7 ways to use your extrasensory perception powers to guide your decisions and help you achieve your wildest dreams

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A woman with her hand on her heart to tune into her extrasensory perception

Chances are, you’ve heard of the term “sixth sense”—whether through the spooky 90’s thriller with Bruce Willis, the psychic at your local county fair, or your new-agey aunt. It’s often referred to as “ESP,” or extrasensory perception.

What is it exactly? And why is it highly debated in the scientific community?

Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, it’s hard to deny the allure of extrasensory perception. What’s even more alluring is that anyone can develop this extra sense—even you. 

What is extrasensory perception?

The “extrasensory perception” definition describes your ability to receive and process information independent of your five senses. Because extrasensory literally means “outside the senses,” this phenomenon refers to your “sixth” sense.

This ability is also unbound by the limits of time and space, taking on several different shapes and forms—from manipulating physical objects or knowing the thoughts of others to seeing into the future.

So, does extrasensory perception exist? It may not seem like something scientists would study, but they do study phenomena attributed to ESP.

And according to this study, when you believe in ESP, you’re likely to experience it. 

We know intuition is real, but we can’t explain it.

—Vishen, trainer of Mindvalley’s The Silva Ultramind System Quest

ESP vs. intuition

When it comes to perception beyond the five senses, it’s easy to get ESP and intuition mixed up. While they may be often used interchangeably, there are key differences between the two:

  • ESP is a more specific ability to perceive information beyond what the traditional senses can detect. 
  • Intuition, on the other hand, is often described as a “gut feeling” or “inner voice” that guides you in making decisions. We all have experienced it to some degree; it’s a matter of being open to it and listening to its guidance.

 The thing is, developing intuition can actually be a great way to improve your ESP.

You see, you first learn to trust your inner voice and tap into your intuition. And as you deepen that skill, you may unlock your hidden extrasensory abilities along the way.

6 types of ESP (extrasensory perception)

Extrasensory perception is often broken down into several distinct types. Here are the six most commonly recognized types of ESP:

1. Telepathy

Have you ever become so close to someone that it seems like you can tell what they are thinking? Or, have you ever repeatedly said the same exact sentences at the same time as another person?

Although you may not be a full-on telepath, if you’ve experienced this strange phenomenon, then you have a good idea of what telepathy is. 

Scientifically speaking, it’s defined as “the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another, independently of the recognized channels of sense.” Out of all the different types of extrasensory perception, telepathy is the most researched and popular.

2. Precognition

Precognition is the ability to see into the future. It comes from two Latin words: “pre,” meaning “prior to,” and “cognito,” meaning “getting to know.” 

So people who possess the gift of precognition can perceive information about events, people, locations, and scenarios before they actually occur.

Although this ability conflicts with the fundamental subjective experience of time flowing from past to future, there is a large database of studies conducted under controlled laboratory conditions that prove the proponents of precognition right. 

3. Retrocognition

Retrocognition is the opposite of precognition—it’s the ability to see into the past; oftentimes, the distant past. People with this type of extrasensory perception can recognize people, places, and events from the past that they had nothing to do with.

Many people associate this type of ESP with the strange phenomenon of déjà vu, which is, by the way, a commonly experienced extrasensory perception example.

Retrocognitive people can often describe, in strikingly accurate detail, what specific events in the past were like. And, although science is still wary about the topic, people with these abilities are sometimes used in investigative cases.  

4. Psychokinesis (or telekinesis)

Undoubtedly, you are familiar with this type of ESP from some of your favorite superhero movies.

If you are imagining a superhero tightening up their face and moving their arms around dramatically to violently gravitate objects toward their villain, you are spot on about psychokinesis. Well, sort of.

Alas, real psychokinesis is much less theatrical. Essentially, it is the ability of one’s mind to have a direct effect on another object without the use of any physical energy. Coined by Henry Holt, it stands for “mind” and “motion,” or “distant movement.”

ESP and psychokinesis have been studied by a pioneer of parapsychology, Joseph Banks Rhine. His fundamental research on the topic has produced an abundance of evidence that the existence of the phenomenon can be considered proven.

5. Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance, or “clear seeing,” refers to the ability to see information about an object, person, scenario, location, or event in the past, present, or future using only extrasensory means.

This type of extrasensory perception is generally strongest during meditation, but it can also happen unintentionally.

As well, there are other variations of this type of ESP, each focusing on a different sense:

  • Clairsentience refers to the ability to feel the sensations and emotions of another person without any external stimulation. This is often paired with paranormal-type activity (like feeling the coldness of a ghost).
  • Clairaudience refers to the ability to receive auditory information through psychic and sixth-sense hearing.
  • Clairalience refers to a psychic’s ability to pick up on external impressions through the sense of smell.
  • Clairgustance is similar to those above; this type of ESP refers to the ability to receive outside information and psychic impressions from the sense of taste (without putting anything in one’s mouth).

Interestingly, back in the 1880s, clairvoyance was recognized by physicians as an “interior perception of remarkable clearness and delicacy” in the lead of periodicals on life and health, such as Hall’s Journal of Health. Most importantly, they reassure the readers that this faculty is real and inherent in all people. 

6. Psychometry

It’s the ability to read information from an object, such as a person’s history or emotions, simply by touching it. 

José Silva, creator of The Silva Method, designed a method that allows you to develop psychometry. It’s used by many Silva Ultramind practitioners to gain insights into people and objects: physical appearance, personality traits, and even events that have occurred in their lives.

For example, Vishen, founder of Mindvalley and trainer of Mindvalley’s The Silva Ultramind System Quets, teaches how to project your consciousness into distinct types of metals in the Quest. He explains that this exercise will not only help you develop your imagination and visualization abilities but also your psychometry.

“It’s based on the idea that you can hold an object that belongs to your loved ones and perceive information related to questions you ask,” he says. “It’s a natural way to train your intuition.”

Jose Silva
José Silva, creator of The Silva Method

4 benefits of using ESP

ESP has several benefits, many of which have been experienced by individuals who have incorporated it into their daily lives:

  • Improved decision-making. This study reveals that the most successful decision-makers manage complex situations by combining rational analysis with intuition. Another study has found that CEOs who scored the highest in terms of intuitive ability also have the highest correlation with the successful profit growth of their companies. 
  • Better relationships. You may be able to comprehend the needs and emotions of those around you better if you work on strengthening your intuition and psychic abilities. You may use this to build and cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections with friends, family, and team members.
  • Enhanced creativity. Vishen explains that practicing ESP techniques involves using imagination, which is essential for creativity. So using it allows you to tap into your creative potential and develop new and innovative ideas.
  • Improved performance. Olympic athletes have reported using visualization and intuitive techniques to improve their performance on the field. Likewise, many entrepreneurs credit their success to their ability to tap into their intuition and make informed business decisions.

In short, there are a plethora of potential benefits to using ESP and incorporating these techniques into daily life can enhance different areas of one’s life.

7 ways to use extrasensory perception

When ESP wasn’t popular, José Silva pioneered teaching it as a biofeedback method, known as Silva Mind Control, back in 1944. Eventually, it got commercialized and became increasingly popular among executives. 

Here are ways you can use ESP (some of which will definitely astonish you):

1. Accelerate learning

In the beginning, José was training his children how to use the system to enhance the learning process.

For example, the Silva Ultramind System includes techniques for:

  • Improving memory,
  • Concentration, and
  • Intuition.

All of these can help you learn more effectively.

2. Healing purposes

By tapping into your ESP, you can identify energy blockages and physical dysfunctions in your organs or systems and then imprint a healthy state on them. For example, by using the Three Scenes Technique, Vishen healed his skin when he was a teenager.

What’s more, you can do it not only for yourself but also for your family members, friends, and even people that you don’t know.

3. Become more service-oriented toward others

What’s really remarkable about José’s system is that he was adamant about training his students to use ESP for the benefit of others. So he created what is called the Post-Effects Standard Statements to be programmed into the minds of students so that they use ESP only for good.

