How to glow up in 2025 without falling into the Instagram perfection trap

A happy woman with a glow-up

Mia Thermopolis. Remember her? The girl with the frizzy hair and zero social skills from The Princess Diaries. But wow, did she figure out how to glow up—owning a room (or, really, Genovia), rocking a tiara, and actually believing she deserved it.

Sure, her total 180 might’ve been fast-tracked with a royal makeover and a castle. But for most of us? It’s not that simple.

Same routines, same frustrations, and that nagging feeling that life should feel more exciting by now. 

If you are not happy with anything in your life, you need to make a plan,” says Maye Musk, a model, dietician, and trainer of Mindvalley’s Maye Musk’s 5 Rules of Life program. “You need to figure out how you are going to change.”

It takes resilience, of course. And strategy. And the kind of mindset that can turn challenges into stepping stones. 

The reality is, life might not hand you a tiara. But like Mia and Maye, the glow-up you deserve is one you can absolutely create for yourself.

What does it mean to have a glow-up, actually?

A “glow-up” may sound like a catchy phrase for looking better, but, really, it’s a whole vibe. It’s about transforming your appearance, mindset, and overall energy in ways that make you feel more confident and aligned with the life you want.

The roots of the “glow up” meaning go back to slang culture, where “glow” refers to an undeniable radiance. According to Ny’L Thompson, LCSW-C, M.S., a therapist with, a surface-level glow-up may focus on aesthetics, like upgrading your style or perfecting your skincare routine. 

Now, when you combine “glow” with “up,” you’ve got a term that captures the idea of leveling up your inner and outer selves. Ny’L adds that an inside-out transformation addresses deeper emotional needs, like self-awareness, self-acceptance, and healing old wounds. As she explains, “The confidence from this type of glow-up radiates naturally because it’s rooted in who you are, not just how you look.”

Research shows that even small, intentional changes can create lasting ripple effects in your life. For instance, self-improvement efforts, like fitness or learning new skills, can enhance self-esteem and motivation. When you feel good about the steps you’re taking, it’s easier to carry that confidence into other areas of your life.

Even your brain gets involved. Neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to rewire itself—supports the idea that self-growth is possible at any age. When you adopt healthier habits, like journaling or moving your body more, your brain adapts, creating new pathways that reinforce those positive changes.

That’s why a glow-up is more than just looking good in pictures to feed the ‘gram. It’s the foundation for long-term transformation.

If you are not happy with anything in your life, you need to make a plan… You need to figure out how you are going to change.

— Maye Musk, trainer of Mindvalley’s Maye Musk’s 5 Rules of Life program

How to glow up physically

People often focus on appearance because it’s tangible and offers quick gratification,” says Ny’L. “Plus, it’s easier to buy new clothes or try a trendy skincare routine than to confront internal struggles.”

But having a physical glow-up doesn’t necessarily mean “celebrating visual transformations over emotional ones.” It can be about finding ways to feel amazing in your own skin and embracing what makes you unique. You’re reinventing yourself—health, confidence, and self-care.

Take Maye, for example. At 42, she embraced her natural white hair and transformed her style to edgy and modern. Or look at Princess Mia with that sleek hair, polished outfits, and confidence boost. Neither happened overnight, but both show the magic of owning who you are.

So, how can you do the same? Here are a few glow-up tips:

How to glow up physically

1. Prioritize your health

Healthy habits are the foundation of glowing up. Your body thrives on nutrient-rich foods, hydration, and movement. Think of this as fueling your glow from the inside out.

Start small:

  • Add a handful of greens to your meals.
  • Keep a reusable water bottle handy and track your daily hydration.
  • Swap out sugary snacks for fresh fruit or nuts.

These small shifts can transform how you feel and look. As Maye would say, reinventing yourself starts with taking care of the basics.

2. Move your body

Movement is about celebrating what your body can do. It not only energizes your body but also helps you feel more grounded and connected to yourself.

You can opt for yoga, a morning jog, or dancing in your living room… “Even just stretching or going for a short walk helps clear your mind and boost your mood,” says Ny’L.

Whatever it is you choose, regular exercise is a powerful way to boost endorphins, improve your posture, and build confidence. Bonus: It also works wonders for your skin.

3. Simplify your routine

You don’t need a 10-step skincare regimen to glow. Focus on the essentials:

  • Cleanse: Wash away the day.
  • Moisturize: Lock in hydration.
  • Protect: Use sunscreen to shield your skin.

Maye’s mantra of ditching what doesn’t work applies here, too. If a routine feels overwhelming—or worse, ineffective—let it go.

When she embraced her natural white hair, it wasn’t about following a trend; it was about finding what worked for her. Confidence, not complexity, is the key.

4. Upgrade your wardrobe

Your wardrobe should be a celebration of who you are. Look for clothes that fit well, feel comfortable, and reflect your personal style. 

