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140 words of encouragement to uplift anybody, anytime

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A man and a woman smiling on a couch together

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Words have the power to shape reality. The right phrase dropped at the right moment can uplift someone, shift their perspective, or spark a much-needed sense of hope. 

But in a world saturated with tired clichés, how do you find words of encouragement that don’t just sound good but actually hit home? Whether you’re uplifting a friend, boosting your coworker’s morale, or giving yourself a pep talk, the words you choose matter more than you think.

Here, you’ll find more than just well-worded positive vibes. The following phrases you’ll encounter next can tug at the inner strength, resilience, and empowerment you might not already realize you had all along—and unleash your inner superhuman.

20 words of encouragement and strength

Life can throw curveballs, and sometimes, strength isn’t easy to find. But miraculously, the human mind and body are built to power on.

And what is life without challenges to push you into your greatness? Just like a diamond, you can only reach your full brilliance after enduring immense pressure.

Behold some encouraging words to guide you through the tough times and unleash your inner shine along the way… even when it feels like everything’s against you. 

When you’re facing a fresh challenge

  1. Tough times don’t last, but you do.
  2. Each challenge is an opportunity to grow stronger.
  3. You’re capable of facing this head-on, no matter the difficulty.
  4. Challenges are stepping stones—take them one at a time.
  5. You’ve handled tougher situations before, and this is no different.

When you need to find inner strength

  1. Resilience is built in the moments you think you can’t go on but do.
  2. Your strength is found in how you rise after a fall.
  3. Even when the path is unclear, trust that you have what it takes.
  4. Every setback is a setup for a comeback.
  5. You carry the strength to overcome any obstacle thrown your way.

When you’re on the brink of giving up

  1. Take one more step; you’re closer than you think.
  2. Every small victory counts, even if it feels insignificant.
  3. When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.
  4. You’ve survived all your bad days so far. This is no different.
  5. Success is on the other side of perseverance.

When you need to remember your value

  1. You are worthy of the success you’re working towards.
  2. Your strength doesn’t lie in perfection but in perseverance.
  3. Believe in your value; the world needs your unique strengths.
  4. You are enough, just as you are, and you’re capable of greatness.
  5. Strength is not about never being knocked down; it’s about standing up every time.

How to incorporate these words in daily life

  • At the start of every day. Start your mornings with one affirmation that resonates with you, saying it aloud to set a positive tone for the day.
  • Visible reminders. Write down a quote from the list on a sticky note and place it where you can see it—your mirror, fridge, or workspace.
  • Pay it forward. Share one of these phrases with a friend who might be going through a tough time, reminding them of their strength and worth.
Words of encouragement and strength

20 words of encouragement for women

Women go through a lot due to the constant pressure to do and be everything for everyone. In times when they want to be uplifted instead of always doing the uplifting, words of encouragement that stick can really go the distance. 

A study that observed the impacts of supervisor-led verbal assurance on female Ph.D. students showed an increase in advisor-advisee rapport over time. So, just like knowing someone’s love language, finding the right words for your mother, sister, female friend, or even strangers improves not only their self-view but also the quality of your shared experiences. 

Thankfully, with soul-feeding phrases like the ones below, you can be quick to make them feel heard and supported.

When they need to balance it all

  1. You’re doing great.
  2. You don’t have to be everything to everyone—put yourself first.
  3. Progress is progress, no matter how fast or slow.
  4. You’re allowed to ask for help; no one’s meant to carry the weight alone.
  5. Prioritizing your well-being is never selfish; it’s necessary.

For inspiring confidence

  1. You are strong enough to face any challenge that comes your way.
  2. Your voice matters—don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.
  3. Believe in yourself the way I believe in you.
  4. You’re allowed to take up space and make your presence known.
  5. You are more than enough, even on your most challenging days.

When career challenges arise

  1. Your hard work is paying off, even if it’s not immediately visible.
  2. You’ve earned every success you’ve achieved—don’t downplay it.
  3. You are capable of far more than you give yourself credit for.
  4. Don’t let setbacks define you; they are stepping stones to success.
  5. Your potential is limitless; keep pushing forward

Self-worth reminders

  1. Never doubt the fact that you’re worthy of love, success, and happiness.
  2. Strength isn’t in never falling; it’s in always getting back up.
  3. The value of who you are isn’t tied to what you do, but rather, who you are.
  4. You’re irreplaceable, unique, and extraordinary—embrace that.
  5. By being yourself, you’re bringing so much light into the world.