Here are some examples of these statements:

  • You will never use these levels of the mind or these points of reference to harm any human being. If this is your intention, you will not be able to function within these levels of the mind, nor will you be able to use these points of reference.
  • You will always use these levels of the mind and these points of reference in a constructive, creative manner for all that is good, honest, pure, clean, and positive. And this is so.
  • You will continue to strive to take part in constructive and creative activities to make this a better world to live in. So when you move on, you will have left behind a better world for those who follow. 
  • You will consider the whole of humanity, depending on their ages, as fathers or mothers, brothers or sisters, sons or daughters. 
  • You are a superior human being; you have greater understanding, compassion, and patience with others.

4. Solve problems

Vishen explains that the Silva Ultramind System teaches you a different form of meditation called “dynamic meditation.” 

It’s not about clearing your mind,” he adds, but rather using your mind to deliberately solve the problems that you might face, unleash your potential, and use it to accelerate the evolution of the world.”

How does it work? It allows you to access altered states and then learn how to function at these levels to be able to solve problems and find solutions to your challenges.  

5. Make better decisions

By accessing information beyond what is available through rational thought or analysis, you can gain a broader perspective and make more informed choices. 

For example, once, it helped Vishen find his way to meet a fascinating archaeologist. 

I was about to cross a bridge on the River Nile when I was suddenly hit by an impulse nudging me to turn around,” he says. “So I turned around and bumped into an Egyptian man who invited me for dinner. He turned out to be an archaeologist looking to find a spot for the tomb of Alexander the Great. And I am a great fan of history.”

6. Get creative inspiration

ESP can also be used to tap into your creativity and generate new ideas. Just like ​​Richard Bach could tap into the closing chapter of his best-seller Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

By tapping into your extrasensory perception, you, too, can unlock your subconscious mind. And this can lead you to access new ideas and inspiration.

7. Grow spiritually

Finally, you can use ESP to evolve as a soul, as it allows you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. 

The Silva Ultramind System’s techniques in particular are based on the premise that the Universe has your back and you don’t need to know “how.” As long as you are in alignment with your soul’s purpose, your deepest desires will come true.

Overall, ESP can be a powerful tool for personal growth, healing, and self-discovery. Whether you’re looking to accelerate your learning, make better decisions, or tap into your creativity, this perception can help you access new insights and unlock hidden potential.

Take your life to superhuman level

The ability to tap into your intuition, project your consciousness, and access information through psychometry can help you in ways you never imagined. Most importantly, you can use it for healing, problem-solving, and making the world a better place. 

If you want to experience the benefits of ESP for yourself, join The Silva Ultramind System Quest with Vishen. In 28 days, you will be able to perform at what seems like superhuman levels. 

By the end of the program, you’ll have total mastery of your mind’s full scope of abilities and be able to follow a clear path toward your fullest human potential and beyond.

Want a sneak peek? Sign up for a free account and get access to the first lessons from this Quest. Your intuition will thank you for it.

Images generated on Midjourney (unless otherwise noted).

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Irina Yugay

As a former self-development and self-transcendence writer at Mindvalley, Irina uses words to transpire empowering ideas, transcendental feelings, and omniversal values. She's also an ascension coach who helps her clients grow their spiritual awareness and actualize their true nature. With a deep empirical understanding of the spiritual journey, Irina shares her insights and experiences with the readers to inspire them to transcend their limiting beliefs and achieve higher states of consciousness.
Vishen, founder and CEO of Mindvalley
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Vishen is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, The New York Times best-selling author, and founder and CEO of Mindvalley, a global education movement with millions of students worldwide. He is the creator of Mindvalley Quests, A-Fest, Mindvalley University, and various other platforms to help shape lives in the field of personal transformation.

Vishen led Mindvalley to enter and train Fortune 500 companies, governments, the UN, and millions of people around the world. His work in personal growth also extends to the public sector as a speaker and activist working to evolve the core systems that influence our lives—including education, work culture, politics, and well-being.

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