These 75 confidence quotes will lift your spirits instantly

A confident woman after reading confidence quotes
Updated on March 14, 2025
Updated on Mar 14, 2025

Are you looking for a confidence boost, a way to conquer your fears, or simply some daily inspiration?

Confidence quotes have the power to inspire you, uplift you, and guide you on your journey to greater self-assurance.

Here are 75 of them to make up your day—and eventually your life.

Famous quotes on confidence

Throughout history, many important figures from all walks of life have shared their wisdom on confidence. These are the most popular quotes from some of them.

1. “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” — Theodore Roosevelt

2. “Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control.” — Richard Kline

3. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

4. “The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.” — Swati Sharma

5. “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” — John Wooden

6. “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” — Christian D. Larson

7. “Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong.” — Peter T. McIntyre

8. “To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now.” — Alan Cohen

9. “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” — J.M. Barrie, from Peter Pan

10. “Not having the best situation but seeing the best in your situation is the key to happiness.” — Marie Forleo

“You are enough” quotes about confidence

If you believe that you are not complete and worthy just as you are, then these quotes can help you change your mind.

11. “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” — Maya Angelou

12. “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” — Christian D. Larson

13. “You are enough just as you are. Each emotion you feel, everything in your life, everything you do or do not do… where you are and who you are right now is enough. It is perfect.” — Haemin Sunim

14. “You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

15. “If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.” — Charles Bukowski

16. “You are your best thing.” — Toni Morrison

17. “You are enough. You are so enough. It is unbelievable how enough you are.” — Sierra Boggess

18. “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” — Howard Thurman

19. “There is only one person responsible for the quality of life you live and that person is you.” — Jack Canfield

20. “Your time is now. Start where you stand and never back down. You are enough and you have everything it takes to fulfill your dreams.” — Unknown

Best confidence quotes by Mindvalley trainers

Mindvalley is dedicated to personal growth and transformation. So, it’s no coincidence that our trainers put confidence front and center. 

These are some of the quotes of our trainers in regard to confidence and how to build a better self by improving it.

Paul McKenna’s quotes

Paul McKenna is an internationally best-selling author whose books have sold over 10 million copies and have been translated into 32 languages. He’s also the trainer of Mindvalley’s Total Self-Confidence Quest, a program for anyone who wants to learn how to be authentic and show up in every situation with unshakable confidence and personal power.

21. “Confidence is not something you have; it’s something you create.”

22. “Any negative traits you identify are not really yours—they belong to your negative self-image and were programmed into you when you were a child. By identifying them honestly, you are about to let them go!”

23. “You are constantly letting other people know how to treat you by the way you treat yourself.”

24. “Feeling a level of confidence in yourself can withstand the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and carry you forward to the life of your dreams.”

25. “Real confidence is about being natural and authentic, comfortable in your own skin.”

26. “Confidence is a state of mind and body, a way of perceiving the world and thinking about yourself.”

Vishen’s quotes

He may be best known as the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, but Vishen is also a best-selling author and well-known speaker. He’s also the trainer of Mindvalley’s Silva Ultramind System Quest, where he teaches you how to develop greater confidence through positive beliefs and creative visualization techniques.

27. “By embracing your real and authentic self and by allowing your own light to shine, you give others permission to do the same.”

28. “One of the keys to being extraordinary is knowing what rules to follow and what rules to break.”

29. “With an open heart and a big smile on your face, embrace every experience life sends your way, whether good or bad. By doing so, no experience will ever be wasted.”

30. “There’s nothing more captivating than a person vibrant with life and passion and pursuing their calling.”

31. “Sometimes in life, you have to destroy what is merely good to allow what is truly great to come in.”

Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani’s quotes

Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani is the co-founder of Mindvalley and author of the best-selling book Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life. She’s also the creator of From Awesome to Flawesome Quest—a program dedicated to discovering your authentic self.

32. “Only when you know what you are, you are capable of moving towards what you want to become.”

33. “Self-care is about surviving, while self-love is about thriving.”

34. “Focus more on the things we do well and that don’t take effort, because that’s where our genius zone is.”

35. “Almost all the bad things that we do to other people are because we don’t truly love ourselves. Because if we truly love and accept ourselves, we don’t need to prove anything to anyone.”

36. “The world doesn’t need perfection. It needs the real you.”

Florencia Andres’s quotes

Florencia Andrés, the author of the best-selling Confianza Total and trainer of the Spanish-speaking Mindvalley Quest of the same name.

37. “Negative self-talk is a habit, not a trait. We can unlearn it and replace it with positive self-talk and affirmations.”

38. “Having self-doubt is part of being human.”

39. “We’re all born with this inner flame—confidence.”

40. “Confidence is a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it gets.”

41. “Your most important relationship in life is with yourself.”

Marisa Peer’s quotes

Marisa Peer is UK’s #1 therapis, as per Tatler Magazine. She’s also the founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) and trainer of Mindvalley’s Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest.

42. “You need to put your effort into falling in love with you and then the world will change so dramatically.

43. “The most effective way to boost self-esteem is to praise yourself.”

44. “People who are very successful never ever wait for motivation. They do it because when you do it you become motivated.”

45. “Small changes in the way you speak to yourself can have extraordinary impact on your well-being.”

46. “We cannot change what happens to us but we can change how we respond to it.”

