Charlie Morley, trainer of Mindvalley's Experience Lucid Dreaming Quest

Charlie Morley

Mindvalley trainer and lucid dreaming expert

Charlie Morley, trainer of Mindvalley's Experience Lucid Dreaming Quest

Charlie is a sought-after media personality in the United Kingdom, with coverage in The Guardian, BBC Radio 1, London Evening Standard, Daily Mail, and more.

In 2018, he was awarded a Churchill Fellowship grant to research “Mindfulness-Based PTSD Treatment in Veterans.” He continues to teach sleep and dream practices to armed forces veterans and civilians with stress- or trauma-affected sleep patterns.

Charlie’s approach to lucid dreaming combines elements of modern science and Buddhist philosophy. His mentors include Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, meditation pioneer Rob Nairn, philosopher Tim Freke, and shaman Ya’Acov Darling Khan.

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