Is manifestation real? Here’s how science and spirituality align

A man contemplates in a pink shirt

You’ve probably heard the saying: thoughts shape reality. You’re curious but a bit skeptical.

While scrolling through your social feed, you keep coming across stories of people claiming they’ve manifested their dream job, ideal partner, or financial freedom. It’s intriguing, almost too good to be true. So you wonder…

Is manifestation real?

Is there any substance behind these claims? Can you really think your way to a better life? 

Or is it just another fleeting, performative trend? 

Manifestation is real: true or false?

The short answer—manifestation is real, but there’s more to it than that.

Manifestation isn’t just about wishing on a star. It’s about aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your deepest, most soul-stirring desires. 

Regan Hillyer, the manifestation maven behind Mindvalley’s The Art of Manifesting Quest, says it best: “You get what you are, not what you want.” 

If you talk kindly to yourself, kindness is what keeps showing up. If your internal dialogue is laced with fear and doubt, that’s what you’ll keep attracting.

Now, let’s be clear—this isn’t about suppressing negative thoughts or slapping on a fake smile. To be a great manifester, you’ve got to genuinely shift your mindset so the law of attraction becomes a seamless feat.

In her Mindvalley Quest, Regan talks about moving from manufactured manifestation—that is, forcing things to happen and trying to control every step and variable—to surrendered manifestation. The latter is about trusting the process and focusing on the end feeling rather than the nitty-gritty of it all.

When you release control in order to activate surrendered manifestation, you’re not in an energy of fear or doubt. You’re in an energy of expansion, allowing miracles to unfold before your very eyes.

— Regan Hillyer, trainer of The Art of Manifesting Quest

And therein lies the crux of the matter: manifestation is real, tangible even… but only when you’re in the right state of mind. And to be in such a state, you’ve got to unpeel the layers of untruths… starting with some preconceived notions about the act.

3 myths about manifestation

Want to know why manifestation is real? Yet people get it so wrong? It’s a bit like green juice—everyone’s talking about it, but most people don’t know the variety of superfoods that can go into it.

Time to debunk some common myths and get to the truth of it all.

1. Manifestation is just positive thinking

This one’s a doozy. 

Again, manifestation isn’t about gritting your teeth and soldiering on with a mask on. Sure, positive thinking helps, but it’s not the whole picture. 

Vishen, the founder of Mindvalley and trainer of The Silva Ultramind System Quest, emphasizes that manifestation involves reprogramming your subconscious mind.

“When you start accessing your subconscious through techniques like creative visualization, you’re not just thinking positive thoughts; you’re tuning into a different level of consciousness where the rules of reality can be bent,” he explains.

Think of it as upgrading your phone’s software—no matter how sleek the exterior, if the software’s outdated, it’s not going to function well.

And positive thinking is just the tip of the iceberg. You need to first dive deep into your subconscious, address those limiting beliefs, and align your actions with your intentions. 

Regan knows a thing or two about this. Beckoning you to get real with your limits, she says: “You need to see what’s going on under the surface, again, with no judgment and with total curiosity for what’s actually happening. Only then can you rewrite the new program.”

2. You can manifest everything instantly

We all want quick fixes for everything, everywhere, all at once. But let’s face it, manifestation isn’t a magic wand. It’s a process. 

Regan insists that manifestation requires patience and persistence. “You might not get to that frequency of knowing overnight; this might take some time, this might take some commitment. But the only way to screw this up is to not do this, so go deep with this.”

JuanPa (otherwise known as Juan Pablo Barahona), Regan’s real-life partner and the master healer behind Mindvalley’s Ultra Presence Quest, echoes this sentiment. 

Centering presence and patience as part of the manifestation process, he advises, “Be present to yourself every time, with every breath. What are you feeling? It’s about opening up to the magic of life and nurturing your journey step by step.”

So, it’s obvious: manifestation is really a journey of self-graduation, where you can eventually attract what you desire—naturally. And this feat takes time. 

Think of it as planting a garden. You don’t toss the seeds and expect a fully bloomed rose bush the next day. You water it, tend to it… and wait for the flowers—your desires—to grow. 

And grow, they will.

3. You need to know exactly how it will happen

One of the biggest traps in manifestation is obsessing over the “how.” 

Here’s where Regan’s surrendered manifestation approach is a breath of fresh air (more on that later). Exploring her Quest, you’ll see that she always goes back to letting go of the need to control every step.

