7 Marisa Peer Quotes on the Power of Self-Confidence

Marisa Peer quotes

We all need a little cheerleading sometimes to help us forget our doubts to keep going, and these Marisa Peer quotes can be your best cheerleading tool.

However, encouraging words won’t make you go to the finish line unless you believe in yourself. You have to have faith in yourself.

To help you develop unapologetic faith, here are seven quotes by Marisa Peer, the UK’s #1 therapist and trainer of Mindvalley’s The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest:

  1. You Are the Architect of Your Life
  2. Practice Thinking Like a Champion
  3. Confidence Is 90% of Your Success
  4. Be Your Own Cheerleader
  5. It’s Never Too Late to Rewrite Your Story
  6. Your Confidence Is Not Always About You
  7. You Are More Than You Think

Her powerful techniques and Rapid Transformational Therapy have proven that you can achieve anything if you have faith in yourself. And you can develop it by praising yourself daily.

1. You Are the Architect of Your Life

Don’t wait for success to come to you, you must go to it.

Marisa Peer quote

We often craft dreams and imagine the perfect scenario in our heads. We might even create a plan for our ultimate success and set goals to achieve it.

Then when the time is on us, we fail to take action. So we carry on crafting new dreams and new plans that keep us inspired.

The most brilliant plan without execution is still a failure. No one can climb the ladder of success for us: we need to commit to taking a single step each day, no matter how small it is. And the more action we take, the more confident we get in ourselves.

2. Practice Thinking Like a Champion

We play the only part we’ve ever known until that part becomes our own.

Marisa Peer quote

Nobody is born with a success mindset. We learn and we educate ourselves in order to think like a champion so that one day those thoughts become our reality.

Marisa Peer was told as a young girl that despite her aspirations she will never be anything but a nanny. Yet, she went on to become the number one coach in the United Kingdom.

She simply refused to believe that she will fail and she committed to filling her mind with empowering thoughts so that she can become the woman she dreamed to be. And she continues doing so even today.

3. Confidence Is 90% of Your Success

Belief without talent can take you further than talent without belief. But when you have both, you’re unstoppable.

Marisa Peer quote

Most of the time it is not other people who keep us back from succeeding.

It is us.

We work and hassle and fight for our dreams and when we are there, standing in the door, we refuse to go in.

We delay that meeting, turn down the deal, and run away from ourselves.

Our fears take over our thoughts unless we learn to be bulletproof against them. Once we accept our doubts and we go forward anyway, we can celebrate our well-deserved success and the courage that got us there.

4. Be Your Own Cheerleader

The most effective ways to boost self-esteem is to praise yourself.

Marisa Peer quote

No one goes through each day thinking that everything is going to turn out perfectly — not even our role models or icons of success smiling at us from the cover of the magazines.

They have the same internal monologue just like us.

Am I worth it?
Do I really deserve it?
Do I have what it takes?
What happens if I fail?

The only difference between them and the people who are not yet there is that they praise themselves on a daily basis. They become the loving parent they wanted to have, the encouraging teacher, and their own greatest fan.

And as they do, no one can ever stop them.

5. It’s Never Too Late to Rewrite Your Story

To be happy you have to make peace with your past, love the present, and feel so excited about the future.

Marisa Peer quote

We come to this world with a unique opening to our story. A baggage full of joy and sorrow, hardships and gifts, supporters and foes.

We have different pieces to work from but it is up to us how we create our storyline.

It’s time to become your inner protagonist. Design a life that you love living and dream of a future big enough to get you excited every morning. Remember, you write your own script, so make it a masterpiece!

6. Your Confidence Is Not Always About You

When you touch other people, when your words impact them and your actions empower them, your life has both meaning and purpose.

Marisa Peer quote

Can you inspire others when you don’t really believe in yourself? Can you make this world a better place if you struggle to find your own voice?

You have a unique gift to deliver that is right within you. If you don’t have the confidence to express it, we will never get to know who you could have become.

When you don’t feel empowered to do it for yourself, do it for someone else. Think of the impact you could create with your message, think of how many more people you could help if you live your life with conviction.

The more faith you have in yourself, the more value you can deliver.

7. You Are More Than You Think

Your potential expands as you move towards it. You could never know what you are capable of because as you get to it, your potential allows you to go even further.

Marisa Peer quote

There is only so far we can reach with our imagination but our true potential remains invisible to us. Therefore, we should never set limits to whom we can become.

The hardest part is not changing our lives but changing our minds that ultimately creates them. Be the person who talks, walks, thinks, reacts, and acts as a champion, and soon enough you will realize you have just become one.

Fuel Your Future With Rapid Transformation Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a new hybrid therapy that combines the beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

This powerful form of therapy has been used around the globe and has earned a reputation for its massive success rate.

Rapid Transformation Therapy has been scientifically proven to rapidly increase neural pathways of the brain. So, does it work? You bet.

Most who have undergone Rapid Transformational Therapy claim that they feel healthier, brighter, and more confident after each session.

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Written by

Alexandra Tudor

Alexandra Tudor is a former content writer for Mindvalley and a psychology enthusiast. From clinical experience working with both children and adults, she's now in the process of becoming a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in the IFS method and family constellation therapy.
Marisa Peer, Mindvalley trainer, UK's #1 Therapist, and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy
Expertise by

Voted the United Kingdom’s #1 therapist by Tatler, Marisa Peer has spent 25 years coaching a diverse range of clients, including royalty, rock stars, celebrities, Olympic athletes, political leaders, and CEOs.

She specializes in Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy™, a technique that quickly reshapes thinking and achieves significant life changes, often in just one or two sessions.

Her Mindvalley quests, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance and Uncompromised Life, are perfect opportunities for one to resolve their past issues, remove personal limitations, and expand their capacity for abundance, especially in health, wealth, and love.

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