Across universal wisdom, the collective unconscious, and many different cultures, the feminine hides different facets and complex stories. The female archetype’s wisdom unravels the faces of the feminine that you might have felt and experienced before but couldn’t put a name on.
This knowledge opens the door to the secrets of womanhood, its strengths, and its weaknesses.
Once you can identify which archetype you resonate with, you can integrate your light and shadow to activate your fullest female potential. It’s like having a map to the deepest, most essential parts of your psyche, so you know with clarity what to focus on.
Knowing more about the main archetypes you came into this world to embody will transform your relationship with yourself. It may also open up the doors of connection to those around you, as it enhances your authenticity and true feminine power.
What are the female archetypes?
The female archetypes are universal feminine modes of expression. Each woman contains all the archetypes, but usually one or two are more predominant.
An archetype is essentially a common pattern recognized in the collective unconscious. And when it comes to the female “patterns,” they refer to a way of embodying a certain aspect of the feminine essence.
Some women may be more motherly, more seductive, or more engaged in intellectual pursuits. They may have different desires, interests, and ways of exploring their sexual energy.
Additionally, the way a woman balances her feminine and masculine energy can vary according to her main archetype, resulting in a distinct “strategy” for expressing her femininity.
Carl Jung’s archetype models
Carl Jung, a famous psychoanalytic theorist, focused on studying the collective unconscious and originally discovered four main archetype models for both men and women: persona, anima/animus, the shadow, and the self.
According to him, an archetype is “an innate pattern of thought and behavior that strives for realization within an individual environment.”
Through his studies of many cultures and ancient stories, more archetypal images emerged. Their names differ in the region and historical aspects, but they share similar characteristics. There is no established number for how many female archetypes Jung found, although other Jungian analysts and experts in the field have drawn the conclusion that there may be around 12.
Learn more: Lover, warrior, magician, or king? Discover which of the male archetypes you are
The 7 female archetypes and their characteristics
One of the most popular writers in the field of female archetypes is psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bolen. In her book, Goddesses in Everywoman, she highlights the seven main archetypes she found through her research of the collective feminine unconscious.
The following modes of feminine expression are most common across cultures. And maybe reading through them can open up an innate awareness of who you most identify with.
1. The Lover
Key characteristics: Sensual, emotional, and magnetic, the Lover archetype is full of life force and creativity. She’s very present in her body and can easily spark connections due to her magnetism. This archetype is in touch with her inner sex goddess and knows how to use her sexual energy to flow through life with grace, playfulness, and ease.
Mythological representations: Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, is the most popular representation of the Lover’s energy.
Modern representations: Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Samantha from Sex and the City, and Bibi Brzozka in Mindvalley’s Waves of Pleasure program.
Light Side | Shadow Side |
Creative and playful | Overly indulgent |
Connected to her body | Lack of control |
Aware of her sensuality | Looking for external validation |
2. The Mother
Key characteristics: Generous, heart-centered, and nurturing, the Mother archetype is that of a giving woman who takes care of others around her. She embodies warm, loving energy, regardless of whether she has children or not. These women can be often seen as protective, down to earth, and with a natural sense of altruism.
Mythological representations: Hera, the Greek goddess of marriage, childbirth, women, and family.
Modern representations: Monica from Friends, Mother Teresa, Mary Poppins, and Donna Eden in Mindvalley’s Energy Medicine program.
Light Side | Shadow Side |
Compassionate | Lack of boundaries |
Nurturing | Self-neglect |
Grounded | Stubbornness |
3. The Huntress
Key characteristics: Independent, courageous, self-sufficient, this archetype is also called the Wild Woman. She’s goal-oriented, connected to nature, and athletic, and oftentimes, she sympathizes with social causes, such as feminist movements. The Wild Woman shows an innate strength to protect, inspire, and pursue her dreams.
Mythological representations: Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and wildlife.
Modern representations: Serena Williams, Wonder Woman, Billie Jean King, and Radha Agrawal in the Build Your Dream Community program.
Light Side | Shadow Side |
Courageous | Emotionally unavailable |
Self-reliant | Afraid of vulnerability |
Committed to her goals | Manipulative |
4. The Maiden
Key characteristics: With an eternally youthful spirit, playfulness, and effervescence, the Maiden archetype shows innocence and a child-like outlook on life. She’s an idealist who believes in the goodness of people. Her optimistic energy naturally draws people to her because she’s usually vulnerable and authentic.
