Cute bright-colored cushions adorn the bed, a framed photo of a calming landscape on the wall, and the sun pouring in through the window sheers. These are all great do’s for a zen feng shui bedroom layout.
What else can be done to create an atmosphere of peace, love, and harmony in the space where you rest?
Enter Marie Diamond, celebrity feng shui master and trainer of Mindvalley’s Feng Shui for Life Quest, who often gets this query on how to better bring positive energy into the bedroom for romance.
So when you’re feeling stuck in different areas of your life, feng shui (and Marie) can be that step to getting you unstuck. So here’s to the first step towards peace, love, and harmony in your life.
Why should you use feng shui in your bedroom?
The ultimate goal of feng shui is to harmonize and align the flow of qi (pronounced “chee”), a vital energy life force. And using it in the bedroom will help bring balance and create a healthy environment in the space linked to romance, health, and wisdom.
Due to those reasons, that particular room in the house holds significant importance. So much so that a 2019 survey found that the average American spends 11 hours a day lying on their bed—that’s equivalent to nearly half of their lifetime.
Additionally, it reported a few other interesting findings:
- Only half of the 2,000 participants said that their bed has a positive effect on their sleep.
- 65% said they would be more likely to exercise if they had slept well the night before.
- 64% said they’d be in better physical shape if they could develop the habit of having a good sleep.
With so much time spent in the bedroom, creating a positive energy vibe could do wonders for one’s overall well-being. Moreover, according to feng shui, you can organize it to activate your spiritual wisdom and attract love (if you are single).
How to get started with feng shui
Before you start rearranging your furniture, it’s always advisable to understand the feng shui basics. Here are a few things to know:
1. Assess your environment with the muscle test
This assessment allows you to easily test where there’s positive energy flow in your space and where there’s not.
When a house has positive feng shui, you actually will go very easily and effortlessly into an alpha brain wave. When your house is not positive, you actually go into beta brain waves.
— Marie Diamond, trainer of Mindvalley’s Feng Shui for Life Quest
If you’re unfamiliar, there are five brain waves, each corresponding to its own unique state of consciousness. Here’s a little background on the two that Marie mentioned: alpha and beta brain waves.
- Beta brain waves are the waking consciousness. This state is essential to functioning effectively throughout the day, as it’s associated with a heightened sense of alertness, logic, and critical thinking. However, it can also translate into stress, anxiety, and restlessness.
- Alpha brain waves roll in during deep relaxation. Being in alpha heightens the imagination, visualization, memory, learning, and concentration. It’s the gateway to your subconscious mind and it’s said that the voice of alpha is your intuition.
2. Identify your personal energy number
Why does your personal energy number matter? It defines the qi energy flow in your life.
We are all one-of-a-kind and react uniquely to the universal qi that surrounds us. Based on your birthday and the gender you were born with, there’s a different flow of energy. And it affects various aspects of your life, including:
- Your purpose
- Your attraction to certain colors and practices
- The flow of your success and money flow
- How your health and well-being unfold
- Your personal and professional relationships
- The energy you’re focused on to receive wisdom
Marie explains, “The energy number directs you and tells you how is your qi in your life and what to activate in your home and space to manifest that one-third of good luck, your earth luck, to the maximum.”
3. Discover your personal directions
In Chinese wisdom, the feng shui bagua map is a powerful tool to influence qi and help manifest your abundance. Its eight sides face a direction, each representing a specific fortune energy in your life. And you can use it to determine which feng shui directions are auspicious to you.
According to Marie, activating the different directions based on your energy number creates a difference in your brain state. She explains that your mindset opens up, enabling you to attract abundance easier.
For example, facing your health and well-being direction when you’re doing practices for your health (like yoga or tai chi) will stimulate your body, your chakras, and your mindset to manifest your health.
7 feng shui bedroom layout tips
Often mistaken for interior design, feng shui goes beyond rearranging furniture and decor for aesthetically-pleasing conception. Instead, it works with the qi of the space around you—in this particular case, your bedroom.
