8 min read

An expert-backed gut-healthy breakfast guide to start your day off right

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A plate of eggs and avocado on toast for a gut-healthy breakfast

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Breakfast, as they say, is an important meal of the day. But have you ever wondered why it’s so?

For starters, it breaks the overnight fast, kickstarts your metabolism, helps maintain energy levels and alertness, and helps set the mood for the rest of your day. Let’s not forget, of course, that taking in a gut-healthy breakfast equals health benefits—that’s a given. 

What’ll make a bigger difference is knowing what’s in the food. And it’s this, according to Janelle Connell, RDN, a registered dietitian at Viome, that “is really a key to understanding what that food can do for your body.”

As you start to learn more about a gut-healthy breakfast and all that it entails, you may just find that the choices you make at the start of each day can be the most impactful decisions for your overall health.

What is a gut-healthy breakfast, exactly?

Consuming healthy gut foods for breakfast includes nutrient-rich foods designed to support the diverse community of microorganisms in your digestive system. And in this carefully and consciously selected spread are foods that provide the right balance of probiotics and prebiotics to foster a flourishing gut microbiome.

In fact, Janelle highlights the benefits, backed by research:

  • Weight management. People who make a habit of eating a healthy breakfast are more likely to maintain their weight over time.
  • Metabolic health. Those who skip breakfast often face more metabolic conditions, like elevated cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Cognitive performance. Eating a healthy breakfast, especially for children, is associated with better academic performance.
  • Nutrient intake. Those who skip this meal may lack key nutrients like folate, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and D. Also, breakfast is a great time to eat foods rich in fiber—it helps feed the microbes in your gut and promote the production of beneficial metabolites.

So when you consume something healthy first thing in the morning, it fills you up, for sure. But more importantly, you fuel your body’s complex ecosystem for optimal performance.

8 healthiest gut foods for breakfast

As you enter a new day every day, consider the power players for your morning meal. Here are five top foods to include in a healthy breakfast for gut health:

  1. Yogurt. This is more than a creamy treat; it’s packed with protein to curb your appetite and probiotics to improve digestion and boost your immune system.
  2. Avocado. A spoonful of this fiber-rich fruit can stabilize your blood sugar and keep those sudden snack cravings at bay.
  3. Oatmeal. A comforting bowl of oatmeal provides beta-glucan, a special type of fiber that nurtures good bacteria in your gut and keeps you feeling full.
  4. Smoothies. Blend up your favorite fruits and vegetables with some nut butter and a scoop of yogurt or protein powder for a gut-healthy meal in a glass.
  5. Fermented foods, like kimchi or sauerkraut. Tang and tart may not be flavors that reflect traditional breakfast foods, but these foods are incredibly beneficial to your gut, enhancing digestive health and boosting immunity.
  6. Sprouted-grain bread. Opt for this bread topped with nut butter and banana slices for a crunchy, nutrient-rich start to your day.
  7. Vegetable omelet. This hearty choice brings together protein and fiber.
  8. Chia pudding with berries. Spoon into this delightful pudding, topped with fresh berries, for a gut-friendly treat that’s both nutritious and satisfying.

These are some of the many foods that can help lay the foundation for a gut that works well with your body, not against it.

3 best gut-healthy breakfast recipes

Forget those sugar-laden cereals or preservative-packed granola bars. Here are some gut-healthy breakfast recipes you can whip up without the frenzy—and they’re as delicious as they are beneficial.

If you’re looking for a breakfast smoothie…

Supercharged Sunrise Smoothie

Pour yourself a gut-healthy breakfast smoothie, a perfect blend of protein and daily supplements to fuel your active day. And remember, skip the added sugars to keep your gut microbiome in harmony.

 ½ frozen banana
1 serving chocolate protein powder
2 tablespoons organic peanut butter (or nut butter of your choice)
1-2 cups organic cold-brew coffee
1 tablespoon organic fair-trade cacao powder
Handful ice cubes (use coffee ice cubes for more coffee flavor)
Your Viome Precision Supplements (stick pack and/or capsules)*

Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix until they’re smooth. A regular blender, a hand blender in a tall cup, or a bullet blender all do the job well.

*Your Viome Precision Supplements are personalized blends tailored to meet your unique nutritional needs, as Viome’s health tests determine. When you join Mindvalley’s Certified Nutrition Coach program, you’ll have access to Viome’s health test, which can determine your gut health and help you receive a customized supplement plan.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy breakfast…

Berry Bliss Layered Delight

Savor a creamy parfait that’s a powerhouse for your gut health diet, blending thick Greek yogurt with a burst of berries. Then, top it off with a sprinkle of flaxseeds and a mix of nuts and seeds for added crunch and nutrition.

1 cup plain Greek yogurt
½ cup berries, fresh or frozen
1 tablespoon nuts, chopped
1 teaspoon chia seeds
2 tablespoons granola
½ teaspoon honey (optional)


  1. Put the yogurt in a glass or bowl.
  2. Add layers of berries, nuts, chia seeds, and a drizzle of honey on top.
  3. Dig in and enjoy!

If you’re looking for a breakfast recipe for weight loss…

Sunrise Veggie Egg Bites

Protein-rich eggs and fiber-filled veggies can help with those inches on your waist as well as improve your gut health. Here’s a recipe you can try:


For the veggies
1 tablespoon olive oil
½ cup chopped onion 
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups chopped broccoli in very small pieces (or asparagus, bell peppers, etc.)
¼ teaspoon fine sea salt
1 ½ cups lightly packed baby spinach leaves, roughly chopped
½ cup shredded cheese of choice

For the egg base
8 large eggs
3 tablespoons oat milk
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
¼ teaspoon pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF (~175ºC). Grease a 12-cup muffin tin with nonstick spray and set aside.

