
The C.R.Y.S.T.A.L. formula: 7 keys to manifesting your best life

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Speakers at the Mindvalley Gala Awards

I just got back from an incredible experience in Dubai: Masters of Manifesting. This event wasn’t just about the power of manifesting—it was about taking what feels intangible and giving it form, structure, and flow.

Manifesting is one of the most sought-after topics at Mindvalley, and it’s something I’ve personally explored for decades. To me, manifesting is the art of turning the dreams in your mind into reality—faster, more effectively, and with greater joy and ease.

At this event, we brought together amazing speakers like Reagan Hillyer (The Art of Manifesting), Jeffrey Allen (Duality and Unlocking Transcendence), John Lee (Seven Figure Creator), and yes, me.

As I sat there taking notes from these incredible minds, a powerful realization struck me: manifesting doesn’t have to feel mysterious or complex. There’s a simple, actionable framework anyone can follow.

I call it the CRYSTAL formula—seven key steps that make your manifesting journey crystal clear. Whether you’re manifesting a dream job, a soulmate, financial freedom, or just a better version of yourself, this formula can help you bring it to life.

Let’s dive in.

Speaker panel discussion at the Masters of Manisfesting event by Mindvalley

C: Clarity

“Vague desires produce vague results.”

Let’s start with the foundation. Clarity is the most important step in manifesting—and also the most overlooked.

If your vision is fuzzy, your results will be, too. You can’t just say, “I want more money” or “I want a better job.” You need to get specific. What’s the exact salary you want? What kind of company do you want to work for? What’s the daily experience you want to create for yourself?

Here’s how to get crystal clear:

  1. Write it down. Goals written down are 42% more likely to be achieved.
  2. Visualize it. Close your eyes and create a vivid mental picture. What does your ideal life look like?
  3. Use tools. Programs like Mindvalley’s Lifebook guide you to map out your entire life vision in extraordinary detail, creating a personal blueprint for your future.

The clearer your vision, the easier it is to focus your energy. Clarity creates alignment, and alignment creates momentum.

R: Resilience

“The road to success isn’t linear—it’s a rollercoaster.”

Let’s be honest: manifesting your dreams isn’t always smooth sailing. You will face setbacks, challenges, and moments of doubt. The key is how you respond when things don’t go as planned.

Michael Beckwith, one of my mentors, talks about “Kensho moments”—growth that comes through challenges. These are the times when life throws you into the fire, testing your strength and commitment.

Resilience is about developing the grit to move forward, no matter what. But it’s also about self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness. Love yourself through the tough moments.

Here’s how to cultivate resilience:

  1. Reframe setbacks. Ask yourself, “What lesson is this trying to teach me?”
  2. Anchor yourself in your vision. Remind yourself of your “why.”
  3. Celebrate progress. Every small step forward is a victory worth celebrating.

Manifesting is a journey, not a straight line. Stay resilient, and you’ll turn obstacles into stepping stones.

Regan Hillyer at the Masters of Manisfesting event by Mindvalley

Y: Your inner voice

“Listen to your heart and intuition. Somehow, they already know who you are meant to become.” – Steve Jobs

Too often, we set goals based on what others expect of us—parents, society, culture. But true manifesting starts when you connect with your inner voice.

Intuition is like a compass, pointing you toward what’s aligned with your soul. But to hear it, you need to quiet the external noise: the societal expectations, the cultural pressures, and the opinions of others.

Here’s how to strengthen your intuition:

  • Meditate. Silence the chatter in your mind.
  • Journal. Writing helps you uncover your inner truth.
  • Ask yourself. When faced with a decision, pause and ask, “Does this feel expansive or restrictive?”

When you trust your inner voice, you align with your deepest truths—and that’s where the real magic happens.

Attendees at the Masters of Manifesting event by Mindvalley

S: Speed of action

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Start now.”

Manifesting isn’t just about thinking—it’s about doing. The moment you take action, you tell the universe: “I’m serious about this.”

Napoleon Hill, in Think and Grow Rich, emphasizes the power of small, consistent steps. Every action, no matter how small, builds momentum.

Let’s say you’re starting a business. Here’s how to break it down:

  1. Research domain names.
  2. Register your business.
  3. Sketch out your first product idea.
    Each step creates clarity for the next. Action isn’t just about progress—it’s about signaling your intention to the universe.
John Lee at the Masters of Manifesting event by Mindvalley

T: Trust

“What you believe about the world tends to become true.” 

Trust is the cornerstone of manifesting. It’s about belief and expectancy. José Silva, the legendary founder of the Silva Method, taught that manifesting isn’t just about desire. It’s about three things:

  1. Desire. Get clear on what you want.
  2. Belief. Cultivate unshakable faith that it’s possible.
  3. Expectancy. Act as if it’s already happening.

The law of resonance says that the universe reflects who you are, not what you want. When you believe and expect your vision to come true, you align yourself with the frequency of your desires.

Visualization is one of the most powerful tools here. José Silva emphasized the importance of imagining your goals so vividly that your brain starts treating them as real. We call this approach Creative Visualization. Programs like Be Extraordinary and Creative Visualization teach this in depth, helping you turn belief into reality.

A: Alignment

“When your energy, mind, and body align, magic happens.”

Manifesting isn’t just about action—it’s about energy. Alignment means syncing your physical, emotional, and spiritual states with your desires.

Practices like gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion aren’t just feel-good exercises—they’re scientifically proven to elevate your vibration. For example, studies show that forgiveness can improve physical performance and even increase endurance.

