, and that’s it,” Burt explains. And as Harriet’s story highlights, this practice can influence not just your own well-being but the timelines of others around you.

Is quantum healing safe?

In short, yes. Quantum healing works with the natural mechanisms of your mind and body. Unlike conventional treatments, it doesn’t involve physical interventions but instead focuses on visualization, intent, and energy alignment to create space to heal.

For example, if you’re managing stress or healing from an injury, you can visualize yourself calm during a high-stakes moment or pain-free and fully recovered. Or, if you’re working toward a professional or personal goal, you can leverage the steps of quantum healing to sharpen your focus and align your thoughts with the reality of success.

That said, quantum healing isn’t meant to replace traditional medicine, as it’s more about turning to your imagination and intuition to enhance your well-being. As Burt emphasizes in his Quest, “alternate healing methods such as quantum healing should only be used as an adjunct to medical care.”

How can you learn quantum healing?

Quantum healing isn’t something you have to study day in, day out, for hours on end. Instead, it boils down to leveraging what you already have—imagination and intent—in a manageable way.

And here’s where you can begin:

  • Start small with guided support. Burt’s Mindvalley Quest, for one, provides practical exercises to ease you into the process, teaching you how to blend meditation, visualization, and energy alignment in bite-sized steps. 
  • Commit to consistency. Whether it’s a 10-minute morning visualization or a nightly meditation, the practice grows stronger the more you engage with it. 
  • Tailor the techniques to your goals. By dialing up your imagination to meet your goals as precisely as possible, you create a path for change that feels authentically transformative.

Unlock your brilliance within

Quantum healing ultimately creates that bridge between all parts of yourself.

In a universe of infinite possibilities, there are “copies” of you already thriving—overcoming challenges, achieving goals, and living the life you’ve only imagined. These realities are closer than you think, ready for you to access and align with.

And when you need support to unlock your potential this way, you can sign up for a free Mindvalley account and access the first few lessons of the Quantum Jumping Quest with Burt Goldman. 

Here, you’ll learn how to:

  • Tap into your natural intuition,
  • Set goals that align with your highest potential,
  • Manifest dreams you once thought unreachable, and
  • Heal emotionally, physically, and mentally.

Countless people have witnessed extraordinary transformations, like Shirley Williams, a Mindvalley member from the United States. 

After a near-death experience, she found herself naturally shifting into parallel universes to create her ideal life. “No book or course could explain the source of this ability,” she shares, “until I found Quantum Jumping. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge, Burt. You’ve given me a set of tools that I can already see working in exponential ways.”

If Shirley can embrace the power of infinity to heal, so can you—and it begins at Mindvalley.

Welcome in.

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Quantum Jumping With Burt Goldman

Based on the work of the late mind science pioneer Burt Goldman, Quantum Jumping is an advanced visualization method like no other. Harness your mind to meet alternate versions of you in the multiverse: and embody the wisdom, abilities, and inspiration you need to design your ultimate realityGet started for free

Written by

Naressa Khan

Naressa’s journey has taken her from the world of luxury lifestyle journalism to user-driven content creation in health and industrial tech. Now at Mindvalley, she weaves together her diverse experiences to explore her biggest passion: where spirit meets science and mind meets body.
Burt Goldman, trainer of Mindvalley's Quantum Jumping Quest
Expertise by

The late Burt Goldman had an extensive 50-year career as a highly sought-after meditation master and mind-power expert.

As a student of Paramahansa Yogananda and José Silva, Burt became the world’s leading instructor of The Silva Method, which revolutionized personal growth for millions. He also authored best-selling books and created transformative programs—his most famous one being Quantum Jumping, which helped him master new skills like painting and entrepreneurship even in his 80s.

In 2014, he launched the Quantum Jumping Quest with Mindvalley, reaching over 70,000 participants worldwide. Although he passed away in 2020, Mindvalley has reintroduced the program, keeping his legacy alive.

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How we reviewed this article
Mindvalley is committed to providing reliable and trustworthy content. We rely heavily on evidence-based sources, including peer-reviewed studies and insights from recognized experts in various personal growth fields. Our goal is to keep the information we share both current and factual. To learn more about our dedication to reliable reporting, you can read our detailed editorial standards.


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