Mythological representations: Persephone, the goddess of spring.
Modern representations: Snow White, Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, Josephine Baker, and Jennifer Partridge in Mindvalley’s Tapping Into Emotional Mastery program.
Light Side | Shadow Side |
Empathetic | Co-dependent |
Creative | Too passive |
Receptive | Can be drawn to difficult relationships |
5. The Queen
Key characteristics: Naturally confident, loyal, and a born leader, the Queen’s energy finds ultimate fulfillment in marriage and devotion. She easily attracts powerful partnerships and usually connects with influential men. Her energy makes her shine in social contexts and makes a strong impression on people around her.
Mythological representations: Isis, wife of Osiris and goddess of healing, magic, and protection.
Modern representations: Beyoncé, Emily Gilmore in Gilmore Girls, Kim Kardashian, and Rolene Strauss in Mindvalley’s The Queen Effect program.
Light Side | Shadow Side |
Loyal | Easily jealous |
Confident | Too dominant |
Ambitious | Vindictive |
6. The Mystic
Key characteristics: Calm, introspective, and peaceful, the Mystic archetype reveals a natural focus on her inner world and spiritual journey. This woman is private, enjoys solitude, and finds her truth and expression through her connection with a higher force. She can come off as mysterious, often being caught up in her own world of unusual creativity and ideas.
Mythological representations: Hestia, the goddess of the hearth.
Modern representations: Frida Kahlo, Marina Abramovic, Sade, and Jade Shaw in Mindvalley’s Art of Astral Projection program.
Light Side | Shadow Side |
Intuitive and introspective | Detached from the material world |
Peaceful and spiritual | Very distant from others |
Connected to the divine | Extreme isolation from the world |
7. The Sage
Key characteristics: Also known as the Wise Woman archetype, the Sage is insightful, rational, and organized. She thrives in the academic or corporate world, as she’s a rational, knowledge-focused person. This energy embodies discipline, strategy, and practicality. The Wise Woman is not afraid to pursue the path to self-improvement as she’s dedicated and open to letting go of the past versions of herself.
Mythological representations: Athena, goddess of wisdom.
Modern representations: Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Olivia Pope from Scandal, and Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani, co-founder of Mindvalley.
Light Side | Shadow Side |
Intelligent | Disconnected from her body and senses |
Motivated | Struggles to develop compassion |
Devoted to knowledge and growth | Closed off from her sexuality |
What female archetype are you?
As mentioned before, in every woman’s psyche lie all the archetypal energies, although one or two are more influential.
When life pulls you in different directions, it’s because the distinct facets of your femininity call for attention. But knowing who they are and what value they bring, as well as what archetype is predominant within yourself, may help you navigate all aspects of your life.
So maybe you’re asking yourself, “Which female archetype am I?” It’s true that you can find a quick female archetype quiz online and have a general idea of which one you are closer to. But it goes deeper than that.
To connect to your feminine essence on a profound level, you can ask yourself the following questions:
- What do you value most in your life?
- When are you feeling most comfortable and at peace?
- How do you show yourself in relationships?
- What do you struggle with in intimate situations?
- What’s the most relaxing thing you can do?
- When do you feel most present and enthusiastic?
- How would your friends describe you?
- How do you express your creative self?
- Is it easy for you to connect with your body and senses?
- When and where do you feel most at home?
Discovering your main archetypes means diving deep into your inner work and nurturing your self-awareness. The more you get to know yourself, the easier it becomes to see what archetypes you find most alive within.
It’s a matter of exploring the deep parts of your being, so you can truly feel what makes you the most authentic version of yourself.
How to fully embody your female archetype
Although taking a female archetype test to find out exactly who and what you are would be easier, discovering which one is most authentic to you is the real journey to embark on.
When you know your most common unconscious patterns, you can learn about your strengths, weaknesses, life lessons, and any problems you may face. You also hold all the archetypal energies within you, so you can choose which ones you want to grow more of.
