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Logic got you stuck? What you didn’t know about the right brain characteristics

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A woman using her right brain characteristics to solve a puzzle

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Summary: Emotion or reason? Depends on which side of your brain you’re more inclined to access. Here’s everything you need to know about your right brain characteristics.

The brain is one of the most important organs in our body. Many would argue that it is the most important part because it controls every function of the body. As it is divided into the right and left hemispheres, right-brain characteristics are under the most scrutiny. 

Why? Right brain functions deal with components of the human system that are deeply fascinating: our emotions and creativity.

One could say that the emotions you feel represent a compass for how you make sense of the world around you. They hide the treasured mysteries of human existence—how you feel, how you create, and how you experience your inner world.

Right brain vs. left brain

Researchers have studied hemispheres extensively to understand what are the functions of each of them. The left brain is responsible for logic, while the right brain is responsible for creativity.

The two hemispheres are divided by a structure called the corpus callosum, which helps them communicate with one another. There’s a common misbelief that there are left-brain or right-brain people.

However, the truth is that all humans use both hemispheres, with a predominance of one side.

According to The Huffington Post, 37% of Americans are left-brained, while only 29% are right-brained. In 34% of participants, the two hemispheres show equal influence on decision-making. 

Recently, society has gained more interest in the study of right-brain characteristics because growing research has shown how things like understanding emotions, for example, are related to workplace success.

Learn more: Left brain vs. right brain—7 science-backed differences

What are the characteristics of a right-brained person?

  • Guided by emotions
  • Easy with arts and creativity
  • Attention to context
  • Visual skills
  • Intuition
  • Imagination
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Seeing the bigger picture instead of focusing on the details
  • At ease in warm climates
  • Mood swings

The right hemisphere of the brain controls creativity, imagination, and intuition, giving you the ability to visualize and interpret reality. It helps people look at the bigger picture so they can better assess problems and come up with innovative strategies to solve them.

Moreover, right-brain characteristics contribute to emotional intelligence—the ability to understand ourselves and be empathetic towards others.

Those who develop emotional intelligence can master interpersonal relationships, a vital skill for improving the quality of all interactions you could have, be they personal or professional.

Graphic of the characteristics of a right-brained person

Learn more: What are some characteristics of the left side of the brain?

What does it mean to be a right-brained person?

Some people focus on developing one side of the brain rather than the other. Let’s take a look at how a right-brained person sees the world and makes decisions.


  • Seeing the bigger picture when they want to understand any context. For example, in a relationship, they wouldn’t analyze each behavior a person has. They would concentrate on the good feelings that a person gives to their partner each day.
  • They develop their creativity in warm climates. Mood swings are usually controlled.
  • Visualization and innovation are the headlights that guide right-brained people at work. They usually do not rely on logic to weigh out the pros and cons. Instead, they make decisions based on their gut feelings.
  • Although right-brained people are more emotional, they are inclined to understand others. They are also usually good at intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence.
  • Right-brained people tend to thrive in inspirational environments and workplaces. They could be visual artists, writers, painters, or interior designers.
  • They may feel more at peace with the flow of life, as chaos comes more naturally to them.


  • Right-brained people could be quite chaotic and messy. As they’re guided by emotions, rules and structure don’t appeal to them.
  • They have to work harder on implementing habits and discipline into their life.
  • Following your intuition isn’t always the best thing, especially when you have an important decision to make. They find it difficult to be rational.
  • For some of them, boundaries are hard to set. As they try to understand everyone and their emotional intelligence is super sharp, they might get too sensitive and tolerate even what’s not the best for them. They can forget that sometimes just because they understand doesn’t mean they have to accept certain situations.
  • Right-brained people might have trouble dealing with more logical aspects of life, such as managing their finances, remembering deadlines, or doing math. They don’t perform as well in more rigorous areas, such as accounting, administration, and the medical field.

How to enhance right brain functions?

People can change their approach to life and train their brain functioning. 

It’s important to learn how to unleash its potential and develop certain skills to make the most of the 10% of the brain that we have access to.

