Selling with love: 5 sales tips by Jason Marc Campbell

Jason Campbell selling with love

What emotions do you instantly feel when you hear the word sales?

Most people are highly biased towards sales and salespeople, and it has to do with the culture that constructed a negative connotation of sales.

In fact, the common perception of sales is far from its original meaning: “to serve.”

Jason Campbell, author and host of the Selling with Love podcast, reframes this definition.

He says, “Selling is nothing more than an energy exchange between conscious beings. It’s the energy flow between the seller and the buyer. Whatever you produce, it’s the energy you are investing in. And money is stored energy that we all exchange.

By seeing sales as an amazing tool, you can start using it to elevate yourself, your career, and the world.

What Can Sales Techniques Help With?

Sales techniques help you develop your sales skill—one of the essential skills we need to do better across all spheres of life. 

Whether you are aware of it or not, you constantly sell yourself to your employers, partners, team members, and love partners.

Mastering sales techniques will help you:

  • Understand your buyers better
  • Create deeper connections with people
  • Present your services, ideas, and projects as a solution
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Handle challenges gracefully

Essentially, they help you build rapport with anyone, regardless of age, education, or cultural background. And this skill can elevate your sense of happiness and meaning in whatever you do.

The “Selling with Love” method

Selling with Love is about knowing that what you offer is much more than what you ask for in return.

Think of love as one of the highest vibrational emotions. And if selling is the energy exchange, it’s the emotion of love that makes your sales high frequency.

If our beliefs and ideas around sales don’t even open to the possibility of not hating sales, it will be quite difficult to sell with love.

— Jason Marc Campbell, author of Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact 

But do you sell with love or with shame?

According to Jason, emotions are the essential aspect of sales that most people forget about. Understanding how emotions affect your sales will make or break your sales career.

He explains some emotions serve as blockages to your success and you want to become aware of them to be able to sell with love. 

Guilt and Shame

These emotions have everything to do with the image of a salesman we have in our heads. Do you have any images of the person who tried to trick you into buying something?

Guilt and shame stem from the negative beliefs you have around sales. So every time you close a deal, you feel like a fraud.

— Jason Marc Campbell, author of Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact 

However, guilt and shame aren’t necessarily bad, according to Jason. These emotions keep you conscientious. Selling from a place of low vibrational emotions can be detrimental to your career and mental health.

How to transcend it:

  • Think of the people you admire the most and take them as your role model salespeople.
  • Redefine your identity and start embodying it.

Fear and Pride

Jason calls it a pride zone that every salesperson reaches at some point or another. You will become so great at sales that it becomes your pride. So how’s fear involved?

It’s counterintuitive, but the more proud you are of your skills, the more fearful you are of losing the deal. Both emotions are wired around your need to be personally validated. 

If you sell from the place of pride, you don’t make the world a better place. You are operating in a self-serving world. And you need to transcend this level,” he adds.

It’s also one of the entrepreneurship traps entrepreneurs fall into when their business goes up. 

How to transcend it:

  • Become aware that you operate from this level. 
  • Reflect deeply on the responsibility you hold as a seller.

Rational Sabotage 

While fear or pride stems from a lack of responsibility, rational sabotage is when you become too responsible about what you sell.

You overexplain the benefits of your products or services. 

“You need to speak a language the buyer responds to, not the language you respond to,” Jason recommends.

How to transcend it:

  • Recognize that you dump loads of information on the buyer to release responsibility.
  • Speak your buyer’s language.


Love, joy, peace, respect, gratitude, and enlightenment are the highest vibrational emotions that will make any deal meaningful, regardless of what you sell.

In fact, there’s no agenda behind these elevated states of consciousness. You emanate these emotions in every interaction with your customers to let them know you genuinely care.

And as you know, emotions are highly contagious. You ignite the same enthusiasm and love in your customers every time they meet you, and they will come back for more.

Jason Marc Campbell at MVU 2019 Pula
Jason Marc Campbell at MVU 2019, Pula

5 Best Sales Tips by Jason Marc Campbell

Jason calls these techniques five major ‘loves’ you need to have to sell from love. These are also great sales tips for beginners and advanced salespeople. 

