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Quantum physics and spirituality: The two forces at work for your personal transformation

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A man contemplating quantum physics in a lab setting

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Ever wondered how science can support what you believe spiritually? Turns out, the overlap between quantum physics and spirituality is much more accurate than you’d think—and understanding this connection can help you manifest your best life.

Take The Matrix, for example. In the movie, Neo doesn’t just break free from a simulated reality—the Matrix—to save humanity. He’s driven by his awakening to a deeper truth: that reality isn’t what it seems and can be manipulated.

Here’s where it gets interesting: Neo’s realization allows him to bend the rules of the Matrix, manipulating time, space, and matter.

This storyline reflects something crucial about the common ground shared by quantum physics and spirituality: that the invisible forces—like intention, connection, and consciousness—can shape reality in ways that defy logic.

So, exploring this science-spirituality connection can be the first step to undressing reality, discovering who you are, and living your best life.

What is quantum physics?

Quantum physics is the branch of science that studies matter and energy at the most fundamental level.

It challenges the way we think about reality by revealing that the very particles powering everything—from your cells to the chair you’re sitting on—behave in ways that defy traditional logic.

The history of quantum physics

Quantum physics emerged in the early 20th century, shaking up the traditional understanding of classical physics. 

It all began when physicist Max Planck introduced the idea that energy is quantized in 1900. This was followed by physicist Albert Einstein’s work on the photoelectric effect in 1905, proving that light itself is made of particles called photons.

Then, thinkers like Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg further revolutionized the field with concepts like the uncertainty principle and the duality of particles.

All of this eventually led to groundbreaking theories that still puzzle scientists and philosophers today—four of which are:

1. The observer effect: what you focus on exists

The double-slit experiment shows that particles, like electrons, can behave like both solid particles and waves, depending on whether they’re being observed. In other words, reality shifts when we look at it—and this is known as the observer effect.

Simply put, when scientists watched these particles, they acted like tiny bullets, passing through one slit at a time. But when no one was looking, they transformed into waves, creating an interference pattern like ripples on a pond. 

Now, notice how your energy influences the environment around you. Ever wondered how your mood can set the tone for your family or even your workspace? The power of your observation, through focus and intention, works in much the same way.

Burt Goldman, the creator and trainer of the Quantum Jumping Quest on Mindvalley, says it best.  “Your mind’s power can shape your reality, but only if you focus on the right things. What you observe changes the outcome.”

In The Matrix, Neo has to observe the nature of the world he’s trapped in, realizing that his mind can manipulate the false reality he’s been living in. This parallels how, in life, our focus and awareness shape our experiences. Ultimately, Neo’s focus on bending reality eventually brings into motion his ultimate end goal: freeing humanity from the Matrix.

So you can see how your focus—powered by the observer effect—can shape your own life and the lives of others around you.

2. Schrödinger’s cat: the cat that’s both alive and dead

Here’s where things get philosophical. Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment that poses this question: if you put a cat in a box with a vial of poison set to break at a random time, is the cat alive or dead before you check? 

Quantum mechanics would say it’s both—until you open the box and observe it. This idea of “superposition” of different realities all at once in spacetime highlights the strange truth that things can exist in multiple states at once. 

Think of your own life decisions, for example. When faced with multiple possibilities—whether to take a new job, move to a new city, or even how you respond emotionally in a situation—each choice represents a different timeline of your life. But it’s only when you focus your intention on one option that it materializes into reality.

“Each decision you make shifts you into a different reality. You’re constantly choosing the future that aligns with your intentions,” Burt says.

So, it’s not until you take a peek that reality presents you with a path’s look and feel.

3. Quantum entanglement: the universe’s spooky side

Einstein himself called quantum entanglement “spooky action at a distance.” Basically, when two particles get entangled, whatever happens to one instantly affects the other—even if they’re light-years apart.

Here’s where string theory—the idea that tiny, vibrating strings connect all particles—adds even more depth. It suggests that the universe is made up of these interconnected strands, tying everything together, regardless of distance.

