
My kundalini awakening—And the bizarre event that followed

Written by
Vishen Lakhiani during the 40 years of zen experience

This email covers two things—both of which might tickle your mind. 

The first is about something called kundalini energy. A surge of energy that many people report as a feeling of being shot up their spine. And why does it seem to be happening to more and more people right now?

The second? How we actually discover talent at Mindvalley.

Because here’s the thing—our biggest teachers weren’t always teachers. In fact, people like Marisa Peer, Jeffrey Allen, Regan Hillyer, and Niraj Naik weren’t bestselling authors or famous speakers when we found them.

We found all of them sitting in the audience at a Mindvalley event. So if you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a Mindvalley teacher, this story is going to surprise you.

And strangely enough—both stories are deeply connected.

So grab a cup of tea, settle in, and get ready—this is going to be a long email. But I promise, by the time you’re done reading, you’ll look at manifestation, intuition, and your own potential in a completely new way.

The experiment that changed my reality

Let’s rewind to 2015. Dave Asprey, the legendary biohacker, founder of Bulletproof Coffee, and creator of 40 Years of Zen, invited me to participate in a cutting-edge experiment at his brain training facility in Seattle.

The goal? To figure out how to give an ordinary person a monk’s brain.

Dave and his team had studied the neurological patterns of monks and found two fascinating things:

  • High Alpha Amplitude—Monks have elevated alpha brainwaves, linked to deep relaxation and peak creativity.
  • Left-Right Brain Coherence—Their brain hemispheres are in complete synchronization.

So the theory was simple:

If we could replicate these patterns using advanced biofeedback, we could literally rewire someone’s brain to function like a monk’s brain—without requiring decades of meditation.

This is what brought me to Seattle to participate in several sessions at Dave’s Mind Training Institute 40 Years of Zen. 

And there I was—sitting in a dark chamber, with twelve electrodes attached to my head, staring at a screen that displayed my brain waves in real time.

For five days, I trained my brain to manipulate these visual and audio cues, while practicing specific exercises—forgiveness, compassion, and appreciation.

And then… Something really strange happened.

My chair started shaking violently.

At first, I thought one of the scientists was behind me, messing around. Why the hell would someone shake my chair in the middle of my meditation? I opened my eyes, and turned around—but there was no one there.

And yet, I could feel something. A surge of energy moved up my spine, vibrating through my entire body. It wasn’t my chair shaking – it was my entire upper body. 

I closed my eyes again—and suddenly, I was flung into a swirling red vortex in my mind.  It felt like I had been pulled into another dimension.

Then, I heard a powerful, firm, deeply reassuring voice.

It told me:

  • You are safe.
  • You are on the right path.
  • Keep going.

In a semi-lucid state, this voice spoke to me in a firm, commanding way, telling me to stay focused on my vision for Mindvalley. Where I had doubts, it eased them. And where I needed clarity – it told me to stick to my path. 

And then—it taught me something.

A technique. But not just any technique—something that completely flipped my understanding of manifestation on its head.

For years, I had taught creative visualization—the idea that to manifest something, you need to picture it vividly in your mind.

But this voice told me:

You don’t need to visualize what you want. You simply need to become the energy of what you want.

I called this technique Merging.

And it was so powerful that I later included it in Be Extraordinary, my signature Mindvalley program. (You will find the Merging technique for manifesting in the final week of the Be Extraordinary Program on Mindvalley Membership)

Now, I walked out of that session completely shaken (literally and metaphorically). I described the violent shaking to the scientists.

And they looked at me, slightly puzzled. “That sounds like a kundalini awakening,” one of them said.

I dismissed it. Kundalini? Some weird spiritual concept? I figured I’d Google it someday and moved on with my life. Or so I thought.

Then, something even crazier happened…

Fast forward to September 18, 2017. It’s now 4 weeks after my so-called kundalini awakening. 

I was sitting in my study, working on my computer when a strong, unshakable intuition hit me.

Check your book rankings on Amazon.

I resisted.

My first book, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, had been a mild success—it peaked at #4 on the New York Times list, then dropped off the list. I had put so much work into the book but after years of writing just wanted to rest, recover, and not think about that book again. 

Why would I want to check its rankings on Amazon? I didn’t feel like seeing my book slowly disappearing into the abyss of forgotten titles.

But the thought kept pushing itself into my mind.

