With mental health on the rise, many people are seeking more efficient and effective healing methods. One that has been gaining traction in the world of self-help remedies is emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping.
Focusing on the “mind-body” connection can help release your emotional struggles on a deeper level. Tapping is one way to do so, and expert Jennifer Partridge will show you the ins and outs of it.
She discovered the benefits of the tapping technique for suffering from severe anxiety and dealing with health issues. Her whole life was changed for the better, and in turn, she decided to help people transform theirs.
“There’s something really powerful that happens when you realize that you get to choose how you perceive your experiences,” says Jennifer. And this healing method can help you get there.
What Is EFT Tapping Therapy?
EFT tapping is a tool that supports processing emotional baggage, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and physical illness at hyper speed. It’s done by applying pressure with your fingers repeatedly on certain meridian points on your body.
This technique also works by rubbing or pressuring the meridian point, but the most studied and popular method of application is through tapping.
These points are where the energy of trauma and unprocessed emotions get stuck and stored in the physical body. If left unattended, it has the potential to be harmful to your well-being.
Jennifer, who’s also the trainer of Mindvalley’s Tapping Into Emotional Mastery Quest, points out that letting the energy flow naturally in your body will result in feeling empowered and living in a state of love. This is one of the most powerful personal growth tools out there.
How does it work?
EFT tapping blends modern psychology, Chinese medicine, and neuroplasticity with deep spiritual practice. It was created by psychotherapist Gary Craig in 1995, and the method has developed and grown in popularity.
These aspects go together as follows:
- Modern psychology. Speaking out loud emotions, thoughts, memories, and limiting beliefs, so all the pain draws to the surface of your conscious mind.
- Chinese medicine. Using the principle of the meridian system (main energy points through which life’s energy flows).
- Neuroplasticity. Rewiring our brain’s neural connections to experience safety and love.
- Spiritual component. Actively bringing unconditional love to one’s life.
Although EFT is still being researched, there is an evidence-based correlation between acupoint stimulation and treating psychological disorders (which tapping is based on).
The EFT tapping points
Jennifer talks about nine main meridian points overall in the quest:
- KC (Karate Chop): Located at the fleshy part of the outside of your hand (either hand will do) between the top of the wrist and the base of your little finger.
- TOH (Top of the Head): If you were to draw a line from one ear over the head to the other ear, and another line from your nose to the back of your neck, the TOH point is exactly where those two lines would intersect.
- EB (Eyebrow): Located at the beginning of the eyebrow, just above and to one side of the nose.
- SE (Side of the Eye): The bone bordering the outside corner of the eye.
- UE (Under the Eye): Lies on the bony ridge under the eyes, about 1 inch below your pupil.
- UN (Under the Nose): Sits on the small fleshy area between the bottom of your nose and the top of your upper lip.
- CH (Chin): Midway between the chin and the bottom of the lower lip.
- CB (Collarbone): At the junction where the sternum and collarbone meet just below the U-shaped notch between the bones.
- UA (Under Arm): On either side of the body about four inches below the armpits.
How to Use EFT Tapping in 5 Simple Steps
The great news is, this method is simple. When you learn and understand how to use tapping therapy, it can help relax your body and reset your mind and spirit all at once.
To truly embrace its benefits, Jennifer recommends practicing these five steps every day:
1. Practice the daily soul tap
The daily soul tap consists of three questions that will easily connect you to your soul every day. So close your eyes, take a deep cleansing breath, and ask yourself:
- What will bring deep fulfillment to my soul today?
- What emotions and thoughts are blocking me from this experience?
- What would I think and feel if this was not an issue?
You can write down the answers if it helps you to better reflect on them.
2. Get familiar with the EFT tapping points
Once you know the meridian points where you need to tap, then everything else flows with ease. Jennifer recommends starting out with a simple practice which goes as follows:
- Start with massaging the points underneath your collarbones. This part is just the beginning of your tapping routine.
- Then, you tap on the center of the chest.
- You move up between the brows.
- You tap the points on the temples.
- Move down to the cheeks.
- Tap underneath the nose.