Bring to mind a relationship you have with someone close, like your parent or a best friend. Ever had a moment when you’re thinking of them and they suddenly called or texted? That’s a bit like quantum entanglement—and string theory—at play; your spiritual bond keeps you connected, no matter the physical distance.

In The Matrix, this concept takes center stage. Neo is entangled with the fate of all humanity, and through his connection with others, he can bend the rules of reality, even influencing those around him.

So, just like quantum particles remain connected regardless of distance, our connection to others reflects the same type of link—where intention and purpose can transcend both space and time.

4. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle: you can’t know it all

Another pillar of quantum physics is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, which states that you cannot know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. The more you try to pinpoint one, the fuzzier the other becomes.

This principle throws our notion of predictability out the window and introduces the idea that reality is inherently uncertain at its core. For many, this uncertainty aligns with the spiritual belief that life is full of unknowns and that control is often an illusion.

Circle back to a time when you weren’t sure how something would turn out—as you decide on a new career path or a relationship. You didn’t have all the answers. But by choosing to move forward based on what’s suitable for you, things eventually worked out.

Similarly, had Neo known from the start how much danger he would face in freeing humanity, he might have been overwhelmed by overthinking and doubt. But by trusting his instincts and his higher values, even when the path was unclear, he moved forward—and achieved his end goal.

This sense of uncertainty—both in science and in life—keeps us moving forward, reminding us that sometimes, not knowing is what propels us to act.

5. The butterfly effect: small actions, big consequences

The butterfly effect is a popular concept that suggests even small actions can have huge, far-reaching effects—like a butterfly flapping its wings leading to a tornado on the other side of the world.

In quantum physics, this idea neighbors the chaos theory, which shows how small changes in initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes. Meanwhile, in spirituality, this aligns with the idea that every thought, word, or action ripples out into the world, creating a chain reaction that affects the future.

How does this relate to your own life?  A kind word to a stranger could brighten their day, and they, in turn, might pass on that kindness, creating a ripple effect that’s real even if you may never overview it. Spiritually, this is how intention and energy work, influencing outcomes in ways we can’t always predict.

Now, Neo’s small decisions—like taking the red pill and trusting Morpheus—lead to a series of events that ultimately affect not only his life but the entire human race. His experience mirrors how, in life, seemingly insignificant choices can shape the course of reality.

Are quantum physics and spirituality really connected? 5 ways of proving they are

The overlap between quantum physics and spirituality may seem mind-bending at first. But when you break it down, it’s surprisingly easy to see how these two realms mirror each other. 

Here are four critical ways that they aren’t as separate as they might seem:

1. The universe’s holographic nature

One of the wildest ideas in quantum physics is that the universe might work like a hologram

No, really. Think of a hologram—how it can display a three-dimensional image on a flat surface. The theory here is that everything happening in our three-dimensional world might actually be “stored” on a two-dimensional surface, kind of like a cosmic blueprint.

It sounds like something out of The Matrix, and that’s exactly the point. Just like Neo’s surroundings are a simulated reality, the holographic universe theory suggests that what we perceive as reality might just be a projection of something much deeper and more complex. 

To keep things simple, let’s explore this through the lens of Hinduism and Buddhism, two of the world’s oldest religions.

For example, in Hinduism, the concept of maya suggests that the physical world is like a veil hiding the true nature of reality. Similarly, in Buddhism, the idea of samsara describes the cycles of life and death as an illusion that keeps us from seeing the ultimate truth about who we are.

Both beliefs teach that the world we experience day-to-day might not be the complete picture—just like the holographic universe theory suggests. 

So, if you feel drawn to make healthier choices or take a new direction in life, it could be part of a bigger purpose you’ll understand more fully down the road.

In other words, trust the process.

2. The power of intention

Remember how particles don’t act the same when someone’s watching? And how, through the observer effect, particles behave differently depending on whether they’re being observed?

This is where things get super relatable to spiritual practices like manifestation and quantum jumping. Ever heard the phrase, “Where attention goes, energy flows”? It’s basically the same thing. 

