University vs. education: Should I drop out of college?

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Mindvalley University

So you’ve decided that dropping out of college is the next step, but you keep having overwhelming thoughts about your life prospects and career possibilities. You already feel repulsed by energy-draining classes and interminable reading materials. 

Instead, you dream about going on adventures, traveling the world, or turning your passion into a successful business. Maybe you’d like to show everyone how they were wrong about doubting your ‘bad’ decision to quit university.

However, you’re not wrong. There’s another way. Mindvalley came up with an innovative solution to an alternative life after dropping out of college

In the process of making this decision, you may encounter various questions that come up. If you’re thinking about quitting college and feel like life has more to offer, here are some answers for you.

3 questions to ask yourself before dropping out of college

Asking yourself the right questions when you’re going through a transformational process of any kind is crucial in order to better understand your unique situation. 

1. Should I drop out of college?

Let’s focus on the ‘I’ of this question. More and more students are now reflecting on this query, thinking about famous people who were college dropouts and yet still lived a prosperous life. According to the latest statistics on students who dropped out of college, the overall dropout rate increased to 40%. 

However, should you be one of them? Is this an approach that would be suitable for your own personal choice of living your life? Making big decisions should always include your biggest ‘why.’ Why is this the next best step to take on your life journey? 

Taking a deep breath and listening to your heart will give you a clear answer. If you need a little guidance and structure, you could try practicing the 3 Most Important Questions exercise. Check out for yourself how this will provide more clarity and focus.

2. Is dropping out of college a bad idea in my situation?

Let’s tackle this question from different angles. Do you want to pursue this idea because you have a life vision that college doesn’t align with? Think about what kind of future you would like to create and whether college is pulling you away from it or not.

In some situations, you might find yourself bored with the college experience just because of some repetitive routine you got too used to. In this case, college might not be the root cause of your issue, but actually, a deeper thinking pattern that requires some focus on your personal growth.

Speaking from personal experience, dropping out of a university program I didn’t enjoy led me to find my way and actually start another course that suits my needs. 

There are no right or wrong answers, only valuable experiences to learn from, which may differ according to our specific situation.

3. How is university actually enriching my life experience?

We all love a good old list-making session. Grab a pen and write down the advantages and disadvantages of going through this chapter of your life. 

You may feel as if college isn’t aiding your personal development with transformational knowledge, but to balance it out, it is indeed offering an amazing social experience and opportunities to create a complex network of like-minded people.

On the other hand, you might see that university courses provide you with relevant and valuable information, but they entirely drain you out of social energy and bring inhibitions to your communication skills.

It’s always relevant to define your priorities and the areas of your life that you’d like to expand and develop. 

Vishen speaking about the alternative to college

What to do after dropping out of college

There is an ongoing debate nowadays regarding whether there is still any value in getting a college degree.

The short answer is yes! There is always value in education. But the critical problem we are facing in today’s ideology about learning is that we are utterly confusing college with education.

Valuable education provides you with skills that can amplify your existence in every aspect you can think of. It might sound surreal, but the actual purpose of effective learning is to skyrocket your ascension through life.

A main concern young people have about deciding to quit college is that they will stop learning. An efficient education system offers you the chance to acquire genuine skills to create the life you love

In other words, lifelong learning doesn’t stop with your college education. It’s actually a commitment to keep growing in all aspects of your life and to find personal satisfaction as the years go by.

When you’re dropping out of college, you might be considering the lack of practicality you encounter. It’s true that university curricula don’t always teach you applicable information, but at least they create the illusion of a safety net.

This isn’t an issue to mull over anymore with Mindvalley’s emerging model of education.

What is the alternative to college?

Good news, everyone! The alternative to college is simply acquiring all the practical life skills you need for your personal definition of success.

With these skills, you will achieve any goal you could ever set for yourself. And here at Mindvalley, we’ve got you covered. Here are some examples to get you inspired:

Enhance your entrepreneurial career growth

You might find yourself with a crazy business idea, but you don’t exactly know how to become a successful entrepreneur. Starting a business seems like a scary road ahead, especially after just dropping out of college. 

Eric Edmeades, trainer in Mindvalley membership courses, bluntly says, “If you want a good business, study business. If you want a great business, work on yourself.” 

Therefore, if you desire to put action into the genius ideas that crossed your mind before, you can start learning more about the Business Freedom Blueprint.

Upgrade your money-making skills

In the world of capitalism, it has become imperative to discover your way to financial abundance. It’s definitely said that money can’t buy happiness, but obviously, as the saying goes, it’s better to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle, sure thing. 

You can start by taking into consideration the concept of healing your money wounds. Learn more about what is creating limiting beliefs surrounding your money-making abilities, as well as all the tools you need to remove them.

Discovering the secrets behind Money EQ will reveal the exact steps you need to take in order to attract financial prosperity while living aligned with your purpose. This has become the 21st century’s worldwide dream, generating income as a bonus for doing what you love the most in this life.

Focus on your inner happiness

If you have been considering quitting college for a while now, it’s going to feel liberating. Letting go of your fears and limitations will instantly lift a huge weight off your shoulders. 

Therefore, practicing this skill of connecting to your inner guidance will uncover your true talents, passions, and gifts that you are supposed to bring out into the world. The more authentic your life becomes, the more joyful you’ll feel, which will reflect back on your outside reality. 

Your Inner Joy is actually one of the most important elements in creating the life you truly want. Connecting to this freedom might be the most valuable skill to master for a successful life.

Level up the quality of your relationships

The human connections we create can enrich our life experiences and nurture feelings of love, care, and affection. When it comes to our intimate relationships, they represent the best space for healing and self-development, as partners mirror each other, both with their light, and shadow. 

It’s genuinely useful to learn how to harness the Energies of Love, therefore, you’ll be able to create deeply fulfilling intimate connections.

As you learn to have a better grasp of the needs, patterns, and expectations of your relationships, the easier it will get to bring more love into your heart, for yourself and your dear one.

Improve your health through the latest science-based methods

Having a healthy body requires your attention every single day. In order to reach your highest potential, you will first need to make sure your body’s energy levels are full and sustainable.

Focusing on our health should be the main priority, as we need our bodies to function well in order to go out there into the world and make our dreams come true. 

When you understand the principles of The Longevity Blueprint, the steps you need to take in order to improve your health will become clearer and easier to implement. 

Welcome to your lifetime of success

After becoming a Mindvalley Member and gaining access to all these life-changing courses, you’ll never look back after leaving college. 

As Vishen, founder of Mindvalley, framed it, “No other product gives the quality of life tools that a Mindvalley Membership does.” 

Get ready to step into your greatness and get all the tools you need for a thriving life.  

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Written by

Alexandra Tudor

Alexandra Tudor is a former content writer for Mindvalley and a psychology enthusiast. From clinical experience working with both children and adults, she's now in the process of becoming a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in the IFS method and family constellation therapy.

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