5 transformative public speaking classes to empower your voice

A man on stage speaking in public

There you are, under the spotlight, like a deer caught in headlights. Beads of sweat start to form on your temples. Your mouth has gone all cotton-y. And you’re desperately trying to remember that ever-so-popular tip—imagine the audience naked, was it?

Oh, the joys of public speaking…Well, more like the fear of it. 

But there’s a solution that can turn your anxiety into confidence and your shaky voice into powerful communication. 

It’s no secret, really. But it is something that can absolutely help you conquer your fears and become a captivating speaker—and that’s public speaking classes.

Ohhh…” you might say, thinking that it was more like a magic spell to “abracadabra!” the fear out of you.

Before you dive into disappointment, understand this: fear touches us all. But, as Lisa Nichols, CEO of Motivating the Masses and trainer of Mindvalley’s Speak and Inspire program, says, “It’s what you do with it that will make the difference in your world.”

5 best public speaking classes at Mindvalley

Feeling tongue-tied on stage or in front of a group is a bummer. But what’s an even bigger bummer is not knowing what to do about it. 

Learning how to amp up your effective communication skills can be a game changer, not only for your professional prowess but for your personal one too. And the great thing is, there are online classes for public speaking available at Mindvalley. (Granted, they’re not your typical desk-and-chair learning environment, but what is “class,” really, other than a course or lecture?)

These classes are your passport to mastering the art of talking in front of people. Here’s a list of Mindvalley’s free public speaking classes, handpicked just for you.

1. How to Use Your Voice So People Listen | Lisa Nichols

There’s something captivating about learning from someone who’s been through the anxiety. Their valuable lessons are not only motivating but also mesmerizing and genuine.

That’s the magic of Lisa Nichols, whose own public speaking journey led her to turn her fear into fuel. A force to be reckoned with, it’s her wisdom bombs, wrapped in humor and inspiration, that make you want to embrace your unique path and confront your jitters head-on.

Because when it comes to learning how to start a speech with Lisa as your guide, it’s much more profound than public speaking; it’s about sparking a fire in you.

Class Duration: 40 minutes

What You’ll Learn:

  • Unleash the power of your voice and language, fulfilling your deepest desires.
  • Discover a powerful tool to measure the impact that will show you the true effectiveness of your communication skills.
  • Master the art of crafting words that bring value and inspiration.
  • …and much more.

About the Trainer: Lisa Nichols is a renowned speaking coach, having been featured on Oprah, the Steve Harvey Show, The Secret, and much more. Her journey, from humble beginnings to her influential work with teens and her role as a leading public speaking coach, shows the magnitude of her ability to connect with audiences. Through her impactful presence, she has made a lasting difference in the lives of millions worldwide.

What Students Say:

What I was hoping to learn was how to speak authentically from the Whole Self (Feeling Heart and Thinking Mind) in a way that is truthful and impactful to get my colorful message out to those who need to hear it now. 

But what I received was exactly this and sooooo much more: the foundation of authentic speaking is based upon a loving intimacy with myself and those closest to me.
Corry MacDonald, creative healer (art therapist/energy healer/artist)

Learn from Lisa Nichols on The Mindvalley Show:

2. Master the Art of Public Speaking and Storytelling | Eric Edmeades

If you’re looking for tips on how to be a public speaker, this class with Eric Edmeades is an absolute goldmine, if there ever was one. 

The reality is, it’s not as easy as, “Get on up there and just start talking.” After all, public speaking is part performance and part information. There are verbal, vocal, and facial cues to consider. 

That’s where Eric’s class comes in.

From mastering your charisma pattern to harnessing the power of proper breathing, he equips you with invaluable techniques to excel in public speaking. What’s more, he empowers you to captivate any audience with confidence and finesse. 