Get yourself a well-fitted blazer, a classic pair of jeans, or a dress that makes you feel unstoppable. Accessories can also elevate your look—think statement jewelry, a great pair of shoes, or a favorite scarf. And experiment with colors and textures that suit your vibe.

The bottom line: a great outfit doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Rather, it’s about finding pieces that make you feel confident every time you wear them.

5. Sleep and stress less

Getting your beauty sleep is your ultimate glow-up tool. During deep rest, your brain processes emotions, your muscles recover, and your skin regenerates.

So, create a wind-down routine that tells your brain it’s time to relax. Dimming the lights, reading a book, or practicing deep breathing before bed can help signal your body to unwind. What’s more, sleep hygiene, like sticking to a consistent bedtime or keeping your bedroom cool and dark, can make a huge difference in the quality of your rest.

This is also a great way to lower stress—a major glow-up saboteur. The fact of the matter is, chronic stress floods your body with cortisol, which can mess with your skin, digestion, and energy levels.

So find ways to destress. Research shows that mindfulness practices, like guided meditation, journaling, or yoga, can help.

How to glow up mentally

Think glow-ups; the external comes to mind. But, according to Ny’L, the real magic starts within. Think of it as upgrading your inner world to match the life you want to live.

Maye’s life has been a series of reinventions, and each one started with a mindset shift. She’s faced rejection, challenges, and moments of self-doubt, but her approach was always the same: make a plan, stay resilient, and take it one step at a time.

These small but powerful changes can help you start your glow-up with a sense of progress and they’ll create the momentum you need for bigger shifts in the future.

— Ny’L Thompson, LCSW-C, M.S., therapist with

Reinventing yourself, after all, starts with deciding how you want to grow. And here’s how to have a glow-up that strengthens your mind:

How to glow up mentally

1. Start with small wins

Begin with simple, manageable goals that you know you can accomplish. It could be as straightforward as drinking an extra glass of water, walking around the block, or taking a moment to organize your workspace.

Maye’s reinvented herself multiple times throughout her 70 years. And her key to moving forward? Planning.

When you have a plan, you start writing down everything that’s wrong in your life and everything you want in your life,” she explains. “Then how do you change it from one way to the other? And then you say, okay, I need to change this thing. And then you make an effort to change it.” 

Remember: small wins create big momentum. And each small victory helps build confidence and reminds you that progress is always within reach.

2. Reconnect with your purpose

There’s a reason why it’s important to understand your “why.” Research shows that finding purpose through structured reflection—like identifying your values, passions, and goals—can enhance happiness and overall well-being.

Looking at Maye’s experiences during challenging times, she would write down everything wrong in her life and contrast it with what she truly wanted to achieve. This structured reflection allowed her to identify her goals, create actionable steps, and move toward a happier, more purpose-driven life.

So, grab a notebook or your favorite app and start jotting down the answers to these questions: What lights you up? What would your ideal day look like? What’s one thing you can do today to get closer to that vision?

This self-introspection can help your mindset move from chasing surface-level achievements to making choices that align with your values and long-term happiness. 

3. Build your resilience

Resilience is your ability to bounce back when life doesn’t go as planned. For this, Maye is an expert. 

For instance, there were moments when she had to deal with rejection in her modeling work simply because of her age or appearance. Rather than letting it crush her, she learned to brush off malicious or jealous behavior and kept moving forward.

Even research has found that people with more resilience were less affected by age-related negativity and felt less distressed or lonely. Simply put, when you have this strength, you’re better equipped to handle failures or criticism without letting them define you. Instead, you use those experiences to grow and improve.

4. Surround yourself with the right people

Have you ever heard the saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”? The people in your inner circle can either fuel your personal transformation or drain your energy. So, take stock of who genuinely supports you and who might be holding you back.

Maye’s decision to leave her abusive marriage is a powerful reminder of the importance of cutting toxic relationships from your life. By prioritizing her well-being and creating space for positive connections, she was able to rebuild her life and glow up.

Seek out people who inspire and uplift you, whether it’s a close friend, a mentor, or a like-minded community.

As Maye says, “If you learn anything from me, let it be this: you are to remain intelligent, confident, fun, and stylish. And you are to mix with people who appreciate you, and you appreciate them. Soon as the insults come out, they’re gone.”

5. Notice the good around you

Finding joy in small moments can shift your mindset and help you feel more present. Studies show that appreciating the positive aspects of your day—big or small—can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Maye Musk often reflects on the small kindnesses she’s encountered, like a stranger helping her locate lost luggage or the simple pleasure of her grandchildren making her lunch. 

Be aware of helping other people, and then you will show your kindness,” Maye says. “Although they may not be the people who will be kind back to you, you will have other people be kind to you, and you need to appreciate that.”

So take a few minutes each day to notice something that made you smile—a kind word, a cozy moment, or even the way sunlight filters through your window. It’s in these moments that we’re given a reminder to pay attention to the good in our lives, even when things feel overwhelming.

Frequently asked questions

How to glow up in a week

While a full glow-up in just a week isn’t realistic, small, meaningful changes are. According to Ny’L, they lay the foundation for lasting transformation.

