How to Train Your Brain for High Performance

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The most elite people in their fields are continually training their brains for high performance by creating healthy habits and putting themselves in positions that require peak performance from their character.

This article will break down the processes of:

  • How to train your brain for higher performance under stressful conditions
  • How to develop new habits
  • How to make healthy habits stay

Let’s get started.

Many of us know that in order for us to be somewhere we have never been, we have to do things that we have never done before. This concept goes hand in hand with creating successful results for ourselves, or for humanity as a whole. In order for us to do something that nobody has ever done before, we have to develop the traits and habits that nobody has ever been through before.

How do we begin to do this?

By stepping out of the ‘dreaded’ comfort zone and progressing deeper into the unknown of our own character.

One does not have to be a superhuman with superpowers to influence successful results throughout life. Unbelievably successful people are no different than your average human being, they just understand the power of developing certain attributes that fuel successful results.

Two of the main attributes that create the desired results are:

  1. Training the brain for peak performance
  2. Developing and sustaining healthy habits

Training the brain for high performance is much easier than people give the boundless idea credit for. It takes putting yourself in scenarios that fuel growth (both internally and externally), fueling yourself with proper nutrition and information, becoming okay with the process of stumbling through trial and error, and soulfully committing to the journey of continual development.

We as people are bound to ‘fail’ through the learning process, but this only provides the neuroplasticity of the brain a chance to become hardwired into the better performance each and every time it learns what not to do. There are no wrong answers, only rebounds in the proper direction.

11 Steps to Train Your Brain for Peak Performance

1. Honest assessment

First, one must begin with an honest assessment of where they currently are. What are your current habits? Could you start swapping certain tendencies with more positive activities? Where could you start to improve? Right. Now.

2. Preparation

Next, preparation becomes extremely important for optimizing energy and attention. Preparation for the day, preparation for the future, minimizing room for clutter or error, mentally preparing yourself for a difficult task, and preparing yourself to accomplish bigger projects by completing small task after small task all become extremely valuable in the process of developing a high-performance brain.

3. Intuition

Another powerful pillar in high-performance activity is learning how to listen to your intuition and respond accordingly. This pillar takes time to develop, but it may become one of the more powerful abilities incorporated in making decisions throughout the day.

4. Mindfulness

The ability to include intuition and mindfulness when making a decision helps the process of development feel much more organic and more designed for you as an individual, rather than following some plan that may work for some people. How will this decision influence the environment? What are the short-term and long-term effects of this decision? Does this feel intuitively sound for the moment at hand?

5. Comprehension

Comprehension inherently comes with the journey of making decisions and moving in any direction. Taking a few moments to absorb and internalize the lessons and steps that have happened along the way will help with realizing that true progress is being made, even if it does not feel like it. (Paying attention to intuition will help the timing of this feel more natural to enter without feeling like it is being forced into place).

6. Expression

Expressing how you feel through the journey is a wonderful way to bring yourself back into an honest assessment of where you are. Journaling, recording voice memos, exercising, nature walks, and meditating are great ways to hone back into the moment and honestly express feelings inside for appreciation, or even distress.

7. Integration

Integration becomes a powerful ally when big moments take place (or even a series of small moments that build up into either positive or negative momentum).

Integration. Integration. Integration.

Where are you? What has been happening? How are you feeling? What are your options from here? Moments for integration are always powerful moments to become better bonded within the journey you are on. Moments for development, reintegration, adaption, and progression are always hidden gems within the process of integration.

8. Repetition

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

– Bruce Lee

Every great character through the existence of time has understood that carving an ability into place takes time, consistency, repetition, and continual development. Patience will be essential when taming the brain for another realm of operation.

9. Evolution

Think of this journey as a process for the long haul. Modern society has people convinced that results should appear within a moment’s time, when in actuality, the development of anything takes weeks, months, or even years to efficiently build into place.

10. Perception

Every moment, every step, every downfall, and every lesson is building the picture you wish to see and experience. Nothing comes without purpose, and every moment is a treasure in the fashioning of your own development. Enjoy the ride.

11. Constantly enter new scenarios

Help the body and mind evolve at an efficient rate by continually giving them scenarios to evolve to and with. Continually adapting to brand-new environments will be critical to the long-term development of any ability or skill.