How to use these words of encouragement in your life

  • Compliments. Next time you compliment a woman, add one of these affirmations to remind her of her inner strength or value. For example? “You look great today, and don’t forget—you’re capable of anything.”
  • Personal notes. Slip one of these phrases into a text message, email, or handwritten note. Whether it’s a simple “You’re doing fantastic” or something more profound, these words can lift someone’s spirits instantly.
  • Supportive conversations. When a female friend or family member shares their struggles, use these phrases to reinforce their inner strength and remind them of their inherent value. Sometimes, hearing the right words from someone else is all they need to shift their mindset.

20 words of encouragement for men

You’ve heard the outdated trope: “Real men don’t cry.” But ultimately, it’s human to want assurance from others—and lest we forget, men are human, too. 

Perhaps building them up often starts with acknowledging their struggles and gently encouraging them to open up while still reinforcing their masculine resilience.

Keith Ferrazzi, the trainer of Mindvalley’s Mastering Authentic Networking Quest and the best-selling author of Never Eat Alone, for one, believes that men need reminding that real strength comes from transparency.

“Leaders don’t need to have all the answers,” he says, reminding us that it’s okay for men not to know everything and then ask for help. It’s all part and parcel of mindful communication that can create room for their personal growth.

Now, speaking of communication. Here are some positive phrases that can have the men around you realize they’re more than the world’s protectors and providers—that they matter.

To inspire emotional openness

  1. Strength doesn’t come from bottling things up; it’s in being honest about your feelings.
  2. It’s okay to express your emotions; that’s what makes you human.
  3. Vulnerability isn’t a weakness; it’s a sign of courage.
  4. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak; it makes you wise.
  5. You are never alone.

When giving support

  1. Leaning on others is a strength, not a weakness.
  2. It’s okay to take a step back and breathe in between everything.
  3. Your struggles don’t define you; how you rise from them does.
  4. You’re way stronger than any challenge life throws your way.
  5. It’s okay to cry and release your stress.

When provider pressures are mounting

  1. You’re truly appreciated and loved.
  2. Thank you for your hard work; it’s showing in how others are cared for.
  3. Your dedication to providing for others will pay off, even if it feels hard right now.
  4. Every setback is a stepping stone to creating a better future for yourself and those you care about.
  5. Your commitment is an incredible source of strength for your family.

Celebrating their impact

  1. You’re more than what you do—you matter for who you are.
  2. Your efforts leave a lasting mark on the people around you, even when you don’t see it.
  3. The strength you show every day inspires those who look up to you.
  4. You make a difference in ways that go far beyond what can be measured.
  5. Your presence alone brings stability and reassurance to the people you care about.

How to apply these wise words in real life

  • In men’s circles. Sharing encouragement while starting conversations in a collective space can strengthen bonds and allow men to feel heard and valued.
  • Casual catch-up chats. Drop in one of these phrases casually when chatting with a male friend, family member, or colleague—especially after a long day or when you notice tension. 
  • In an existing relationship. Your reassurance can help your partner feel supported, understood, and appreciated, especially during times of frustration.

20 words of encouragement for a friend

Whether they’re celebrating a big win or going through a rough patch, friends often rely on words of encouragement to feel valued and special. After all, friendships thrive on the power of communication and connection.

Lisa Nichols, the trainer of Mindvalley’s Speak and Inspire Quest and the best-selling author of Motivating the Masses, believes in the transformative power of communication in strengthening bonds. “Communication is the distance between you and everything you want,” she explains in her Quest.

So, be inspired to close that distance in your friendship in any scenario—with the following words of encouragement.

When your friend is feeling stuck

  1. You might not see it now, but you’re heading toward better days.
  2. It’s okay not to have all the answers right now.
  3. You’ve made it through tough times before, and you’ll do it again.
  4. Life is tough, but so are you.
  5. Sometimes, just getting through today is more than enough.

After a fight or disagreement

  1. Our friendship means too much to let this come between us.
  2. It’s okay to disagree, but I’ll always value your perspective.
  3. No matter what happens, I’m here for you, and I always will be.
  4. We’re both humans, and we’ll work through this like we always do.
  5. Let’s find a way to move forward together.

During special occasions

  1. You’ve worked hard to get here, and you deserve to celebrate.
  2. This is your moment—enjoy every second of it.
  3. I’m so proud of everything you’ve achieved.
  4. You deserve all the good that’s happening right now.
  5. Today is about you and all you’ve accomplished.

Reassuring the importance of connection

  1. You’re irreplaceable to me—never forget that.
  2. Your kindness and strength are what make you unique.
  3. Don’t ever underestimate the impact you have on me and others.
  4. You deserve all the happiness coming your way! I’m excited for you.
  5. You matter more than you realize.

How to use these words of encouragement in friendships

  • Friendship anniversaries. Mark the special moment since you became close or overcame challenges together with a thoughtful note.
  • After a personal win. Acknowledge your friend’s growth from experiencing a significant achievement. Let them know—verbally or in writing—how much they inspire you as a friend.
  • During rock bottom moments. When your friend feels like they’re at their lowest, offer a steady reminder of their strength. Sometimes, knowing someone believes in them is enough to help them rise again.

