Genius Test – Are You In the Top 0.25% of the World’s Population?

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Summary: Are you part of the 0.25% of the world? Learn what Mensa is, and what it takes to be a certified genius.

Here’s a question that we’ve all asked before – are we smart?

If so, how smart are we? Are we smart enough to be considered a genius? Would I be able to pass the genius test?

Well, it’s natural to ask all of these questions. It’s in our nature to compete, to be the smartest, and even reach a higher state of understanding.

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Did you know that only 0.25% of us get to ever be recognized scientifically as a genius? Since there are almost 8 billion people in the world, there’s a good chance that you are in the 0.25% bracket.

So if you want to see what it takes to rank in that 0.25%, and whether you could possibly pass the genius test, read on below.

What Is Considered a Genius IQ?

Scientific research shows that the minimum IQ score to be considered a genius is around 140-145 IQ.

However, there is a huge difference between having a genius IQ score and being a real genius. Having a genius IQ score just means that you might be a genius. There are people around the world with an IQ score of 140-150, yet no one considers them geniuses.

To be considered as one, you’ll need much more than just a high IQ score. Add some originality, creativity, mix it up with intellect, and some great invention or research, and voila – that’s genius.

Group of people genius iq

What Percentage of the Population Has a Genius IQ?

Given the fact that the genius IQ score is around 140-145 or more, that’s approximately 0.25% of the population. In other words, one in every 400 people has a genius IQ.

So, are you that one in 400? Can you pass the genius test?

Well, the first thing to do is to not trust any random online IQ “tests”. They’ll tell you that you can become the new Einstein, of course – just as soon as you buy their product.

Instead, take these standardized tests that could really give you an insight into how smart you truly are.

It’s not how smart you are, but how are you smart.

– Jim Kwik, trainer of Mindvalley’s Superbrain Quest

What/Who Is Mensa?

You probably have heard of Mensa as that society of smart people – and you’re not wrong.

Mensa was founded in England in 1946 by Roland Berrill, a barrister, and Dr Lance Ware, a scientist and lawyer. They had the idea of forming a society of bright people, and the only qualification for membership was that the applicant had to have a high IQ.

The idea was to create a society that is non-political, and free from all racial and religious distinctions.

But how do you prove high IQ?

Naturally, you’ll have to take a test.

There are several acknowledged tests by the Mensa society:

  1. Stanford- Binet,
  2. Cattell III B,
  3. Culture Fair,
  4. Ravens Advanced Matrices,
  5. Wechsler Scales,

and others – the list isn’t exhaustive.

You’ll need to prove your intelligence through these “genius” tests, and score in the top 2% of any of the recognized tests.

Simply put, you’ll need to score higher than the 98th percentile to be officially recognized by Mensa as having the IQ of a genius.

Man enjoying the mensa iq test

Is the Mensa IQ Test Free?

The Mensa IQ test isn’t free – the cost varies from country to country. Generally, it should cost you around $40.

The test takes 2 hours and consists of two tests, the Mensa Admission and the Mensa Wonderlic® test. 

These tests are the most authentic ones that you can find anywhere. Of course, passing or failing them won’t (and shouldn’t) mean the end of the world – they’re simply an indicator of your IQ scores relative to the general population.

If you pass the test, you can become an honored member of Mensa with the right to pay $80 per year for membership.

Is IQ a good indicator of success? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a former content writer at Mindvalley Pulse. He specializes in writing about brain health and productivity.
Picture of Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a former content writer at Mindvalley Pulse. He specializes in writing about brain health and productivity.

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