In both science and spirituality, your intention has the power to change reality. When focusing on an outcome during meditation, you’re essentially collapsing all those possibilities to focus on a single path. Yes, much like the particles in the double-slit experiment.

“When you focus your mind on a goal, you’re aligning with the version of you who’s already achieved it. The universe has no choice but to catch up,” Burt says.

Physicist Nassim Haramein, who dedicates his life to researching the ways of the universe, would agree with Burt. After all, he often talks about how reality is intentionally feeding back information to us all the time.

“The universe is a feedback loop,” he says in an exclusive sit-down with Vishen, the founder of Mindvalley, on The Mindvalley Podcast. “Every action, every thought, every intention we have is like a signal that gets sent out, and the universe responds. It’s constantly feeding back information to us, shaping reality based on how we interact with it.”

Say you want to improve your health and well-being. Ever noticed how new opportunities to exercise or eat better would suddenly line up? That’s the universe responding to your intention.

It’s a bit like how our strong intentions can ripple out and lead to surprising results in our lives—sometimes in ways we never expected.

3. Everything is connected

Speaking of interconnectedness, you’ve probably heard about the idea in spiritual circles—that everything is linked, and your energy impacts the world. It’s the foundation of many spiritual principles, including karma—“what goes around comes back around.

Turns out, quantum physics works on the same principles, but with particles.

In his 30-minute talk at A-Fest Mexico 2016, scientist and Google X co-founder Tom Chi talked about how the iron in your blood came from stars that exploded billions of years ago. Everything you are—right down to the atoms in your body—came from stardust.

As Tom puts it, “Every one of our heartbeats is directly connected to the collisions of galaxies and the birth of stars.”

Even galaxies, he says, don’t just float around aimlessly. They collide and merge, and from these cosmic dances, new stars are born. Without these macro collisions, you wouldn’t have the iron that pumps through your veins.

So, when spirituality talks about our connection to the cosmos, it’s not just a metaphor. It’s literal. Every time your heart beats, it’s a direct reflection of the cosmic rhythm that started billions of years ago. Kind of makes you feel small and big at the same time, doesn’t it? 

And when you grasp this endless connection, it’s impossible to unsee how your choices ripple out to affect everything and everyone around you.

Check out Tom’s full speech for more context below:

Everything is Connected – Here’s How | Tom Chi

4. Consciousness is always the starting point

The truth is we cannot observe anything without first being conscious. 

In quantum mechanics, the fact that observing a particle changes how it behaves shines the light on how important you, as the observer, are to reality’s intrinsic processes.

“Your awareness is the key to unlocking the reality you want,” Burt explains. “The moment you observe, you engage with the potential to shape it.”

Nassim shares the same view. “Without consciousness, there is no arrow of time,” he says in Vishen’s interview with him. “Time is a result of how we remember things, of how we move through the universe. It’s our awareness and memory that gives us the experience of time flowing.“

Spiritually, this aligns with the practice of manifestation. Your thoughts and intentions are not passive—they actively shape the energy around you. By setting clear intentions during meditation, for instance, you’re using your consciousness to focus on the outcome you want.

So, if you’re constantly thinking about success—visualizing your goals and focusing your energy on achieving them—you may notice things start falling into place on your career path. Or, if you write down what you’re grateful for daily, it won’t be long before your mood lifts and unexpected opportunities for joy come your way.

5. Time does not work the way we think it does

Most of us live as if time is linear—past, present, and future stacked in chronological order. But in both science and spirituality, time isn’t so straightforward. 

In quantum mechanics, time is fluid. Meanwhile, in Einstein’s theory of relativity, time can stretch or compress under the influence of gravity and other large-scale phenomena.

Either way, the idea that past, present, and future all exist simultaneously is mind-boggling. But believe it or not, it’s observable in spiritual practices, too. 

Ever had a moment when time seemed to stand still or didn’t exist during meditation? This is why mystics and meditators often describe experiences where the boundaries between past, present, and future disappear, merging into a single “now.”

“Time doesn’t move—you move through time. Your consciousness can shift between realities at any given moment,” says Burt.