20 words of encouragement for children

Children are constantly absorbing and internalizing everything they hear. Offering the right words can help them build confidence and a strong sense of self. Yes, no matter the challenges of the day, from math homework to navigating early friendships.

“When we honor the different ways children process the world, we give them the confidence to thrive in their unique way,” says Vanessa Van Edwards, the trainer of the Magnetic Charisma Quest, on the impact of encouragement on a child’s developing personality.

Want to build such confidence in your kid while they’re in their formative years? Consider imparting these positive words to spark and maintain their curiosity and self-belief.

When learning something new

  1. You’re doing great.
  2. Keep trying, and you’ll see just how capable you are.
  3. It’s okay to make mistakes; that’s how we learn.
  4. Every step you take gets you closer to understanding it.
  5. You’re smarter than you think—keep going!

When they feel discouraged

  1. Believe in yourself—you’ve got what it takes.
  2. You are so much braver than you realize.
  3. Everyone has challenges, but you always find a way through.
  4. You don’t need to be perfect; trying your best is what matters.
  5. Your ideas are essential—don’t be shy to share them.

When they need to feel seen

  1. You bring so much joy to the people around you.
  2. You matter—the world wants to, and should, hear your voice.
  3. The kindness you show makes the world a better place.
  4. You’re unique, and that’s what makes you amazing.
  5. You’re enough, just as you are.

When they feel frustrated

  1. It’s okay to feel upset—let’s take a big, deep breath together.
  2. Everyone has tough days, but you always find a way to feel better.
  3. Don’t give up; you’re super strong and can handle this.
  4. It’s okay to take your time—you’ll get it right when you’re ready.
  5. Every try helps you get closer to figuring it out.

How to encourage children every day

  • Inject positivity right after a small win, even if they don’t realize it. Recognizing your kid’s achievements—no matter how small—builds up their confidence in subtle ways.
  • Leverage moments of calm and creativity. Children are more receptive when they’re relaxed. Offering encouragement during playtime, for example, helps nurture their natural strengths.
  • Be receptive when they ask for help. Assuring them at their most vulnerable helps those positive words you share sink in.

20 words of encouragement for a coworker

Sometimes, all it takes is a few kind words from a coworker to shift the mood and refuel your motivation at work. That they’d benefit from the same thing from you isn’t rocket science.

Ask Keith about this, and he would agree. As he would mention in his Mindvalley Quest, “Your communication is the key to success, not just for yourself but for those around you.”

In the spirit of teamwork, why not be quick to affirm your coworker whenever the chance arises? When they feel valued and motivated, the whole team wins anyway. Use these samples of encouraging words as the springboard for your samaritan pursuit at the workplace.

When tackling a tough project

  1. You’ve got this—your hard work is always impressive.
  2. If anyone can pull this off, it’s you.
  3. Don’t worry, we’re all in this together.
  4. You’re handling this like a pro.
  5. One step at a time, and we’ll get there.

When acknowledging their efforts

  1. Your positive energy keeps the team going.
  2. The way you handle challenges inspires everyone around you.
  3. We’re lucky to have you on the team.
  4. You always know how to keep us moving forward.
  5. Thanks for being such a reliable team player.

When dealing with setbacks

  1. Problems are part of the journey—they’re how you learn and grow.
  2. Don’t stress too much; you’re already bouncing back stronger.
  3. Every misstep brings us closer to the right solution.
  4. Mistakes are just opportunities in disguise.
  5. It’s amazing that you’re seeing challenges as opportunities.

To boost career confidence

  1. Your skills are invaluable; you’ve proven that time and again.
  2. You’re a key player in our success.
  3. Your ideas always push us forward.
  4. Never doubt your impact; you bring so much to the table.
  5. Your contributions make a huge difference.

Key moments to say encouraging words to your coworker

  • Before a big deadline. A few motivating words can help calm nerves and refocus their energy as they push through the pressure.
  • After a tough meeting. No matter if the session was stressful or disappointing, the right words of encouragement can lift your teammate’s spirits and restore confidence.
  • During a challenging project. Sometimes, a quick acknowledgment of their efforts can keep them going strong in the midst of the grind.
Words of encouragement for a coworker

Bonus: 20 words of encouragement for yourself

It’s no secret that humans are prone to being their own worst critics—and sometimes, the hardest person to encourage is yourself. But it’s the most important thing you’ll ever do in life.

As Florencia Andrés, trainer of The Champion Mindset Quest on Mindvalley, notes, “What you say to yourself affects how you feel, and how you feel determines how you act.” Positive self-talk is, therefore, the bedrock of confidence and your ability to push through tough times.