For the veggies

  1. Add the olive oil to a large skillet set over medium heat. 
  2. When hot, add in the onion and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, until softened. 
  3. Add in the garlic and cook for 30 seconds, until fragrant. 
  4. Stir in the broccoli and salt, and continue to cook for about 3 to 4 minutes, until softened. 
  5. Add the spinach and cook until wilted. 
  6. Remove from the heat, then stir in the cheese. Taste and season with additional salt or pepper as needed.
  7. Evenly distribute the mixture in the prepared muffin pan (the tins should be about ½ way full).

For the egg base

  1. In a medium-large bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, salt, and pepper until smooth and well combined.
  2. Pour the egg mixture evenly over the veggies in the muffin tins, filling them about ¾ of the way full. 
  3. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until the centers are set and only jiggle just a tad if you give the pan a gentle shake. Keep an eye on the muffins closely, as they can go from cooked to overcooked quickly!
  4. Let cool for 10 minutes, then run a butter knife around the edges if needed to help loosen. 
  5. Enjoy immediately, or transfer to a wire rack to cool.
A plate of veggie egg bites for a gut-healthy breakfast

Ask the expert: Common gut-healthy breakfast questions answered

The topic of gut health can leave you with a few questions. Turning to the Viome experts, here are answers to common queries about a healthy gut breakfast.

1. What are some gut-healthy breakfast foods for weight loss?

For a weight-conscious morning routine, here are some great options that Janelle lists:

Yogurt is a fantastic option. It’s creamy, filling, and packed with protein. Plus, it contains probiotics that are essential for your immune health and can aid in weight control.

Avocado is also a smart choice. This fruit is rich in dietary fiber and healthy fats, which help you stay full longer and keep blood sugar levels stable.

Unsweetened oatmeal is another ally. It’s loaded with beta-glucan, a fiber that boosts friendly gut bacteria and prolongs fullness. Add fruits and nuts to enhance its value.

And lastly, smoothies—they’re versatile. Just mix in leafy greens and fresh fruits, along with nut butter or protein powder. This combination offers a wealth of fiber, fats, proteins, and vitamins, all of which are beneficial for your gut health and weight management.

2. What foods should I avoid for a gut-healthy breakfast?

Understanding what to eat for breakfast for a healthy gut means steering clear of certain foods:

  • Foods with added sugar. Eating foods high in sugar can promote the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut and contribute to inflammatory activity. Avoid foods with added sugar, like flavored oatmeal, cereals, or flavored yogurt. Opt for unsweetened versions, and if needed, add fresh fruit for sweetness. 
  • Refined grains refer to grains that are not whole grains. These grains have been processed to remove parts of the grain that contain fiber and many of the nutrients.
  • Processed meats such as bacon, sausage, and ham. These meats often contain preservatives that are harmful to microbes in the gut. What’s more, the consumption of processed meats has been shown to promote the production of harmful substances by gut microbes that are associated with inflammation and poor gut lining health. 

Ultimately, avoiding these foods is an essential move to restore gut health and support your body’s overall wellness.

3. How do I know if my breakfast is gut-healthy?

Assessing the gut health of your breakfast is simpler than you might think. Janelle recommends asking these two important questions:

  1. Is your breakfast made up of whole foods?A whole-foods meal that avoids foods that are processed or contain preservatives is ideal for building a healthy gut,” she explains. “Ultra-processed foods like sweet cereals, toaster waffles, and pastries often contain harmful additives, colors, and preservatives that can hurt the diversity of the gut microbiome and promote inflammation.”
  2. Does your breakfast contain at least two sources of fiber? Fiber feeds our gut microbes and helps strengthen our digestive tract. Starting your day with high-fiber foods also helps keep you full longer,” she adds. “Examples of breakfast that contain at least two high-fiber foods are unsweetened oatmeal topped with blueberries and whole grain toast topped with avocado.”

4. What are some gut-healthy breakfast foods for kids?

As a parent, you’re the guardian of your child’s health, and breakfast is your ally in this daily mission. The best foods for gut health are those that pack a punch of fiber and nutrients, like:

  • Foods rich in fiber, like fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds.
  • Natural sources of prebiotics and probiotics, like bananas, apples, sauerkraut, and yogurts with live active cultures.
  • Plenty of water to promote normal bowel movements and digestive function.

The bottom line is, opting for these whole foods over sugary, processed ones can significantly benefit their gut-brain connection.

Make a change, create an impact

Breakfast may be an important meal of the day. But what’s more important is choosing foods that do justice to your gut and, consequently, your overall well-being.

You can learn more about making healthy changes to your dietary lifestyle. It’s what the Mindvalley Viome Certified Nutrition Coach program is all about. 

With the founder of Viome, Naveen Jain, and his team to guide you, you’ll explore the world of precision nutrition, learn to make informed choices for longevity and mental clarity, and discover how to weave this cutting-edge approach into your professional practice for transformative health outcomes.

But the thing is, this isn’t just about your path toward wellness—it’s about inspiring and guiding others to do the same. Because when you step into your greatness, you give others permission to do the same.

Welcome in.

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Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Janelle Connell is involved in the research and development of Viome’s personalized food and supplement recommendations.
In collaboration with

Janelle Connell is a Registered Dietitian and Translational Science Nutritionist at Viome. She has spent over a decade working in the field of personalized nutrition and health coaching, which has taught her that understanding your unique biology is the foundation for living your healthiest life. At Viome, Janelle is involved in the research and development of Viome’s personalized food and supplement recommendations, in addition to contributing to Viome’s ongoing clinical studies.

Picture of Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. She brings a wealth of experience in writing and storytelling to her work, honed through her background in journalism. Drawing on her years in spa and wellness and having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
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