
How to Believe in Yourself With Unshakable Faith

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It’s not always easy to believe in yourself—especially when the odds are stacked against you. But believing in yourself, even when others don’t, is one of the most powerful forms of self-love there is.

Learning how to believe in yourself with unstoppable, unshakable faith is a skill. And the good news is, that it’s a skill you can cultivate and develop.

Why Should I Believe in Myself?

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? You know, back when the sky was the limit, and anything seemed possible?

Whether you wanted to be a veterinarian, an actor, or an astronaut, nothing was out of reach. The how didn’t matter so much as the why. As kids, we weren’t afraid to follow our hearts or our instincts.

But somewhere along the way, we lose some of that faith and inspiration. We learn that the world is big and frightening. We decide that we’re not quite as invincible as we once felt.

Somewhere in the process of growing up, we lose that unwavering faith in ourselves. We forget what it means to be unshakably confident. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

When the odds are at their worst, that’s when knowing how to believe in yourself is more important than ever. And knowing how to believe in yourself is a skill you can begin to develop today.

What does ‘believe in yourself’ mean?

So, what does it really mean to believe in yourself?

Ultimately, it means freedom.

Do you remember playing double-dutch (the jump rope game, with two ropes) as a kid? Do you remember ever standing there — frozen in self-doubt — just watching the ropes twirl by while your friends all shouted, “Jump in! Jump in!”?

Well, life has been shouting those same words to you — Jump in!

And finally jumping in requires the ability to believe in yourself.

How many times has fear and self-doubt had you standing on the edge of life? What if those fears and self-doubts could be transformed into fuel to pursue your dreams?

How big would you play? Where would you leap? How would the world benefit because of who you decided to be? In what ways would your life be different? How would the world be different?

Jumping into life is just a belief in yourself away.

How Do You Start to Believe in Yourself?

Many times, getting started is the most difficult part.

Why? Because it requires a strength in your spirit that must come from only within you. No one, no thing, no event, not even any accomplishment, can make you believe in yourself.

Only you can do that.

So, you must begin with self-love and the determination to transform your life. Only then, will you be able to unshakably and unconditionally believe in yourself?

How can I always believe in myself?

It is often asked, “how can I always believe in myself?”

The answer: by first building that unshakable faith within yourself.

Don’t let your personal worth or value come from anywhere besides within you. Why? Because these outside factors may not always be there.

The only thing that will always, without a doubt, be there… Is you. And your belief in yourself. This unique, divine spark that is ready to blossom from within you, can only come from you.

Once you are ready to jump in, these 5 methods below will help you greatly.

5 Ways to Believe in Yourself With Unshakable Faith

So, if you’d like to learn how to believe in yourself against the odds, here are five key strategies you can put into action.

1. Create a vision board

Visualization is a powerful tool, and creating a vision board is one of the most effective visualization exercises you can do.

Having a concrete vision is the first step you can take toward your success. Know what direction you’re going to get the ball rolling.

2. Fake it ’til you make it

An oldie but a goodie. Fake it ‘til you make it is a solid approach when you’re first learning how to believe in yourself.

Even when you’re not sure and don’t feel entirely confident, fake it. Fake it ‘til you make it. The confidence will come. It takes time and practice.

3. Tell yourself it’s already done

The mind is a strange but fascinating tool and knowing how to use it to your advantage is the key to long-lasting success.

You see, the brain can’t always tell the difference between dreams and reality or fact and fiction. And that’s where mental rehearsal can become your best friend.

Mental rehearsal is a technique used by many top performers, including Olympic athletes. Review the outcome you want in your mind, envision it, feel it, and believe it. Play it back as many times as you need to until you genuinely believe it’s not only possible but true.

4. Practice reckless optimism

The commitment to realism is what often discourages us from believing in ourselves. We tell ourselves, “Oh, that’s not for me. It’s just not realistic.”

What’s realistic for you is what you decide is realistic for you. Instead of letting realism tether your beliefs and passions, practice a little reckless optimism. You never know where it could take you.

5. Celebrate success in every form

It’s important to celebrate your successes, even the little ones. If getting out of bed and taking a shower is a success for you, celebrate it! Acknowledge it. Give yourself a nice pat on the back.

No matter how big or small your steps, if you’re working towards your goals, that is cause for celebration.

And when you start believing in yourself, you’ll be astounded by the support you receive from others.

As Marisa Peer, Author of Mindvalley’s
Uncompromised Life Quest says, “When you believe in you, everyone else believes in you, too.”


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