How to Develop High-Performance Habits

If you want to develop better habits, understand what high-performance behavior is. It’s to operate through peak levels of performance to continually produce results, learn from the results, and adapt to the outcome.

People often think that waking up early is a great way to build better habits. Although this could be an excellent way to create healthy habits, perhaps one should be looking at the underlying behavior being built within the action of waking up early too… Discipline.

What abilities are required when changing or influencing behavior?

Discipline, adaptability, integrity, honesty, consistency, time management, attention, and commitment are some great examples.

Figuring out how to build these traits into one’s daily routine is critical when creating the desired results of peak performance behavior.

Now, let’s take a deeper look into what is involved in producing powerful habits.

Discipline: Create and enter scenarios that require optimal performance and focus

Wake the body and mind up by taking cold showers in the morning, speaking in front of the classroom or office, exercising without a cell phone close by to keep focus, or meditating with a distinct goal in mind to focus on and stay determined not to stray from it.

Adaptability: Slowly introduce new conditions into a daily routine

Do not worry about completely eliminating or introducing habits by going cold turkey or changing your ENTIRE routine. Patiently work through adding brand-new tools into your daily regimen. Understand these tools. Befriend these tools. Build relationships with each tool. Contemplate if they are hurting or helping you by being introduced. Help them blossom and they will help you develop in return. Respect. Mutual respect. Always.

Consistency: Feed the neuroplasticity of the brain for adaptation

Put yourself in scenarios for adaptation, expansion, and growth. Evolve. The brain is phenomenal at recalibrating for optimal performance. Help this process of development by giving the brain more scenarios to become better through.

Elevate energy levels for higher output: Fuel the mind and body with proper nutrition

Consume more high-energy foods to sustain the energy output necessary for success. Breathing exercises also help with bringing more oxygen and energy throughout the entire body, as well as activating the nervous system for performance. Engaging in exercise with a mindful approach to the nervous system will also help with optimal performance, enhanced body awareness, energy sustainability, and syncing of the body and mind together on a much deeper level. Fuse the mind and body as one. Through every activity, you are involved in.

Commitment: Make yourself do the things that you do not want to do

Have you ever remembered to do something important the second you got comfortable in bed? Well…. GET OUT OF BED AND GET IT DONE. Have an idea? Act on it. NOW. Build the habitual response of acting on the necessity of completion, and complete the task with confidence and intention.

Developing high-performance habits that become inherently ingrained in behavior involves a series of repetition, consistency, and being continually introduced into new situations and environments.

Nothing is out of the realm of possibility. Incorporate the examples above and start to experience remarkable changes in how you operate throughout each day.

How to Make Healthy Habits Stay

Simple. Repetition.

Find what works and dispose of what does not work. Find what you think will work. Work with it. Trust yourself. Learn through the process. Continue to apply what has been implemented or get rid of it. No aspect of movement or trial and error is bad. This is all about perception.

What did you learn? What can you do better now that you could not do beforehand? Where have you grown? You have no idea if the idea you ‘failed’ at for 3 weeks straight will serve you unbelievable benefit 4 years from now.





How to Reach Consistent Peak Performance

The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Once abilities have begun to fashion into place, it becomes a responsibility to uphold the consistency required to ingrain them into subconscious behaviors.

Perception will be huge through this process, regardless of the outcome or approach.

Training the mind for peak performance will also be influenced by the way concepts or tasks are perceived.

Being overly optimistic may become unrealistic, exhausting, or even detrimental to reality, but finding better ways to observe a scenario will be another powerful way of building the roots beneath the beauty of a blossoming flower.

Helping the mind pop back onto the track, staying within the honest moment, and bringing your attention to the moment will be an important thread within a high-performance activity.

Be here. Now.

Become better able to hone your own perception through time and space.

Take all the steps provided in this article to build healthy habits, keep healthy habits around, and train the brain for success. One by one. Each step will be beneficial for reaching peak levels of performance.

If you’d like even more advice on how to reach your peak performance potential and become truly limitless, check out this juicy talk by Vishen Lakhiani:


Matt is a copywriter for Mindvalley. As a professional word putterer, he can be found constantly squeezing his creative juices to concoct personal growth narratives to transport people to a place where great potential knows no bounds. He is also on a quest to be seriously funny.

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