The universe, it turns out, has a better imagination than we do. We just need to trust it.

Of course, trust is where many people falter—they try to micromanage their manifestations. But the real magic happens when you let go and allow the universe to take the lead.

A woman closes her eyes in contemplation

What does science say about manifesting? 4 bookmark-worthy studies

Science and spirituality walk a fine line. But when it comes to manifestation, they seem to be on speaking terms—two sides of the same coin, if you will.

1. The observer effect

Ever heard of the observer effect? It’s a core idea in quantum physics, suggesting that when we observe something—like a particle—it changes its behavior. Sounds trippy, right? In 1998, researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel conducted an experiment showing that particles behaved differently when observed.

The takeaway from this study? Our consciousness might actually shape reality—something manifestation enthusiasts have been saying for centuries.

2. The Silva Method

If you’ve ever tried to reprogram your brain for success, you’ll love this one. The Silva Method teaches deep meditative techniques to access your subconscious and leverage different brainwave states.

A study published in Frontiers in Psychology in 2020, led by Dr. Antoine Lutz and his team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, explored how meditation impacts the brain’s structure and function. As it turns out, doctors working up to 33 hours in a row showed significant increases in theta and beta brainwave activity in critical brain regions, even with impacted sleep. 

So, imagine if these doctors leveraged meditation techniques like the Silva Method; they could enhance their focus and mental clarity even further. 

See how powerful the subconscious mind can be when tapped? Especially for manifestation?

3. Affirmations: the fuel for positive thinking

Affirmations aren’t just feel-good fluff—they’re backed by neuroscience. 

A study conducted by Dr. Christopher Cascio and his team in 2016 has shown that repeating positive statements can actually switch on the brain systems related to self-related processing and reward. In other words, when you consistently tell yourself, “I am capable of achieving my goals,” you’re training your brain to believe it. 

So yes, those daily weight loss affirmations you’re thinking of doing, for instance? They’re doing wonders, so go ahead and try them out.

4. Visualization: it’s not all in your head

Visualization is the bread and butter of manifestation, and it turns out that science loves it, too. 

A 2021 study published by Marcus Wicken, Rebecca Keogh, and Joel Pearson explored how mental imagery influences emotions. They found that imagining scenarios can evoke strong emotional responses by simulating sensory experiences. For example, individuals who can vividly visualize fear-inducing scenes experience heightened physiological reactions, like increased skin conductance.

On the flip side, visualizing positive outcomes can similarly amplify emotions like motivation and confidence, effectively priming your brain and body for success. So, you’re literally training your brain for success every time you visualize shedding those stubborn pounds or hitting the gym.

So there you have it—the science of manifestation.

It’s less about the “woo-woo” and more about the “do-do”—what you actively engage in, what you consistently believe, and how you align your actions.

Now that we know manifestation ain’t a trope but a tangible, intelligent process, let’s get to the fun part.

How to (actually) manifest?

Manifestation boils down to a deep connection with yourself—through mindset and informed actions—coupled with mad respect for universal laws

Here’s how you can turn your desires into reality:

1. Get clear on what you want

Before you can manifest anything, you need to know your desires inside out.

Take time to define your goals in vivid detail, whether it’s a new, inspiring life partner, a gargantuan career milestone, or trips to see the wonders of the world. While defining them, always know your “why” behind every desire. 

Write them all down, visualize them, and—here’s the “make it or break it” part—feel as though they’ve already been achieved.

“You need to get real with yourself. What do you truly want, and what’s holding you back? Once you’re clear, you can start the process of becoming that version of yourself,” Regan says.

Believe you can, and you will.

2. Reprogram your subconscious mind

This step is where the magic truly happens. Your subconscious mind is like the software running in the background of your life—it’s powerful, but it needs to be updated to serve you better.

Vishen explains, “When you start accessing your subconscious through techniques like creative visualization, you’re not just thinking positive thoughts—you’re tuning into a different level of consciousness where the rules of reality can be bent.”

Visualization, affirmations, and meditative practices like the Silva Method can help you rewire your subconscious and align it with your conscious desires.

3. Align your actions with your intentions

Manifestation isn’t just about thinking; it’s about doing. 

Your actions must reflect each intention you have.

Regan advises, “You must embody the person who already has what you desire. This means making choices that align with that version of yourself—whether it’s in your career, relationships, or personal growth.”

