5 top mindset courses at Mindvalley to level up your state of mind

A happy woman with a growth mindset sitting an office

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Summary: Mindset courses can provide you with ways to adopt a more positive attitude. Explore the top five at Mindvalley that can transform your outlook on life.

If you’ve ever watched Role Models, you’re likely familiar with the coffee shop scene where Paul Rudd’s character, Danny, lashes out at the barista about the coffee cup sizes. 

‘Large’ is large,” he rants. “In fact, ‘tall’ is large, and ‘grande’ is Spanish for large. Venti is the only one that doesn’t mean large. It’s also the only one that’s Italian. Congratulations! You’re stupid in three languages.”

It sounds like Danny could benefit from Mindvalley’s mindset courses. From achieving one’s most audacious goals to overcoming limiting beliefs about money to shattering self-doubts, they’re designed to reshape one’s entire outlook on life.

So if you’re resonating with Danny, where you’ve “lost the ability to take any joy in life,” perhaps you can explore these courses, too. The great part of these top five at Mindvalley is, you’ll not only learn new skills but also have a sense of purpose, newly found confidence, and a clear vision of how you’d like your life to be.

Reconstructing Reality masterclass

If there’s one thing Vishen, the founder of Mindvalley and trainer of this masterclass, wants you to know, it’s this:

This is not a personal development class. This is a personal disruption class.”

But what does “reconstructing reality” even mean? Simply put, it’s making choices using your intuition and creating opportunities that elevate you to your fullest potential.

You see, there are four levels of personal growth. And many tools available to the masses only target those in Levels 1 and 2.

What Vishen will show you in this free masterclass is how to get to Levels 3 and 4. “This,” he says, “is where true power exists.”

Course duration: 1 hour 9 minutes

What you’ll learn:

  • How to find out what level of consciousness you’re currently at.
  • Vishen’s framework to shape the world according to your thoughts.
  • The transformational “mind hack” to rise above adversity in wealth, career, health, and relationships.
  • Seven things that can happen when you expand your consciousness.
  • How to get the universe on your side for good fortune, opportunities, and synchronicities.

About the trainer: Through Mindvalley, Vishen has spent the better part of the last 15 years reimagining the human experience and helping people discover the best version of themselves through science-backed methods. His work can also be found in his best-sellers, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, The Buddha and the Badass, and The 6 Phase Meditation.

What the students are saying: Grand Slam winner Bianca Andreescu is a graduate of Vishen Lakhiani’s Be Extraordinary program in 2018. Earlier that year, Bianca had also tweeted, “Had an amazing experience at the Be Extraordinary Seminar in Downtown Toronto yesterday. One day, I would love to be part of this incredible team. What Mindvalley is doing for humanity is what we needed a long time ago. Respect.”

The 3 Keys To Transformative Learning With Vishen Lakhiani | Mindvalley Masterclass Trailer

Mastering the Growth Mindset Quest—free class

The topic of a growth mindset is on many people’s radar, mainly thanks to psychologist Carol Dweck. Her research has found that such dynamic thinking allows you to…

  • Overcome adversities better,
  • Think outside the box,
  • Have stronger, more supportive relationships,
  • Stronger sense of self-worth, and
  • Less stress and anxiety.

The great thing is, this trait is learnable. And one of the top growth mindset courses out there happens to be at Mindvalley with Vishen.

The most important thing in life is not your business,” he says. “It’s not even your family. It’s not even your health. The most important thing in life is: Are you growing?

If you’d like to learn how to, sign up for a free Mindvalley account, and you can get a sneak peek at the first few classes. It’ll allow you to get a glimpse of how truly transformative having a growth mindset can be.

Course duration: 1 hour 24 minutes

What you’ll learn:

  • How to transform your mindset for lasting change.
  • Ways to overcome self-doubt so you can take bold actions toward your dreams.
  • Techniques for better goal-setting to create a life vision that’s crystal clear.
  • Methods to rewire your brain with empowering narratives and convictions.
  • How to upgrade your habits and behaviors for extraordinary levels of success.

About the trainer: The visionary behind Mindvalley, Vishen’s life mission is to help transform a billion lives through personal growth education. With a background in engineering and meditation, his innovative approach has redefined how people think about human potential and experience.

