17 Lisa Nichols quotes that will shake you awake to your inherent power

Lisa Nichols smiling on stage

Feeling stuck, uninspired, or afraid to take the next step? Sometimes, all it takes is the right words at the right time to jolt you awake to yourself. 

Lisa Nichols’ quotes have done just that for millions. They offer more than just inspiration; they demand action.

As one of the world’s most electrifying motivational speakers, Lisa has built a career in helping people break past fear, own their truth, and use their voice as a tool for transformation. 

Whether through her books, global talks, or her Speak and Inspire program on Mindvalley, her words will always remind you that you’re capable of more than you think.

About Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols knows the power of words—because they saved her life.

Before she became a motivational speaker, a New York Times bestselling author of No Matter What and Abundance Now, and the CEO of Motivating the Masses—one of the first Black women to take a company public—Lisa was a single mother with $11.42 to her name, struggling to keep her son fed.

Six days a week, I had to eat beanies and weenies; I had to find money in the crevices and corners of my couch so that I could get my son milk,” Lisa recalls.

It was her rock bottom. But it also became her turning point.

Sometimes you forget who you are,” she says, reflecting on the moment that changed everything. “You get so caught up in the role—I knew I was my father’s daughter, my son’s mother, my job title—but I had forgotten who I was.”

But financial hardship wasn’t the only battle she fought. As a child, a teacher once told her she couldn’t write to save her life. The judgment shook her confidence, making her question if she had anything worth saying.

Later, she wrestled with the fear of public speaking—wondering if she was “good enough” to take up space. That fear, however, didn’t stand a chance once she made the decision to own her truth. And she didn’t just find her voice—she’s mastered it.

Over the years, Lisa’s gone from a single mom mired in self-doubt to becoming one of the most sought-after speakers in personal development.

She’s appeared in Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, sat across from Oprah and Steve Harvey, and graced stages across the world. And through her books, coaching programs, and electrifying talks, she has empowered millions to step into their personal power and cultivate an abundant mindset.

Lisa’s core message is clear: your voice has the power to not only change your life, but move people with your story—if you’re bold enough to use it.

5 Lisa Nichols’ quotes on love

Love—whether for yourself, your dreams, or the people in your life—is the foundation of everything Lisa stands for.

But there’s no sugarcoating the fact that it isn’t something you wait for, but rather, cultivate, claim, and, most importantly, give to yourself first. As she puts it, “Your job is to fall madly in love with yourself. And to share that love with anyone who can receive it.”

Because self-love is never a buzzword. No, it’s the baseline for how you show up in the world. When you value yourself, you stop tolerating mediocrity, you set better boundaries, and you attract the relationships that reflect your worth.

And Lisa’s take on love speaks louder than words.

1. “Your purpose doesn’t need permission. It just needs your commitment.”

Waiting for validation from others that never come? Stop. 

Your dreams don’t need approval from anyone but you

Whether it’s switching careers, starting that passion project, or taking a leap of faith, Lisa’s quick to remind you here that the only thing standing between you and your purpose is your willingness to show up for it.

2. “The world is waiting on you to show up as your full, whole, unapologetic self. Not an edited version.”

How many times have you watered yourself down to fit in? 

Lisa is firm on this: playing small serves no one. You were never meant to be a muted version of yourself.

The people who are meant to love you—whether in relationships, friendships, or communities—will embrace you exactly as you are.

3. “Give from your overflow, not your cup.”

“When you give from your cup, you give what you need,” Lisa explains. “When you give from your overflow, you give the world your best.”

In other words? Loving others is beautiful, but not at the cost of yourself. 

When you give from a place of depletion, you’re offering what you need to keep. True love—whether for a partner, family, or your community—flows best when you are full first. 

Fill your cup, then share the abundance.

4. “Don’t tell me what you’re going to do. Show me who you are.”

Talk is cheap—action is everything. Whether in love, career, or personal growth. 

And here, Lisa’s clarion call for you is simple: don’t just say you love something—prove it.

After all, love isn’t just a feeling left as mere decorum for Hallmark cards. Nope, it’s the effort, the consistency, the energy you put into what matters most to you.

5. “Forgiveness is not about condoning someone’s behavior. It’s about giving yourself permission to move forward.”

Real love, especially for yourself, means letting go of what keeps you stuck. And holding on to resentment doesn’t heal wounds; rather, it keeps them fresh—through unresolved anxiety, anger, and depression.

So that grudge you’ve been holding? The heartbreak, the betrayal, the disappointment? It’s time to release it.

Not for those who’ve hurt you, but for you. Because the weight of what they did is nothing compared to the weight of carrying it.

And sometimes, the person you need to forgive most is yourself—for the dreams you delay, the mistakes you replay, the moments you wish you handled differently. Let it go.

Lisa Nichols quotes on love

5 motivational Lisa Nichols quotes to get you moving

If there’s one thing Lisa is known for, it’s her ability to light a fire under anyone sitting on their potential.

Because her words are meant to be lived, not just read. And they inspire with a power that drives you to take action.

