Simple Steps To Designing A Perfect Day And Preparing For Success

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Summary: Success starts now. It's time to start planning the perfect day. It may take some effort, so follow these helpful tips to plan a perfect day, today.

Today is the perfect day to start living your dreams.

The key to getting your life organized and living life to the fullest is to start your day going right, first thing. It’s all about focusing on today, what can you do today? How can you make today perfect?

A perfect day helps you:

  • be productive
  • work on what matters the most
  • make good use of time
  • gain a sense of purpose and direction
  • achieve a great work-life balance
  • enhance your well-being and mood
perfect start of the day

How Do You Plan A Perfect Day?

On average, most of us deal with an eight-hour workday. The first step in planning a perfect day is to define what “a perfect day” means for you.

To begin planning your perfect day, ask yourself these questions:

  • What’s the most important task for today that I could accomplish?
  • What’s the primary goal for today?
  • What are the other 3 things I should do in addition to the primary task?
  • What should I do today to enhance or take care of my health?
  • What will I do to relax, unwind, have fun, or laugh today?

What Is An Ideal Day For You?

Each person has his or her own definition of a perfect day. While there is no one fixed formula for a perfect day, listing the factors that go toward making the day ideal for you can be a very productive exercise.

For most of us, an ideal day is a balanced one that packs an equal amount of “must-do” (or, better yet, get-to-do) tasks and relaxation or fun. Exercise, adequate sleep, and quality time with friends and family are other important factors that go into building an ideal day.

How Do You Plan Your Day For Success?

Here are three simple ways to plan your day for success:

1. Plan Ahead

While it may be difficult to fix rigid schedules (given the unpredictability of life), some things can be planned ahead.

Look at the calendar and the tasks pending at work and your personal life. Then, make a list of the most important things you must do the next day and establish approximate time frames for each of them.

You can also plan on what you will eat for breakfast and the clothes you will wear for the next day (this helps fight decision fatigue).

2. Have A Morning Ritual

How you spend your morning is how you set the pace for your entire day.

So, it goes without being said that designing a perfect morning ritual is crucial for a successful day. Billionaire Jeff Bezos set aside time every morning for a leisurely breakfast with his family before heading off to work.

Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley and author of the life-changing program, Be Extraordinary, provides these fantastic tips for creating a morning ritual and setting yourself up for success throughout the day.

3. Maximize Productivity

Jeff Bezos makes it a point to schedule high IQ meetings and crucial decisions at 10 am. Evan Williams, founder of Twitter, scheduled important tasks for the morning when his concentration levels were high.

Now, perhaps 10 am isn’t your ideal “high concentration” hour. That’s okay! Find out what is, and plan your mental-energy tasks around that time.

perfect routine

How Can I Make My Routine Perfect?

You should plan your daily routine in such a way that enables you to accomplish your short and long-term life and work goals.

Here are five steps to make your routine perfect:

1. Make A List Of Daily Tasks

Reflect on your current routine and think about what you need to add or delete so that you feel better and get more things done.

And remember to always keep the most important thing.

2. Have A Plan For Your Mind, Body, And Soul 

Nurture your mind with positive thinking, meditation, adequate sleep/rest, mentorship, and social support.  

To nourish your body, regular exercise, deep breathing exercises, hydration, and healthy food should be an integral part of your daily routine.

3. Create A Schedule 

Think about when your energy and concentration levels are at their highest. Schedule your most difficult or urgent tasks at this time. Fix meetings or calls when your critical thinking or creativity is at peak levels.

4. Take Regular Breaks

Split up tasks into smaller chunks and take a short break at regular intervals to refresh your mind and body. Stretches, meditation, or a walk can help you unwind and relax your mind.

5. Review Your Progress 

Implementing the plan and reviewing it every day is critical to ensure progress. How did you do yesterday? How are you doing so far today?

Benjamin Franklin always ended the day with the question, “What good have I done today?

The answer to this question will help you design a perfect day, every day.

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Matt Coates

Matt is a copywriter for Mindvalley. As a professional word putterer, he can be found constantly squeezing his creative juices to concoct personal growth narratives to transport people to a place where great potential knows no bounds. He is also on a quest to be seriously funny.
Picture of Matt Coates

Matt Coates

Matt is a copywriter for Mindvalley. As a professional word putterer, he can be found constantly squeezing his creative juices to concoct personal growth narratives to transport people to a place where great potential knows no bounds. He is also on a quest to be seriously funny.

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