Class duration: 70 minutes

What You’ll Learn:

  • Adapt your communication style to connect with different preferences and engage your audience effectively.
  • Master the techniques to captivate your audience by gradually increasing intensity and building up to a powerful delivery.
  • Discover how your beliefs can transform your perception and open doors to new opportunities.
  • …and much more.

About the Trainer: Eric Edmeades is an accomplished entrepreneur, author, and mentor known for his exceptional success in various industries and his dedication to empowering others. Through his Mindvalley programs, Business Freedom Blueprint and WILDFIT, Eric has transformed thousands of lives, helping entrepreneurs achieve financial and lifestyle freedom.

What Students Say:

Eric is unique among trainers. He knows what to say and when to say it to get you to open up and let your stories out. 

While Eric is a master storyteller, he is also an even better teacher, trainer, and coach. Having been a professional speaker for many years, I was truly surprised by how much I learned in just five days with Eric.
Nicolai Moltke-Leth, former special forces soldier, adventure racer, and founder of True North

Learn from Eric Edmeades on Mindvalley’s YouTube channel:

Master the Art of Public Speaking and Storytelling | Eric Edmeades

3. How to Increase Your Confidence and Inner Joy In Under 60 Minutes | Paul McKenna

Fear of public speaking, consider yourself warned. With the help of Paul McKenna, a renowned hypnotherapist and trainer of Mindvalley’s Total Self-Confidence program, it’s going to be all about building confidence.

There’s visualization. There’s learning to embrace the belief in “luck.” And there’s even “time travel” involved.

Learning from Paul is like learning from a master magician who holds the key to your unwavering confidence. And with it comes renewed optimism and fearlessness to captivate any audience, whether it’s one or one thousand.

Class duration: 55 minutes

What You’ll Learn:

  • Explore the power of embracing moments of emotional intensity as transformative opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
  • Increase your confidence by adopting three specific postures.
  • Discover the 80/20 rule and its connection to success.
  • …and much more.

About the Trainer: Paul McKenna, PhD., is recognized as a leading self-help guru, having worked with influential figures like Ellen DeGeneres and David Bowie. He’s also an internationally acclaimed bestselling author whose transformative techniques rooted in hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming have positively impacted millions of lives worldwide. His books have been translated into 32 languages and sold over 10 million copies.

What Students Say:

“I have been extremely self-critical, and my own self-doubt was my biggest saboteur. But now, with the help of Paul’s techniques, I have been able to tame my inner critic and learn the true meaning of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.”
Shruti Shailajan, self-empowerment coach

Listen to the wisdom bombs from Paul McKenna:

4. How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Build Confidence | Florencia Andrés

There’s no doubt that being confident is beneficial. Research even suggests that it leads to improved mental health, higher success, and better relationships. And when all eyes are on you, having a high sense of self-esteem is super helpful.

That’s what Florencia Andrés, a mindset coach and trainer of Mindvalley’s Confianza Total program (in Spanish), can help you with. While this particular class (in English) is for building your confidence, it’s a topic that’s at the heart of all public speaking classes.

Class duration: 85 minutes

What You’ll Learn:

  • Discover how to embrace the power of self-belief and nurture your confidence.
  • Learn to create a ritual to reinforce your intentions.
  • Increase your accountability and motivation.
  • …and much more.

About the Trainer: Florencia Andres, along with her mother Veronica, made history as the first trainers of a Mindvalley program to host in their native Spanish, offering the highly successful Confianza Total to Mindvalley Members. Their four bestselling books, including Confianza Total and Todo es posible have collectively sold over half a million copies and earned them the prestigious “Gold Book Award,” making them trailblazing women in the literary world.

What Students Say:

Antes del curso estaba como dormida y gracias al curso y a todas las herramientas, estrategias, aportes y comentarios del grupo, los vivos y la luz que irradian y comparten Vero y Flor, desperté y tomé consciencia de lo que siempre fui, soy y puedo llegar a ser.”
Lucila Mazzini

(Before the course I was asleep and thanks to the course and all the tools, strategies, contributions, and comments from the group, the living and the light that Vero and Flor radiate and share, I woke up and became aware of what I always was, am and can reach to be.)

