Layla Martin, Mindvalley trainer, tantra and intimacy coach, and founder of VITA™ Method

Layla Martin

Mindvalley trainer, tantra and intimacy coach, and founder of VITA™ Method

Layla Martin, Mindvalley trainer, tantra and intimacy coach, and founder of VITA™ Method

Layla Martin has been dubbed the “Headmistress of Pleasure” by Women’s Health and “Sexpert Extraordinaire” by Cosmopolitan. She is also the trainer for Mindvalley’s Neo-Tantra: Discovering Energy Orgasms and Deepening Your Sexual Connection Quest.

After graduating from Stanford, she traveled extensively in Asia to explore authentic tantra, which helped transform her own experiences with sexuality and self-image.

Settling in New York City, Layla began sharing her insights through YouTube and online programs, eventually founding the VITA™ Institute.

She has since certified over 12,000 students and built a vibrant community dedicated to celebrating self-love and personal fulfillment.


Women’s Health calls her “the Headmistress of Pleasure,” and Cosmopolitan calls her a “Sexpert Extraordinaire.”

For 20 years, Layla traveled the world as a devoted student of Tantra, training with the most high-level teachers of this powerful tradition.

Her programs have taught over 12,000 women, men, and non-binary people the unique process of using breath, sound, movement, meditation, and energy awareness.

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