Here’s how to get aligned:

  • Practice forgiveness to release emotional blocks.
  • Use gratitude to elevate your energy.
  • Meditate to center your mind and body.

Jeffrey Allen’s program Duality is perfect for this, teaching you how to align your energy with your goals. And the 6 Phase Meditation is a daily practice that shifts you into a state of flow, amplifying your ability to manifest.

L: Love your journey

“Gratitude turns your journey into a masterpiece.”

This step is about embracing the process. Manifesting isn’t just about achieving—it’s about experiencing joy along the way.

Tim Storey calls this “magical living.” and goes deep into it in his Quest on Mindvalley. It’s about appreciating the small, beautiful moments in life. 

Recently, I spoke with Grammy-winning artist Eve, who shared her personal gratitude practice: “I simply express gratitude for everything—the sun, the trees, the flowers. It keeps me grounded and joyful.”

When you focus on gratitude, you amplify the joy and abundance in your life, which, in turn, attracts more of it.

Dawn Hoang and other speakers at the Mindvalley Gala Awards

Final thoughts

The CRYSTAL formula is more than just a checklist—it’s a lifestyle. Each step builds on the others, creating a powerful framework to manifest your dreams.

Now, let me share something truly exciting.

If you’ve been scrolling through social media recently, you’ve probably seen the jaw-dropping photos from our Mindvalley Gala at the iconic Dubai Expo. It was a night where transformation met luxury—a celebration of the world’s greatest teachers, innovators, and thought leaders.

The energy in that room was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Imagine standing under the stunning Dubai skyline, surrounded by people like Steven Kotler, Jay Shetty, Regan Hillyer, and Paul McKenna. Each story, each standing ovation, each moment of connection—it was a collective manifestation of what’s possible when we dream big and act boldly.

And we thought, why should this energy be limited to one night?

Introducing the Best of Membership Summit

So, here’s what we’ve done: we’re recreating the magic of the gala and packing it into a free, two-day online event. It’s called the Best of Membership Summit, and it’s happening on February 8 and 9.

This isn’t just another online summit. This is your chance to experience the brilliance of Mindvalley’s top teachers—the ones who’ve transformed lives around the world—right from the comfort of your home.

Expect to be inspired, challenged, and equipped with tools that will elevate every area of your life. Whether you’re new to Mindvalley or have been part of our family for years, this is the perfect opportunity to deepen your journey and connect with the energy of transformation.

Best of Mindvalley summit 2025

What makes this summit so special?

We’re bringing the same world-class thought leaders you’ve seen on the gala stage—like Regan Hillyer, Paul McKenna, and Marie Diamond—and many more surprise guests. You’ll get access to their best teachings, tools, and practices designed to help you level up every aspect of your life.

This is your moment to immerse yourself in the wisdom of the best, tap into the energy of a global community, and supercharge your journey to growth—all in just two days.

And the best part? It’s completely free.

Yes, you heard that right. We’re giving you the same level of inspiration, education, and transformation that makes Mindvalley legendary—and all you need to do is show up.

Join us for this extraordinary event

Here’s your next step: Register for free.

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this. Mark your calendar, clear your schedule, and get ready for two days that could change the trajectory of your life.

This isn’t just an event—it’s a movement. And you’re invited.

With love, clarity, and excitement,

Vishen Lakhiani signature

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Founder and CEO of Mindvalley

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Vishen is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, New York Times best-selling author, and founder and CEO of Mindvalley: a global education movement with millions of students worldwide. He is the creator of Mindvalley Quests, A-Fest, Mindvalley University, and various other platforms to help shape lives in the field of personal transformation. He has led Mindvalley to enter and train Fortune 500 companies, governments, the UN, and millions of people around the world. Vishen’s work in personal growth also extends to the public sector, as a speaker and activist working to evolve the core systems that influence our lives—including education, work culture, politics, and well-being.


8 Responses

  1. Vishen, your newsletters are real treasure! Weather it’s you personally, or AI based on your thoughts and notes, the wisdom you share with the world in invaluable. Thank you for being and doing this!

  2. Hello Vishen,

    It is an absolute gift to receive this free seminar from you.
    I shall definitely attend. All categories described under C.R.Y.S.T.A.L, need working on from my perspective.
    Thank you and am looking forward to joining the wonderful seminar.

    Kind Regards,

  3. Hola, mi nombre es Diana y soy muy apasionada del desarrollo personal, mejora continua constante (kaizen), me encantan estos eventos donde ademas se luce, se aprecia y se expande el lujo, el glamour manifestado. Me recuerdan mis eventos vip extravagantes HLF.
    Gracias, Vishen por hacerlos posibles y compartirlos.

  4. This is a wise formula to stay in touch with the soul’s truth. Learning is remembering and this came to me right on time. Thank you Vishen for writing it🙏🏼

  5. Thank u Vishen and Mind Valley for this brilliant opportunity to learn from the best and that too, absolutely free! Eagerly looking forward to the 8th of Feb.

  6. There is one person that does and explains all of these CRYSTAL staps better then anyone else. It’s Lenka Lutonska.
    I would love to see her in your platform.

  7. The mastery of complicated making simple is smth I adore Mindwalley for and Vishen especially. From just reading every point I already made improvements in my Lifestyle plan. God and Universe bless You for sharing it with us!!!
    Vishen, Your sharp mind and “ding – doing” thoughts make me sit and think, and ask myself questions.
    Uncountable Thank you’s 🙏🌌

  8. Hello Vishen,

    I have been learning a lot from you, and with you giving this for free is just like I’ve found a very precious gem. Thank you so much!

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