4. Integrate your nervous system

Your nervous system—which corresponds to your chakras, or energy centers, in the body—plays a crucial role in how you manifest your desires. 

JuanPa stresses the importance of grounding your energy and being present in your body. 

“Be present to yourself every time, with every breath,” he advises. “What are you feeling? It’s about opening up to the magic of life and nurturing your journey step by step.”

By focusing on your breath, relaxing your body, and releasing tension in intervals throughout the day, you allow your nervous system to support your manifestation efforts. This creates a harmonious internal environment where your desires can take root and grow.

5. Manifest in surrender

Learn to let go.

Regan’s concept of surrendered manifestation is all about trusting the process. “It’s not about controlling every outcome but about aligning with the feeling of your manifestation, trusting that it will unfold in the best possible way,” she explains. 

This means releasing your need to micromanage the process and allowing things to unfold naturally. Let go of the steering wheel, for the universe is already your personal chauffeur.

6. Cultivate mental resilience

Your mental plane is the bedrock of your manifestations prowess.

So, time to cultivate mental resilience through practices that sharpen your focus and elevate your mood. Just ask Vishen; he’ll tell you.

“When you align your mental state with your desires, you create a mental environment that supports your manifestations,” he explains. 

This could involve mindfulness practices, engaging in activities that elevate your mood, or simply practicing gratitude regularly.

By integrating these steps into your daily life, you create a strong foundation for manifestation. And it’s one that’s rooted in clarity, action, and a deep connection to both your mind and body. 

Manifest the extraordinary

If you’re ready to up the ante on your life, Regan Hillyer’s free Mastering Manifestation for Transformation & Success Masterclass offers some game-changing roadmap. Uncover how to:

  • Fast-track your dreams by turning big goals into tangible realities… with ease.
  • Feel secure with unbreakable self-trust… even when life gets rocky.
  • Automate a “success” mindset to make the impossible your new normal.
  • Master goal-setting hacks to achieve them like a pro.

Just like Rahim Kassam, a financial risk analyst from Toronto, Canada, who transformed his family’s finances:

My family’s net income unexpectedly increased while I was taking the quest, and have discovered a path to manifest greater abundance in the year to come. But perhaps the biggest shift I experienced during this quest now knowing that I am worthy and deserving of abundance. Regan, I am eternally grateful to you. Thank you.

So, what’s stopping you now? The power to create the life you want is in your hands—when you embrace the reality bender in you.

Welcome in.

Images generated on Midjourney (unless otherwise noted).

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Written by

Naressa Khan

Naressa Khan is obsessed with hacking the human experience where science meets spirit and body meets soul. At Mindvalley Pulse, she dives into holistic wellness, biohacking, and trauma healing, revealing how ancient wisdom and modern science collide to transform lives. Her background in lifestyle journalism and tech content creation shaped her ability to merge storytelling with actionable insights. Her mission today? To make personal growth both profound and practical.
Vishen, founder and CEO of Mindvalley
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Vishen is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, The New York Times best-selling author, and founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a global education movement with millions of students worldwide. He is the creator of Mindvalley Quests, A-Fest, Mindvalley University, and various other platforms to help shape lives in the field of personal transformation.

Vishen led Mindvalley to enter and train Fortune 500 companies, governments, the UN, and millions of people around the world. His work in personal growth also extends to the public sector as a speaker and activist working to evolve the core systems that influence our lives—including education, work culture, politics, and well-being.

Juan Pablo Barahona, Mindvalley trainer and founder of Quantum Flow
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Juan Pablo Barahona (better known as JuanPa) is a transformational leader, speaker, coach of the Quantum Flow method, and the founder of Juanpa Global as well as the Conscious Living School.

He combines science with modern spirituality, utilizing a mix of quantum physics, kinesiology, neuroscience, and various healing modalities to create profound changes in people’s lives.

His debut Mindvalley Quest, Ultra Presence, offers participants a chance to experience his transformative approach and learn why he is one of today’s most sought-after spiritual leaders.

Regan Hillyer, Mindvalley trainer, serial entrepreneur, and manifestation coach
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Regan Hillyer is a globally recognized manifestation and mindset coach. She’s also the trainer for Mindvalley’s The Art of Manifesting Quest, helping people achieve their dreams.

Her journey began at 18, when she left her architecture degree to focus on personal development, leading her to earn her first million by 23.

Now, as a serial entrepreneur and philanthropist, she has built multiple seven-figure companies, showcasing the practical application of her teachings.

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