7 min read

Mindvalley for teens preps them for the future—here’s how

Teen participants at Mindvalley for Teens at Mindvalley University 2022 in Tallinn Estonia

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Summary: Worried about your teen's readiness for the real world? Learn how the specially curated Mindvalley for Teens program is changing the game.

School’s out for the summer—now what? As any parent knows, finding things to occupy your children isn’t exactly the easiest task.

Letting them run loose isn’t the most productive use of three months sans school. Neither is letting them spend all day on their devices.

So what if you brought them to Mindvalley University instead?

Yes, Mindvalley events are oftentimes catered to adults. However, Mindvalley University is more family-centric. And Mindvalley for Teens is a program curated specifically for adolescents in mind.

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill summer camp; it’s an immersive, transformative experience that’s redefining education for our digital age. The specially tailored teens program equips young people with tools for personal growth and academic achievement.

And, according to Gigi Márquez Suárez, the events lead for the Mindvalley Youth Program, it has become “one of the cornerstones of Mindvalley University.”

The psychology behind the teens’ program

Navigating the tumultuous teenage years is a universal rite of passage. It’s filled with emotional upheaval, physical changes, and a quest for identity.

This pressure can take quite a toll. In fact, one in seven 10- to 19-year-olds globally experiences a mental health condition, according to a 2021 report by the World Health Organization. This can often leave them “vulnerable to social exclusion, discrimination, stigma (affecting readiness to seek help), educational difficulties, risk-taking behaviors, physical ill-health, and human rights violations.” 

Adolescence is a challenge in any generation, no matter if it’s the 1320s or the 2020s. Teens have (and probably will always) grappled with evolving societal pressures, and academic expectations, and trying to carve their path to independence.

And that’s exactly why the Youth Program at Mindvalley University exists.

It’s really magical because it gives you access to the wisdom of people who are a little bit older, but also the creativity and the energy of the children. And so, it becomes a really magical space to learn from each other.

— Gigi Márquez Suárez, events lead for the Mindvalley Youth Program

At its core, the program prioritizes aspects of personal development for kids and teens. Each workshop is turned into an engaging game, making the experience productive as well as enjoyable.

It’s akin to already-existing teen summer programs but grounded in research. A 2020 study found that turning learning into a game can really help teens remember more, making their transition into adulthood smoother.

But the Mindvalley for Teens program isn’t all about how to learn better. It’s also about, as Gigi explains, connecting better. And with so many people coming in from around the world, the space allows kids to connect with others of different backgrounds. 

Participants of the Mindvalley for Teens program at Mindvalley University 2022 in Tallinn, Estonia
Participants of the Mindvalley for Teens program at Mindvalley University 2022 in Tallinn, Estonia

What teens will be learning at Mindvalley University

From the Mindvalley for Kids workshops to the one designed for teens, every aspect of the Youth Program aims to empower, enlighten, and entertain.

So what’s in store for them at Mindvalley University 2023? You can check out the full schedule, but here’s an overview of what your teen can expect:

Conscious use of technology

The idea is to get them exposed to conscious tools in ways that they can use,” says Gigi. It’s about learning to use these tools mindfully instead of being at their mercy.

The Game of AIdentity

Partnering up with Gahmya Drummond-Bey, the founder of Evolved Teacher, Inc. (who’s also the trainer of Mindvalley’s Creating Friendship and Deep Connections for Teens Quest and Be Extraordinary for Teens Quest), this brings in the aspect of gamification. 

It focuses on the three pillars of connection: feeling seen, feeling heard, and feeling valued.  


Teens can learn problem-solving skills and innovative thinking. It helps instill the mindset of resilience and adaptability, teaching them to see failures as just opportunities to learn and improve.

Digital content creation

The upcoming generation is living in a world that is online and offline. This can help them learn how to express themselves and their ideas in the digital world.


It goes without saying that embracing our unique qualities and quirks is important. It fosters a healthier self-image and promotes emotional well-being.

Mindvalley champions personal growth. So it’s only fitting to incorporate its practices into the workshops, such as using affirmations and mindfulness meditations.


It’s about how the brain works, which will help teens appreciate the diverse ways in which people think and learn. It encourages tolerance, understanding, and inclusive behavior among peers. 

Speaker sessions

The Mindvalley for Teens program will host a number of renowned speakers to help them develop a sense of empowerment and confidence. They include:

  • Vishen, the founder of Mindvalley,
  • Marisa Peer, the creator of RTT® and trainer of Mindvalley’s Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest,
  • Ronan Oliveira, trainer of Mindvalley’s 10X Quest,
  • And many more.


