Gahmya Drummond-Bey, Mindvalley trainer and founder of KidYouNiversity

Gahmya Drummond-Bey

Mindvalley trainer and founder of KidYouNiversity

Gahmya Drummond-Bey, Mindvalley trainer and founder of KidYouNiversity

Gahmya Drummond-Bey is an educator, curriculum designer, and coach focused on enhancing learning experiences for children worldwide.

This “moonshot” drives all her work, whether it’s creating innovative programs like Mindvalley’s Be Extraordinary for Teens and Creating Friendships and Deep Connections, as well as teaching in classrooms and training educators.

With the mission to empower educators and improve education at its core, Gahmya founded KidYouNiversity to ensure kids globally have access to lessons on emotional health and personal growth.


Gahmya has spent 11 years traveling the world, during which time she has designed 60 textbooks used in classrooms around the globe.

She speaks on stages across the world. TED speaker and resident since 2018.

She has been featured multiple times in Oprah’s O Magazine for her impact on education.

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