100 positive affirmations for people who want results, not just feel-good vibes

A positive affirmation poster on the wall of a living room
Updated on February 14, 2025
Updated on Feb 14, 2025

Your mind is always listening. Every thought, every word—it’s all being recorded, shaping the way you see yourself and the world. That’s why the things you tell yourself matter.

Every word you say is a blueprint that your mind, body, and psyche want to make a reality,” says Marisa Peer, creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®), in her Rapid Transformation Hypnotherapy for Abundance program on Mindvalley.

She’s a firm believer in positive affirmations. Because say something often enough, and your mind turns it into truth.

And once it does? Those words shape everything.

What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are short statements that shape your mindset, rewire your brain, and strengthen your self-belief. Unlike positive quotes (which themselves can be inspiring), affirmations take it a step further to help influence the way you think, feel, and act.

Every thought you think and every word you say forms a blueprint, and your mind must work to make that blueprint real.

— Marisa Peer, trainer of Mindvalley’s Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance program

If you’ve ever watched the movie The Help, you might recall the line by nanny Aibileen Clack to baby Mae Mobley: “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.” That’s a powerful affirmation that encouraged courage and confidence for Mae and for Aibileen herself.

Sure, they sound like wishful thinking or self-praise. But according to Dr. Caroline Leaf, a world-renowned cognitive neuroscientist and trainer of Mindvalley’s Calm Mind: A Scientific Guide to Managing Anxiety and Depression, our mind is “designed to control the body” and not the other way around.

Studies in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and neuroplasticity show that repeating positive statements reinforces new thought patterns. So, when you say “I am confident” over and over, your brain strengthens that identity until it feels natural.

Now, for affirmations to be effective, they must be present tense, positive, and personal. “I am successful” sends a clear signal to your mind, while “I will be successful” delays the belief.

Additionally, saying them out loud is powerful. But combining methods? It can reinforce them even further. Write them down in a journal, repeat them in the mirror, or use affirmation cards as daily prompts.

The more ways you engage with them, the faster they become second nature.

Learn more from Marisa Peer:

Reprogram Your Mind Through Affirmations | Marisa Peer

Pros and cons of using affirmations

Using powerful affirmations is a fast, powerful, effective, proven way to start changing your reality,” Marisa declares. They can rewire your thinking and boost confidence, but they also have limitations.

Knowing both sides can help you use them in a way that actually creates change.


  • Rewires thought patterns by strengthening new neural connections through repetition.
  • Boosts self-confidence by reinforcing positive self-beliefs and reducing negative self-talk.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety by activating the brain’s reward system and releasing feel-good hormones.
  • Supports goal achievement by improving focus, motivation, and visualization of success.
  • Strengthens emotional resilience by helping you reframe setbacks and adopt a growth mindset.


  • Not a quick fix because using these kinds of power phrases requires consistent repetition to create lasting change.
  • Can be counterproductive, especially when they don’t align with a person’s existing beliefs.
  • May ignore deeper issues by masking underlying trauma or mental health struggles that need professional support.
  • Require proper framing since the statements must be present-tense, positive, and specific to be effective.
  • Can make people feel worse if they don’t believe them, as some affirmations may highlight insecurities instead of improving self-image.

That said, Vishen, the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, suggests that lofty questions—phrases like “Why am I so confident?”—may work better for some people by engaging curiosity rather than triggering resistance. He explains that they “trick your mind into seeking the answer when you ask yourself a question.”

But whether you prefer uplifting declarations or self-suggestive questions, remember that your brain is a creature of habit. It’s always looking for instructions and is eager to set you up for success.

All you have to do is instruct it in a language it understands and keep repeating it.

20 short positive affirmations

Your mind has zero choice but to act on your words,” Marisa points out. And using words of affirmation is basically mental programming—repeat them enough, and your mind follows the script.

Here are 20 powerful affirmations to put on repeat.

  1. I am enough.
  2. I am worthy.
  3. Being lovable is part of who I am.
  4. I matter.
  5. I radiate confidence.
  6. Believing in myself allows me to succeed.
  7. I like myself.
  8. I feel good about who I am.
  9. The reality I create starts with my words.
  10. I focus on abundance, joy, health, and love.
  11. I trust myself to make the best decisions.
  12. Gratitude fills my life every day.
  13. I deserve happiness and success.
  14. Opportunities find me with ease.
  15. I am growing and evolving every day.
  16. Overcoming challenges makes me stronger.
  17. I radiate love and kindness to those around me.
  18. My journey is unfolding exactly as it should.
  19. I am at peace with where I am right now.
  20. Change is welcome in my life.
Short positive affirmation

20 positive affirmations for women

Women carry immense strength, but the world often tries to make them forget it. And the right words? They can reinforce what’s already within you.

Here’s a list of abundance affirmations to remind you of your worth, resilience, and limitless potential as a woman. And the more you “say it, state it, affirm it,” says Marisa, “the more it stops being what you do and it becomes who you are.”

