5 Intuitive Coaching Techniques That Can Help Supercharge Your Client Results

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There’s one word that’s thrown around a lot when it comes to growing a coaching business.


Some entrepreneurship gurus say you need to work 60 hours a week to succeed. They end up burned out and unfulfilled.

There’s a much smarter and more meaningful way to grow your coaching business: by connecting to your intuition.

Here’s how you can build a coaching business with more intuition and less effort, according to Ajit Nawalkha, the co-founder of Mindvalley Coach.

What is Intuition, and How Do We Tap Into It?

Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

But what does this mean on a practical level?

Learning to listen to your own intuitive ideas can make a world of difference. It can help you create demand for your coaching programs and a queue of high-end clients.

So yes, it’s safe to say that letting your intuition run your business has a high return on investment.

You might be wondering, “How do I go from always hustling to taking inspired action? What do I need to learn to welcome more ease into my business?”

Intuition is our sixth sense and internal compass. It’s that gut feeling you experience when it comes down to making important life and business decisions.

Our inner guidance has the ability to access information well beyond our conscious mind. It can access divine wisdom, and it’s continuously whispering the answers to all our questions.

It’s our mindset as entrepreneurs that can hold us back from being our greatest, not our knowledge.

Our greatest enemies are our self-doubts.

Many entrepreneurs rely on their intuition just as much as they rely on their business brains to create successful ventures.

5 Ways to Tune Into Your Intuition as a Coach

So is your logic leaving your clients uninspired? Here are five ways you can lean into your intuition—and how you can use it to grow your coaching business with ease.

1. Listen

We are all subliminally receiving divine guidance. Some of us can hear it better and with more ease than others, but we can all work on opening this communication channel and making our inner voices louder.

How? By simply listening.

Intuition is just like a muscle; it takes time and practice to perfect.

Include some “listening time” into your daily morning routine to connect better with your hunches. Tune into your desires by simply imagining what it would feel like to be experiencing all that you want right now (not in the future).

Ask yourself: 

  • What is my part in this?
  • How can I overcome this?
  • How can I achieve my goals with ease?

If the insights don’t come straight away, don’t worry; they will pop up later in the day. The more you practice this, the more inspiration will flow into your life.

Acknowledge those inexplicable urges and recognize them as your inner voice speaking.

Nurture your intuition and become conscious of those inescapable feelings, and over time, you’ll learn to rely on these instincts.

Woman tapping into her intuition

2. Observe your energy

Next, focus on your energy. Your intuitive ideas will be a perfect match for them.

According to Ajit Nawalkha, “inspiration can be received through lower vibrational states (such as anger or fear) and from higher vibrational states (excitement, belief, and love).”

It’s a bit like tuning your radio to focus on the ideas that will best serve you.

You can do this by visualizing what you want to accomplish and paying attention to how you would feel if you already had what you wanted.

Instead of switching on your phone and computer first thing in the morning, turn your attention to your own thoughts first. Adopt a meditation or journaling practice where you reflect and notice what’s going on in your mental space.

Successful entrepreneurs use an equal balance of strategizing and initiation to guide their businesses. And part of strategizing is using your intuition to guide your business decisions.

3. Let your inner guidance scare your ego

Let your inner guidance run wild.

Your intuition will often tell you important and intimate things nobody else would dare to—and it’s in our DNA for our own minds to argue with this advice.

The human mind is not designed to let us make changes easily. Our local (programmed) minds will fight any ideas that will make you expand beyond your comfort zone.

Your ego wants to keep you safe, and that’s okay.

If your intuitive ideas excite your soul, if they speak to your ​​soul’s purpose, follow through on them—and do it quickly before your mind starts to overthink.

4. Dare to be irrational

Intuitive ideas that come from a higher self-connection often sound irrational.

Your inner guidance is arguably your highest form of intelligence. It has the potential to boost your drive, transform your world, and fulfill your purpose.

It knows far more than what your logical mind does, so it’s only natural that it sounds irrational.

When intuition hits, refrain from judging the idea based on how much sense it makes. Ignore the part of your brain telling you, “This doesn’t make sense.”

Instead, evaluate it by considering how it makes you feel.

If the idea feels expansive and exciting (but often scary at the same time), you can bet this is your higher self showing you the way.

5. Take action on it

Intuitive ideas have no value without action. Trust your instincts, which tell you how to move forward—even if they seem illogical or scary at first.

When you trust your gut, you start making better decisions in both your business and your personal life. Your projects and clients begin to align effortlessly, and you meet your business goals swiftly.

As entrepreneurs, it’s important that we align our intuitive urges with our business goals and intentions. So next time you’re wondering what steps to take in your business, tap into your inner guidance and let it show you the way.

Awaken Your Unstoppable

Are you ready to answer your calling, unleash your intuition, and empower others to create extraordinary lives? 

The free Become a Mindvalley Certified Life Coach masterclass is your gateway to unlocking your potential. In this immersive training, you’ll discover the secrets to unlocking your intuitive potential, mastering transformative coaching techniques, and building a thriving business that aligns with your soul’s purpose.

Welcome in.

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Written by

Annamaria Nagy

Annamaria is a freelance writer for Health + Wellness and Transformational Education brands. Formerly, she was the writers lead and the head of SEO at Mindvalley. She works with coaches and mission-driven brands to amplify their impact with strategic, value-driven copywriting.
Ajit, co-founder of Mindvalley Coach
Expertise by

Ajit is the co-founder of Mindvalley Coach (formerly known as Evercoach by Mindvalley) and a world-leading business coach. His passion is to make the world a better place and empower entrepreneurs to be the change the world needs.

With decades of experience, which he has turned into best-selling books, Ajit now trains new coaches in several of Mindvalley’s coaching certification programs, like Life Coaching and Business Coaching, to name a few. It’s here that they can learn the skills needed to run a successful coaching business.

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