Gain more insights from Florencia Andres:

How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Build Confidence | Florencia Andres

5. Unleash Your Super Brain to Learn Faster | Jim Kwik

You may have experienced this before: you’re up on stage, and your mind goes completely blank. It’s, no doubt, something that’s very common—but it’s totally embarrassing.

Speaking, body language, and building confidence are, for sure, the basis of what you’d learn in any of the given public speaking classes. But what about when it comes to memorizing what you’re going to say when you’re in the spotlight?

Jim Kwik, a brain performance coach and trainer of Mindvalley’s Superbrain program, has the tools and hacks you need to remember anything. Sooo….memorize a speech? Check. 

Class duration: 60 minutes

What You’ll Learn:

  • Understand why it’s important to “learn how to learn fast.
  • Discover tips for fast learning.
  • Learn hacks to remember anything.
  • …and much more.

About the Trainer: From being called “the boy with the broken brain,” Jim Kwik has transformed into the foremost authority on enhancing memory and optimizing brain performance. He serves as a formidable Brain Coach to Hollywood celebrities, prestigious universities, Fortune 500 companies, and renowned entrepreneurs such as Peter Diamandis, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk.

What Students Say:

I have learned so much; my memory got better, my morning routine got more structure, and I could follow through better because I knew the ‘why’ behind all of these new things that I have started to do.”
Milica Lazovic, opera singer

Learn more about how to amp up your brain power with Jim Kwik:

Unleash Your Super Brain to Learn Faster | Jim Kwik

4 Public Speaking Tips to Build Your Confidence

Talking in front of people takes guts. And even the bravest of the brave get anxious now and again. 

In fact, nearly 75% of us suffer from speech anxiety. And while public speaking classes can help you go in-depth, sometimes go-to tips can be helpful to communicate your message effectively. 

Here are some of them for you to check out:

1. Be prepared for public speaking

Have you ever heard that the best offense is a good defense? This is especially true for public speaking.

The more you’re able to prepare for your public speaking event, the better. No matter the occasion—meeting, presentation, or speech—being well prepared will help you feel confident, composed, and ready to go.

Rehearse what you’re going to say. Know your subject well. Prepare for any questions that may be asked. Have your notes written on cards to prompt you if you get stuck.

Do anything and everything you can to ensure that you’re prepared before you speak. The act of preparing for the event will instill a powerful boost of confidence. 

2. Slow down your delivery

When we’re nervous, it shows, and not just in our pounding hearts and sweaty palms. Nervous speakers tend to speak rapidly, and trying to decipher what’s being said can turn into a confusing, befuddling challenge for the audience.

Do yourself a favor and slow down. Take a deep breath before you begin to speak. Compose your thoughts. Internally remind yourself: slow down, slow down, slow down.

Speak at a pace slow enough that you’re not tripping over your words. And by doing so, your delivery will keep you focused and relaxed.

Instead of rushing your way through your speech, hurtling toward the end of the presentation at a breakneck pace, try to take your time. You’ll notice the difference in the way you feel as you’re speaking. And your audience will notice, too.

3. Change your fearful perspective

Overcoming our fears is oftentimes a matter of challenging our preconceived notions and perspectives. Many of us, when struggling with social or speech anxiety, tend to frame ideas of public speaking in terms of what frightens us or makes us nervous.

We don’t like speaking in front of others because it makes us uncomfortable. We’re anxious. Nervous. Afraid.

However, what if you tried reframing those same states as something slightly different? Simply tweaking the ideas that surround public speaking—just a little—so that they turn into something else.

Fear becomes excitement. Nervousness becomes anticipation.

Instead of saying that public speaking makes us nervous, we can say that public speaking makes us excited. Believe it or not, many of the physiological indicators of excitement mirror those of nervousness.