So for a feng shui bedroom layout for love, health, or wisdom, here are a few of Marie’s tips that’ll help you avoid any feng shui mistakes in your zen zone:
1. Make sure your bedroom is decluttered
Not only for hygiene purposes, but, as research shows, clutter can affect your anxiety levels, sleep quality, and ability to focus. Marie suggests starting with your bedside table—keep it neat with a lamp, an inspiring book, and maybe a picture of your family.
Now, clutter in a big room is one thing, but with a small bedroom layout, the feng shui is bound to get stuck. So whichever method of cleaning and organizing you prefer, decluttering is an important step.
2. Make it a safe space
Your bedroom is where you detach yourself from the bustle of your day. So clearing it of negative energy and filling it with love and prosperity will help you get the most out of your relaxation.
You can do this by placing crystals like rose quartz in your personal directions or burning sage while whispering positive affirmations, like “I feel safe and loved in this space.”
3. Incorporate earthy colors
Adding wonderfully warm colors, like beige, tan, and yellow, promotes harmony and groundedness.
Reds, greens, blues, and blacks have the opposite effect, so Marie advises avoiding them where they take up space in your room, like the walls or your sheets. Instead, they should be limited to cushions or decors around the room.
4. Be mindful of the things you hang up
Be mindful of what you hang up, especially those above your headboard. When you’re in a relationship, display images representing your love—a picture of the two of you, a heart, a romantic quote, or your vision boards.
Avoid any artwork with water features, especially when placed above your head. Marie points out that it’s like “you’re drowning,” which may make you feel vulnerable.
5. Avoid or cover sharp angles
Objects with sharp angles cut the flow of energy. This includes things like four-post beds or plants with sharp points.
Realistically, it can’t always be avoided, so covering them up is an option. For example, if you have a sharp corner in your bedroom, you can place a plant there.
6. Relocate your mirror elsewhere
This reflective piece of furniture in your bedroom may seem harmless, but Marie has an opposing opinion. “The mirror is always a doubling effect,” she explains, adding that when you’re in passive modes, like sleeping, you’re actually doubling your vulnerability.
Regardless if you’re single or in a relationship, a mirror will double the presence, making it difficult to attract a partner or bring in a “roving eye experience,” respectively.
7. Place your bed in the most ideal position
Make sure the direction you sleep is always aligned with success. Marie cannot stress this enough. She calls it the “power position” where you place your bed in such a way that you see the door.
It sets you in the ideal space to “see” the flow of abundance coming in. And with a strong headboard to support you, you’ll “feel like a queen or a king in your romantic life.”
With these feng shui bedroom rules, you can identify spaces that aren’t aligned with your energy flow and readjust them to promote health, happiness, and abundance.
Feng shui bedroom layout examples
Your home is a reflection of who you are, and an extension of that is your bedroom. The state it’s in is an expression of what you are manifesting now.
In order to attract the abundance you seek, Marie suggests rearranging and redirecting the qi in your surrounding space. So here are some feng shui bedroom layout examples that you can find inspiration from.
Bedroom layouts that attract abundance
Place the bed in a commanding position where the door is in your peripheral vision. Create grounding energy by having a solid headboard, nightstands on either side, and an area rug underneath. And to keep the energy balanced, place your dresser against the wall closest to the foot of the bed.
Here are two feng shui bedroom layout examples you can try.
Bedroom layouts that dispel abundance
Qi enters the room through the doors and windows. So in order for the qi to flow and for you not to be in the way of it, avoid positioning your bed in line with the door or under the window.
Be mindful of what you hang above your bed, as it can disturb the quality of your sleep. And your furniture should be well-balanced; if not, your grounding energy becomes weak and exposed.
Here are two feng shui bedroom layout examples to avoid.
Make a change, create an impact
If you find yourself stuck in an area (or areas) in your life, try looking at your bedroom layout. Just a few quick adjustments could shift energy flow and re-energize your qi.
Mindvalley’s Feng Shui for Life Quest can help you get there. When you sign up to Mindvalley for free, you can sample classes from Marie’s program. With Marie guiding you through, you’ll learn simple, practical, and affordable steps for harnessing the positive energy around you to elevate your abundance.
“Take every step you can to bring more power into your life,” says Marie. “Even small steps help.”
And this Quest, it’s your small step. Welcome in.