Rolene Strauss’s quotes

Dr. Rolene Strauss is an entrepreneur, author, and winner of Miss South Africa and Miss World 2014. She’s also known as the Transformational Self-Confidence Coach and the trainer of Mindvalley’s The Queen Effect Quest, a program for women who are looking to discover their inner “queen energy” to overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

47. “It’s about time we start saying NO to perfect, comparison, and low self-confidence, and YES to self-worth, courage, happiness, and success.”

48. “You are good enough just the way that you are.”

49. “In rediscovering self-confidence, you need to see ‘vulnerability’ as the first step towards making progress.”

50. “Any gap in your self-confidence is likely cheating you—and others— of your radiance, power, and impact as a woman.”

51. “Self-confidence doesn’t just come from willpower, but from four readily available sources you can tap into right now.”

Self-confidence quotes for women

Self-confidence quotes for women can promote empowerment, challenge stereotypes, and improve mental and emotional well-being. Here’s a list of some powerful women:

52. “Cultivate your confidence, grow your power, become the amazing gift that you are to yourself and share it with the world.” ― Christie Marie Sheldon

53. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

54. “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform.” — Diane Mariechild

55. “Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It’s much sexier than any body part.” — Aimee Mullins

56. “The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.” — Blake Lively

57. “A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” — Melinda Gates

58. “A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.” — Coco Chanel

59. “Stop seeking for external validation. Learn to be okay with people not knowing your side of the story, and learn to let go of the need to always control the narrative.” — Dr. Caroline Leaf

Confidence quotes for men

Confidence for men is not about being arrogant or overbearing. It’s about having faith in your abilities, being self-assured, and facing life’s challenges with a positive attitude. 

Here are some from men who have embraced this mindset: 

60. “Fear? What has a man to do with fear? Chance rules our lives, and the future is all unknown. Best live as we may, from day to day.” ― Sophocles

61. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” — Mark Twain

62. “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” — Oscar Wilde

63. “Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.” — Peter T. McIntyre

64. “The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” — Michel de Montaigne

65. “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” — Unknown

66. “Confidence is not ‘they will like me.’ Confidence is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t.'” — Unknown

67. “As you think, you shall become.” — Bruce Lee

Motivational quotes on confidence

Motivational quotes can be useful tools to motivate and empower you. Here’s a list of them you can use on your journey toward self-assuredness:

68. “Confidence comes from crossing thresholds.” ― Kamal Ravikant

69. “Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it Faith. Feed it Truth. Feed it with Love.” — Lisa Nichols

70. “With confidence, you have won before you have started.” — Marcus Garvey

71. “Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self—confident, and more and more successful.” — Mark Victor Hansen

72. “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” — Christian D. Larson

73. “Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have.” — Brian Tracy

74. “Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got this.” — Chantal Sutherland

75. “The way to develop self—confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you.” — William Jennings Bryan

Let your confidence do the talking

Confidence quotes are eye-opening for understanding the importance and impact confidence can have in your life. That said, if you want to really start boosting your confidence, you can start improving it in practice.

Mindvalley has teamed up with Marisa Peer, Paul McKenna, and other confidence experts to help you build confidence and self-belief. Sign up to Mindvalley for free to unlock access to free sample classes of 100+ programs.

Remove doubt from your vocabulary. And find yourself with total self-confidence and limitless self-belief.

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Written by

Theo Moulos

Theo Moulos is a testament to the power of combining business acumen with a focus on personal well-being. His passion for understanding the human psyche, coupled with his expertise in managing successful ventures, has shaped him into a holistic leader who inspires those around him to embrace growth in every facet of life.
Florencia Andres, Mindvalley trainer, online business coach, and founder of Easy Launch Academy
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Florencia Andrés, a.k.a., “The Female Tony Robbins,” is a powerhouse in motivational speaking and coaching. She has an exceptional ability to connect with diverse audiences, from corporate executives to sports teams to large gatherings.

Her rise from humble beginnings to become an international best-selling author and renowned success coach demonstrates her core belief: with the right mindset, anyone can overcome challenges and achieve greatness.

This is the exact message she teaches in her Mindvalley quests, The Champion Mindset and Confianza Total.

Florencia is also a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and has made history as the first non-musical artist to keynote for Sony Music, leaving audiences energized and uplifted.

Marisa Peer, Mindvalley trainer, UK's #1 Therapist, and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy
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Voted the United Kingdom’s #1 therapist by Tatler, Marisa Peer has spent 25 years coaching a diverse range of clients, including royalty, rock stars, celebrities, Olympic athletes, political leaders, and CEOs.

She specializes in Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy™, a technique that quickly reshapes thinking and achieves significant life changes, often in just one or two sessions.

Her Mindvalley quests, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance and Uncompromised Life, are perfect opportunities for one to resolve their past issues, remove personal limitations, and expand their capacity for abundance, especially in health, wealth, and love.

Paul McKenna, Mindvalley trainer, hypnotist, and behavioral scientist
Expertise by

Paul McKenna, Ph.D., is a globally celebrated hypnotherapist and behavioral scientist, having mastered the art of influencing human behavior using hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming.

He’s also recognized as the United Kingdom’s most successful non-fiction author, with over 10 million books sold worldwide.

His high-profile client list includes celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres, David Bowie, and James Corden. Paul is a regular on television shows like The Ellen DeGeneres Show and The Dr. Oz Show.

Additionally, Paul leads Mindvalley’s Everyday Bliss and Total Self-Confidence quests and the Mindvalley Certified Hypnotherapist program, offering unique opportunities to learn from one of the best in the field.

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