1. “Your conviction is contagious.”

Ever notice how the most powerful speakers don’t just say something? They make you feel it? That’s conviction.

When you believe in your message, others will too. And that’s the difference between knowing how to start a speech and leaving a lasting impact.

2. “I have nothing to hide, no one to impress, and everything to share.”

Lisa’s message is simple: confidence isn’t about performing. It’s about showing up as you are—fully, unapologetically, and without the need for validation. When you drop those “masks” you’ve been wearing, people connect. 

And some of the most impactful moments in speaking happen in silence. A well-timed “pregnant pause” (as Lisa calls it) lets your message resonate and gives your words the space to truly land.

3. “Don’t wait to be chosen. Choose yourself.”

Too often, we wait for permission. We hold back, thinking someone else needs to tell us we’re “ready.” But Lisa’s made it clear: you don’t need an invitation to step into your power.

So whether it’s launching that business, taking the stage, or finally owning your worth, pick yourself first. And if public speaking is where you need to start, then explore the best public speaking classes at Mindvalley to get you going.

4. “Leap afraid. And then leap again.”

Fear doesn’t disappear the moment you decide to take action—it lingers, whispers, and waits for you to back down. But courage? Courage is what happens when you move anyway.

Lisa’s message is simple: stop waiting to feel ready. The most successful people you know didn’t start because they had no fear. They started because their dreams were bigger than their doubts.

So take the leap. Let your voice shake if it has to. Because the only way through fear is straight through it.

5. “No one can do you like you.”

Comparison is a thief. Of joy, of confidence, of action. And if you’re constantly looking left and right, wondering how you measure up, you’re missing the point.

Lisa’s words drive home the truth that your power lies in your originality. Own it, amplify it, and never shrink to fit someone else’s version of success.

3 Lisa Nichols quotes from The Secret (2006)

Who knew when you switch on The Secret, Lisa Nichols’ quotes would stand out? Oh, but they do. They perfectly complement the film’s core wisdom: the universe doesn’t respond to what you want, but rather, to who you are.

Each of these words of wisdom is a call to rise—challenging you to think bigger, demand more from life, and step fully into your inherent greatness.

1. “You are the designer of your destiny; you are the author of your story.”

Waiting for life to hand you a breakthrough? Lisa will be the first to tell you: It’s not coming.

Because here’s the truth: there is no grand, cosmic blueprint that guarantees success. There’s just you, deciding (or not deciding) to take ownership. 

And the moment you do? The entire story shifts.

There’s a reason why philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once said that not choosing is still a choice. His point? Even inaction is a decision, one that keeps you exactly where you are. 

And the opposite rings true: when you actively choose to step forward—despite fear, despite uncertainty—you set a new course in motion. You stop being a spectator in your own life and start shaping it, one decision at a time.

2. “Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.”

Here’s a reality check, served Lisa’s style: your life isn’t happening to you; it’s responding to you. So, whether you realize it or not, the words you repeat to yourself from inside your head shape your outer reality. 

If you keep saying things like…

  • “I never catch a break.”
  • “I’m just not the kind of person who finds love.”
  • “Success is for other people, not me.”

…Well, guess what? The universe will nod and say, “Alright. If you say so.” Then cue the cycle of missed opportunities, self-sabotage, and doors that never seem to open.

On the flip side, when you start seeing yourself as someone who deserves abundance, who creates opportunities, who is capable of joy—the world will shift to reflect that.

“The law of attraction is really obedient,” expands Lisa in the film. “When you think of the things that you want and you focus on them with all of your intentions, [it] will give you what you want every time.”

3. “Mostly, the world sees you the way you see yourself.”

When you start walking like you belong in the room, like your voice matters, and showing up like you have something valuable to offer, the world will take notice and adjust accordingly. 

The thing about respect? It’s mirrored, not given. You’ve got to believe you’re already worthy of it, for others to reflect the reality back to you—essentially the essence of manifestation.

And here’s often where people get The Secret all wrong. The truth is, to manifest what you want out of life, you can’t just go crazy on scripting manifestation steps, then sit around and hope your dream life knocks on your door. You must make the moves.

Ready to attract more career milestones to speak of? Position yourself where they exist—by attending that networking event, pitching your ideas to the right people, and saying yes to things that scare you. 

And what if you’re struggling to deal with confrontation? Well, instead of avoiding difficult conversations, lean into them. Set boundaries, speak your truth, and trust that your voice deserves space.

The faster you act, the faster your reality starts to shift.

4 Lisa Nichols quotes on (conquering) fear

Fear is a master illusionist. It convinces you that you’re safer staying small, that rejection is worse than regret, and that the unknown is something to avoid. 

But thankfully, Lisa’s here to help you push past it. If anyone knows how to face fear head-on and win, it’s her—she’s built a life on proving it wrong.

“I was scared more times than I can count,” she shares in her Mindvalley program. “But I refused to let fear sit in the driver’s seat.”

Whenever you feel terrified in the face of a life situation, Lisa’s words can be the reminder that you have the power to move through it.