Check your book on Amazon. Check your book on Amazon.

So I gave in. I logged into Amazon Author Central and froze. I assumed Amazon was broken.

Because it showed me that I was the #2 author in the entire world.

Somehow, my book had overtaken:

  • Hillary Clinton (whose book had just launched)
  • The combined works of J.R.R. Tolkien
  • The entire Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Here’s an actual screenshot from Amazon on that day.

A screenshot of Vishen's book hitting no. 1 bestselling books on Amazon

So I now went to check my book’s rankings. My book was the #2 book in the world. No, not in a specific category. In ALL CATEGORIES.

And the day before? I had been #1.

Another screenshot to show this:

Amazon statistics of Vishen's bestselling book


The Code of the Extraordinary Mind became the #1 Book in the entire world for 5 Days in 2017.

(You can get it from Amazon here if you’d like to check it out)

Now I’d like to gift you a kundalini experience

So kundalini experiences occur to people when they are in altered states. It happens to some during meditation, sometimes during sex, and also often during plant medicine or neuro-training experiences (like my experience at 40 Years of Zen).

But you can also experience it via a great facilitator. 

The woman in the picture below is Dawn Hoang. She has the unique ability to channel energy and “beam” it across a room and cause the people in that room to sometimes experience spontaneous kundalini awakenings. 

Here’s her story.

Dawn Hoang and kundalini awakening

Kundalini awakenings, orgasmic moaning, and Mindvalley’s next big star

Dawn’s story begins at Mindvalley University where thousands of Mindvalley enthusiasts come together for two weeks to experience hundreds of talks, workshops, and transformational sessions. This year it’s happening in Amsterdam from Aug 4 to 18

It’s unlike any event on the planet.

And here’s something most people don’t know:

Mindvalley University isn’t just about bringing world-class speakers and trainers.

It’s also about discovering new talent.

Here’s how it works:

  • Over two weeks, we feature 100 speakers and presenters.
  • 50 of them are our established Mindvalley trainers—among the best in the world.

But the other 50 spots? They’re open to our community members.

That means anyone—from spiritual teachers to AI researchers to biohackers—can apply for a chance to take the stage.

Getting selected isn’t easy. Every year, 400–500 people apply for just 50 spots. But those who make it? They often go on to become the next big names in personal growth.

That’s exactly what happened to Dawn Hoang.

Dawn Hoang’s journey—From audience member to a Mindvalley star

Dawn had been a longtime Mindvalley fan. She was there at our very first event in 2010—as a volunteer. She watched Mindvalley grow. She attended our events.

And in 2023, she decided to take a leap of faith. She applied to speak at Mindvalley University.

Her topic? Kundalini awakening.

If you’ve never heard of kundalini, let me explain what makes it so unique.

The experience that left people in tears… and dancing

Dawn was selected to lead two sessions on Kundalini Activation. And what happened next was wild.

Here’s what a Dawn Hoang Kundalini Awakening session looks like:

  • Dawn stands in the center of the room.
  • She taps into an energy field.
  • That energy is transmitted to every participant in the room.

Sounds strange, right? But the effects on people are undeniable.

Imagine this:

  • Some people enter a deep state of relaxation—almost like being in a trance.
  • Others begin shedding tears as old emotional wounds heal before their eyes.
  • Some feel energy moving through their bodies—like a wave of electricity.

And some? Some stand up and start dancing—completely lost in the energy, moving as if something is guiding them.

Now, here’s where things get really interesting. Tears, dancing, moaning—all happening at the same time. A handful of participants start making orgasmic moaning sounds. The kundalini energy, after all, starts at the sacral chakra. 

And yet… Every single person who experienced it came out transformed. Even those who felt nothing reported a deep sense of peace, clarity, and renewal.

Dawn Hoang during her kundalini awakening session at Mindvalley University

What happened next was mind-blowing

After Dawn’s first Kundalini Awakening session, something wonderful happened. The session rating came in.

Perfect 5.0.

That rarely happens. So naturally, by the time her second session came around… It was completely flooded.

People were jumping past security barricades just to get inside. Dawn asked us for more speaking slots—but we were completely booked. So she did something truly kind…

On her own dime, she rented a local yoga studio and offered free Kundalini Awakening sessions to anyone who wanted one. By the end of Mindvalley University… She had guided 700 people through Kundalini Activation. For free. Why?