  1. I am beautifully and uniquely me.
  2. I am confident in my decisions and trust my intuition.
  3. Love, respect, and kindness flow into my life.
  4. I am worthy of success and financial independence.
  5. I radiate grace, courage, and self-love.
  6. Prioritizing my well-being helps me thrive.
  7. I am surrounded by supportive and empowering people.
  8. I honor my emotions and allow myself to feel deeply.
  9. Happiness and love belong to me.
  10. I uplift and empower other women.
  11. My dreams and goals are valid and achievable.
  12. Standing in my truth brings me confidence.
  13. I am intelligent, creative, and resourceful.
  14. My body is strong and capable.
  15. I set healthy boundaries that honor my well-being.
  16. Trusting myself leads to clarity and strength.
  17. My voice is powerful, and my words have impact.
  18. The life I am creating excites and fulfills me.
  19. I let go of comparison and embrace my uniqueness.
  20. Self-care is my right, not a luxury.
Positive affirmation for women

20 positive affirmations for men

Every action starts with a thought, and the strongest men train their minds as much as their bodies. Manifestation affirmations can help embrace your masculine energy by shaping your confidence, discipline, and grit.

You need to be very descriptive about what you tell your mind to do,” says Marisa. “Use positive words, and you will have positive outcomes.”

So speak with power, think with purpose, and watch how you rise.

  1. I am open to receiving abundance in all forms.
  2. I am strong, capable, and resilient.
  3. Respect, love, and success are things I naturally attract.
  4. I am focused and determined to achieve my goals.
  5. I take care of my mind and body every day.
  6. Hard work and perseverance open doors for me.
  7. I express my emotions freely and with confidence.
  8. I am a source of strength and support for those around me.
  9. My future is shaped by my actions today.
  10. My character and integrity define me.
  11. I am fearless in the face of challenges.
  12. Leading with honesty and strength brings success.
  13. My mind is sharp, and my body is strong.
  14. I am a leader in my own life.
  15. I take responsibility for my actions and growth.
  16. Growth happens every time I push past fear.
  17. My potential is limitless.
  18. Every decision I make is leading me toward success.
  19. I am driven by purpose, not fear.
  20. Happiness, success, and fulfillment are within my reach.
Positive affirmation for men

20 positive affirmations for kids and teens

Confidence and self-belief start young. And children are constantly shaping their identities, and the words they hear—especially from themselves—matter.

As Marisa points out, “The most important words you say in your life are the words you say to yourself.” So what can help bolster their self-worth, resilience, and positivity, setting them up for a lifetime of success?

Why, this list of affirmations for teens and kids, of course.

  1. I trust my intuition and inner voice.
  2. I believe in myself and my abilities.
  3. Being loved and valued is something I never have to earn.
  4. I can learn and grow from every challenge.
  5. I am proud of who I am becoming.
  6. My unique talents make the world a better place.
  7. I have great ideas, and my voice matters.
  8. I am surrounded by people who care about me.
  9. My differences make me special and strong.
  10. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  11. I am brave, even when things feel scary.
  12. Every mistake I make is a chance to learn something new.
  13. I am a good friend, and I attract good friends.
  14. Kindness is a choice I make every day.
  15. I am strong, inside and out.
  16. Hard work helps me improve every day.
  17. I believe in my dreams and work hard for them.
  18. Joy follows me wherever I go.
  19. I am enough, just as I am.
  20. My happiness is important, and I deserve it.
Positive affirmation for kids and teens

20 positive affirmations for anxiety

Anxiety can make the mind feel like a storm—racing thoughts, restless energy, and a sense of uncertainty. The right words act like an anchor, grounding you in the present and reminding you of your strength.

If you don’t like your reality, change your words,” Marisa advises. And you can use these self-love affirmations to create a sense of calm, stability, and trust in yourself, ultimately helping you combat anxiety.

  1. I am excited to embrace the opportunities that await me today.
  2. I release worry and embrace peace.
  3. Calmness fills me with every breath I take.
  4. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  5. I inhale calm and exhale stress.
  6. Letting go of worry allows me to focus on what matters.
  7. I trust myself to handle whatever comes my way.
  8. My mind is clear, and my body is relaxed.
  9. The present moment is where my peace exists.
  10. I am stronger than my anxious thoughts.
  11. I am grounded, calm, and centered.
  12. There is no need to control everything—I am safe.
  13. I deserve to feel at peace.
  14. Stress does not define me; I am greater than my worries.
  15. I am resilient and can handle life’s challenges.
  16. My breath is my anchor, and I can always return to it.
  17. I allow myself to rest and recharge.
  18. No matter how I feel, this moment will pass.
  19. My inner strength is greater than any fear.
  20. Peace is within me, and I choose to embrace it.
Positive affirmation for anxiety

Frequently asked questions

Why are positive affirmations important?

Every self-belief you hold started as a thought that was repeated enough to feel true. That’s why affirmations can be a powerful tool for shaping self-perception—they reinforce the identity you want to strengthen.

What’s more, they can also play a role in self-healing. Research in psychoneuroimmunology suggests that reducing psychological stress can improve immune function, supporting the body’s natural ability to heal.