She suggests starting with a positive intention each morning, like setting a simple goal or repeating a quick affirmation.

And then, throughout the day, take breaks to move—stretch, go for a walk, or do light exercise to clear your mind and boost your mood. Give yourself permission to unplug by stepping away from screens and social media to reconnect with yourself.

Finally, prioritize moments of joy: read a book, cook a favorite meal, or listen to music you love. 

These small but powerful changes can help you start your glow-up with a sense of progress,” Ny’L adds, “and they’ll create the momentum you need for bigger shifts in the future.”

How to glow up after a breakup

After a breakup, the first step is reclaiming your energy and focusing on self-discovery. Ny’L suggests asking, “Who am I outside of this relationship?

Start with small self-care habits: get enough sleep, nourish your body, and find simple joys like taking a walk or journaling.

Emotionally, focus on acceptance by acknowledging your pain but not letting it define you. Channel your energy into growth—try something new like a fitness class or a style refresh.

A glow-up after a tough time isn’t just about looking good,” Ny’L points out, “it’s about stepping into your power and rediscovering what makes you feel alive.” 

How long does it take to glow up?

There’s no set answer to this question because everyone’s journey is unique. But don’t get hung up over the timing; rather, shift your focus to the daily moments that indicate your progress.

What can help, according to Ny’L, is adopting the “Three Wins” habit. Here’s how to do it:

At the end of each day, write down three things that went well or that you’re proud of. It could be as simple as completing a task, showing kindness, or sticking to a goal.

This practice helps you focus on progress rather than perfection, reinforcing a sense of accomplishment and building confidence over time,” she explains. “By celebrating your daily wins, you’re training yourself to notice and appreciate growth, creating the foundation for a glow-up that lasts.

Futureproof your well-being

Your glow-up doesn’t stop here. Mindvalley offers powerful programs to help you transform from the inside out.

You can start with Maye Musk’s 5 Rules of Life, where you’ll learn to embrace resilience, confidence, and authenticity.

If you’re looking to craft your dream life, Lifebook with Jon and Missy Butcher helps you design a vision for every aspect of your life.

For a deeper dive into self-acceptance, join From Awesome to Flawesome with Kristina Mӓnd-Lakhiani and learn to embrace imperfection as your superpower.

Boost your health and vitality? There’s WILDFIT by Eric Edmeades, a game-changing approach to nutrition.

If it’s the peak physical performance you want, then 10X with Ronan Diego shows you how to achieve more with smarter fitness strategies.

And for those looking to light up every room, Magnetic Charisma with Vanessa Van Edwards will help you connect effortlessly and build lasting relationships.

These are just a few highlights from a great library of personal growth programs. And when you sign up for a free account, you can access the first few lessons.

Not only that, you’ll get daily meditations, become part of the global Mindvalley community, and stay ahead with exclusive events in the personal transformation space.

Now, it’s your move.

Welcome in.

Images generated on Midjourney (unless otherwise noted).

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Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman writes about the messy brilliance of human connection: how we love, parent, touch, and inhabit our bodies. As Mindvalley’s SEO content editor and a certified life coach, she merges scientific curiosity with sharp storytelling. Tatiana's work spans everything from attachment styles to orgasms that recalibrate your nervous system. Her expertise lens is shaped by a journalism background, years in the wellness space, and the fire-forged insight of a cancer experience.
Ny’L Thompson, LCSW-C, M.S, a psychotherapist with
In collaboration with

Ny’L Thompson, LCSW-C, M.S., is a Houston-based therapist licensed in Texas and Maryland. With a Bachelor’s degree in Urban Social Work and a Master’s in Social Work focused on adult mental health and wellness with a military concentration, Ny’L brings a well-rounded expertise to her practice. She specializes in working with individuals facing ADHD, anxiety, depression, relationship dynamics, self-esteem challenges, and complex family dynamics.

Throughout her career, Ny’L has supported youth, adolescents, and adults across a broad spectrum of identities and backgrounds, guiding them through life’s challenges with a solution-focused, growth-oriented approach. Her dedication lies in helping individuals achieve emotional resilience, mental wellness, and personal growth.

Maye Musk, Mindvalley trainer, world-renowned model, and entrepreneur
Expertise by

Maye Musk is an international best-selling author, dietitian, supermodel, and speaker with over 50 years of success spanning entrepreneurship and nutrition. At 69, she became the world’s oldest Covergirl and is now a Dior Beauty ambassador at 75.

Her career includes significant roles such as the first Representative of the Consulting Dietitians of Southern Africa, President of the Consulting Dietitians of Canada, and Chair of the Nutrition Entrepreneurs at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in the USA.

Maye has built a nutrition empire across eight cities in three countries, sharing her insights on stages worldwide on topics like aging, equality, and wellness. She continues to inspire globally and now brings her expertise to a wider audience through her Mindvalley program, Maye Musk’s 5 Rules of Life.

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