It’s not a Mindvalley event without the specially-curated gatherings. It ranges from parties to performances to concerts. 

And because Mindvalley University is family-centric, “everything,” says Gigi, “is kid-friendly.”

It is all about the experience, after all. And it’s the experiences that make us happier when they’re shared with kindred spirits. 

Teens’ transformation at Mindvalley University

Teens who enter the realm of Mindvalley leave with a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them. It’s kind of like witnessing a plot twist in a good book—one that leaves you grinning from ear to ear.

Let’s take Kristopher Delacoeur, a participant from the United States of America, for example. He says, “As a teen, I picked going to the adult lectures instead of the teen group,” adding that because he’s nearing the end of high school, his focus is starting his own career. And he noted that the Mindvalley roundup helped.

For Santiago Rafael Pascual, it was more about the connections. He explains that each of the relationships he made at Mindvalley University “is stronger than my biological family.”

Each conversation here has made me a better person, and the environments help us maintain and remind that new versions of us,” he says. “Thanks for healing the world through the unity of the soul family.”

And RuLeecia Rohbock couldn’t agree more. She says, “It’s pretty ingrained in us that we need to go to college right after high school. So even though I would have the grants and scholarships to go to a traditional college, I chose to come to Mindvalley University for the time being and explore non-traditional ways of education.”

RuLeecia Rohbock on Mindvalley University

Read more: You can find out what other participants said about Mindvalley for Teens at Mindvalley Stories.

Why parents pick Mindvalley University for their teens

Let’s face it: parenting teenagers is a bit like being in charge of a funfair ride—it’s full of ups, downs, and unexpected twists. So when the search begins for the perfect teen summer travel program, perhaps look for more than just another spin on the roller coaster. 

Mindvalley for Teens offers something decidedly different from the usual whizzing roundabout of adolescent life. It offers a holistic approach to development, a delightful mix of personal growth and learning. 

Parents who’ve attended Mindvalley University with their kids have appreciated this empathetic approach, seeing it as a place where their teens are understood, supported, and inspired. Here’s what a few of them have to say:

Sally Daniels and family at Mindvalley University with her kids attending the Mindvalley for teens

As a family experience, it was fantastic. Tallinn was a great location for our teens—not too big, easy to get around, and safe. The hub was a fabulous space. The caliber of speakers was awesome, particularly Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Shefali Tsabary, and Nassim Haramein.

Sally Daniels
Gerry Haag at Mindvalley University with his kids attending the Mindvalley for teens

One month of learning with four teenagers in the Baltics sounded a little like jumping into cold, unknown waters. The experience was incredible for all, the Instagram posts of the teenagers sum it up best. 

They were just as blown away as us, by the connections in the tribe, the opportunities to grow, the social events, the amazing city of Tallinn, and the highly professional and caring way the entire event was organized by the Mindvalley Team. 

It feels extraordinary to be part of this disruption in education. An absolute highlight of our lives.

Gerry Haag
Andy Kaul at Mindvalley University with his kid attending the Mindvalley for teens

I came with few expectations for my son and am still blown away by the amazing developments he and other kids took in Barcelona at [Mindvalley University 2016]. 

Interacting with this crowd of high-energy, loving, accepting, and supportive people boosts kids’ confidence, and opens them to topics and experiences (meditation, healthy eating patterns, social engagement, the artist in you, compassion, consciousness, etc.) that parents can wish for their kids but struggle to convey in daily life. I am very grateful for this experience and will definitely return next year.

Andy Kaul

Next stop: Mindvalley University

It’s our responsibility as the adults in the world to ensure the next generations get access to the best possible options out there,” says Gigi. And that, for your teen, can be Mindvalley University 2023.

This year’s event will be located in charming Tallinn, Estonia, a city brimming with rich history, stunning architecture, and unrivaled digital prowess. Imagine you and your teen soaking up knowledge amidst the medieval cobblestone streets, high-tech vibe, and vibrant cultural mix of this Baltic gem.

So ready to help your teen flip the switch from ordinary to extraordinary? The transformation begins at Mindvalley University.

Welcome in.

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Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Gigi Márquez Suárez is the event lead for the Mindvalley Youth Programs at Mindvalley University.
In collaboration with

Gigi Márquez Suárez is the event lead for the Mindvalley Youth Programs at Mindvalley University. Passionate about conscious education and actively involved in the field for 10 years, she’s responsible for partnerships with over 60 educational organizations in more than 20 countries, deploying Mindvalley’s model of education to thousands of students.

Picture of Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
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