- Underneath the lips.
- You tap again on the chest.
- On the front of the ribs.
- Side of the ribs.
- And straight back to the head, where you tap the head all over, as all meridian points start and end in that area.
And then, you go again. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at remembering these tapping points.
An important part of the daily soul tap is taking deep breaths during the routine. The oxygen from those breaths will flood your body’s system, clearing out stagnation and blocks.
3. Acknowledge your struggle
The next step is knowing what you’re dealing with. It’s about connecting to the truth inside and meeting yourself in the present. Only then can you heal.
So, start your routine by massaging the points underneath the collarbones and thinking about the first question from step one. What emotions rise up from that? Is it a feeling of overwhelm? Thoughts of “this is too hard” and “I can’t do it”? Anxiety and resistance?
If you need help figuring your emotions out, you can turn to this emotions list.
Start tapping the meridian points following the sequence in step two while you say out loud:
- “I really want to create…”
- “But part of me feels that…”
- “Another part of me thinks that…”
When tapping and acknowledging your blockages, you bring the unprocessed emotions stuck in your body and subconscious mind to the surface.
4. Love and accept your difficulties
As you lean into feeling the discomfort of your inner blockages and struggles, you create more space for love and acceptance.
Therefore, you can continue tapping and say out loud:
- “Even though a part of me has been struggling to create…, I deeply love and accept myself exactly as I am.”
- “It’s possible to love here.”
- “I am worthy of love here.”
You can repeat these healing affirmations by tapping the meridian points for another round or two.
5. Offer yourself a new vision
After becoming more conscious about your feelings, you can focus on what you’d like to experience going forward. Close up your tapping routine by saying out loud:
- “I really want to create more…”
- “And I want to let go of the struggle now.”
- “It will be easier if I release the struggle.”
- “I’m in a safe space to let go of this struggle. I can move past it.”
- “I am ready to create…”
- “It makes me feel…when I get to create…”
This part of the daily soul tap is supposed to deeply connect you to the life that you desire to live. When your whole body and mind get used to feeling this way, it will make it easier for you to create this reality.
Benefits of EFT Tapping
Mindvalley members who went along a tapping journey with Jennifer’s guidance swore by the amazing benefits of EFT tapping. Here are a few of their results:
1. More energy awareness in the body
“This is such a beautiful life hack for those struggling to really shift stuck pain or trauma in their bodies. Your body knows how to heal itself; you just need to give it the right support to do its best job.
Emotions are meant to be felt and move through your body. There is no place for them to stay trapped in your body and mind. In their expression and movement, you will find freedom.
A beautiful set of practices indeed!”
— Bryan Jordaan, Johannesburg, South Africa
2. Enjoy life to the fullest
“When I started this quest, I thought I would just get a tool to deal with difficult emotions, or stress and anxiety. It turned out to be so much deeper than that! I learned how to work with my limiting beliefs, trust myself again, let go of control, surrender to the care of the Universe, and more!
Every day in the quest just keeps getting deeper and better. Yes, now I have a new powerful tool, but most importantly, it has helped me so much in experiencing life differently and becoming a happier person.”
— Tri Nuraini, Jakarta, Indonesia
3. Experience greater self-love
“I believe that tapping is giving me a chance to really allow my inner self to come out and flourish as a whole.
I now see myself as a very strong and radiant person who is really firm in who he is in all aspects of my life. Not just personal but professional too.
I believe that tapping is giving me a chance to really allow my inner self to come out and flourish as a whole without hiding any mess from the past.”
— Kyle, Florida, United States
Tap Into the Wisdom Within
Tapping can align you to the magnificence of your body, mind, and spirit intelligence. — Jennifer Partridge Share on XAt Mindvalley, you can get a taste of this simple, yet effective method when you sign up for the free account. There, you can unlock access to sample classes from Jennifer’s program and many others.
Now it’s the time to embrace a life of joy and abundance while healing your pain and trauma. You’ll embark on this exciting journey and have the opportunity to tap into more vibrant, positive emotional growth. The greatest part of it all is that you will have a community to share your powerful transformation with.
Welcome in.