Your hunch is never “just a hunch,” according to intuition expert Sonia Choquette—Here’s why

Sonia Choquette, intuition expert and trainer of Mindvalley's Sixth Sense Superpower Quest on Mindvalley

There it was—a hunch that felt… well, “off.”

As it often does, it came at the absolute time. Sonia Choquette and her husband had just convinced the owners of a house that was “perfect” for them to generously sell it at a low bid (they were a young couple with very little money, after all).

We’re going to close on the house in three weeks or four weeks, and we’re going to have the house. Yay! Right?” she recalls in her Sixth Sense Superpower Quest on Mindvalley. “Except about a week later, I woke up and I said to my husband, ‘I have a bad vibe. We can’t buy the house.’”

Needless to say, the owners weren’t happy. Their realtor was definitely not happy. And her husband? “Pissed.”

But Sonia herself? “I [felt] incredibly relieved, and I wondered why.”

The answer came four days after they were supposed to own the house. 

It starts to rain in Chicago, where this was occurring, and rain and rain and rain and rain for six weeks. And that house was on a floodplain. And that house flooded.”

Bullet dodged.

That’s the incredible thing about hunches—they often have a way of having our backs.

The thing is, we’re all built with this radar. Some of us choose to ignore it. Some of us are aware of it, no matter how much we want to ignore it. And the rest of us? Well, we use it as a sixth sense.

Now, none of us are Spider-Man with “spidey senses.” But that’s not to say you can’t hone in on your hunch and use it as your superpower.

What does “hunch” mean?

Surely you’ve heard of intuition—the ever-so-subtle whisper that something is true before the facts catch up. “Hunch” is simply another word for it.

It’s like an inkling or a suspicion that you feel about something without clear reasoning or evidence. And it often comes from subconscious observations or experiences.

For example, you meet someone for the first time and instantly feel like you’ll become good friends. Or you’re walking home and have a feeling that you shouldn’t take your normal route, only to find out later that there was an incident in that area.

Even for Sonia, as she and her family were standing at the gate on their way to their annual summer trip to Paris, she had a sudden hunch not to get on that plane. She just knew and insisted on going on a different flight. It turned out, the aircraft had a mechanical problem, and all the passengers were stuck. Except Sonia and her family, of course. 

Don’t be mistaken, though. This so-called “spidey sense” is not the same as clairvoyance or having a premonition. While a hunch can be a part of everyday decision-making and intuition, the other two are generally considered to be paranormal phenomena.

Sonia Choquette swears by her hunches—Here are 3 things she does when they pop up

Sonia’s a renowned spiritual teacher for a reason: She’s pretty darn good at noticing when she has a hunch on things.

Based on her experiences, here’s what she does when it pops up:

1. She quiets down and listens in

You’re actually listening with your entire body,” she explains. And she did exactly that on a trip to Romania with her cousin to settle some court paperwork with their family history.

Unfortunately, she and that cousin had a communication breakdown. Because it was during the pandemic, she had decisions to make: Should she get on the plane? Should she make this big effort with all these restrictions? Would her cousin show up or not?

She decided to get quiet and listen. “Should I go? I got a ‘yes.’” 

So she went, and thankfully, her cousin showed up. They went to court, filled up the papers, and had “the most beautiful afternoon after that.”

2. She asks for guidance

Having a hunch is one thing. But after that initial instinct, what comes next?

Ask yourself, “What does your spirit feel?” It’s a piece of wisdom Sonia got from her own mother.

I remember one time I would ask my mom as a teenager; I had this idea that I was going to go out to a party and sneak out, and we were going to smoke pot,” she shares. “I had this whole plan with my mom that I was going to tell her I was going to go babysitting.”

So, lying through her teeth, she asks her mother if she could go babysit. Her mother’s response? “What does your spirit feel?

Of course, Sonia’s spirit told her it wasn’t a good idea.

As bummed out as she was about it, her hunch had her back. That party was raided, and half of her friends got arrested. 

That’s a very important part of intuition,” she says. “You have to be open, but you can only be open if you’re going to be honest. Your intuition won’t work if you’re not honest.”

3. She notices the signs

The thing that Sonia realized is, the more she trusts her hunches, the more she sees synchonicities unfolding and things going her way. As she says, “Intuition doesn’t tell you what you want to hear; it tells you what you need to hear.”

It does this not only through a sense or a feeling. It also does this through “signs, symbols, metaphors, and sometimes jokes.”

For instance, one time she was driving to a workshop and she came to a stop sign. In front of her was a car with a license plate that read “SLWD.” Her mind read it as “slow down.”