It’s all a matter of perspective.

4. Be honest, genuine, and personal

Of all the effective public speaking tips, this one is perhaps the most important. It, at its heart, is all about connecting with others.

You want to be able to reach other people in such a way that your message sticks. Whatever it is you’re talking about, you must find a way to help others connect to the topic or issue at hand.

The best way to do this? Be honest, and don’t shy away from getting vulnerable.

People connect more easily with others when they’re being open, honest, and genuine. And if you’re trying too hard to sell something or come off as deceitful or manipulative, people will pick up on it.

Tell the honest-to-goodness truth. Stick to the facts, but don’t be afraid to be real. Try telling a personal story or providing anecdotal evidence to help your cause.

People will empathize more with your message if they can connect with you on an intimate, personal level.

Frequently asked questions

What are public speaking classes?

Public speaking classes are educational programs or courses specifically designed to help individuals develop and enhance their public speaking skills. And they’re typically set up to cover various aspects of effective communication:

  • Speech delivery,
  • Body language,
  • Vocal projection,
  • Overcoming stage fright, and
  • Structuring compelling presentations. 

Taking public speaking classes can help you become more confident. Additionally, you’ll also be able to express ideas better, connect with the audience, and deliver powerful speeches or presentations.

How much do public speaking classes cost?

The cost of public speaking classes varies; it can range anywhere from the $200s (like this introductory Harvard-based course on edX) to the thousands (like this advanced course from Harvard). 

The thing is, it really depends on several factors:

  • Duration of the program,
  • Reputation and expertise of the instructor or institution,
  • Level of customization or personalization, and
  • The additional resources or materials provided.

Now, you may ask, “How do public speaking online classes work at Mindvalley?” When you join as a Member, you have access to various programs that can absolutely help you with your public speaking skills. These include those of Lisa Nichols, Eric Edmeades, Paul McKenna, Florencia Andres, Jim Kwik, and so many more.

The lessons are typically 20–30 minutes long—bite-sized enough so that they don’t get overwhelming. And you can either take it with other members or choose to go at your own pace. 

Furthermore, learning is better when you have an accountability group. And that’s where the Mindvalley community comes in. 

As a Member, you’ll be learning alongside like-minded individuals. It’s like Eni Selfo, head of community management at Mindvalley, says, “When you are on a journey where you are transforming yourself, change cannot be sustained in the long term unless you have a community of people around you who are aligned with that change.”

Bonus: What’s great about the programs is that, if you have children, they can act as public speaking classes for kids.

Why take public speaking classes?

Every time I open my mouth,” says Lisa in her Mindvalley program, “I’m responsible for what I say and I’m responsible for how it lands.”

That holds true for any size audience—one or thousands. And while it can help you with the obvious (the fear of public speaking, of course), there are additional benefits to taking public speaking classes:

  • It helps you convey your message clearly and engage audiences. This, in turn, can leave a lasting impact.
  • It enhances your career prospects. Because effective communication is a highly valued professional skill, presentations, meetings, and job interviews can be done with ease.
  • It fosters personal growth. Learning how to communicate better helps boost your self-esteem, cultivate your storytelling skills, and empower you to share your ideas and passions with others.

There are so many techniques I am walking away with that have changed how I communicate in my personal and professional relationships,” says life coach Kristine Razinska, who has taken Mindvalley’s Speak and Inspire program.

And when you decide to mic up, you may just find yourself confident and able to spread your message impactfully.

Step into the spotlight

When you change, ‘you’ is just one person,” says Lisa. But when you become a force to be reckoned with, then your voice permeates over 800 people or so.”

