Regan Hillyer, Mindvalley trainer, serial entrepreneur, and manifestation coach

Regan Hillyer

Mindvalley trainer, serial entrepreneur, and manifestation coach

Regan Hillyer, Mindvalley trainer, serial entrepreneur, and manifestation coach

Regan Hillyer is a globally recognized manifestation and mindset coach. She’s also the trainer for Mindvalley’s The Art of Manifesting Quest, helping people achieve their dreams.

Her journey began at 18, when she left her architecture degree to focus on personal development, leading her to earn her first million by 23.

Now, as a serial entrepreneur and philanthropist, she has built multiple seven-figure companies, showcasing the practical application of her teachings.


She has helped create over 50 millionaires among her clients and helped thousands build multiple six- and seven-figure businesses.

She is a prolific media personality, with regular appearances on media outlets like CBS, Fox, and ABC, in addition to major stages, podcasts, and publications worldwide.

Through her company, Regan Hillyer International, she serves a vast spectrum of clients, from youth scholarships up to a premium private mentoring program with a price tag of $1 million.

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