Ideally, you learn how to harness the power of your vast and complex feminine characteristics. You will be able to activate the Mother within when you’re taking care of your loved ones, play with the sensual energy of the Lover with your partner, and embody the mental clarity of the Sage when making your projects grow.
But tapping into these infinite resources requires connecting to your authenticity and embodying your femininity in your own unique way.
Here are a few tips on how to do so from the women of Mindvalley:
1. Harness your sacred masculine energy
Rachel Pringle, trainer of Mindvalley’s Wild Woman Sensuality program, highlights the importance of nurturing the sacred masculine energy within in order to feel more feminine.
Why? It boils down to this: Everyone has both feminine and masculine energy within them. And the feminine can unravel and flow gracefully when the space she’s in feels safe.
Masculine energy means safety and security, and these are qualities that every woman can harness within herself. In the program, Rachel guides you through a meditation for connecting to the feeling of safety and recommends asking yourself the following questions:
- When do I feel most safe in my body?
- What can I commit to every day to create safety within myself?
Your masculine energy acts like a stable foundation for letting the feminine energy flow freely; however, it shows up most genuinely for you.
2. Choose your container of self-confidence
Rolene Strauss, trainer of Mindvalley’s The Queen Effect program, asks you to imagine that self-confidence is a river where you can bring your container and pour in. When you feel good about yourself, you can reach your full potential and connect to your true feminine power.
So if you knew that you could bring any container to the never-ending river of self-confidence, would you choose a glass, a bucket, or the whole sea to fill up?
You can reflect on the following questions:
- How much of your self-confidence potential are you currently using?
- What type of container are you currently bringing to the river of confidence?
Once you let your sense of confidence flow, you will discover that it’s accessible, desirable, and even fun to connect with your most feminine traits.
3. Create your modern goddess ritual
Bibi Brzozka, trainer of Mindvalley’s Waves of Pleasure program, invites you to develop a pleasurable practice where you connect with your body and senses. Through this practice, you let go of tension and control, so your sensual, playful energy guides you back to connecting to your most feminine self.
Scheduling time dedicated to your self-love practice creates the proper space within (and without) to explore, make room for your pleasure, and consolidate your loving relationship with your body.
Bibi describes three keys to experiencing an ecstatic expansion ritual: breath, sound, and movement.
You can begin slowly by first checking in with yourself and what you’re feeling most comfortable with:
- How aware are you of your breath during your self-love practice?
- What kind of sounds are you comfortable with while experiencing pleasure?
- How can you bring more relaxation into your pleasure practices?
- What type of touch does your body enjoy the most?
4. Learn to be flawesome
Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani, co-founder of Mindvalley and trainer of the Live By Your Own Rules program, empowers you to become flawesome.
In other words, you can learn how to accept the perfectly imperfect things that make you human, authentic, and special. Facing the shadow of your female archetype will let your true femininity shine through. And this is what awesomeness is all about: letting go of perfectionism to meet your unique self.
Kristina encourages you to ask yourself:
- What is the perfect picture you have of yourself?
- When and how did you create this idea of perfection?
- What would happen if you let yourself be flawed, therefore human?
Feminine energy is all about connecting to the life force that flows through you and makes you creative, sensual, intelligent, playful, introspective, and intuitive. That includes all other aspects of the feminine that feel most real to you.
However, when striving for perfection, you build up thick walls of unrealistic expectations that block your natural feminine flow and joy for life.
Connect to the feminine wisdom within
The female archetypes act as sacred parts of your psyche that hold power and wisdom to guide you to the best version of your life. They teach you how to be a powerful woman, a wise one, a loving mother, or an enthusiastic lover.
And your main archetypes teach you what you should pursue, put your focus on, or nurture more of. For all this wisdom within to be unlocked, you can fully immerse yourself in an exploration of yourself.
With some guidance along the way, you can have a journey full of powerful epiphanies and surprises. You will learn how to discover your most authentic feminine self through:
- Wild Woman Sensuality program with Rachel Pringle
- The Queen Effect programt with Rolene Strauss
- Waves of Pleasure program with Bibi Brzozka
- Live By Your Own Rules program with Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani
You can unlock your free access now and try out classes from these deeply transformational programs and many others.
Through this profound work you do for yourself, you may not only discover that you can become the woman of your dreams but that, most probably, you already are.
Welcome in.