That’s the kind of impression you can leave when you learn how to transform your communication skills. And if you need help getting there, you can turn to the experts at Mindvalley, including:

  • Lisa Nichols, who, in the Speak and Inspire program, will guide you to awaken the powerful communicator in you.
  • Eric Edmeades, who, in the Business Freedom Blueprint program, will teach you how to deliver powerful talks that could change lives.
  • Paul McKenna, who, in the Total Self-Confidence program, will provide you with the tools and techniques to be bold and have the courage to be the legend you are.

You can sign up for a free Mindvalley account and sample the first few lessons of their programs. What’s more, you’ll have access to daily selected meditations that’ll bolster your great orator journey.

Now embrace the power of your voice. Unleash your potential. Become a force to be reckoned with. 

Images generated on Midjourney (unless otherwise noted).

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Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman writes about the messy brilliance of human connection: how we love, parent, touch, and inhabit our bodies. As Mindvalley’s SEO content editor and a certified life coach, she merges scientific curiosity with sharp storytelling. Tatiana's work spans everything from attachment styles to orgasms that recalibrate your nervous system. Her expertise lens is shaped by a journalism background, years in the wellness space, and the fire-forged insight of a cancer experience.
Florencia Andres, Mindvalley trainer, online business coach, and founder of Easy Launch Academy
Expertise by

Florencia Andrés, a.k.a., “The Female Tony Robbins,” is a powerhouse in motivational speaking and coaching. She has an exceptional ability to connect with diverse audiences, from corporate executives to sports teams to large gatherings.

Her rise from humble beginnings to become an international best-selling author and renowned success coach demonstrates her core belief: with the right mindset, anyone can overcome challenges and achieve greatness.

This is the exact message she teaches in her Mindvalley quests, The Champion Mindset and Confianza Total.

Florencia is also a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and has made history as the first non-musical artist to keynote for Sony Music, leaving audiences energized and uplifted.

Lisa Nichols, Mindvalley trainer and founder of Motivating the Masses
Expertise by

Lisa Nichols is renowned for her dynamic communication skills and is recognized as one of the world’s leading speaking coaches.

Her journey began in hardship as a single mom in South Central L.A., struggling to make ends meet with only $11.42 to her name. Rising from these challenges, she transformed her life and now dedicates herself to empowering others.

Her influential role in the documentary The Secret spurred requests for her to teach her unique communication style.

Today, she’s the CEO of Motivating the Masses and trainer of Mindvalley’s Speak and Inspire Quest.

Jim Kwik, Mindvalley trainer and brain performance expert
Expertise by

Jim Kwik is a brain coach and a world expert in speed reading, memory improvement, and optimal brain performance.

Known as the “boy with the broken brain” due to a childhood injury, Jim discovered strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance.

He is now committed, through programs like Mindvalley’s Superbrain and Speed Reading Quest, to helping people improve their memory, learn to speed-read, increase their decision-making skills, and turn on their superbrain.

He has also shared his techniques with Hollywood actors, Fortune 500 companies, and trailblazing entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Richard Branson to reach their highest level of mental performance. He is also one of the most sought-after trainers for top organizations like Harvard University, Nike, Virgin, and GE.

Eric Edmeades, Mindvalley trainer, creator of WILDFIT®, serial entrepreneur, and international business speaker
Expertise by

From a challenging start as a homeless teenager, Eric Edmeades transformed his life to become a dynamic international speaker, author, and pioneering authority in fields such as evolutionary biology, nutritional anthropology, and public speaking.

His health struggles in his teens led him to profound discoveries in dietary health, inspiring his creation of the transformative WILDFIT®, a program that has helped thousands achieve radical health breakthroughs. Eric’s work has earned him accolades, including a medal from the Canadian Senate and recognition from the Transformational Leadership Council.

Today, he continues to empower individuals worldwide through his innovative seminars and programs, advocating for holistic health and effective communication to enhance life quality.

Eric further extends his expertise through Mindvalley, where he is the trainer for the WILDFIT®, The Immunity Blueprint, 7 Days to Breaking Up with Sugar, Business Freedom Blueprint, and The Stage Effect quests.

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