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Unlock the Power of the Consciousness Definition

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A woman in the forest understanding the meaning of consciousness

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Summary: Ready for personal growth but aren't sure where to start? Unlock your understanding of the consciousness definition for personal empowerment.

The underlying complexities of the human psyche quite often go overlooked. Our ability to analyze and rationalize, remember and question, form ideas, and take precise action.

It’s all far more incredible than we give it credit for. But with a better understanding of the consciousness definition, we may find ourselves more aware.

More aware of how complex our minds really are. More aware of human consciousness and how it affects all that we say and do. 

What Does Consciousness Mean?

The topic of consciousness is highly debated across scientific and philosophical fields alike.

So, what does it mean to possess human consciousness? What’s the difference between conscience and consciousness?

To help us tackle these challenging ideas, we’ll seek to define consciousness on our own terms.

So, what is the consciousness definition?

Well, consciousness can be defined as the awareness of your physical and mental self. To be aware of our thoughts, feelings, and subsequent actions—that’s our human consciousness at work.

And when we take this a step further, consciousness can be defined as the ability to not only be aware of but to control both your actions and your thoughts.

This type of awareness has existed since the dawn of time.

Although the exact parameters of our consciousness definition began their development long before the rise of man.

In fact, the origins and history of consciousness take us back as far as 210 million years, when mammals and birds first split from a common reptilian ancestor.

But how exactly is it that we’ve come from such a time, to where we are today?

And how has our human consciousness definition changed and evolved?

How Would You Describe Consciousness?

Looking at consciousness psychology, there are two major components of our human consciousness:

1. The birth of free will

The first is the development of free will.

Free will is thought to have manifested as a biological necessity, where pre-human entities found it evolutionarily advantageous to be able to discern between certain specific ideas.

That is, free will allows us to analyze a situation, conjure up an idea as to what exactly is going on, and then make a conscious decision in the direction of a specific action.

2. Realizing the self

The second major component of human consciousness likely developed as a byproduct of free will. At some point, this hypothetical pre-human entity acknowledged that it was making decisions.

That it was a thing capable of manipulating its own existence.

Thus birthing the concept of “I”.

Through the lens of consciousness psychology, consciousness is born when free will and the realization of “I” assimilate into one overlying realization of the self.

And with the birth of consciousness, so inherently follows the establishment of its opposite.

Anytime we have something that is, we must also have something that is not, naturally.

So, what other forms of consciousness exist?

What Are the 3 Forms of Consciousness?

Now that we’ve established a working consciousness definition, we can take things a step further to explore the unconscious.

Where being unconscious refers to a state of mind that holds no self-awareness.

However, as humans, the overly imaginative creatures that we are, we cannot stop here.

There does indeed exist a state of mind that lies beyond our current consciousness definition.

A place of super consciousness.

In total, we possess three classifications of consciousness:

1. The subconscious

  • Where mindless actions are taken as a result of ingrained muscle memory 
  • The seat of intuition and repressed desire
  • Unconscious processing of all surrounding stimuli

2. The conscious

  • A rational and logical thought process
  • Where decisions are made based on analysis
  • Classifies and quantifies the world, creating a state of comparison and judgment

3. The superconscious

  • A level of consciousness that exists beyond one’s own ability to naturally “control
  • A state of mind only attainable if one is receptive
  • One must have a positive attitude, be willing to face fears and pain, and hold a desire to embrace love
  • To have a willing acceptance of reality, and an understanding of one’s own inability to control it

We reside primarily within the conscious mind, but can and often do operate subconsciously and superconsciously.

A man meditating to another level of consciousness

What Are the Altered States of Consciousness?

Consciousness is not a static state. Within us, we have the capacity to experience altered states of consciousness.

An altered state of mind can be composed of either a heightened awareness or a decreased awareness.

1. Decreased awareness

There are certain physical ailments that alter the mind, of which dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are prime examples.