It doesn’t mean that you won’t slip back to fear, shame, guilt, or pride. By practicing them intentionally, you will be more consistent in selling from love. 

1. Love your impact

It’s not only about knowing the impact you make with the product or service you sell. It’s also about knowing why you sell or why you are passionate about it. 

You can think of it using the 3 MIQs framework—the three most important questions you can ask yourself are:

  1. What do you want to experience in life?
  2. How do you want to grow and develop yourself?
  3. How do you want to contribute to the world?

Here are the impacts you want to keep in mind:

  • Your impact (seller impact)
  • Buyer impact
  • World impact

Identifying these three impacts will help you feel aligned to your purpose in both your career and life.

2. Love your client

When entrepreneurs come up with business ideas, ideally, they want to solve a problem in the world.

In the case of sales, you need to understand your buyers on the deepest level possible—their essential needs and highest aspirations—and then infuse them in every interaction.

When you take time to love the client, you first take time to understand them. Once you fully understand them, you can see if the impact you are looking to create in the world will serve them.

— Jason Marc Campbell, author of Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact 

This process, commonly known as market research, prevents you from projecting your perception of value on your clients. 

Instead, you want to see the value of your product or service through the buyers’ eyes as if you were in love with them.

When you are in love with someone, you are genuinely curious about them, and most importantly, you have their best interest at heart.

3. Love your product

There is a saying that we all love the most beautiful people in the world. This is how we see a person we are deeply in love with. Or we perceive our children as the most marvelous and perfect creations in the Universe.

In the same way, you want to see your product. 

When you love your product, you radiate the joy that’s transferred directly to your potential clients. 

Jason reassures that loving the product can make you have that natural radiance. It’s highly contagious and effective.

It doesn’t mean that you don’t improve it. 

“Don’t fake it. Make your product awesome, and keep improving it,” he adds.

4. Love your process

First, you fill your product with love. Second, you love the process—your marketing and sales. 

It means that you need to optimize these processes from a place of love. 

The sales process is the secret to turning your existing customers into raving fans. This is where you close your deals and then continue to deliver an extraordinary experience after the purchase is made.  

When you address it from a place of love, making your customers’ lives better is easy and natural.

5. Love yourself

Here’s the best and probably the most challenging part—loving yourself.

It’s not just a sales tip. It’s a life tip.

Self-love will support you through thick and thin, especially when dealing with negative sales interactions, hesitations in sales, and impostor’s syndrome. 

It will help you grow your self-confidence and keep it intact in the face of a challenge.

In essence, it’s about cultivating your emotional self-regulation based on acknowledgment and acceptance of all sorts of emotions coming online.

It’s a journey of putting yourself out there, doing your best, and showing up authentically as you grow and evolve into a more loving version of yourself.

It takes a lifetime. So be patient and kind with yourself.

Transform yourself, transform your business

We are constantly exchanging energy—ideas, products, and services. The world we live in results from everything that has been sold and actualized. 

If you aspire to change the world for the better, you want to sell ideas, products, and services that will reflect the vision of your own life and the world around you.

Now that you’re equipped with the best sales tips, it’s time to take the next step in your entrepreneurial journey. Mindvalley offers powerful insights to help you build and scale your business.

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It’s a step-by-step process that you can use to build a highly efficient and automated business. And it will forever transform your approach to business and life as you step into your greatness as an entrepreneur.

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Written by

Irina Yugay

As a former self-development and self-transcendence writer at Mindvalley, Irina uses words to transpire empowering ideas, transcendental feelings, and omniversal values. She's also an ascension coach who helps her clients grow their spiritual awareness and actualize their true nature. With a deep empirical understanding of the spiritual journey, Irina shares her insights and experiences with the readers to inspire them to transcend their limiting beliefs and achieve higher states of consciousness.
Entrepreneur, speaker & author of "Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand your Impact".
Expertise by

Entrepreneur, speaker & author of “Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand your Impact”. Jason Marc Campbell is on a mission to inspire small business owners with sales reluctance to embrace it as a beautiful activity that transforms lives. He also interviews thought leaders from around the world on topics of Leadership, Team building, Communication, Productivity and so much more.

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