Boom! Got it; slow down,” she recalls. “And I was speeding. I was late… So I’m cruising around the corner; see that [license plate]; slow down. And just as I came around the corner, sure enough, there was a cop on the side of the road with a laser gun tracking the speed of the car.”

There are signs everywhere. Sure, it could be just a hunch. But that’s just one part. The other? Take it in as information and follow through. 

A woman on the beach with a hunch

Got a hunch? Here are Sonia Choquette’s 5 tips on how to follow it

So you notice an inkling. What is it? What’s it trying to say? Are you supposed to do something about it? In all that rush of question after question, you may also find yourself asking, “How can I trust my hunches?” 

Simple. It starts with taking the steps to sharpen your intuition. And Sonia, as the expert that she is, has some great tips on how you can start.

1. Give your intuition a language

This can be a game-changer that unlocks a whole new level of listening to and living from your inner wisdom. Why? Because when you give it a name, like “gut feeling,” “inner voice,” or even “spirit guide,” you’re saying, “Hey, this is real, this is mine, and it’s here to help!

Most people are afraid to be intuitive because they don’t even have the words to comfortably say, ‘This is my intuition,’” explains Sonia. “So we don’t talk about it, and if we don’t talk about it and we don’t language it, we disappear it; we ignore it.”

That’s why she encourages you to come up with your language that is comfortable for you. It might feel new and strange at first, but that’s okay. What matters most is that you’re curious and open to hearing what your intuition has to say.

2. Play “I wonder…”

Remember the wide-eyed amazement you felt as a child, staring at fluffy clouds and wondering if they were made of cotton candy? Sonia wants you to rediscover that spark—that sense of wonder that clears a path for your hunches to come in.

The thing is, intuition and all that it encompasses aren’t from the left brain’s logic. Instead, it comes from the right, where creativity and curiosity reside.

There are even studies that suggest the right hemisphere is actively involved in tasks related to intuition and creativity. One such study, published in Psychology Research and Behavior Management, found that intuition is central to cognitive processes such as heuristic-based decision-making, creativity, and learning.”

And to tap into this power? A simple question: “I wonder…”

It puts you into a place of listening,” Sonia points out. “So notice that, ‘I wonder…’ Your head will turn, your internal conversation will stop, and you will actually be open to learning something new. And this is what intuition is.”

3. Dance into your intuitive flow

Has your hunch ever whispered a suggestion that sent your carefully planned world spinning on its axis? Like when Sonia turned down her and her husband’s “perfect” house, losing their deposit and aggravating people along the way.

That’s your intuition nudging you toward something bigger, brighter, maybe a little bit… different. It might feel like a detour from your familiar routine, a leap of faith into the unknown, but trust that this disruption is a gift in disguise.

You have to be willing to take what I call ‘the stink eye,’” Sonia advises. “You have to take the resistance.”

So what does she suggest to do? Dance.

No, not the stiff ballroom ones. The ones where you surrender to the energy that moves you. Your hips, your legs, your feet, your whole body… Like Grey’s Anatomy’s Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang. The kind of dance that “gets you from not thinking and empowers you to move with the energy in the moment.” 

According to Sonia, that’s the energy you need to be intuitive.

4. Pay attention to the signs

Intuitive signs are everywhere. However, it’s not always in your face, like Sonia’s was with the “SLWD” license plate.

It could be any shape or form: a joke, a vibe, a hit, a breeze that’s different and unexpected…

But that’s what intuition does—it plays with you. “It’s giving you information in a way that’s getting your attention,” says Sonia.

The reality is, though, we’re so planted in our own little world, into our devices, that we couldn’t tell a sign if it came up and slapped us in the face. So what can you do about it?

Slowing down is Sonia’s suggestion. Turn off the noise, the endless notifications, the constant chatter in your head.

Take a deep breath, find a quiet corner, and just be. Listen to the gentle rhythm of your heartbeat and the whispers of your own thoughts. And it’s in those moments of stillness, you’ll likely notice what your hunch is trying to say.

5. Vibe-check everything

I value my beautiful vibration,” Sonia says. “I don’t invite anybody’s ‘barking dog’”—what she calls the ego—“to poop in my space; anybody’s bad energy to camp out.” 

As you live your life based on your hunches and intuition, you’d, of course, want to do the same. That’s exactly what “vibe checking” does—you consistently assess and are aware of the energies or vibes in your surroundings, in others, and, most importantly, within yourself.

Here are a few things you can do:

  • Prioritize values that align with your intuition, such as authenticity, courage, and personal truth.
  • Surround yourself with people who reflect and support your intuitive energy and who encourage and uplift you.
  • Allow yourself time and space to tune into your intuition and notice subtle signs and messages.

So, what’s Sonia’s moral of the story? “First, be the good vibes. Look around. Notice the good vibes. Run away from the bad vibes. Just tell them you have to go and don’t explain.”