What students are saying:This Quest has left me absolutely mindblown with its simplicity, captivating storytelling, and the unparalleled mastery of Vishen, one of the greatest teachers on mindset. I am convinced that this quest will become a mandatory program in schools, and I truly hope it does.” — Dijana Llugolli, coach; Stockholm, Sweden

Mastering The Growth Mindset | Official Trailer

The Japanese Art of Healing Your Money Wounds masterclass

Chances are, you’ve heard these phrases before:

Money is the root of all evil.”

We can’t afford it.” “

Some people are lucky to be born rich.”

There are hundreds of them (and probably phrased in different ways), but with the same message: having money, like that of financial freedom, is often out of reach.

But Ken Honda, the author of the best-seller, Happy Money, disagrees with that limiting belief. “Unless you have a mindset of peace and prosperity around money,” he says, having a lot of it won’t take you anywhere.”

What can you do to undo this way of thinking? For starters, make peace with your money so you can embrace abundance with ease.

So whether you’re struggling with financial stress or simply want to improve your money habits, this free masterclass is a must for anyone interested in money mindset courses.

Course duration: 1 hour 6 minutes

What you’ll learn:

  • How to identify the seven limiting money beliefs that are holding you back.
  • The three key traits that self-made millionaires, like Ken, trust.
  • Strategies to balance money IQ and money EQ for long-term financial health.
  • Methods to heal your money wounds and overcome financial fears.
  • How to adopt the “abundance on demand” mindset.

About the trainer: Mentored by Wahei Takeda, a.k.a., Japan’s Warren Buffet, Ken Honda is on a mission to spread the understanding of money EQ. His best-sellers, which include Happy Money and True Wealth, combine wisdom and practical advice to help people cultivate a more positive relationship with wealth.

What students are saying:I have been trying to increase my salary by 100% since 2021 but couldn’t see a way through it. After listening to Ken and Dr. Scott on the matter, I was able to expand my money consciousness, and I have been receiving job offers of 50% more than I am currently earning.” — Wadi Loango, criminal investigator; London, U.K.

The Japanese Art Of Healing Your Money Wounds With Ken Honda | Mindvalley Trailer

UNSHAKEABLE: From Self-Doubt to Self-Determination Quest—free class

It’s likely you’ve heard it before—that voice in your head that tries to convince you that you’re not good enough, beautiful enough, smart enough, funny enough, and a million other limiting beliefs.

That is self-doubt.

Sometimes, it’s so tiny, it’s barely a whisper. Other times, it’s like it’s yelling into a bullhorn. But one thing is for sure: it’s sure darn persistent.

There’s a high percentage of women—75%, to be exact—who experience feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt in the workplace. Men, too, experience it, but not as much as women.

The key to creating a life you love and living it to the fullest is not the absence of self-doubt,” says Shadé Zahrai, a Harvard-trained executive coach. “Rather, it’s overcoming it and operating from a place of unshakable self-determination.”

Her Mindvalley Quest with her partner, Fayçal Sekkouah, can help you turn your inner critic into your personal cheerleader. So sign up for a free Mindvalley account to unlock the first few classes and discover the confidence you’ve had in yourself all along.

Course duration: 3 hours 24 minutes

What you’ll learn:

  • Cognitive mapping techniques to identify and eliminate self-doubt.
  • Key habits to enhance your resilience and emotional regulation.
  • Methods to improve your self-esteem and embrace your true potential.
  • Ways to rewire your brain for unwavering belief in yourself.
  • How to achieve goals effortlessly with unshakable confidence.

About the trainers: Shadé Zahrai is a global peak performance educator and “leadership alchemist. Fayçal Sekkouah is the director at Influenceo Global, a leadership development, consulting, and research firm. Together, they blend research with actionable strategies to empower future entrepreneurs with insights to accelerate their success.

What students are saying:While I have engaged in significant self-work in recent years, I have never delved so deeply into the topic of self-doubt. This quest has brought forth a wealth of emotions, and the work involved in it felt truly amazing.” — Leandra Valente Oliveira, project manager; Zürich, Switzerland

UNSHAKEABLE: From Self-Doubt to Self-Determination | Shadé Zahrai & Fayçal Sekkouah

The Champion Mindset Quest—free class

There are mindset training courses. And then, there are mindset training courses for champions.