Certain psychoactive substances also serve to decrease our sense of conscious awareness. Take alcohol, for instance. 

But some other psychoactive substances can also be used to shift into an altered state of mind that is hyper-aware

2. Hyper-awareness

When we become hyper-aware, we enter the realm of the superconscious. An altered state of consciousness where our individual energy and the energy of the universe as a whole are acting together, in parallel.

Ayahuasca is one such substance that can help us attain hyper-awareness.

What is hyper-awareness? It’s an intrinsic interest in all that’s happening not just around you but in the universe at large.

In a hyper-aware state, we’re able to transcend the confines of our regular human consciousness to tap into more universal energy.

We exert energy to receive energy. As we likewise “put” energy in, in order to “take” energy out. 

So begs the question, are consciousness and energy the same thing?

Is consciousness the same as energy?

The simple answer is no.

Energy feeds being, and being feeds consciousness. Consciousness then finds an ability to analyze, rationalize, and act accordingly.

Such action then propagates forward as new energy.

What’s the difference between conscience and consciousness?

Conscience and consciousness are often confused with one another. But they actually have two very different meanings.

Consciousness is awareness of the physical and mental self. It’s the recognition that there is an “I” present, and it is capable of making decisions that affect the future.

Conscience, on the other hand, refers to your moral compass.

Your conscience is the voice within that helps guide you in moral matters.

While both the conscience and consciousness occur within the self, they are not the same thing. Consciousness provides a general state of awareness. The conscience acts as a moral guide and helps you differentiate between right and wrong.

What Is True Consciousness?

This act alone, of pursuing a consciousness definition, becomes a direct representation of human consciousness itself.

Not only are we self-aware beings, but we further find ourselves capable of qualifying and quantifying this exact state of being.

We’ve created, understood, and utilized language. We’ve found a way to live, thrive, and flourish in almost every corner of the globe. We can connect remotely and share information and ideas in the blink of an eye. 

But is this all representative of true consciousness?

7 levels of consciousness

As this beautiful course of human history unfolds, we find ourselves coming to an understanding of seven different levels of consciousness:

  1. The state of waking consciousness
  2. Deep sleep
  3. Dreaming
  4. Transcendental consciousness
  5. Cosmic consciousness
  6. God-consciousness
  7. Unity consciousness

Every conscious human being on this earth has experienced the first three levels.

If you’re reading this, you’ll likely find it easy to agree with such a statement, remembering our classifications of the subconscious and conscious mind above.

But what about the superconscious state? What about the last four levels of consciousness?

The last four states are often gifted or earned through the exploration of the subconscious mind.

If we want to attain higher levels of human consciousness, we must be willing to make some changes.

Results in life come only when direct action is taken towards achieving those results.

If we wish to truly access higher levels of consciousness, we must find ourselves willing to put in the necessary effort.

Thankfully, a path towards accessing these last four levels has been constructed for us, which we can use to guide our efforts.

How to access higher consciousness

So, what about these last four of our seven levels of consciousness?

Where do they point, and where can they guide us?

Is there more to this life, more to our existence?

Are we capable of something greater?


But only if we choose not to hide from the coinciding developments of fear. To move forward through the fear, and with the fear, in unison with understanding.

We’re ready to fully access our consciousness.

As we realize this potential, we inherently develop a brand new, and rather profound, desire.

We wish to initiate consciousness-raising.

But how can we do this?

First and foremost, we must allow ourselves to initiate the pursuit of a pure and complete state of objective self-awareness.

And if you’re looking for a good place to get started, Mindvalley offers a number of incredible spiritual quests that can help expand your understanding of the consciousness definition.

But now you must ask yourself whether or not you wish to act on your developing desires. It is a choice that each of us must make for ourselves. How badly do you wish to become all that you are truly capable of becoming?

There is only one way to find out.

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Picture of Jon-Olaf Hendricks

Jon-Olaf Hendricks

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