3 Recommended Leadership Classes You Can Take for Free at Mindvalley

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Keith Ferrazzi at A-Fest Portugal
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Summary: If you’re looking to develop an authentic leadership style, look no further. Here are five recommended leadership classes you can take – and they’re all free.


For a long time, work equaled hustle. Phrases like “you snooze, you lose” or “go hard or go home” were common encouragement, even at the cost of one’s mental and physical health.

But if there’s anything we’ve learned from the start of the 2020s, it’s that this toxic corporate hustle culture is out. What’s in there, then? Wellbeing. And it takes a great leader with the right skills to help their team in this new way that we work.

How do you get there? Look into taking leadership classes, and where you can take advantage of the free ones.

Why Should You Take Classes in Leadership?

There’s a movement happening where a high number of people are resigning from their jobs. It’s called The Great Resignation.

If you’re a leader during this time or looking to be one, here are stats for 2022 that you should take note of:

  • 79% of employees will quit after receiving inadequate appreciation from their managers.
  • 69% of Millennials are concerned that their workplace does not develop their leadership skills.
  • 15% of the board of directors are women.
  • 83% of companies in business say developing leaders is crucial.

Let’s face the facts: leadership is changing. It’s no longer just about taking the bull by the horns. Now, there’s a list of new things to consider, such as working from home or hybrid work, the importance of mental health, and overcommunication.

So being a leader in the 2020s requires you to have a certain set of qualities so you can create a workplace culture that helps your team be more productive and lead your team to success.

What Skills Do Great Leaders Have?

A Gallup survey found that great leaders have these five things in common:

  1. They offer complete transparency, which fosters trust and open communication with their team.
  2. Productivity, not politics, drives their decisions.
  3. With a compelling mission and vision, they’re able to motivate and engage their team.
  4. They foster a culture of clear accountability.
  5. They’re capable of driving outcomes, and overcoming adversity as well as resistance.

These traits are absolutely what’s needed to be an effective leader. And by taking the initiative, you can challenge yourself to enhance your leadership capabilities.

What Are the Best Free Leadership Classes?

If you’re looking to level up your skills, here are five recommended leadership masterclasses you can take. Best of all, they’re free.

#1: Leadership in Changing Times | Keith Ferrazzi

Leaders don’t command and control,” explains Keith Ferrazzi, one of the world’s most in-demand leadership coaches. “They collaborate and co-elevate.” And in this rapidly changing world, this is exactly the mindset you need to evolve your understanding of and approach to leadership.

So out with the old school mentality and in with the bold, new model of leadership. If you want to lead a truly exponential team, then this quest can show you how.

What you will learn:

  • How to empower your team to step up with you and achieve far more than you could alone.
  • Simple shifts in your tone and language can spark tremendous changes in your team’s receptiveness to new ideas and approaches.
  • How to ​​nurture a culture of candid and open communication between all levels of your organization.

Does it offer certification of completion? Yes

Watch Keith on stage:

#2: The Five Signs of a Scarcity Mindset | Naveen Jain

When it comes to the art of boldness, Naveen Jain is your go-to person. He has the gift of inspiring people to make their moonshot a reality. And that’s exactly the kind of boldness a visionary leader should have.

I believe everyone has the potential to do things that are inside them,” says the award-winning entrepreneur and founder of Viome. “My hope is that by the time you finish this class, you’re going to have the courage, the boldness, and the clarity of vision to be able to go out and solve a big problem — a problem that, if successful, could help billions of people live a better life.

What you will learn:

  • How to open yourself up to new ways of thinking and achieving.
  • A step-by-step game plan for amplifying your impact x1000.
  • The visionary’s guide to accelerated goal achievement.

Does it offer certification of completion? Yes

Watch an interview with Naveen:

#3: Business Freedom Blueprint | Eric Edmeades

You can’t lead a team if you’re busy administering their work for them. More than likely, they’ll think you don’t hold them to a standard and won’t learn where they can improve. Their performance will, then, remain mediocre and, in the long run, you’ll have a team that can’t function without you having to step in.

This sets your team up for failure. And for you, the outcome isn’t much better.

In most business training programs, people are being taught to administer their business,” says Eric Edmeades, award-winning international entrepreneur and business mentor. “If you’re going to be a business owner, what you need to be taught how to do is own a business. And that’s an incredibly different thing.”

So if you’re ready to learn to own a successful business (and not administer one), this masterclass is definitely recommended.

What you will learn:

  • Role Mapping to clearly define your team’s responsibilities and free yourself from time-killing tasks you’d rather not be stuck doing.
  • Clarity on your personal level of business freedom and how to raise that level dramatically.
  • The holy grail of entrepreneurship that rewards you with absolute freedom of time, money, and growth.

Does it offer certification of completion? Yes

Watch the preview:

Great Leadership Starts With You

The role of a great leader is not to give greatness to human beings, but to help them extract the greatness they already have inside them.

— John Buchan, Former Governor General of Canada

A great team begins with a great leader — one who supports, encourages, and motivates them to do their job. 

So if you’re looking for success, it’s best to turn inward first and level up your leadership skills. And there are plenty of resources available, even free leadership classes, for you so you can step into your greatness at Mindvalley. Welcome in.

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Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. With a background in spa and wellness as well as having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Written by

Tatiana Azman

Tatiana Azman is the SEO content editor for Mindvalley and a certified life coach. With a background in spa and wellness as well as having gone through a cancer experience, she's constantly on the lookout for natural, effective ways that help with one's overall well-being.
Keith Ferrazzi
Expertise by

Keith Ferrazzi is the trainer of Mindvalley’s Mastering Authentic Networking and Ultimate Leadership quests. He is also the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Who’s Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone. He founded Ferrazzi Greenlight, committed to researching the changes needed to human capital that are critical to achieving breakthrough growth and innovation.

Naveen Jain - Trainer
Expertise by

Naveen Jain is the trainer of Mindvalley’s The Power of Boldness Quest. He is also the author of the award-winning book, Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance.

An intensely curious entrepreneur who is not afraid to take on the audacious ideas that will push humanity forward, he previously founded InfoSpace, Intelius, and TalentWise. His current moonshot adventures are Viome and Moon Express.

Naveen has been the recipient of many honors for his entrepreneurial successes. These include “Entrepreneur of the Year” by Ernst & Young, “Most Creative Person” by Fast Company, “Top 20 Entrepreneurs” and “Lifetime Achievement Award” for leadership by Red Herring, “Medal of Honor” by Ellis Island, and “Top 50 Philanthropists” by Town & Country Magazine.

Eric Edmeades - Trainer
Expertise by

Eric is the founder of the most effective health transformation program available on the planet; WILDFIT®. Awarded by the Canadian Senate for his dedication to improving the quality of human health and wellbeing, Eric Edmeades is also a serial entrepreneur with experience including wireless networking, military research, Hollywood film production, and award-winning and life-saving medical simulation. Widely celebrated as one of the most powerful and entertaining speakers in the world, Eric Edmeades has shared the stage with Sir Richard Branson, Jack Canfield, John Gray, Robin Sharma, and President Bill Clinton to name a few.

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