As you may be aware, athletes have this great ability to push themselves past their limiting beliefs and into greatness. But, according to Florencia Andrés, a mindset coach to elite athletes and renowned sports teams, it’s not because of their circumstances or inborn talent. It’s their mindset.

When you have a winning mindset, you can achieve anything you want in life,” she explains. And in her Mindvalley Quest, The Champion Mindset, you’ll learn how to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

So stop letting your negative thinking be the thing that blocks you from achieving your boldest dreams. “Enough is enough,” as Florencia says. It’s time to go from playing it safe to playing to win, like a champion.

Course duration: 2 hours 38 minutes

What you’ll learn:

  • Mental strategies to conquer your fears and challenges.
  • How to bolster positive thinking and build rock-solid confidence.
  • Daily routines that can help propel you to achieve your goals faster.
  • How to be more resilient and have more grit.
  • How to cultivate authentic motivation so you’ll consistently keep on the path toward your dream.

About the trainer: “The Female Tony Robbins”—that’s the title Vishen gave Florencia Andrés, and with good reason. This international mindset trainer is known for her dynamic motivational speaking and coaching techniques. Her expertise resonates with top-level executives, entrepreneurs, and elite athletes, helping them transform their performance and mindset into that of champions.

What students are saying: 

The program’s approach, especially the technique of writing letters to my future self, transformed my perspective. I’ve gained confidence and actionable insights into how a powerful mindset can influence achievements.” — Muhammed Salahudeen, information technology director; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The Champion Mindset | Quest Trailer

Frequently asked questions

How can mindset courses help me?

According to Dr. Dweck, when you have a growth mindset, you’re more open to change, you have the courage to take risks, and you’re able to see failure as a learning opportunity.

Through these mindset courses, you can learn to…

  • Replace negative thinking with positive thinking,
  • Be more resilient in times of adversity, and
  • Boost your confidence.

 As Vishen says, “You are literally bending reality every single day with your thoughts. So watch what you think.”

What are some of the benefits of taking a mindset course?

Changing your circumstances first starts with changing how you see yourself, how you perceive your life, and how you view the world around you.

It’s no easy feat to do it without guidance, of course. That’s where mindset courses, like those at Mindvalley, can be of help.

They’re designed specifically to…

  • Provide you with a systematic approach so you can develop sustainable habits.
  • Help you set and achieve goals more effectively.
  • Enhance your resilience with science-backed methods.
  • Help you build stronger personal and professional relationships.
  • Boost your ability to be more productive, more creative, and more adaptable to whatever life may throw at you.

What’s more, not only will you get guidance from trainers who’ve been where you are, but you’ll also be surrounded by others who may relate to what you’re going through. You’re never alone when it comes to personal growth, because when you decide to open up to the possibility of your potential, you attract others who can help lift you through your journey.

How can I choose the right mindset course for me?

Life isn’t about “one size fits all.” What may resonate with one person may not resonate with you. That’s why there are various Mindvalley mindset courses for you to choose from.

But which one do you start with? And how do you know it’s for you?

Here are a few steps you can take to narrow it down:

  1. Start by identifying what you want to achieve by taking a mindset course.
  2. Look for courses that match your goals. For example, if it’s boosting confidence, then explore the UNSHAKEABLE: From Self-Doubt to Self-Determination Quest. Or if it’s about improving how you see money, then look into The Japanese Art of Healing Your Money Wounds masterclass.
  3. Research the trainers and their backgrounds. Do they have the expertise and experience to guide you? Additionally, you can watch the trailers for the mindset courses so you can get a glimpse of the trainer’s style.
  4. Read reviews and testimonials. Mindvalley has thousands of stories from members who’ve gone through the courses, so you can get a better idea of how transformative the lessons can be.
  5. Take advantage of these five free courses. Granted, some are intro courses to the actual Mindvalley Quest, while others offer previews of the Quest itself. Regardless, they allow you to get a feel for the course before fully committing as a member.