According to Dr. Leaf, “where your mind goes, your brain and body follow.” So as you’re telling yourself positive statements, you lower your stress-related cortisol levels. This, then, helps create a healthier internal environment for both the mind and body.

Marisa is living proof of this. After a horrific accident where a car ran over her leg, doctors told her recovery would take six months—and that she might never walk the same way again. 

But she refused to accept that prognosis. Using her own DICCC technique, she directed, instructed, commanded, compelled, and coded her body to heal. In just six weeks, she was walking again, stunning her doctors.

The catalyst? Giving her mind and body clear, specific instructions.

It’s the detail,” she says. Saying “I want it” isn’t enough, though. Wanting and wishing keep you in a state of longing, never having. But when you say, “I demand this; I compel my body to make it happen,” your subconscious mind understands the urgency and takes action.

The mind is powerful beyond belief,” she adds. “We have really no idea how powerful we are.”

How do positive affirmations work?

Your subconscious mind takes everything literally—it doesn’t distinguish between reality and repetition. As Marisa puts it, “Your mind really doesn’t care what you tell it. Is it true or false, good or bad, helpful or unhelpful?

It’s kind of like putting butter on hot toast—the toast cannot reject the hot butter. And it’s the same for affirmations. “When you state them,” Marisa adds, “they become real.”

For example, repeating positive morning affirmations like “I am calm and ready for the day” or “I radiate confidence” helps set the mental tone you carry into your actions. As Norman Vincent Peale, the bestselling author of The Power of Positive Thinking, says, “Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented, and happy attitudes, and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful.”

Some people, though, may have tried and wonder why positive affirmations don’t work. But it comes down to this: If you don’t believe what you’re saying, your mind resists the statement instead of accepting it.

That’s why affirmations work best when they feel achievable. Instead of “I am wealthy” when you’re struggling financially, a better affirmation might be “I am building financial stability every day.”

Additionally, the key to positive affirmations is repetition. The more you say them, the more your mind accepts them as truth.

How to write positive affirmations

Because positive affirmations are written in the language of the brain, they follow a very specific formula. And as it turns out, our brains are pretty strict and straightforward about their linguistic rules.

So here are the guidelines you’ll want to keep in mind:

  1. Keep your affirmations in the present. Your brain will only ever optimally respond to positive present tense affirmations such as “I am calm.”

    Hence, avoid using past or future tenses. If you see affirmations that say “I will…,” “I used to…,” or “I’m going to…,” then this is NOT an affirmation. 
  1. Only include positive words. Don’t,” “can’t,” or “won’t” aren’t positively inclined words, so steer clear of using them. For example, change “I won’t worry” to “I’m always calm.”

    When you use negatively charged words, your brain has to put in a lot of extra effort to evoke meaning and seek out positive instruction.
  1. Speak your positive affirmation confidently, as if it were true. Statements that contain words like “might” and “could” aren’t nearly as powerful as statements that contain words like “am” and “do.” For example, “I could be calm in every situation” is not as solid as “I am calm in every situation.”

    Your brain will respond to this even if you secretly don’t believe it to be accurate. When you come across an affirmation that makes you squirm in discomfort, it’s a good sign that it’s exactly the statement you need to repeat. 

Unlock your brilliance within

There’s nothing that builds you up the way self-praise does,” says Marisa Peer. And with every affirmation you repeat to yourself, it’s a blueprint, a directive, a reminder of what you’re capable of.

If you’re going to feed your mind, make it a feast… with Mindvalley’s “Mind Your Mantras” affirmation cards. This beautifully designed deck is filled with affirmations for self-love, financial abundance, morning motivation, deep self-reflection, and more.

Pull a card each day, say it out loud, and let it work its way into your mindset. Simple, powerful, and ridiculously effective.

So download your deck, pick a card, and let the words do their magic.

Welcome in.

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Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Marisa Peer, Mindvalley trainer, UK's #1 Therapist, and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy
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Voted the United Kingdom’s #1 therapist by Tatler, Marisa Peer has spent 25 years coaching a diverse range of clients, including royalty, rock stars, celebrities, Olympic athletes, political leaders, and CEOs.

She specializes in Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy™, a technique that quickly reshapes thinking and achieves significant life changes, often in just one or two sessions.

Her Mindvalley quests, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance and Uncompromised Life, are perfect opportunities for one to resolve their past issues, remove personal limitations, and expand their capacity for abundance, especially in health, wealth, and love.

Dr. Caroline Leaf, Mindvalley trainer and clinical neuroscientist specializing in psychoneurobiology
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Dr. Caroline Leaf is a clinical and cognitive neuroscientist with advanced degrees in communication pathology. She has created transformative tools for individuals suffering from conditions like traumatic brain injury, autism, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Dr. Leaf’s mission, through her programs, which include the Calm Mind: A Scientific Guide to Managing Anxiety and Depression Quest at Mindvalley, is to empower people to manage their mental health by understanding and regulating their emotions.

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