1. “Sometimes you’ve got to leap and grow your wings on the way down.”

Perfectionism is just fear in disguise. 

You think you need more time, more skills, more experience before you take the leap—but here, Lisa will tell you that you won’t grow wings while standing on solid ground. 

Growth happens mid-air, in motion, when you trust yourself enough to take flight.

2. “You don’t get to have the dream unless you’re willing to do the work.”

The sad thing is, the fear of failure stops most people before they even start. According to psychologist Barry Schwartz, analysis paralysis—or the state of overthinking—is a big thing, hindering decision-making. It’s how chronic inaction happens.

Now, what can you do about it? As Lisa would say, if you want the life you dream of, you’ve got to show up for it. Again and again, especially when it’s hard.

That dream beach house and vintage car sitting on your vision board? These won’t be part of your reality to enjoy unless you line up your actions to lead up to them.

So, don’t just dream big. Put in the big work to bring it to life.

3. “Your greatest fear is not that you will fall. Your greatest fear is that you will fly, and that no one will be there to catch you.”

Fear of failure is one thing. But fear of success? That’s a whole different beast.

And it looks like you second-guessing yourself at work, even when it’s clear you know your strategies down pat.

Or when you downplay your achievements so you don’t make others uncomfortable.

Or that time when you hold yourself back from sharing about your new relationship with a pregnant pause, afraid to offend a relative with a negative outlook on love.

If these thoughts feel familiar, then it’s a sign you fear your own expansion. But you shouldn’t. 

You don’t have to dim your light just so others can shine,” Lisa advises. Because the right people, she adds, will come into your frequency and support your evolution into self-mastery and personal growth.

4. “You don’t get over fear. You get through it.”

“People often ask me, ‘Lisa, how did you get over the fear?’” Lisa reveals. “I say, ‘You assume I got over the fear before I leaped.’” 

But the real secret to how she keeps going is to leap even while you’re still quivering from the what-ifs. “You have to speak while your voice still shakes,” she adds.

So, go after the opportunity. Say yes before you feel fully prepared. Take action while your confidence is still catching up.

Because the fastest way to build courage is to walk straight through the fear.

You have to speak while your voice still shakes.

— Lisa Nichols, motivational speaker and trainer of Mindvalley’s Speak & Inspire program

Stay inspired with Lisa

If Lisa’s words have reignited something in you, that’s amazing. But if you find that inspiration alone isn’t enough, it might be time you learn how to show up for yourself.

Here’s how to stay in the work:

  • Join her Speak and Inspire program, available on the Mindvalley app, where you can learn how to own your voice, command a room, and tell stories that move people—whether that’s on stage, in meetings, or even in everyday conversations.
  • Read her books. No Matter What lays out nine powerful steps to building resilience, while Abundance Now gives you the blueprint to break free from scarcity thinking and create prosperity on your terms.
  • Watch her in action. Her stage presence is an experience you’d have to enjoy at least once in your life. You can catch her at Mindvalley events or from the comforts of your own home on Mindvalley’s YouTube channels.

Get a glimpse of her mastery in this inspiring talk:

Ask these questions to find your soul’s purpose and your authentic voice | Lisa Nichols

Become a changemaker

“You don’t just speak to be heard. You speak to inspire. You speak to move people. You speak to evoke action,” says Lisa.

So, if you want to communicate with impact and inspire action, owning your voice is the first step. When you master the art of personal storytelling, you don’t just speak—you connect, you lead, and you create lasting change.

Kristina Razinska, a life coach from Florence, Italy, says her communication in personal and professional relationships soared by leaps and bounds after mastering speaking with impact on Mindvalley. The experience, she said, “was unforgettable.” 

And Oslo-based coach Faraaz Ali chalks up his similar experience to his newfound ability to tell stories, ”from the heart, and being authentic on stage.”

Kristina and Faraaz are just two of the thousands of people who have stepped into their power with Mindvalley. And if you want to keep learning from some of the most powerful minds in personal growth—including Lisa herself—signing up to a free Mindvalley account is a great starting point.

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Written by

Naressa Khan

Naressa Khan is obsessed with hacking the human experience where science meets spirit and body meets soul. At Mindvalley Pulse, she dives into holistic wellness, biohacking, and trauma healing, revealing how ancient wisdom and modern science collide to transform lives. Her background in lifestyle journalism and tech content creation shaped her ability to merge storytelling with actionable insights. Her mission today? To make personal growth both profound and practical.
Lisa Nichols, Mindvalley trainer and founder of Motivating the Masses
Expertise by

Lisa Nichols is renowned for her dynamic communication skills and is recognized as one of the world’s leading speaking coaches.

Her journey began in hardship as a single mom in South Central L.A., struggling to make ends meet with only $11.42 to her name. Rising from these challenges, she transformed her life and now dedicates herself to empowering others.

Her influential role in the documentary The Secret spurred requests for her to teach her unique communication style.

Today, she’s the CEO of Motivating the Masses and trainer of Mindvalley’s Speak and Inspire Quest.

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