Michael Bernard Beckwith, Mindvalley trainer, spiritual teacher, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Mindvalley trainer, spiritual teacher, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center

Michael Bernard Beckwith, Mindvalley trainer, spiritual teacher, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center

Michael Bernard Beckwith is an internationally celebrated spiritual leader, award-winning author, and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center.

He created the Life Visioning Process, a transformative method that helps individuals connect deeply with the divine and align with their true selves.

He has shared his teachings on major platforms like The Dr. Oz Show, The Oprah Show, a PBS special, and Mindvalley’s Life Visioning Mastery Quest.


Michael has regularly appeared on international speaking panels with peacemakers and spiritual leaders, including the Dalai Lama. Additionally, he's a featured teacher in The Secret, the 2006 film that brought the Law of Attraction to mainstream attention.

He engages in worldwide philanthropy focused on environmental preservation and supporting orphanages whose children have survived war and AIDS.

He's been named on Oprah’s SuperSoul100 list of visionaries and influential leaders in 2016.

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