Nassim’s lifelong work aligns with Burt’s rationale, too. “Time is memory. It’s how we remember things and move forward. But the past, present, and future are not separate. They exist simultaneously, layered on top of each other,” he says. “Our consciousness moves through them, and depending on where we place our awareness, we experience time differently.”

So, if you’ve been dwelling on a past mishap or worried about a future plan, pause and ask yourself: What if every possibility already exists? And your best life awaits in one of these timelines, just waiting for your awareness to tap into it?

Quantum physics and spirituality: 7 books and podcasts to explore

Thankfully, you don’t have to literally bend the fabric of reality like Neo to understand how spirituality and quantum physics connect. There’s a litany of books and podcasts exploring this unique intersection. 

Whether you’re new to the topic or diving deeper, these resources can give you the insights you need—no Matrix-defying stunts necessary.

1. The Mindvalley Podcast

This podcast, led by Vishen and his co-host Megan Pormer, covers cutting-edge, science-backed topics in various areas, from personal growth and spirituality to biohacking and conscious relationships.

A standout episode that covers the connection between quantum physics and spirituality is, of course, Vishen’s interview with Nassim. 

In this session, they discuss: 

  • How the universe responds to our intentions and actions,
  • The universe’s feedback loop model,
  • The relationship between consciousness and time, and more.

Check the full interview out for a mind-expanding experience:

Ep #038 | Nassim Haramein On the Science Behind Spirituality

2. The Physics of Angels by Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake

If you’re familiar with theology, you’ll know that many religious scriptures describe these heavenly beings as made of light.

This book, co-authored by visionary theologian Matthew Fox and acclaimed biologist Rupert Sheldrake, approaches the topic from the perspective of quantum physics. Together, they draw parallels between angels—seen in various spiritual beliefs as beings of light—and photons, the scientific particles of light.

By the end of this fascinating read, you might wonder if these concepts are way more intertwined than we realize. Could their differences be due to language all along—that is, how we’ve chosen to interpret and express them? Do they point to one and the same phenomenon? 

Well, only one way to find out.

3. The Cosmic Hologram by Jude Currivan, PhD

Here, cosmologist and healer Jude Currivan explores the holographic nature of the universe, in which everything is unchangingly interconnected. 

You’ll learn that information is not just data but “meaning in formation” that’s actively shaping the purpose of the universe—at any observable scale. As such, every interaction, thought, and intention plays a role in the greater cosmic web.

She also ties this whole premise to the ancient Hindu metaphor of Indra’s Net—in that each pearl in the net reflects all the others. This metaphor underscores how quantum particles, through entanglement, remain interconnected and influence each other, no matter the distance.

4. Mindscapes by Sean Caroll

Ever wondered how quantum mechanics connect with the more profound mysteries of the mind? Then this podcast by physicist and educator Sean Carroll is for you. 

Expect to unpack big questions—like the nature of time, free will, and how our minds shape reality—all in a way that feels relatable, even if you’re not a science geek.

It’s the perfect mix of deep thinking and approachable conversation that leaves you questioning everything you thought you knew about the universe—and your place in it.

5. Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality by Paul Levy

In his book, Levy unpacks how your consciousness is the nucleus of the interconnectedness around you. He also breaks down complex ideas in quantum theory and ties them to spiritual practices, especially around manifestation and the power of intention.

Beyond just proving that quantum physics and spirituality are two sides of the same coin, the book ultimately helps you harness these two areas to empower your life.

6. Reality Transurfing by Zadim Veland

In a nutshell, this book centers around the concept of quantum jumping. 

Zadim explains that reality isn’t just one fixed path—it’s more like a massive tree of infinite possibilities waiting to be tapped into. Each branch presents a different version of your life, and your mind can hop between them to find one that aligns with your highest desires.

While the idea itself isn’t new, Zadim’s take is riveting for its clarity and depth. So, instead of your usual lofty guide, it presents tangible and highly actionable steps to transforming your life.