When you exercise your brain, you become a fast learner and enhance your productivity.

If knowledge is power, learning is your superpower. — @jimkwik Share on X

Here are four sets of exercises that you can do to improve your right brain characteristics:

1. Mental exercises

Since the right side of the brain is better at creativity and innovation, simple brain games and exercises such as connecting the dots and crossword puzzles can help improve these skills. 

Furthermore, reading could also represent a great opportunity to exercise your brain and develop your imagination as you expand your vocabulary.

Especially novels and artistic literature enhance your power of visualization, which will, in turn, train the right side of your brain. As you read a story, you could try imagining it mentally to have a clearer depiction of the written images that are created.

Learn more: Why are brain teasers so good for your brain?

2. Physical exercises

Exercising the left side of your body will stimulate the right side of your brain (and vice versa). Try simple exercises like breathing through your left nostril.

  • With your hand, block the right nostril and inhale through the left one.
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale through the right nostril while blocking the left. 
  • Then start again inhaling through the right one and go on like this for a few rounds.

Make your exhale longer so that your body can relax and enjoy the benefits of this exercise. It will connect you to your body, empower your brain, and help you access the parasympathetic nervous system.

What is more, another great exercise to try out is eating or brushing your teeth with your left hand, in case you’re a righty. This exercise will stimulate the brain matter on the right side and help improve motor skills. 

3. Look at some art

A 2017 study showed that looking at art and visual images stimulates brain activity in the right hemisphere.

As right-brained traits are correlated with creativity and imagination, any piece of visual art will enhance these qualities. You can choose to spend some time at art museums, galleries, and contemporary exhibitions.

So get fun and creative while you spend this time training the right side of your brain. You’re not only going to enhance your brain powers, but you might also become an art expert sooner than you think. 

4. Socialize as much as you can

Meeting people and socializing is one of the most beneficial things you can do, in general, but also to improve your right brain functions.

As right-brained people are very emotionally intelligent and their interpersonal skills go through the roof, being in social environments will enhance that even more.

So the next time you meet your family, go to social gatherings, or take time to volunteer with children or the elderly, know that you’re improving your brain capacity. Conversations and social interactions also develop your right-brained qualities and increase your overall sense of well-being.

A man exercising to enhance his right brain characteristics

Discover your superbrain

Are you accepting the brain challenge? Unleash the power of your brain and learn how to make it a Superbrain.

Our brain is “the gateway to our emotions, to our capacity for deeply experiencing life, to our ability to have lasting intimacy,” according to Jim, adding that it’s what allows us to innovate, grow, and accomplish.

Our most precious gift is our brain. It is what allows us to learn, love, think, create, and even experience joy. — @jimkwik Share on X

So head over to Mindvalley and learn how to make the most of your brain superpowers in the Superbrain masterclass with brain expert Jim Kwik. Welcome in.

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Alexandra Tudor

Alexandra Tudor is a former content writer for Mindvalley and a psychology enthusiast. From clinical experience working with both children and adults, she's now in the process of becoming a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in the IFS method and family constellation therapy.
Picture of Alexandra Tudor

Alexandra Tudor

Alexandra Tudor is a former content writer for Mindvalley and a psychology enthusiast. From clinical experience working with both children and adults, she's now in the process of becoming a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in the IFS method and family constellation therapy.
Jim Kwik, Mindvalley trainer and brain performance expert
Expertise by

Jim Kwik is a brain coach and a world expert in speed reading, memory improvement, and optimal brain performance.

Known as the “boy with the broken brain” due to a childhood injury, Jim discovered strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance.

He is now committed, through programs like Mindvalley’s Superbrain and Speed Reading Quest, to helping people improve their memory, learn to speed-read, increase their decision-making skills, and turn on their superbrain.

He has also shared his techniques with Hollywood actors, Fortune 500 companies, and trailblazing entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Richard Branson to reach their highest level of mental performance. He is also one of the most sought-after trainers for top organizations like Harvard University, Nike, Virgin, and GE.

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