Frequently asked questions: Your burning Qs about hunches answered

Sonia’s journey with intuition might have sparked a million questions in your mind. Dive into the FAQs below—you might just find the answers you’re searching for.

1. What is the difference between a hunch and an intuition?

Both the “hunch” meaning and the “intuition” meaning are related to gut feelings and inner knowing. However, there are some subtle differences between them:

A hunch is typically considered a form of intuition, but it’s often viewed as less deep or comprehensive. It’s based on feelings, gut reactions, or subconscious observations, and it may arise suddenly without clear reasoning.

Let’s say, for instance, you’re walking down a bustling city street, and you suddenly feel a strong urge to turn into a side alley you’ve never noticed before. There’s no specific reason, just a nagging feeling that something interesting awaits. You turn and find a hidden courtyard with a charming cafe and live music, offering a welcome oasis from the city’s noise.

Intuition, on the other hand, is a deeper, more innate sense. It’s often described as a profound insight that comes from within, based on accumulated experiences, knowledge, and understanding, even if these are not consciously accessible at the moment.

An example would be if you’re interviewing for a new job. The company culture seems off, and your gut keeps twisting as you answer questions. You politely decline the offer, and weeks later, a friend reveals the company has a history of employee mistreatment. Your intuition, based on subtle cues and experience, saved you from entering a potentially negative situation.

2. What are some examples of famous hunches that turned out to be true?

Sonia’s not the only one who’s followed her hunch, leading to something remarkable. History is peppered with instances where people acted on seemingly irrational gut feelings with remarkable results.

Here are some famous examples of hunches that turned out to be true:

  • Hamilton: Lin-Manuel Miranda had a hunch that a hip-hop musical about American founding father Alexander Hamilton would resonate with contemporary audiences. His unique approach led to the highly acclaimed and influential musical Hamilton.
  • Titanic: Director James Cameron was so convinced about his vision for the movie that he told studio executives he would forfeit his salary to get the film made. His hunch that audiences would connect with the tragic love story amidst a historical event paid off, as Titanic became one of the highest-grossing films of its time.
  • Harry Potter: J.K. Rowling’s idea for the series reportedly came to her during a train journey. She had a sudden vision of a young boy attending a school of wizardry. This hunch led her to create one of the most beloved and successful book series in history.

While some may call it luck, the consistent pattern of hunches leading to success suggests that there’s more to it than mere chance. It’s a testament to the power of trusting the inner voice, of listening to the whispers that guide us toward unexpected and remarkable outcomes.

3. How can I trust my hunches?

Trusting your hunches is like tuning into a special frequency—one that’s unique to you. So listen to that inner voice, that feeling in your gut that whispers “go this way” or “avoid that.” It’s not always loud, but it’s always there.

This aligns with findings from a study by professor John Mihalsky at Newark College of Engineering, detailed in his book Executive ESP, where CEOs with strong intuition led more successful companies. (Those with “negative intuition,” on the other hand, correspondingly showed the poorest company performance.)

So start small. Next time you’re faced with a choice, even a tiny one like choosing a coffee flavor, pay attention to that subtle nudge. Take a chance and follow it. See how it feels. 

You can combine it with logic and reason for the best results. Gather information, research your options, and then let your gut feelings guide you toward the best decision.

One thing to remember, though, is to not fear the missteps. Instead, see it as a learning experience. And over time, you’ll build confidence in your intuition and learn to recognize its unique language.

Go beyond the shoulds and coulds

The whole point of our intuition is to help us make the best decisions,” says Sonia. So enough with the second-guessing, the overthinking, the “shoulds” and the “coulds.”

Take this as your hunch to awaken your intuitive intelligence—the secret weapon of CEOs, artists, and game-changers—in Mindvalley’s Sixth Sense Superpower Quest with Sonia herself.

More than just a program, it caters to those who actively seek clarity, courage, and a life guided by their own inner wisdom. And 20 days is what it’ll take for you to learn how to decipher gut feelings, amplify your creative spark, and navigate every moment with your sixth sense superpower.

Images generated on Midjourney (except featured image).

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Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Sonia Choquette, Mindvalley trainer, intuition expert, and best-selling author
Expertise by

Sonia Choquette is a best-selling author, international speaker, and trainer of Mindvalley’s Sixth Sense Superpower Quest. She’s recognized as the foremost leader in intuition.

Since offering intuitive readings at age 12, Sonia has spent over four decades teaching and empowering others to reconnect with their innate intuitive intelligence across the globe.

Her unique teaching approach encourages students to rely on their inner voices rather than conforming to strict scientific or spiritual doctrines. This facilitates self-driven transformation through trust in the higher self.

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