What is ego power and is it better than having no ego?

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Ego Power Mindvalley

Throughout the concurrent discourse on the concept of ego, we find lots of conflicting thoughts and theories.

We see some people saying that ego is utterly bad, whereas others are prophetically proclaiming the beauty of ego power.

So, what exactly all this is about? Is ego really bad? Or can we really be benefited from a powerful ego?

Well, the answers to these questions are surprisingly simple, if you know how to look at it.

This post is all about setting the perspectives on the right track so that you get to know the truth about ego, ego power, and ego dissolution — once and for all.

What is ego?

Let’s look at ego from three different perspectives on the ego definition:

  1. In day-to-day terms, ego is your personality and your identity. It is what you think of yourself.
  2. In psychological terminologies, ego is the center of our awareness. It is the whole structure of the part of consciousness that we are aware of. Ego is constructed from the very early childhood by our familial and societal environments. It includes all of our beliefs, ideas, desires, fears and much more.
  3. In spiritual terms, ego is the veil that separates you from the universal existence, energy, and consciousness.

So, where are we heading? Ego or no ego?

what is ego

Well, it is pretty early to say it right away. First, let us answer the question of what is ego power (or ego strength)?

What is ego power?

We have already seen that ego is your personality and your sense of identity, so having a powerful personality or strong sense of identity seems a quite appealing thing to have. Isn’t it?

Well, things can be a bit more complicated than they seem.

To properly appreciate the complexity around this topic, first, we have to know the difference between a big ego and ego power.

What Is a big ego?

Big ego means having an inflated or grandiose sense of self and identity.

People with big egos have all sorts of mistaken perceptions about themselves.

They tend to think of themselves as better than and superior to others. As a result, they also tend to have a sense of insecurity that is often hidden even from themselves.

They also lack emotional stability, flexibility, and integrity. They tend to be reactive, dogmatic, and they show, rather than possess, confidence.   

How ego power is different from big ego

Ego power, on the contrary, means having the ability to deal with life situations and external environments in ways that are proper and beneficial.

People with strong egos are emotionally stable, more adaptive to changes, and deal with stressful events with ease. They are also more organized, better decision-makers and in control of their drives and impulses.

Above all, it is ego power that finally offers us the courage to leap beyond ego itself.

Now, shall we face the main question?

Can ego be a good thing?

But can we say that having no ego is the best among all the options?

Yes, we can! How?

How having no ego is the best option

Frankly speaking, no matter how much ego power you have, it will always be far lesser in kind and degree to what awaits beyond the boundaries of your individual ego.

Ego is an evolutionary design of the mother nature on it’s way to manifestations into multitudes of forms and creations. It was a necessity for generating individually perfected centers of awareness.
So, we can surely say that it is better to have a strong ego than having a big (or weak) ego.

How Having No Ego Is The Best Option

But this same ego becomes the barrier from then on; when it comes to higher growth of consciousness from the individual to the universal, spiritually speaking.

So, when you start to let go of your ego, you start to tap into the universal consciousness that has always been at the core of your existence but veiled by the individualized ego.

And along the way to accessing the universal consciousness, you also become aware of all the great powers and wonders of existence that come with it.

You are no longer that small being cocooned within the shell of your ego; rather, you are at one with the whole of existence. You begin to rise up the levels of consciousness until you become limitless.

And to make this transition easy and effective, Vishen Lakhiani, the founder of Mindvalley, has created the Becoming Limitless quest for you that has the highest success rate so far among the self-development programs available today.    

So, what do you think about ego now? Please, share with us in a comment below!

Transcend the self, expand your reality

Ego shapes perception, but beyond it lies something greater—limitless awareness, deeper wisdom, and a connection to something far bigger than the self.

The key is knowing how to navigate that shift. And with Mindvalley, you can do just that.

By signing up for a free account, you can start exploring groundbreaking programs that guide you through this transformation. Some of the best ones on the app include:

  • The Art of Manifesting with Regan Hillyer: Align your energy with your highest vision and manifest from a place of deep inner power.
  • Duality with Jeffrey Allen: Tap into your energetic self to break free from the constraints of the physical world.
  • The Silva Ultramind System with Vishen: Train your mind to access altered states of consciousness for clarity, intuition, and expansion.

There’s a whole new reality waiting beyond the one you’re living right now. And you stand a chance to explore it on your own terms, with Mindvalley supporting you every step of the way.

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Written by

Irina Yugay

As a former self-development and self-transcendence writer at Mindvalley, Irina uses words to transpire empowering ideas, transcendental feelings, and omniversal values. She's also an ascension coach who helps her clients grow their spiritual awareness and actualize their true nature. With a deep empirical understanding of the spiritual journey, Irina shares her insights and experiences with the readers to inspire them to transcend their limiting beliefs and achieve higher states of consciousness.

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