Because at Mindvalley University, we follow the principles of Burning Man.

That means if you speak or facilitate, you don’t charge. It’s a gifting economy. And Dawn embraced that completely.

At the end of the event, we reviewed our 50 community speakers to find the breakout stars. Dawn’s name came out on top.

So at the Mindvalley Awards Gala in Dubai, she was honored with the Community Star Award. And to present it to her? None other than Grammy Award-winning artist Eve—famous for Who’s That Girl?

PS: You can follow Dawn on Instagram here.

Dawn Hoang and artist Eve

Mindvalley’s secret to finding hidden talent

Dawn isn’t the only talent we found in our community. When I looked at the top 8 programs on Mindvalley this year, I realized something shocking: Half of them came from people we discovered in our audience.

People like:

  • Marisa Peer (discovered in Mexico, 2015)
  • Jeffrey Allen (discovered in Thailand, 2014)
  • Regan Hillyer (discovered in Croatia, 2017)
  • Niraj Naik (discovered in Croatia, 2017)

Think about that. The next Mindvalley superstar is already in our community.

Maybe the next big transformational teacher isn’t some best-selling author or someone who’s been on Oprah. Maybe… It’s you. And I can’t wait to discover you.

Now… Let’s talk about YOUR kundalini awakening

This weekend—February 8 and 9—we’re bringing together every single Mindvalley Award Winner from our recent gala in Dubai.

For two days, you’ll get:

  • Four hours of training on Saturday
  • Four hours of training on Sunday
  • Completely free.

And yes—Dawn Hoang will be there.


  • Paul McKenna—Hypnotic transformation
  • Marisa Peer—Deep subconscious healing
  • Marie Diamond—Feng Shui mastery
  • Regan Hillyer—The Art of Manifesting
  • Linda Clemons—Master of body language

Dawn will be guiding you through a live Kundalini Awakening session.

And here’s the crazy part: She can do it through Zoom. Yes—this energy can be transmitted virtually.

All you need to do is:

  • Have a computer nearby
  • Lie down on a yoga mat or some comfy pillows
  • Get ready for something life-changing

Who knows? Maybe this will be the moment that shifts everything for you.

Reserve your spot here for free.

Best of Mindvalley summit 2025

See you this weekend.

And who knows… Maybe the next Mindvalley superstar is YOU.


Vishen Lakhiani signature

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Written by


Vishen is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, New York Times best-selling author, and founder and CEO of Mindvalley: a global education movement with millions of students worldwide. He is the creator of Mindvalley Quests, A-Fest, Mindvalley University, and various other platforms to help shape lives in the field of personal transformation. He has led Mindvalley to enter and train Fortune 500 companies, governments, the UN, and millions of people around the world. Vishen’s work in personal growth also extends to the public sector, as a speaker and activist working to evolve the core systems that influence our lives—including education, work culture, politics, and well-being.


14 Responses

  1. Hi.
    I dearly hope you will receive this question with an open heart.
    I am truly wondering about your thoughts of bringing Mindvalley to a country, Dubai, where human rights are so challenged?

  2. Dear Visten,
    Thank you for always trying to offer the best you find for our highest good.
    In the matter of awakening the Kundalini energy I understand it’s a very delicate subject since it can have serious side effects such as Kundalini syndrome….it can trigger chronic insomnia, skin rashes, accelerate tumor growth etc….does Dawn ask for people’s medical info before the practice?

  3. Wow, this looks like an amazing two days and I am so excited to learn more about Dawn!

    I already have a friend’s 60th birthday party in my calendar for Sunday but definitely want to catch what I can. I know it’s free but I’m just wondering if there will be at least a limited time replay of any of these sessions please?

    Love what you’re doing.

    I started with you on the 6 Phase Meditation – can’t even remember the name of the app now!

    Thanks Vishen and here’s to a great weekend for all

  4. I am so ready for this!! Computer? check. Yoga Mat? Check. Comfy Pillows? check. Mindset on Belief? check. Ready to Raise Vibration and Frequency? check. Open Heart Chakra? check. Expansion of Consciousness? Check. Yes, I AM. check. SEE YOU THERE!! Namaste.