7. The Silva Mind Control Method by José Silva

Created by José Silva, the method leverages your mind’s power to shape reality. Using techniques like visualization and meditation, Silva shows you how to reprogram your thought patterns and create the life you want through access to different brainwaves.

It’s a practical, step-by-step guide that helps you tap into your mental capacity to solve problems, spark creativity, and manifest your goals. By applying Silva’s techniques, you’re essentially using the observer effect to shape your reality every day.

5 steps to connect quantum physics and spirituality in your life

Being well-versed in the concepts of these two areas is one thing, but knowing how to apply them is another. It’s in the practice, not just the theory, where you can create real change in your life.

And why exactly should you care? Well, understanding the connection between the quantum world and the spirit realm gives you the power to actively mold your reality to your liking rather than drifting through life as a passive observer.

Not sure where to start? Here are five practical ways to bring these concepts you’ve just learned into your everyday life.

1. Set clear intentions at all scales

In quantum physics, the observer effect shows that what you focus on changes the outcome. 

Your life works the same way. Whether it’s setting small intentions, like how you want to feel today, or outlining a big one, like achieving a long-term career goal, the common denominator remains that your energy directs your reality.

How to do it:

  • Journal daily. Write down your thoughts to uncover your actual values, likes and dislikes, and ambitions. It’s easier to know what’s real from what’s not when you can clearly see and trace what’s on your mind.
  • Outline all micro and macro goals. Get clear on immediate versus long-term goals.
  • Scripted manifestation. Write down what you want to a tee to set the ball rolling—the specific job descriptions you’d want in your next career jump, the location you’d like to move to settle in next, the characteristics of the person you want to be with. The sky’s the limit from here.
  • Consider taking up some spiritual classes to elevate your journey.

Get specific about what you want, and don’t be afraid to think big. The universe, like those particles, is paying attention—and it will respond to the clarity you bring.

2. Get good at meditation

Meditation is your shortcut to both clarity in your life and connection to the cosmos. By anchoring yourself in the now, it’s easier to see through the possibilities and follow the path with the best outcomes in your life.

Nassim describes how, through meditation, you can “follow the spiral backward of your timeline,” allowing you to reframe both past and future events. By doing this, you can heal old wounds, release limiting beliefs, and open yourself to new possibilities. 

And since everything is energy, this practice helps you shift your perception, empowering you to make different choices and unlock better outcomes for your future.

By tapping into the energy field that quantum physics suggests connects us all, meditation allows you to rewrite your narrative and influence the trajectory of your life. So, master this practice to get that dream relationship, job, house, and anything else you want.

How to do it:

  • Meditation. Start with five to 10 minutes of daily practice to build consistency. You can explore different types: mindfulness, intimacy-building, self-empowerment, and more.
  • Mindful breathing. Focus on your breath and bring your awareness back to the present moment whenever distractions arise.
  • Guided meditations. Turn to experts to help you deepen your practice, especially if you’re just starting.

3. Explore quantum jumping

Popularized by Burt, quantum jumping is the idea that you can tap into alternate realities where you’ve already achieved your desires. It’s about using visualization to “jump” into a version of yourself that’s already living the life you want.

At its core, quantum jumping is a form of manifestation built on the belief that there are multiple versions of reality. With the right mindset, you can align yourself with the one you want—because it already exists. 

“You don’t need to reinvent yourself. Just step into the version of you who’s already successful,” Burt reminds us in his program.

How to do it:

  • Time-blocking. Set aside a quiet time each day for visualization.
  • Creative visualization. Imagine yourself already living the life you desire—focus on the details like how you feel, what you see, and what you’re doing.
  • Scripting manifestation. Write down your desired reality in the present tense as if it’s already happening.
  • Growth mindset. Stay open to the opportunities and signs that start showing up so you’re aligned to your desired reality.

4. Manifest in surrender

Just because you know what you want and set your intentions doesn’t mean you’ll know exactly how it’ll happen—and that’s okay. In fact, you’re not supposed to control the “how.” Regan Hillyer, a mindset coach and manifesting expert, emphasizes balance: take action but also trust the process.