Want to minimize the constant chatter so you’ll start believing in more for yourself? Just turn to these words of affirmation that can incite self-love to blossom and take root in you.

When self-doubt creeps in

  1. I trust in my abilities—I’m more capable than I think.
  2. I am enough, just as I am right now.
  3. Every step I take is progress, even if it’s small.
  4. I don’t have to have it all figured out today.
  5. Self-doubt is just a reminder of what I can let go.

Celebrating small victories

  1. I deserve to celebrate even the most minor wins.
  2. Look how far I’ve come; I’m so proud of my progress.
  3. Every accomplishment, no matter the size, is worth crediting.
  4. I am constantly growing and evolving—well done, me.
  5. Each victory, however small, brings me closer to my dreams.

Simple confidence boosters

  1. I am worthy of the love and success I seek.
  2. I have everything I need within me to succeed.
  3. I believe in my ability to create the life I want.
  4. I bring value to every space I enter.
  5. I am deserving of good things, and they’re on their way.

Building resilience

  1. I am stronger than any challenge I face.
  2. Every effort I make counts toward my growth.
  3. I’ve got what it takes to overcome this—I’ll keep pushing.
  4. It’s okay to take things one day at a time.
  5. The journey may be long, but I’m getting closer every day.

How to apply self-encouraging words every day

  • Morning meditation. Begin your day with a short meditation to ground yourself. You can also include any law of attraction affirmations in the session to be more intentional.
  • Affirmations before sleep. Write and speak positive affirmations to yourself before bed to let your subconscious mind capture your intention and lock it in while you sleep. 
  • Manifestation journaling. Clarity comes from putting your thoughts on paper. What’s more, you can achieve goals faster with scripting manifestation—that is, writing down desirable outcomes as if you’ve already experienced them in the present moment.
  • Daily reminders. Set phone alerts or post sticky notes around to encourage yourself every day.

Become a changemaker

Words have the undeniable power to shift perspectives, reignite hope, and inspire resilience—yours and everyone else’s. Even the simplest words can spark the biggest ripple effects that transcend conversations.

So, why not be intentional with how you speak every day? 

If you need help getting started, Mindvalley’s Conversation Starters can be a great way to do so. The kit is carefully curated questions that set the stage for meaningful conversations in any social situation.

Remember, at their best, words of encouragement don’t just change moments—they can change entire lives.

Welcome in.

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Written by

Naressa Khan

Naressa’s journey has taken her from the world of luxury lifestyle journalism to user-driven content creation in health and industrial tech. Now at Mindvalley, she weaves together her diverse experiences to explore her biggest passion: where spirit meets science and mind meets body.
Picture of Naressa Khan

Naressa Khan

Naressa’s journey has taken her from the world of luxury lifestyle journalism to user-driven content creation in health and industrial tech. Now at Mindvalley, she weaves together her diverse experiences to explore her biggest passion: where spirit meets science and mind meets body.
Florencia Andres, Mindvalley trainer, online business coach, and founder of Easy Launch Academy
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Florencia Andrés, a.k.a., “The Female Tony Robbins,” is a powerhouse in motivational speaking and coaching. She has an exceptional ability to connect with diverse audiences, from corporate executives to sports teams to large gatherings.

Her rise from humble beginnings to become an international best-selling author and renowned success coach demonstrates her core belief: with the right mindset, anyone can overcome challenges and achieve greatness.

This is the exact message she teaches in her Mindvalley quests, The Champion Mindset and Confianza Total.

Florencia is also a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and has made history as the first non-musical artist to keynote for Sony Music, leaving audiences energized and uplifted.

Keith Ferrazzi, Mindvalley trainer and founder and CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight
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Keith Ferrazzi is a leading authority on professional relationship development and one of the world’s most sought-after business thought leaders.

Author of The New York Times best-sellers Never Eat Alone and Who’s Got Your Back?, his books are considered essential guides for effective networking and building positive business relationships.

He lends his expertise to the Mastering Authentic Networking and Ultimate Leadership quests at Mindvalley with the aim of helping individuals and companies achieve success through powerful relationship-building strategies.

Vanessa Van Edwards, Mindvalley trainer and lead investigator at Science of People
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Vanessa Van Edwards is an internationally renowned behavioral investigator, speaker, founder of Science of People, and trainer for Mindvalley’s Magnetic Charisma Quest. She is also the best-selling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People, which has been translated into 16 languages.

Her science-based frameworks for mastering interpersonal communication, EQ, and the hidden rules of human behavior are highly sought after among entrepreneurs, growing businesses, and trillion-dollar companies looking to uplevel their communication.

Vanessa’s YouTube tutorials, TEDx talks, and courses have been consumed by over 50 million people, many of whom report profound elevations in their careers, businesses, and relationships.

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