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The 24 Blocks of the Human Mind That Sabotage Our Life’s Abundance

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Christie Marie Sheldon on stage

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Summary: Did you know there are 24 abundance blocks in our minds? Christie Marie Sheldon, Mindvalley's #1 bestselling author shares how to tap into life's abundance.

Did you know that there are 24 abundance blocks we experience on our journey to abundance? Christie Marie Sheldon, Mindvalley’s #1 bestselling and most viral author shares them in this video above.

Christie has done over 30,000 intuitive consultation sessions with people from all walks of life, including CEOs, celebrities, and politicians. She discovered that every single one of us has certain energy patterns that might sabotage our abundance without us even knowing about them.

So, can we learn to overcome these abundance blocks to tap into life’s abundance?

Here’s everything you need to know about the 24 most common abundance blocks.

What Are Abundance Blocks?

You have a choice about which energetic frequencies you want to live in.

— Christie Marie Sheldon, trainer of Mindvalley’s Unlimited Abundance Quest

The first step in eliminating your abundance blocks is learning how to recognize them.

So, what is an abundance block?

An abundance block is a powerful idea or feeling in the body or mind that is actively blocking your success.

These abundance blocks often have an energetic pattern or frequency.

With the right training, you may be able to pick up on these patterns yourself. But the help of a teacher or guide can also be an immensely transformative experience.

What are the 24 abundance blocks?

Christie Marie Sheldon has performed over 30,000 intuitive life coaching consultations. In this time, she has recognized 24 of the most common abundance blocks people tend to experience.

While we all have unique life experiences, the feelings and thoughts we experience are startlingly similar. And the blocks we develop as a result of negative experiences share many of the same patterns and frequencies.

In the video above, Christie shares what these common blocks are and what we can do to let them go and invite more abundance into our lives.

How to Dissolve Energy Blocks and Experience Life’s Abundance?

Our natural state is one of overflowing abundance. But too often, we stop ourselves from receiving what’s rightfully ours as a result of our mental and emotional blocks.

Identifying your blocks is the first step to tapping into the power of life’s abundance.

And the next step is dissolving the blocks so that you’re no longer held back by limiting beliefs.

Because at the end of the day, that’s exactly what these abundance blocks are: limiting beliefs.

And if can learn to rewrite these beliefs in favor of something more positive and life-affirming, there’s no telling what sort of incredible opportunities we’ll invite into our lives.

Life’s abundance is our birthright. But somewhere along the way we get derailed and frustrated.

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Written by

Shannon Terrell

Shannon is a former contributor writer at Mindvalley. She is a professional writer who specializes in topics related to mental health. In 2019, she published "The Guest House", a collection of creative non-fiction stories. As the lead writer and spokesperson for NerdWallet, Shannon also writes about credit cards and personal finance.
Picture of Shannon Terrell

Shannon Terrell

Shannon is a former contributor writer at Mindvalley. She is a professional writer who specializes in topics related to mental health. In 2019, she published "The Guest House", a collection of creative non-fiction stories. As the lead writer and spokesperson for NerdWallet, Shannon also writes about credit cards and personal finance.
Christie Marie Sheldon, Mindvalley trainer, intuitive healer, and energetic coach
Expertise by

Christie Marie Sheldon is a globally recognized energy healer and intuitive life coach. Being a long-standing trainer for Mindvalley’s Unlimited Abundance and Love or Above quests, she’s also one of the most sought-after transformational teachers on the personal transformational platform.

Christie’s mission is to help people achieve abundant, ideal, and stress-free lives. And over the past two decades, she has used her unique ability to help countless individuals remove energy blocks, raise their vibrations, and manifest their desired realities.

She has conducted over 30,000 private consultations, including for top political and business leaders. In addition, she regularly shares her insights on various media platforms and stages, including Mindvalley’s A-Fest.

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