Jeffrey Allen, a global authority on energy healing

Jeffrey Allen

Trainer of Mindvalley's "Duality" & "Unlocking Transcendence" Quests

Jeffrey Allen, a global authority on energy healing

Jeffrey Allen is the trainer of Mindvalley’s Duality and Unlocking Transcendence Quests. Originally a successful software engineer, he shifted his career to follow his passion for spirituality and energy healing. A transformative experience teaching spiritual studies in Uganda in 2005 led him to realize his true calling as a spiritual teacher.

Now regarded as a global authority on energy healing, Jeffrey empowers individuals worldwide to align with their true purpose, enhancing their confidence, happiness, love, health, and abundance. His deep understanding of energy helps people overcome hidden blocks, significantly improving their personal and professional lives.

Trainer of Mindvalley's "Duality" & "Unlocking Transcendence" Quests credentials

Served on the board of directors for the Psychic Horizons Center in Boulder, Colorado, where he completed clairvoyant training and earned a teacher’s certification.

Graduate studies with leading clairvoyants, healers, and spiritual teachers in the United States, including Michael Tamura, Mary Bell Nyman, Jim Self, John Fulton, and Nassim Haramein of the Resonance Project.

Co-founder of Spirit Mind Living, Inc. and Oneness Company.

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