The Magic Box That Helped Save Mindvalley

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A Company in Crisis

It was 2008, in the midst of the global financial crisis.

I had been an entrepreneur for five years and I found myself in a horrible situation.

We had 18 people working for Mindvalley at the time and even though we were making about $500,000 a month in revenue, we were losing money every single month.

I was living in my parent’s house to save money, and was worried daily that I might have to lay people off.

We were stuck. The company had plateaued, and no matter what we did, we just couldn’t seem to get past a certain level.

I tried everything from business consultants, marketing strategies, hiring MBAs, but nothing was changing.

I went off into one of those zones where I just couldn’t focus and work because of the fear and anxiety of potentially having to let go of a good portion of my team.

Ultimately, what I had failed to realize was that everything we see in life is all about our minds, our perception. 

And I was trying all the physical outside tools, but not paying attention to the stuff that’s right here in between our ears. 

But then I started to implement an unusual spiritual idea…

And within 8 months, as if blessed by magic, the company grew by 400%.

A-Fest 2018 Bali Team

The Box That Became My Breakthrough

I flew to San Diego to attend a class by a spiritual teacher and signed up for a four-day seminar by another personal growth master.

I went deep into the works of philosophers like Neale Donald Walsch and Esther Hicks.

And after nearly 20 years of personal growth work and exploring hundreds of different techniques, The ‘Magic’ Box is one that altered my life and my company forever.

Nearly 27 years ago, a spiritual teacher suggested that every time I have a crazy idea or goal, I should just write it on a piece of paper, place it in this little red box, and imagine that it was a magic machine that will make all my goals come to fruition. 

So when my company was at one of its lowest points and we were losing money month after month I turned to the Magic Box, and it did not disappoint.

I wrote “June 2008, Mindvalley 300K” on a small piece of paper, tucked it away in the box, and seemingly by some stroke of magic an idea clicked and we finally hit 300K after being stuck at 250K for over a year.

I was blown away by the results, so I took it a step further. 

I brought my team on a trip to the beach to celebrate and we snapped a photo on the sand of us all holding up a sign with 500K in big, bold letters.

Then in just three months we hit our goal. 

Of course, it didn’t just stop.

So I set a new goal for 1 million, and just eight months later we hit our goal yet again.

The company grew 400% without a grand new innovation or specific growth strategy.

It was only my mind that had changed.

And there’s no reason why yours can’t too.

Vishen Lakhiani – Founder of Mindvalley and author of “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind”

How to Have Your Own ‘Magic Box’ Moment

The ‘Magic’ Box is one of hundreds of techniques I’ve explored throughout nearly 20 years working in personal growth and I’ve learned what works through trial and error.

And as I’ve encountered countless great minds and spiritual masters, and digested their frameworks what I’ve also discovered is that there are 4 Levels of Human Consciousness.

And what level you are at has a massive impact on the efficacy of the personal growth practice you choose to use.

If you want to know the exact things that I learned, that caused me to pull Mindvalley out from a near death situation in a tiny cramped residential house into an office that just made “Inc. Magazine” top 10 most beautiful offices…

In my upcoming masterclass, I’m going to be going deep into the four levels of consciousness and showing you exactly what tool to use at what level, and you’ll also learn to understand what level you could be playing at now.

Some of these insights also came to me through experiences that are hard to explain in pure word, but I will talk about some of these mystical instances and what exactly happened in the masterclass. 

You don’t just have to be a CEO or a founder, to join in. This class is for anyone who has hit a ceiling, feels like you’ve tried everything, and want to get out of a slump.

And I want to show you how to break out of this feeling and reach new heights by expanding your levels of consciousness so you can transform the world.


Vishen is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, New York Times best-selling author, and founder and CEO of Mindvalley: a global education movement with millions of students worldwide. He is the creator of Mindvalley Quests, A-Fest, Mindvalley University, and various other platforms to help shape lives in the field of personal transformation. He has led Mindvalley to enter and train Fortune 500 companies, governments, the UN, and millions of people around the world. Vishen’s work in personal growth also extends to the public sector as a speaker and activist working to evolve the core systems that influence our lives - including education, work culture, politics, and wellbeing.

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