Physicist Nassim Haramein says “spirituality is just physics we don’t understand”—Here’s why

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Nassim Haramein, physicist and the research director at the International Space Federation

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Summary: Is there science behind spirituality? Yes, says physicist Nassim Haramein. Discover the mind-bending connection between you and the universe.

Manifestation, the law of attraction, conscious intentions—these potent buzzwords, promising reality-bending results, often dominate personal growth circles. But step into the science community and scoff.

What gives? 

This is where Nassim Haramein, a physicist and the research director at the International Space Federation, can help bridge the gap between the seemingly disparate worlds of science and spirituality. (The man has, after all, spent the last 30 years researching and discovering connections between physics, mathematics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, and chemistry, as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations.)

As he says, “Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand.” And in an episode of The Mindvalley Show, he sits down with Vishen to explain where the lines between science and spirituality blur and where the potential for manifestation takes on a whole new dimension.

Watch the full hour-long episode:

Ep #038 | Nassim Haramein On the Science Behind Spirituality

Who is Nassim Haramein?

Nassim Haramein—it’s a name that ignites both scientific sparks and spiritual intrigue. He’s spent over three decades carving his own path at the intersection of physics and possibility.

His foundation in conventional physics led him to explore areas like plasma physics and the potential for harnessing its energy. However, it’s Nassim’s intellectual spirit that yearned for more than just the established scientific paradigm. He got into ancient texts, esoteric philosophies, and the mysteries of consciousness, seeking to bridge the apparent gap between science and spirituality.

This unorthodox approach led to the founding of The Resonance Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring the interconnectedness of physics, consciousness, and the universe. Through this platform, Haramein has championed controversial ideas like the “Haramein-Rauscher Metric,” a proposed solution to Einstein’s field equations that incorporates torque and coriolis effects.

While his theories haven’t garnered universal acceptance within the scientific community, they have sparked debate and ignited the imaginations of many.

Is there science behind spirituality? 3 mind-bending lessons from Nassim Haramein

Granted, the smorgasbord of information on this episode of The Mindvalley Show is not completely easy to grasp. (Kudos to Vishen and Nassim, though, for trying to simplify it for us laymen). 

It does, however, prompt the question, “How are science and spirituality related?

Nassim believes that the two aren’t inherently separate; rather, they both represent different perspectives on the same reality. He suggests that everything, from energy and information to consciousness, is fundamentally connected at a deeper level.

Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand. — @NassimHaramein Share on X

And it’s with this understanding that we can take a closer look at how science and spirituality complement each other.

1. Everything is connected

Forget the six degrees of separation. According to Nassim, everything in the universe, from the tiniest atom to the grandest galaxy, is interconnected. And they all vibrate at different frequencies within the same underlying field that’s often described as imbued with spiritual energy. 

This “oneness” is rooted in his theory of unified field mechanics, which suggests that everything vibrates at different frequencies within the same underlying field. It’s much like a giant cosmic orchestra, where each instrument plays its part in creating the beautiful symphony of existence.

The universe is connected and alive, and we are a part of the metric of space. — @NassimHaramein Share on X

This perspective resonates with ancient Eastern philosophies that view the universe as a living organism, pulsating with an interconnected life force. It also aligns with the emerging field of quantum physics, where experiments like the famous double-slit experiment, suggest that particles can be entangled across vast distances. Thus, defying our classical understanding of separateness.

2. Consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality

Consciousness, as you very well may know, is the essence of spirituality. According to Nassim, it’s “the fundamental information structure of the universe.” It’s where information moves through cycles—feedforward and feedback information throughout the whole network of creation—that produces complexity. “It’s something fundamental to creation, and it’s occurring everywhere.”

Simply put? Consciousness isn’t just something that happens in our minds. Rather, it’s a key part of how the entire universe works and is present in everything.

Researchers have long been investigating consciousness-related anomalies, unexpected phenomena that might be influenced by human thoughts or intentions (think: the plane scene on Final Destination), or even group consciousness. By being mindful of our thoughts and intentions, we can align ourselves with the natural flow of the universe, leading to more harmonious and fulfilling experiences.

By doing so, we don’t ignore the challenges of life. Instead, we approach them with a conscious awareness that can transform obstacles into opportunities for growth.

3. We have the potential to create our own reality

If consciousness is a fundamental force, then we have the potential to be co-creators of our own reality. Through our thoughts, intentions, and actions, we can influence the vibrations around us and shape our experiences.

Nassim’s emphasis on “information moving through its cycles” resonates with the Law of Attraction’s core principle: cultivating positive mindsets and intentions (often through some sort of dedicated spiritual practice) can shape reality.

I think we do it all the time,” he says. “We modify the past to produce the next moment in our future.”

There are several studies that show how our thoughts, emotions, and actions might influence our lives, a.k.a., manifestations. For example, Dr. Carol Dweck’s work on growth mindset highlights that we’ll likely achieve what we want if we believe in ourselves. Even research by psychologists Dr. Barbara Fredrickson and Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky shows that people who are generally happy tend to attract more opportunities.

Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. — Albert Einstein Share on X

This isn’t about manifesting a Ferrari overnight (although, hey, who knows?). Instead, it’s about taking ownership of our inner world and using it to create positive change in our lives and the world around us.

Fuel your future

As Nassim Haramein reminds us, “Your participation in the universe is critical.” That’s why your journey to understand the science of spirituality doesn’t have to end here.

Join Mindvalley’s community of seekers and go deeper into the mysteries of consciousness with renowned spirituality experts. From Neale Donald Walsch to Regan Hillyer to Burt Goldman, among others, you’ll discover transformative teachings and practices to get a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the universe.

Featured Image: Nassim Haramein / Facebook

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Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Picture of Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
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