  5. Vishen, I love how you are always evolving and upgrading your mind, your teachings and your team of experts.
    I attended some online seminar presentations last weekend and what struck me most was that they didn’t change
    any of the material from what they presented 2024. So much has happened in a year yet there were no mentions of all the changes that occurred. When you opened The Future of Human in Dubai, you spoke about the CEO of Nvidea’s presentation at CES which gave a glimpse at the future of AI. You understand how rapidly change is occurring and how we need to prepare for what’s next. What worked in one year, may not work in the next. Everything needs to be re-examined and fine-tuned. It made me appreciate your ever-updating mind and the special people you pick to take us into the next era.

  6. Vishen ! Thank you ! I adore you and mindvalley for many years.
    I m sorry I have to give a warning here:
    The KUNDALINI awakening is s.th. very dangerous.
    It should go together with the the level of consciousness
    Otherwise it is like giving a sharp knife to a child. While for a surgeon a knife is a life-saving tool a child can cause a lot of damage with it. The sudden kundalini awakening can leave people in an unbalanced state.
    And whatever they think is up (in the superbrain / crown centre) in fact is down (in the sacred sexual centre)
    The damage can have an effect even on several following incarnations.

  7. Wow! This is just the weekend training I need to activate lots of wisdom finally channelled through, I just need dock and decks. It is amazing how much I have restored my will of fire within with MindValley, I am really grateful with you all: special gratitude with my starters coaches Reagan at The Art of Manifesting, Vishen at Ultramind and Be Extraordinary, Sadhguru at A Yogi’s Guide to Joy, Jaspreet at SmartMoney, Jeffrey at Duality, Paul at Everyday Bliss: this University has changed my chances in life and growth, self accomplishments and service, sharing trueness. It’s exciting to think one could become a MindValley tutor, I would try the Hyper Thought Way.
    I will be attending this weekend!!!

  8. I am thrilled that you (Vishen) have shared your chair shaking and Kundalini experience with us. Something similar has happened to me and I didn’t know how to explain it to my husband. I was puzzled by the spiraling orgasmic energy that awakened me from a dream. I imagined it must be spiritual because I meditate daily and I’ve been an avid listener of the sleep meditations you’ve provided through the Omvana app. Thank you. I am so grateful for the wide array of meditations to choose from.
    I’ve also had a chair shaking experience during a breath-work ceremony. I too thought someone was messing with my chair. I look forward to learning more about these strange phenomena especially if it means a spiritual evolution is afoot. Hopefully, I will join you and others at a live Mind Valley function someday. Love and light. Mubaarakah

  9. @Simón Sierra, I’m so happy to read about your amazing experience with Mindvalley! The programs you mentioned are definitely game-changers. See you at the Best of Mindvalley summit this weekend 😀

  10. Is there any chance this wonderful event could be made available after via a download? I am currently in Mexico 🇲🇽 with unreliable and extremely slow internet.

  11. This newsletter changed my life. The teaching you gave was so potent: ‘You don’t need to visualize what you want.
    You simply need to become the energy of what you want.’

    The teaching fired up inside my body. You see, I was desperate to sell an apartment that was sitting empty for months, with not a buyer in sight. All the signs were against the sale: complications in the body corporate, high levies, dissent among owners, a disastrous AGM that had to be abandoned, the property market going down, down, down, and a scarcity of rental opportunities. The apartment had been on the market for four months; I no longer had rental income and my capital was rapidly disappearing. I had a deadline to sell by the end of February.

    Immediately on reading your newsletter and receiving the teaching, something shifted. While I’d been visualising and offering up prayers, I realised my energy field was full of anxiety. This changed instantly! I drew a vibrant vision map with bright, joyful colours, and words like SOLD and FREE over it. My body was tingling. My favourite clarinet concerto came on the radio as I drew. I placed the drawing on my meditation puja and felt filled with happiness. It was as if the sale had already happened. This was more than belief, it was conviction. I slept well.

    Three days later I was guided to set a fixed price, which the agents advertised. I told them I wanted a confident cash buyer and was expecting a miracle. On the fifth morning I was sitting eating my breakfast when I received a phone call: The agent had a cash offer for the full advertised price, with only 5 days for due diligence and a settlement date on February 28th — my deadline!

    It all proceeded rapidly. You gave me the missing piece I needed. Your newsletter brought me to a new level. And now I seem to be attracting good fortune with ease. I am so grateful to you, MindValley, and everything I am receiving.

    (PS I hope this comment isn’t too late; the money arrived in my bank account only 2 days ago)

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