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Heal Your Body Faster? Marisa Peer’s RTT® May Just Be the Solution

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Marisa Peer, trainer of Mindvalley's Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest

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Broken bones, cancer, other ailments? Marisa Peer, the founder and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®), believes the key lies within your mind’s power.

In her sitdown with Vishen on The Mindvalley Show, she goes deep into overcoming the odds (more than once!). And taking inspiration from her story, if she can do it, perhaps so can you.

Watch the full 61-minute interview:

Ep #012 | How Marisa Peer Beat Cancer Twice With This Powerful Mental Technique

Get to Know Marisa Peer

“Britain’s Best Therapist” (voted by Tatler), author, and motivational speaker—these are only a few of the many accolades that make up the Marisa Peer. 

But what she’s most known for is her creation, Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®), a blend of cognitive-behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, and psycho-cybernetics designed to help folks unlock the power of their subconscious mind.

Marisa didn’t just stumble into success. Struggles and challenges were aplenty—as she shares on The Mindvalley Show, she went through cancer twice and a serious leg fracture from a hit-and-run. 

But what makes her story mind-blowing? It’s the way she approached and overcame those hurdles: using the healing power of her mind.

You think a thought; your body makes it real—that’s a fact,” she explains. “But here’s another: if your mind’s job is to make your thoughts real, your job is to think better thoughts all the time.”

That’s the fundamental principle of her program, RTT®. It really shows that “you are what you think” isn’t just a saying but a powerful truth you can use in your life.

Why She’s Advocating Mind Over Matter

Why me?” is the ultimate go-to when sh*t hits the fan. But as Marisa says, “You have to be very careful what you ask for because you’ll probably get it.” 

That’s how powerful that noggin’ of yours is. Every thought you think is essentially a direction for your brain—negative thinking equals negative physical and emotional responses, and vice versa with positive thoughts.

Your mind has zero choice but to act on your words, but you have the choice to stop that. — @MarisaPeer Share on X

Though it’s quite magical how our mind can rewrite our reality, there’s nothing new-agey about hypnotherapy. Numerous studies have looked into the link between the mind-body connection.

For instance, one study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine found that people who underwent a fake knee surgery felt less pain. This shows how the mind can affect the amount of pain a person feels and how quickly their bodies can heal.

Another study, published in Neuropsychologia, found that people who mentally trained their muscles for 12 weeks saw significant strength increases. The results suggest that using mental training can enhance the brain’s signal to muscles, boosting their activation and strength.

With that in mind, the link between the mind and the body doesn’t mean ignoring medical treatments. Rather, it’s about acknowledging that the mind holds power that we’re only starting to understand.

The body is a temple, after all. But the mind is the architect. And when you begin to grasp the impact of the blueprints it designs, that’s when you truly start to appreciate the miracles of your mind-body symbiosis.

3 Powerful Steps to Achieve the Impossible, According to Marisa Peer

Marisa’s methods aren’t exclusive to hypnotherapists. There are steps she shares on The Mindvalley Show that you can take to get past your limiting beliefs and achieve what seems impossible.

1. Use the DICCC method

DICCC isn’t just a random (or raunchy) acronym Marisa coined. No, it’s a potent mnemonic reminding you to: 

  • Direct, 
  • Instruct, 
  • Command, 
  • Compel, and 
  • Code. 

For example, if you’ve got an eyesight problem and want to fix it, you’d use the DICCC method. Your command would be something like, “I direct, instruct, command, compel, and code both my eyes to see perfectly and properly right now.”

It’s a way to orchestrate your thoughts, behaviors, and reactions to go beyond your limiting beliefs. It’s, as Marisa explains, you “directing your body to heal itself.”

So whatever it is that you feel needs healing in your body, make sure you direct, instruct, command, compel, and code it to your specifications. And like playing your favorite tune, put that on repeat.

Marisa Peer’s insight: We sometimes get in the way of our own healing because we hear words like ‘Oh, that’s the worst fracture in the whole of London’ [or] ‘Oh, that’s never going to heal properly.’ … You have to override what someone else says, and [you] must never let anyone else have agency over your healing and command your body to do what it knows how to do.”