In her Mindvalley Quest,  The Art of Manifesting, Regan refers to the need for control as a form of “manufactured manifestation”—when you’re pushing too hard to make things happen. All that this does is create resistance. 

The antidote to it? Trust the universe, and you’ll see things flowing naturally.

“When you’re in a place of surrender, you’re open and available, allowing magic to flow through you while still being intentional,” she explains.

In quantum terms, it’s all about Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. When you let go of trying to control every detail and stay aligned with your purpose, the best outcomes unfold effortlessly.

How to do it:

  • Set clear intentions. At the same time, release the need to know how things will unfold.
  • Take action. Plan your steps towards your goals to build momentum, but don’t force outcomes. Stay flexible in the face of disruptions.
  • Practice daily gratitude. Focus on the progress you’ve made rather than what you haven’t achieved yet.

5. Embrace transcendence

Spiritual transcendence, which is to connect to something higher than yourself, is the ultimate way to bring together quantum physics and spirituality in your life. Through a higher sense of purpose, you establish your spiritual connection to the universe at large.

Take a leaf from Neo’s book. His path wasn’t just about freeing himself from the Matrix; it was liberating all of humanity. And he could only do so by transcending the illusion of reality and connecting with his higher purpose. 

By breaking through the limitations of the simulated world, Neo was able to transcend space and time, making decisions that changed the course of life for all humans.

In your own life, self-transcendence helps you see the bigger picture, allowing you to make choices that align with the flow of quantum energy and move you closer to your spiritual goals.

How to do it:

  • Rewild your mind and body. Spend time in nature to help you connect with something bigger than yourself.
  • Be in the present moment. Savor your now to be aware of the interconnectedness of everything around you.
  • Lean into spiritual practices. Try doing more prayer, journaling, or acts of service to deepen your sense of purpose.

Awaken your inherent greatness

The middle ground where quantum physics and spirituality meet is ultimately a roadmap to transformation. By tapping into this connection, you can break past limitations and unlock your best life with intention and energy at the quantum level.

Why not get there with Burt Goldman’s guidance? By signing up for a free Mindvalley account, you get to explore the first few lessons of his Quantum Jumping Quest and learn to:

  • Master a new skill faster than ever,
  • Manifest your biggest desires into reality,
  • Find creative solutions to life’s challenges, and 
  • Heal your mind and body as you go along.

Like Neo, you have the power to free yourself and unlock your highest purpose. And your best reality isn’t somewhere far off—it’s already within reach. 

Welcome in.

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Quantum Jumping With Burt Goldman

Based on the work of the late mind science pioneer Burt Goldman, Quantum Jumping is an advanced visualization method like no other. Harness your mind to meet alternate versions of you in the multiverse: and embody the wisdom, abilities, and inspiration you need to design your ultimate realityGet started for free

Written by

Naressa Khan

Naressa’s journey has taken her from the world of luxury lifestyle journalism to user-driven content creation in health and industrial tech. Now at Mindvalley, she weaves together her diverse experiences to explore her biggest passion: where spirit meets science and mind meets body.
Picture of Naressa Khan

Naressa Khan

Naressa’s journey has taken her from the world of luxury lifestyle journalism to user-driven content creation in health and industrial tech. Now at Mindvalley, she weaves together her diverse experiences to explore her biggest passion: where spirit meets science and mind meets body.
Burt Goldman, trainer of Mindvalley's Quantum Jumping Quest
Expertise by

The late Burt Goldman had an extensive 50-year career as a highly sought-after meditation master and mind-power expert.

As a student of Paramahansa Yogananda and José Silva, Burt became the world’s leading instructor of The Silva Method, which revolutionized personal growth for millions. He also authored best-selling books and created transformative programs—his most famous one being Quantum Jumping, which helped him master new skills like painting and entrepreneurship even in his 80s.

In 2014, he launched the Quantum Jumping Quest with Mindvalley, reaching over 70,000 participants worldwide. Although he passed away in 2020, Mindvalley has reintroduced the program, keeping his legacy alive.

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