Great change starts here

Imagine if Danny had taken these mindset courses in Role Models. Granted, it wouldn’t be the comedy that it is. But something wonderful did happen when he allowed himself to see the bigger picture—he found out that he was more powerful than he ever thought he could be.

If the mind is so powerful that it can actually change health based on a changed perspective,” says Vishen, “imagine what that could mean about the mind’s power to control our mood, our self-confidence, our happiness, and everything else that determines the quality of our time here on Earth.”

And that’s a major possibility when you join his Reconstructing Reality masterclass. While it’s a prelude to the Be Extraordinary Quest, it still packs a punch.

With Vishen’s guidance, you’ll learn how to access your higher states of consciousness so that you can make what once seemed impossible possible. Much like Bianca Andreescu. Or Matthew Russell of Cheat Codes. Or even Zephyr Khambatta, a musician from Singapore, who says:

Now, my life is fulfilling, active, and out of the slump it was in. I have all the tools and peace of mind I need to live it bang on track and on purpose. Is it too bold to say you helped me boost my walk out of my Dark Night of the Soul period into flight? I think not. NOW I HAVE A MISSION, NOT A CAREER!

You, too, can step into your greatness. You, too, can be extraordinary. 

Welcome in.

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Bend Reality and Rapidly Achieve Even Your Most Audacious Goals With Mindvalley's Founder, Vishen

Whether it’s a chance you want to see in the world or a problem you want to solve, discover in this free masterclass how to access higher states of consciousness and make the impossible possibleEnroll for free

Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Picture of Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Shade Zahrai, Mindvalley trainer, award-winning leadership strategist, and Harvard-trained coach
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Shadé Zahrai is a global peak performance educator and “leadership alchemist” with a knack for blending research, best practices, and moral underpinnings into actionable strategies that supercharge success.

As a Harvard-trained executive coach who consults Fortune 500s around the world, she has been featured in The New York Times, Yahoo! Finance, Vice, Forbes, and TED with over 100 million views

Shadé’s mission is to help people get unstuck and confidently take charge of their lives and careers with ease and simplicity. And she can be found doing so alongside her partner, Fayçal Sekkouah, in the UNSHAKEABLE: From Self-Doubt to Self-Determination Quest on Mindvalley.

Florencia Andres, Mindvalley trainer, online business coach, and founder of Easy Launch Academy
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Florencia Andrés, a.k.a., “The Female Tony Robbins,” is a powerhouse in motivational speaking and coaching. She has an exceptional ability to connect with diverse audiences, from corporate executives to sports teams to large gatherings.

Her rise from humble beginnings to become an international best-selling author and renowned success coach demonstrates her core belief: with the right mindset, anyone can overcome challenges and achieve greatness.

This is the exact message she teaches in her Mindvalley quests, The Champion Mindset and Confianza Total.

Florencia is also a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and has made history as the first non-musical artist to keynote for Sony Music, leaving audiences energized and uplifted.

Vishen, founder and CEO of Mindvalley
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Vishen is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, The New York Times best-selling author, and founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a global education movement with millions of students worldwide. He is the creator of Mindvalley Quests, A-Fest, Mindvalley University, and various other platforms to help shape lives in the field of personal transformation.

Vishen led Mindvalley to enter and train Fortune 500 companies, governments, the UN, and millions of people around the world. His work in personal growth also extends to the public sector as a speaker and activist working to evolve the core systems that influence our lives—including education, work culture, politics, and well-being.

Ken Honda, Mindvalley trainer and Japan’s #1 best-selling personal development author
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Ken Honda is a celebrated money teacher and the author of 58 books, which have been translated into 15 languages.

By 29, Ken had built multiple successful businesses and achieved financial independence. He then studied over 12,000 self-made millionaires in Japan and was mentored by Wahei Takeda, who is better known as the “Warren Buffett of Japan.”

Ken’s key insight is that true wealth comes more from money EQ (emotional intelligence about money) than from money IQ (business and investment strategies).

He shares this philosophy through high-end coaching, global events, and his Money EQ Quest at Mindvalley’s. His aim? To empower others with a lifetime of financial abundance and prosperity.

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