2. Be specific in your commands

Being vague leaves room for assumption. And even the Universe can’t guess what you desire without you being specific in your statement.

For example, if you say you want ice cream, what kind do you want? Is it chocolate? Strawberry? Is it in a cone? In a cup? Is it one scoop? A pint? 

You see how much further down you can go when you’re being specific? That is what you need to do with the commands for your mind. For anything, everything, like getting attention, someone to care about you, or even having self-confidence.

The mind isn’t logical; it’s a feeling mind,” Marisa explains. You have to be very careful what you ask for because you’ll probably get it.

The thing is, imagination can be a powerful tool. One study from the University of Colorado at Boulder reported that the brain reacts to imagined threats in the same way it does to real ones. 

And so when you visualize achieving a specific goal, your brain interprets it as a real experience. This makes it more likely to manifest in ways that bring your vision to life.

Marisa Peer’s insight: You see how so often our thinking is just incomplete. ‘I want to get pregnant’—that’s only the beginning of the journey. …In this example, it’s not just ‘I want to be pregnant,’ [it’s] ‘I want to conceive, carry, and deliver a perfectly healthy, robust baby—all the words—right now.”

3. Your mind works in the present tense

There’s power in mindfulness. And this is a crucial insight to keep in mind (no pun intended), especially when you’re crafting affirmations or visualizing your goals. 

So instead of picturing yourself as successful in the future, see yourself as successful now. Especially if you’re battling low self-esteem, make the shift from “I will be enough” to “I am enough.” 

But the principle isn’t just limited to hypnotherapy. It’s also at the core of mindfulness. 

Because here’s the thing about focusing on the present: You don’t worry so much about what’s already happened or what’s going to happen. And with this approach, you:

  • Foster a deeper connection to your emotions, thoughts, and actions,
  • Promote mental clarity and reduce stress, and
  • Bolster your mental health.

So let’s say you want your acne-covered skin gone. Your command could be something like, “I direct, instruct, command, compel, and code my skin to be clear, smooth, and supple right now.”

Marisa Peer’s insight: The mind, first of all, it only ever works in the present tense. You can’t say, ‘I’ll have great skin next year.’ It has to be now, right now.”

Take the Next Step

Chances are, as a kid, you believed anything was possible. But somewhere down the road, the world might’ve taught you otherwise.

But that’s the purpose of Marisa Peer’s FREE masterclass, The 5 Steps to Reprogram Your Mind for Abundance, on Mindvalley.

My ultimate mission, my living legacy, is to bring this therapy into the school system and to have it recognized as the most effective therapy in the world,” Marisa says, so I can help people and make a difference in their lives.”

And make a difference, she did. Hear it from a Mindvalley Member, Dao Lam, who’s personally experienced the transformative power of her program: “While it was not my intention to take RTHA for weight loss, I had experienced the most profound change in my body size during this course. On December 23rd, 2018, I had to cut away 9.5 cm off my belt to make it fit to my waist.”

And as much as she’s been through, her story isn’t just hers alone. It exists as a reminder and an inspiration that harnesses the power of the mind that resides within you. It resides within all of us.

Welcome in.

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In this free masterclass, learn how to instantly reprogram your mind for abundance with Marisa Peer’s world-famous technique that has helped olympians, CEOs, and others to live their best livesEnroll for free

Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Picture of Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Marisa Peer, Mindvalley trainer, UK's #1 Therapist, and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy
Expertise by

Voted the United Kingdom’s #1 therapist by Tatler, Marisa Peer has spent 25 years coaching a diverse range of clients, including royalty, rock stars, celebrities, Olympic athletes, political leaders, and CEOs.

She specializes in Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy™, a technique that quickly reshapes thinking and achieves significant life changes, often in just one or two sessions.

Her Mindvalley quests, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance and Uncompromised Life, are perfect opportunities for one to resolve their past issues, remove personal limitations, and expand their capacity for abundance, especially in health, wealth, and love.

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